Results for 'Carla Andrade Maricato'

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  1.  12
    Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform.Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy S. Cooper, Sherry S. Deckman, Christina L. Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe & Carla Shalaby (eds.) - 2010 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _Humanizing Education_ offers historic examples of humanizing educational spaces, practices, and movements that embody a spirit of hope and change. From Dayton, Ohio, to Barcelona, Spain, this collection of essays from the _Harvard Educational Review_ carries readers to places where people have first imagined—and then organized—their own educational responses to dehumanizing practices and conditions. Contributors include Montse Sánchez Aroca, William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Fernando Cardenal, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Marco Garrido, Jay Gillen, Maxine Greene, Kathe Jervis, Nancy Uhlar Murray, (...)
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    The Making of Roman India by Grant Parker (review).Joseph L. Rife - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):672-675.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Making of Roman India by Grant ParkerJoseph L. RifeGrant Parker. The Making of Roman India. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xv + 357 pp. 11 black-and-white figs. 3 maps. Cloth, $99.India as a strange land—vast, wild, mystical—has long excited the western imagination, even after the British colonial downfall. This vision of danger and desire has deep roots. While India was nearly (...)
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    Forma lógica Das proposições científicas E ontologia da predicação: Um falso dilema nos segundos analíticos de aristóteles.Breno Andrade Zuppolini - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):11-45.
    In the Posterior Analytics, Aristotle imposes some requirements on the formulation of scientific propositions: their terms must be able to perform the role of subject as well as of predicate; their terms should be universal; every demonstration must involve “primary” subjects denoted by terms that “cannot be said of another underlying subject”. Several interpreters, inspired by theses from the Categories, believed that this third requirement refers to names and descriptions of particular substances as basic subjects of predicative statements, since they (...)
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    Racionalidade Comunicativa Habermasiana.Virgílio Andrade Neto, Darlan do Nascimento Lourenço & Anderson de Alencar Menezes - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:72-86.
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    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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    Humanism Under Construction: the Case of Mexican Circular Migration.María Lucila Osorio Andrade Osorio, Sergio Madero & Regina A. Greenwood - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (1):55-69.
    In today’s world, given the relative importance that companies are giving to corporate social responsibility, sustainability, human rights, and ethics, it is logical to assume that the humanistic trend is gaining support over the economistic, especially in the most developed countries. The paper serves both to introduce the topic of circular migration and to suggest that humanistic management principles are not applied to circular migration programs. First, we contrast humanism with economism as fundamental approaches to business goal setting. Then, we (...)
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    Da orientação especializada a professores que lecionam em casos de TEA.Josiane Andrade Yamane & Angela Cristina Pontes Fernandes - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:294-306.
    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é caracterizado pela presença de déficits persistentes na comunicação e interação social, além de padrões restritos e repetitivos de comportamentos, interesses e atividades. Como forma de viabilizar a inclusão das crianças autistas no ambiente escolar, a orientação dos professores que atuam com este público é de suma importância. O objetivo do estudo é apresentar a experiência de orientação feita para os professores que lecionam para alunos autistas, acompanhados pelo Núcleo de Atenção ao TEA, da (...)
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    Comparing expressiveness of set constructor symbols.Agostino Dovier, Carla Piazza & Alberto Policriti - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke, Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 275--289.
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    Governance and Standardization in Fish Value Chains: Do They Take Care of Key Animal Welfare Issues?Germano Glufke Reis, Carla Forte Maiolino Molento & Ana Paula Oliveira Souza - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (5):1-24.
    This article discusses the extent to which Global Value Chain governance may lead to animal welfare improvement and help to alleviate animal suffering in food producing chains. Our approach relied on scrutinizing two of the most used compulsory certification templates which are enforced by major buyers to their suppliers in order to assure responsible activity in the farmed fish chain and in the wild-captured fish chain. Since fish may experience intense suffering in regular activities involved in catching, maintenance, transport and (...)
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    The ethics of positive thinking in healthcare.Gabriel Andrade - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 12.
    In continuation with the New Thought movement that arose in the United States in the 19th Century, there is now a massive self-help industry that markets books and seminars. This industry has also extended to healthcare in the form of positive thinking, i.e., the idea that happy thoughts are essential for health. While some of these claims may seem reasonable and commonsensical, they are not free of problems. This article posits that positive thinking has some ethical underpinnings. Extreme positive thinking (...)
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    De Paisagens Escritas e Paisagens Pintadas: vínculos conceituais entre a pintura de Hipólito Caron e o romance Inocência de Alfredo Taunay.Ana Carla de Brito - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):42-67.
    Neste artigo esboçaremos alguns vínculos conceituais entre palavra e imagem, que se evidenciam em uma obra literária de Alfredo Taunay e na produção pictórica de Hipólito Caron. Evidenciamos tais ligações recuperando um antigo paralelo entre a pintura e a literatura, cuja origem remonta à doutrina ut pictura poesis de Horácio no século I, que coloca a poesia em relação à pintura. Em seguida, demonstramos que o paralelo das artes está implicado na criação das Academias de Belas Artes e na valorização (...)
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    Fuzzy Calculus Theory and Its Applications.Omar Abu Arqub, Carla Pinto, Rosana Rodríguez López & Vedat Suat Ertürk - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-2.
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    Indledning.Johannes Adamsen, Carla Birgitte Nielsen & Merete Wiberg - 2019 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 8 (2):1-1.
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    Sunrise.Gian Carla Agbisit - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):i-i.
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  15.  29
    They can be choosers: Aid, Levinas and Unconditional Cash Transfers.Julio Andrade - 2019 - African Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2).
    In this paper I seek to critically examine UCT’s and CCT’s and consider how a Levinasian ethics might offer normative guidelines to evaluate such aid programmes. Such an analysis will serve to both critique and supplement the traditional utilitarian analyses of such programmes. In so doing, this paper also hopes to contribute to the business ethics literature in which a Levinasian ethics may be brought to bear on real world problems. I proceed by enlisting Jordaan who argues that a Levinasian (...)
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  16. (1 other version)La familia, célula de la democracia antigua y moderna:: De Aristóteles a Tocqueville.Angel Muñoz García & Gabriel Andrade - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía 24 (54):81-118.
    Este artículo es un estudio comparativo de la manera en que Aristóteles y Alexis de Tocqueville conciben a la familia dentro del contexto de la democracia antigua y moderna, respectivamente. Se elabora un recorrido por la institución de la familia y el matrimonio en Grecia y Roma, y sus vinculaciones con las ideas políticas de esas civilizaciones. Igualmente, se contrasta el entendimiento antiguo de la democracia con el de Tocqueville, y se analiza la vinculación que éste estableció entre el hogar (...)
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    The Gap of Presence: Challenges in Describing Perceptual Phenomena.André Dias de Andrade - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):94.
    This paper reconstructs Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical project in terms of a phenomenology of sensible transcendence. According to this framework, (i) any given data are correlative to a subjective apprehension, (ii) but they cannot be fully captured by this same experience. Therefore, subjective apprehension must remain open to a type of absence or radical indeterminacy. This notion of transcendence must be grounded in bodily experience, and the challenge is to develop a notion of logos that can account for its sensible donation. We (...)
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    Políticas de control de la movilidad humana. Las expulsiones colectivas.Agostina Carla Hernández Bologna - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 33:28-84.
    En este artículo se desarrollará un análisis, delimitado al contexto europeo, sobre cómo las expulsiones colectivas representan una vulneración de derechos humanos, cuál es su impacto y cuál su tratamiento jurídico y jurisprudencial. Para ello se analizarán tres aspectos concretos: en primer lugar, el devenir de la “securitización” de las políticas de control migratorio y su externalización. En segundo lugar, se realizará un estudio de las expulsiones en general, como política de control migratorio, para analizar el caso específico de las (...)
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  19.  46
    Der Primat Deutschlands bei Fichte.Carla de Pascale - 1991 - Fichte-Studien 3:68-85.
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    Tecnificación y despersonalización de la muerte vía su racionalización.Roxana Alejandra Alvarado Andrade - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 4:61-72.
    La pandemia del COVID-19 ha cambiado las formas de morir, gestionar y ritualizar las muertes. Este trabajo problematiza el dilema ético de dignificar la muerte, dando espacio a la singularidad en los ritos fúnebres, desde la perspectiva kantiana; versus su tecnificación que, desde el utilitarismo, homogeniza estos rituales para proteger las vidas. La pregunta es si, efectivamente, la protección sanitaria de la vida mediante la protocolización de los rituales fúnebres puede ser puesta en valor, en un momento tan determinante como (...)
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  21.  23
    Sueños de la Inmortalidad Engendran Máquinas.Ricardo Andrade - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:119-138.
    La conciencia de la muerte determina nuestra proyección hacia el mundo. Esta determinación es la que permite pensar simbólicamente la existencia, es decir, elabora arquitecturas conceptuales que se abren hacia el futuro a partir de lo ya vivido. La finitud, a raíz de esto, se vuelve el eje central del sujeto. Frente a esta conciencia, el transhumanismo postula una superación de los límites a través de la tecnología. Lo tecnológico impulsa los sueños de la inmortalidad. En este sentido, el presente (...)
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    The ethics of the ethics of autonomous vehicles: Levinas and naked streets.Julio A. Andrade - 2021 - South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):124-136.
    My starting point in this article is that investigating the ethics of autonomous vehicles through the lens of the trolley problem is not only limited but also unethical. I construct my case by aligning myself with Niklas Toivakainen, who argues against David Gunkel’s reading of Levinasian ethics as an answer to the “Machine Question”. I adumbrate Toivakainen’s critique that the attempt to give a Levinasian face to the machine is an example of a compensatory logic – a way to avoid (...)
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    The World’s (Trans)Figuration by the Act-Word of/in “Mineirinho”.Dênia Moreira Andrade & Maria José Oliveira Araújo Guerra - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 17:8-34.
    RESUMO Este trabalho objetiva aproximar a perspectiva filosófica de Mikhail Bakhtin à literatura de Clarice Lispector. Percebe-se a abordagem bakhtiniana da noção de “ato responsável” encenada na crônica-conto “Mineirinho” que, além de nos deslocar e nos convidar a refletir sobre o nosso ser e estar no movimento da vida, nos convoca a pensar ativa e participativamente no/o mundo experienciado e partilhado com o outro.
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    “Submissão Feminina”: Fazendo Do Tabu Um Problema Filosófico Feminista.Josiana Barbosa Andrade - 2022 - Dissertatio 56:305-310.
    Resenha do livro: GARCIA, Manon. On ne naît pas soumise, on le devient [Ebook]. Paris, Climats, 2018 / Não nascemos submissas, nos tornamos. Editora Subta, 2020.
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    Teófilo Braga e a ética republicana positiva.Luís Crespo de Andrade - 2017 - Cultura:285-298.
    Ao oscilarem entre a noção ética de bem comum e o conceito político de interesse público, as representações da república firmam-se em considerações simultaneamente axiológicas e de institucionalização da soberania popular.Pretende-se, com este artigo, proceder à compreensão do pensamento de Teófilo Braga, tanto no que respeita à moralidade que imputou à ordem republicana, quanto no modo como concebeu a relação entre ética e política à luz da doutrinação positivista de que foi incansável interprete e divulgador.
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  26. Ser en el mundo en el modo de la ex-sistencia.Ciro Schmidt Andrade - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (131):151-169.
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    Strange ethics, stranger politics: Levinas and Vice on escaping the passivity of shame.Julio Anthony Andrade - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):61-74.
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    The Experience of Succeeding and Failing at Self-Control: A Qualitative Analysis.Fernanda C. Andrade & Rick H. Hoyle - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the importance of emotions for learning and performance of future behaviors, few studies have attempted to qualitatively describe emotions that arise in response to self-control successes and failures. This study is the first qualitative analysis to examine the complexity of goals that give rise to self-control challenges of two types—initiation and inhibition—and the emotions that follow success and failure experiences. Thematic analysis revealed a sometimes blurred line between inhibition and initiation, and a variety of goals that challenge views that (...)
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    Uma crítica à teoria da complexidade proposta por Edgar Morin.Érico Andrade - 2007 - Dissertatio 26:167-187.
    O escopo de nosso artigo restringe-se à proposição de uma crítica à teoria da complexidade quanto ao seu pressuposto ontológico: realidade complexa e à inalação decorrente de tal pressuposto; a necessidade de uma ciência da complexidade. Essa crítica visa apontar, por um lado, as insuficiências da referida teoria, marcada por um forte apelo metafísico, quando essa pretende estabelecer um conhecimento a priori e inédito apoiado supostamente num dado empírico ou mais precisamente na complexidade do real. Por outro, nossa crítica tenta (...)
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  30. Un modelo a modo de ejemplo.Ciro Schmidt Andrade - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 28 (28):89-90.
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    Um mergulho discursivo sobre A terceira margem do rio, de Guimarães Rosa.Carlos Augusto Baptista de Andrade & Diogo Souza Cardoso - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (1):28-41.
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    An nineteenth century salon. À la recherche d’une voix perdue.Maria Ivone de Ornellas de Andrade - 2011 - Cultura:203-216.
    A comunicação busca encontrar o que seria o salão literário de Dona Leonor de Almeida, Marquesa de Alorna. Nesta revisitação, constatamos a emergência de uma sociabilidade heterossexual onde a conversação se eleva a arte.Elegemos o Palácio Fronteira como o salão em português. Propomos que o emblemático Palácio Fronteira, em São Domingos de Benfica, subsuma todos os outros salões que sabemos terem existido – sem esquecermos nunca da iniciática função dos outeiros de Chelas.Conhecemos Alcipe romanticamente “épica” cuja vida mergulhada na caótica (...)
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    When generosity is freedom: Cartesian ethics and the task of care.Érico Andrade M. Oliveira - 2017 - Filosofia Unisinos 18 (1).
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    (1 other version)Os sentidos urbanos na Avenida Doutor Lisboa em Pouso Alegre-MG -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.752.Ana Eugênia Nunes Andrade - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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  35. Review. [REVIEW]Gabriel Andrade - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 49 (1):177-182.
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    (1 other version)Teoria do Design Inteligente: teoria científica ou discurso religioso? Apontamentos sobre uma controvérsia atual (Intelligent Design: scientific theory or religious discourse? Remarks about an actual controversy) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p709. [REVIEW]Roney Seixas Andrade & Wilmar do Valle Barbosa - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):709-736.
    Este artigo tem com pano de fundo a controvérsia entre criacionismo e evolucionismo que ainda captura a imaginação de amplos segmentos religiosamente orientados, sobretudo nos Estados Unidos. Aqui destacamos as proposições elaboradas pela chamada Teoria do Design Inteligente (TDI). Essa teoria, que se apresenta como científica e desprovida de qualquer compromisso religioso, propõe demonstrar empiricamente que a complexidade observada na natureza, no universo e na vida, é resultante de um design genuíno, ou seja, produto de uma inteligência organizadora, e não (...)
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    Cultural cognition.Roy G. D'Andrade - 1989 - In Michael I. Posner, Foundations of Cognitive Science. MIT Press.
  38. Sidgwick and Kant on Practical Knowledge and Rational Action.Carla Bagnoli - 2020 - In Tyler Paytas & Tim Henning, Kantian and Sidgwickian Ethics: The Cosmos of Duty Above and the Moral Law Within. New York and London: Routledge. pp. 61-83.
    In this chapter, I compare and contrast Kant’s and Sidgwick’s arguments in defense of moral cognition as objective practical knowledge. Kant focuses on practical truths in terms of practical laws governing the mind in action, while Sidgwick is concerned with practical truths about action. I argue that this is a crucial difference in the understanding of practical knowledge, which is matched by a different understanding of moral phenomenology and of the significance of subjective experience in accounting for the authority of (...)
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    Hidden narratives: perspectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion in pharmacy.Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward & Kevin A. Wiltz (eds.) - 2024 - Bethesda, MD: ASHP.
    This publication features the stories and experiences of pharmacy professionals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. This collection of personal essays presents significant events in the lives of those in the pharmacy community whose experiences have been shaped by their race, ethnicity, gender or gender presentation, sexual orientation, ability, language, mental health, or other factors. The perspectives from the narratives highlight the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the healthcare sector. The authors of the narratives also reflect (...)
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    The influence of democratic racism in nursing inquiry.Carla T. Hilario, Annette J. Browne & Alysha McFadden - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12213.
    Neoliberal ideology and exclusionary policies based on racialized identities characterize the current contexts in North America and Western Europe. Nursing knowledge cannot be abstracted from social, political and historical contexts; the task of examining the influence of race and racial ideologies on disciplinary knowledge and inquiry therefore remains an important task. Contemporary analyses of the role and responsibility of the discipline in addressing race‐based health and social inequities as a focus of nursing inquiry remain underdeveloped. In this article, we examine (...)
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    Dios clemente y misericordioso: enfoques antropológicos: homenaje a Barbara Andrade.Barbara Andrade & Javier Quezada del Río (eds.) - 2012 - México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Historicism, psychoanalysis, and early modern culture.Carla Mazzio & Douglas Trevor (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Did people in early modern Europe have a concept of an inner self? Carla Mazzio and Douglas Trevor have brought together an outstanding group of literary, cultural, and history scholars to answer this intriguing question. Through a synthesis of historicism and psychoanalytic criticism, the contributors explore the complicated, nuanced, and often surprising union of history and subjectivity in Europe centuries before psychoanalytic theory. Addressing such topics as "fetishes and Renaissances," "the cartographic unconscious," and "the topographic imaginary," these essays move (...)
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    Der Andere Als Herausforderung: Konzeptionen Einer Neuen Verantwortungsethik Bei Lévinas Und Butler.Carla Schriever - 2018 - Transcript Verlag.
    Besonders in politisch unruhigen Zeiten stellt sich in wiederkehrenden Abständen die Frage nach der Verantwortung für unterschiedliche Geschehnisse. Der französisch-jüdische Phänomenologe Emmanuel Lévinas eröffnet einen alternativen Horizont, welcher Verantwortung von einer neuen Seite beleuchtet. Sein Ausgangspunkt ist der Andere: Ein anderer Mensch, der durch seine Ansprache die subjektive Weltordnung aus den Angeln hebt, der fordert und zur Verantwortung ruft. Ein Ruf, dem auf ethischer Grundlage entsprochen werden muss. Es bleibt ein vergeblicher, der auf dem Mittelmeer verhallt. Die Ethik von Emmanuel (...)
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    Law as Fact.Carla Faralli - 2014 - Revus 24.
    Based on a non-cognitivist meta-ethical position and an anti-subjectivist concept of “reality”, Hägerström questioned the pretension of traditional legal theory, especially legal positivism, to be a science of law, because the entities to which it refers are not real. Olivecrona succeeded in pursuing such a thesis while he tempered it. Taking a socio-psychological approach, he offered a realistic theory of law which is able to emphasize psychical and linguistic phenomena lying at the root of our ideas of rights and duties, (...)
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    Language Matters.Carla Marie Hess - 1993
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    (1 other version)Commentary.Carla C. Keirns & Susan Dorr Goold - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):13-14.
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    Mis lecciones de instrucción moral y cívica.Rafael Larrea Andrade - 1934 - Ibarra,: Tipografía "El Comercio".
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  48. Ethical leadership in a global world, a roadmap to the book.Carla Millar & Eve Poole - 2010 - In Carla Millar & Eve Poole, Ethical leadership: global challenges and perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Pierre Gassendi's Life and Letters.Carla Rita Palmerino - 2005 - Early Science and Medicine 10 (1):98-106.
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    Diálogo entre un vizcayno y un montañés sobre la fábrica de navíos. María Isabel Vicente Maroto.Carla Phillips - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):163-164.
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