Results for 'Bridie Minehan'

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  1.  37
    Peng Yoke Ho. Explorations in Daoism: Medicine and Alchemy in Literature. Edited by, John P. C. Moffett and Cho Sungwu. Foreword by, T. H. Barrett. London/New York: Routledge, 2007. $125. [REVIEW]Bridie Andrews Minehan - 2009 - Isis 100 (1):153-154.
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    Addressing ethical concerns arising in nursing and midwifery students’ reflective assignments.Bridie McCarthy, Joan McCarthy, Anna Trace & Pamela Grace - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):773-785.
    Background: Written reflections on practice are frequently requirements of nursing curricula. They are widely accepted as necessary for improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Faculty, are expected to review reflections and provide feedback that helps professional development and facilitates good practice. It is less clear what the actions of nurse educators should be when ethical infractions are revealed in the narratives. Objectives: We had two aims: 1) To combine insights from a literature review of empirical and theoretical research related to (...)
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  3. Moral status of the fetus and the permissibility of abortion: a contractarian response to Thomson’s violinist thought experiment.Matthew John Minehan - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (6):407-410.
    Judith Jarvis Thomson famously argued that abortion is permissible even if we accept that a fetus qualifies as a person and possesses a right to life. The current paper presents two arguments that undermine Thomson’s position. First, the paper sketches a contractarian argument that explores Thomson’s violinist thought experiment from behind a veil of ignorance, which suggests that if we had an equal likelihood of being an unwanted fetus and a pregnant woman, it would be rational for us to oppose (...)
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    Confounding Extremities: Surgery at the Medico-Ethical Limits of Self-Modification.Annemarie Bridy - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):148-158.
    Controversy swept the U.K. in January of 2000 over public disclosure of the fact that a Scottish surgeon named Robert Smith had amputated the limbs of two able-bodied individuals who reportedly suffered from a condition known as apotemnophilia. The patients, both of whom had sought and consented to the surgery, claimed they had desperately desired for years to live as amputees and had been unable, despite considerable efforts, to reconcile themselves psychologically to living with the bodies with which they were (...)
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    “Stay away from the Park”: A Case for Police-Issued Personal Safety Advice for Women.Matthew John Minehan - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):147-164.
    Are police officers morally justified in issuing unsolicited personal safety advice to women? Such advice often attracts accusations of ‘victim blaming’, although prevention advice remains a common tool used by police to address many crime and safety risks. While some examples of police advice are clearly outrageous, this article considers whether there is a place for ‘sound’ advice, i.e., advice that is proportionate, easy to follow, empirically justified, and objectively likely to reduce harm. To explore this, the article proposes a (...)
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    Correction to: “Stay Away from the Park”: A Case for Police-Issued Personal Safety Advice for Women.Matthew John Minehan - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):165-165.
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    Response to Muller.Annemarie Bridy - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):8-8.
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    Thinking Ecologically About Rhetoric's Ontology: Capacity, Vulnerability, and Resilience.Nathan Stormer & Bridie McGreavy - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (1):1-25.
    1st Gent.: Our deeds are fetters that we forge ourselves. 2d Gent.: Ay, truly: but I think it is the world that brings the iron. R. L. Scott once explained that the “environment is experienced as being rhetorical,” meaning anything within the milieu can participate in addressivity, that who or what addresses what and whom is variable and multiple. He stressed that human valuing determined participation, but he nonetheless anticipated a more robust, posthuman ecological view when he contended that “one (...)
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    Matthew H. Sommer. Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China. xx + 413 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. $55. [REVIEW]Bridie Andrews - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):357-358.
  10.  24
    Use of the House-Tree-Person Projective Drawings and Parental Styles Inventory in the Global Psychological Evaluation of Transgender Youth Who Seek Healthcare at the Gender Identity Program.Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Ítala Raymundo Chinazzo, Dhiordan Cardoso da Silva, Karine Schwarz, Maiko Abel Schneider, Cesar Augusto Nunes Bridi Filho, Claudia Garcia de Garcia, André Real, Silza Tramontina & Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11. Abortion and the veil of ignorance: a response to Minehan.Joona Räsänen - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (6):411-412.
    In a recent JME paper, Matthew John Minehan applies John Rawls’ veil of ignorance against Judith Thomson’s famous violinist argument for the permissibility of abortion. Minehan asks readers to ‘imagine that one morning you are back to back in bed with another person. One of you is conscious and the other unconscious. You do not know which one you are’. Since from this position of ignorance, you have an equal chance of being the unconscious violinist and the conscious (...)
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