Results for 'Boleslaw Andrzejewski'

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  1. Animal symbolicum: ewolucja neokantyzmu Ernsta Cassirera.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 1980 - Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Przyroda i język: filozofia wczesnego romantyzmu w Niemczech.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 1989 - Poznań: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Tradycja i postęp: studia z historii filozofii : praca zbiorowa.Bolesław Andrzejewski (ed.) - 1997 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Homo universus: Mensch und Sprache in der deutschen und polnischen Philosophie.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    (1 other version)Od Bacona do Hume'a–istota i odcienie empiryzmu w nowożytnej Anglii.Bolesław Andrzejewski - forthcoming - Filozofia.
  6. Poglądy filozoficzne Władysława Mieczysława Kozłowskiego.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 1979 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Słownik filozofów polskich.Bolesław Andrzejewski & Roman Kozłowski (eds.) - 2006 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe UAM.
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    Symbol a rzeczywistość.Bolesław Andrzejewski (ed.) - 1996 - Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydawn. Nauk. Instytutu Filozofii.
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    Myśl i życie: o humanizmie polskim Władysława M. Kozłowskiego: praca zbiorowa.Bolesław Andrzejewski (ed.) - 1985 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Mały leksykon filozofów.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 1994 - Poznań: Rebis. Edited by Mariusz Moryń & Andrzej Przyłębski.
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    Transcendental Philosophy and Communication.Bolesław Andrzejewski - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (2):115-131.
    The paper discusses the philosophy of language and communication based on Immanuel Kant’s transcendental method. Firstly, the basic assumptions of methodical rationalism are presented. Subsequent sections analyse Kant’s intellectual successors: Wilhelm von Humboldt and Ernst Cassirer. Both the intellectuals adopted Kant’s point of views and both treated language as an active, cultural factor participating in the creation of reality. The article ends with a suggestion that the transcendental approach will be present in the 21th-century researches on language and communication.
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  12. Bolesław Matuszewski i jego pionierska myśl filmowa: dokumenty i wstępne komentarze.Bolesław Matuszewski - 1980 - Warszawa: Red. Wydawnictw Filmowych Zjednoczenia Rozpowszechniania Filmów. Edited by Bolesław Matuszewski.
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    La memoria negli occhi: Bolesław Matuszewski, un pioniere del cinema.Giovanni Grazzini & Bolesław Matuszewski - 1999 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Bolesław Matuszewski.
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    (1 other version)(ANTI)‐Anti‐Intellectualism and the Sufficiency Thesis.Bolesław Czarnecki & J. Adam Carter - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):374-397.
    Anti‐intellectualists about knowledge‐how insist that, when an agent S knows how to φ, it is in virtue of some ability, rather than in virtue of any propositional attitudpaes, S has. Recently, a popular strategy for attacking the anti‐intellectualist position proceeds by appealing to cases where an agent is claimed to possess a reliable ability to φ while nonetheless intuitively lacking knowledge‐how to φ. John Bengson and Marc Moffett and Carlotta Pavese have embraced precisely this strategy and have thus claimed, for (...)
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  15. Dwie polityki świętego Pawła.Łukasz Andrzejewski - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:137-152.
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    How to frame edible art.Adam Andrzejewski - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 27 (55-56):82-97.
    The question of whether food is art depends primarily on the definition of art that we agree to accept. The article proposes a model that helps us to focus our mind on what could be, and how we should understand the art of food, if we accept, having applied a fairly liberal theory of art, that food can actually be art. It is argued that there are no methodological or factual constraints indicating that food could not, under some circumstances, be (...)
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    Introduction.Adam Andrzejewski - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 73:5-9.
    This paper is an introduction for the special issue of “Rivista di estetica” devoted to the role of ontology in contemporary aesthetics and philosophy of art. It describes the most dominating trends within current ontological inquiry in aesthetics and philosophy of art as well as presents papers collected in the issue.
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  18. Problem zmiany a identyczność numeryczna.Adam Andrzejewski - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (2).
    In the paper, classical assumptions of the problem of change are presented and analyzed. The author considers following assumptions which make theses about: (i) identity and persistence through time; (ii) a conceptual change; (iii) intrinsic properties; and (iv) the Leibniz's Law. In the light of the analyses, it is shown that the problem of change does not have substantial nature and therefore cannot be treated as legitimization of the theories of persistence. Finally, the author acknowledges a relationship between the rethought (...)
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    Topologiczno-ontologiczne poglądy Benedykta Bornsteina.Bolesław Antoni Bieniek - 2005 - Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.
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  20. Stosunek czasowy przyczyny i skutku (ciąg dalszy).Bolesław Gawecki - 1928 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 6 (3):336-384.
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  21. Władysław Mieczysław Kozłowski, 1858-1935.Bolesław Józef Gawecki - 1961 - Wrocław: Zakł. Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Nowe problemy etyki lekarskiej.Bolesław Górnicki - 1975 - Etyka 14:25-42.
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    Homilia na rozpoczęcie Sympozjum o Prawie Naturalnym (10—12 IV 1969).Bolesław Kominek - 1970 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 18 (2):5-8.
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    Psychology Students Try on the Role of Educational Diagnosticians. Preliminary Studies.Bolesław Niemierko - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):311-317.
    The aim of the studies was to ascertain how far psychology students are ready to learn the vocation of education assistants to children and youth. Four general ways of acquiring knowledge and skills - by assimilation, by doing, by discovering, and by impression - were distinguished and interpreted with regard to the students’ prospective employment in educational institutions. Learning by doing and by impression turned out to be more expressive in the student self-reports than learning by assimilation and by discovering. (...)
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  25. Rola koncepcji ukrytego porządku Bohma we współczesnej filozofii fizyki.Bolesław Rok - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 289 (12).
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    Erratum: ``Modal system ${rm S}3$ and the proper axioms of ${rm S}4.02$ and ${rm S}4.04$''.Bolesław Sobociński - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):648-648.
  27. Oryginalnośc metanauki Tadeusza Czezowskiego.Boleslaw Szewc - 2001 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 37 (2):45-67.
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    Podstawy filozofii marksistowskiej.Bolesław Towarnicki - 1970 - Gliwice,: Edited by Bąk, Franciszek & [From Old Catalog].
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    The return of the intolerant Hobbes.Boleslaw Z. Kabala - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (6):785-802.
    Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan presented a paradigm of the social contract that has proven foundational in Western political thought. A proper understanding of the philosopher’s thought is thus of paramount importance. I argue that today’s case for a religiously tolerant Hobbes has missed an important part of the historical record. I first consider an obscure but important document, the second edition of the Humble Proposals. It demonstrates that leading members of a seventeenth century Christian denomination, the Independents, considered a state-enforced (...)
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    Authenticity Manifested: Street Art and Artification.Adam Andrzejewski - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 64:167-184.
    The article aims to frame the issue of authenticity regarding street artworks. By introducing and analyzing the concept of artification, which refers to the situation when non-art is modified by art, I argue that street art manifests its authenticity through transforming the space around particular artworks. This transformation amounts to two facts: sanctioning certain practices which change our perception of the urban environment, and creating new aesthetic objects which are art-like.
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    Prospective memory skill.Stephen J. Andrzejewski, Cathleen M. Moore, Maria Corvette & Douglas Herrmann - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):304-306.
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    Galileo in China: Relations through the Roman College between Galileo and the Jesuit Scientist-Missionaries.Boleslaw Szczesniak, Pasquale D'Elia, Rufus Suter & Matthew Sciascia - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):126.
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    What is wrong with failed art?Adam Andrzejewski & Alessandro Bertinetto - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that proper artistic failure may turn out to be artistically appreciated and even considered as artistically successful. A set of arguments is provided in order to overcome intentionalism, the widely accepted view according to which an artist’s intentions fix the artwork’s meaning. Instead, we propose and elaborate an alternative model: emergentism of artistic meaning and value. Emergentism explains how artistic failure can turn out to be artistically successful. That is, artworks may succeed (...)
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  34. Deutsche und englische Artikel 1973-1975.B. Andrzejewski - 1977 - Kant Studien 68 (4):509.
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    The romantic philosophy in a new key.B. Andrzejewski - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9:45-50.
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  36. Myślenie i postępowanie.Bolesław Józef Gawecki - 1975 - Warszawa: Pax.
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  37. Polscy myśliciele romantyczni.Bolesław Józef Gawecki - 1972 - Warszawa,: Pax.
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  38. Czy przywództwo etyczne w działalności gospodarczej jest możliwe?Bolesław Rok - 2009 - Prakseologia 149 (149):187-204.
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    The Travels and Controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete, 1618-1686.Boleslaw Szczesniak & J. S. Cummins - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):246.
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    Trading Under Sail off Japan, 1860-99. The Recollections of Captain Baxter Will, Sailing Master and Pilot.Boleslaw B. Szczesniak, George Alexander Lensen & Baxter Will - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):148.
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  41. In the Wake of the Sixtieth Anniversary.Bolesław Taborski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (7-9):127-132.
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  42. Reflections on the Uprising.Bolesław Taborski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (7-9):79-84.
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    Hobbes and Spinoza on Sovereign Education.Boleslaw Z. Kabala & Thomas Cook - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (1):6.
    Most comparisons of Thomas Hobbes and Baruch Spinoza focus on the difference in understanding of natural right. We argue that Hobbes also places more weight on a rudimentary and exclusive education of the public by the state. We show that the difference is related to deeper disagreements over the prospect of Enlightenment. Hobbes is more sanguine than Spinoza about using the state to make people rational. Spinoza considers misguided an overemphasis on publicly educating everyone out of superstition—public education is important, (...)
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    Aesthetic Eating.Adam Andrzejewski - 2021 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):269-284.
    The aim of this paper is to sketch a framework for perceiving the act of consumption as an aesthetic phenomenon. I shall argue that, under some circumstances, it is possible to receive aesthetic satisfaction from the act of eating food, in which the object of one’s appreciation is, for the most part, considered separately from what is actually eaten. I propose to call such a process “aesthetic eating” and argue that due to its aesthetic autonomy it might be a potential (...)
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  45. Kantliteratur in Polen.B. Andrzejewski - 1977 - Kant Studien 68 (4):505.
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  46. Predictability, improvisation and the everyday.Adam Andrzejewski - 2023 - In Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokačka (eds.), Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Filozofia praktyczna J. M. Hoene Wrońskiego.Bolesław Gawecki - 1971 - Etyka 9:9-23.
    Joseph Maria Hoene Wroński, mathematician and philosopher of Slavonic descent, is author of numerous work written in French, which, as he supposed, could have incited a renewal of human knowledge, and could also point the way to better living of humanity.
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  48. Przyczynowość i funkcjonalizm w fizyce.Bolesław Gawecki - 1922 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1 (2):204-232.
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    The Japan Expedition 1852-1854: The Personal Journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry.Boleslaw B. Szczesniak, Roger Pineau & Matthew C. Perry - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):147.
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    (1 other version)Framing Artification.Adam Andrzejewski - 2015 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 52 (2):131-151.
    The article seeks to explain what it means to say that an object has the status of being made art-like. I have reconstructed and analysed Ossi Naukkarinen and Yuriko Saito’s definition of artification and flagged up its methodological limitations. My conclusions serve as a starting point for describing the nature of artified objects, the way they are individuated, and how they persist. I consider the question of what can and what cannot be artified. Finally, I propose that artification be redefined (...)
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