Results for 'Bernhard Steffen'

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  1.  39
    Topological Representation of Intuitionistic and Distributive Abstract Logics.Andreas Bernhard Michael Brunner & Steffen Lewitzka - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (2):153-175.
    We continue work of our earlier paper :219–241, 2009) where abstract logics and particularly intuitionistic abstract logics are studied.logics can be topologized in a direct and natural way. This facilitates a topological study of classes of concrete logics whenever they are given in abstract form. Moreover, such a direct topological approach avoids the often complex algebraic and lattice-theoretic machinery usually applied to represent logics. Motivated by that point of view, we define in this paper the category of intuitionistic abstract logics (...)
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    The impact of moral intensity on decision making in a business context.Bernhard F. Frey - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3):181 - 195.
    The present paper reports the results of a vignette- and questionnaire-based research project investigating the influence of Moral Intensity (MI) on decision making in a New Zealand business context. The use of a relatively sensitive research design yielded results showing that – in contrast to previous research – objective manipulations, as well as subjective perceptions, of three of the six MI components were of particular importance in accounting for a comparatively large proportion of the variation in four outcome variables. There (...)
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    Pseudo‐mechanistic Explanations in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.Bernhard Hommel - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1294-1305.
    Pseudo‐mechanistic explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscienceThis paper focuses on the level of systems/cognitive neuroscience. It argues that the great majority of explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscience is “pseudo‐mechanistic.” On the basis of various case studies, Hommel argues that cognitive neuroscience should move beyond what he calls an “Aristotelian phase” to become a mature “Galilean” science seeking to discover actual mechanisms of cognitive phenomena.
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    Religion and action control: Faith-specific modulation of the Simon effect but not Stop-Signal performance.Bernhard Hommel, Lorenza S. Colzato, Claudia Scorolli, Anna M. Borghi & Wery P. M. van den Wildenberg - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):177-185.
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    Grounding attention in action control: The intentional control of selection.Bernhard Hommel - 2010 - In Brian Bruya, Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action. MIT Press. pp. 121--140.
    This chapter challenges the assumption of attention functioning as a means of preventing consciousness from getting overloaded, and also challenges the assumption of any relationships between management of scarce resources and the original biological function of attention. It emphasizes that attention is directly derived from mechanisms governing the control of basic movements. The author establishes the theoretical stage through discussions on the implications of the brain’s preference to stimulus events and action plans in a feature-based manner and processing information through (...)
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  6.  8
    Wahrnehmung und Geschichte: Markierungen zur Aisthesis materialis.Bernhard J. Dotzler & Ernst Müller - 1995 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
    Dass "Wahrnehmung" sich historisch verändert, ist in den gegenwärtigen Debatten ebenso präsent wie die Einsicht, dass "Geschichte" selbst hochgradig wahrnehmungsabhängig ist. Die Autoren dieses Bandes erörtern die wechselseitigen Beziehungen von Wahrnehmung und Geschichte nicht allein theoretisch, sondern vorrangig materialbezogen - mit Blick auf konkrete Fallbeispiele. Das Spektrum der Beiträge reicht von der Erörterung der historischen Vermittlungsfunktion technischer Medien und verschiedener Künste bis zur Frage, welcher Logik Wahrnehmung und Vergessen der jüngsten und eigenen Geschichte unterliegen. Michel Foucault und Marshall McLuhan werden (...)
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  7.  27
    The theory of event coding as embodied-cognition framework.Bernhard Hommel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  8. Bodily experience between selfhood and otherness.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (3):235-248.
    In opposition to traditional forms of dualism and monism, the author holds that our bodily self includes certain aspects of otherness. This is shown concerning the phenomenological issues of intentionality, of self-awareness and of intersubjectivity, by emphasizing the dimension of pathos. We are affected by what happens to us before being able to respond to it by acts or actions. Every sense, myself and others are born out of pathos. The original alienness of our own body, including neurological processes, creates (...)
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  9.  44
    Newton's Training in the Aristotelian Textbook Tradition: From Effects to Causes and Back.Steffen Ducheyne - 2005 - History of Science 43 (3):217-237.
  10.  53
    Reid's adaptation and radicalization of Newton's natural philosophy.Steffen Ducheyne - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (2):173-189.
    For Thomas Reid, Isaac Newton's scientific methodology in natural philosophy was a source of inspiration for philosophical methodology in general. I shall look at how Reid adapted Newton's views on methodology in natural philosophy. We shall see that Reid radicalized Newton's methodology and, thereby, begins to pave the way for the positivist movement, of which the origin is traditionally associated with the Frenchman Auguste Comte. In the Reidian adaptation of Newtonianism, we can already notice the beginnings of the anti-causal trend (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Consciousness and control: Not identical twins.Bernhard Hommel - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1):155-176.
    Human cognition and action are intentional and goal-directed, and explaining how they are controlled is one of the most important tasks of the cognitive sciences. After half a century of benign neglect this task is enjoying increased attention. Unfortunately, however, current theorizing about control in general, and the role of consciousness for/in control in particular, suffers from major conceptual flaws that lead to confusion regarding the following distinctions: automatic and unintentional processes, exogenous control and disturbance of endogenous control, conscious control (...)
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  12.  96
    Generics, Conservativity, and Kind-Subordination.Bernhard Nickel - 2018 - Philosophers' Imprint 18.
    Many approaches to the semantics of generic sentences posit an unpronounced quantifier gen. However, while overt quantifiers are conservative, gen does not seem to be. A quantifier Q is conservative iff instances of the following schemas are equivalent: Q As are F and Q As are As that are F. All ravens are black is obviously equivalent to All ravens are ravens that are black, yet ravens are black is not equivalent to ravens are ravens that are black. This may (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Conquêtes et problèmes de la science contemporaine.Bernhard Bavink & René Sudre - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (3):326-328.
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  14. Die Hauptfragen der heutigen Naturphilosophie. I.Bernhard Bavink - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:133-133.
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  15.  13
    Equity and Efficiency in Multi-Worker Firms: Insights from Experimental Economics.Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian J. Goerg, Sebastian Kube & Matthias Wibral - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):325-348.
    In this article, we discuss recent evidence from experimental economics on the impact of social preferences on workplace behavior. We focus on situations in which a single employer interacts with multiple employees. Traditionally, equity and efficiency have been seen as opposing aims in such work environments: individual pay-for-performance wage schemes maximize of efficiency but might lead to inequitable outcomes. We present findings from laboratory experiments that show under which circumstances partially incomplete contracts can create equitable work environments while at the (...)
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  16.  33
    Mythos Und Mythologie.Reinhard Brandt & Steffen Schmidt (eds.) - 2004 - Akademie Verlag.
    Mythen dienen der Bewaltigung praktischer gesellschaftlicher Probleme, sie bieten Anleitungen zum poietischen und praktisch-politischen Handeln - dies bildet das einigende Band der im vorliegenden Buch versammelten Beitrage. Aus dem Inhalt: Jan Assmann: Tod, Staat, Kosmos: Dimensionen des Mythos im Alten Agypten Stefan Breuer: Das Dritte Reich Michael Friedrich: Chinesische Mythen Bodo Guthmuller: Europa - Kontinent und antiker Mythos Joachim Heinzle: Unsterblicher Heldengesang. Die Nibelungen als nationaler Mythos der Deutschen Klaus Koch: Vom Mythos zum Monotheismus im alten Israel Jurgen Leonhardt/Katharina Krause: (...)
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    Perspektiven der Musikphilosophie.Wolfgang Fuhrmann & Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Musik ist eine Herausforderung für die Philosophie - die von dieser oft nicht angenommen wurde. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich jedoch die Musikphilosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum als ein zunehmend dynamisches interdisziplinäres Feld zwischen Philosophie, Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie, Musikwissenschaft, Musiktheorie und musikalischer Praxis entwickelt. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes, u. a. von Daniel Martin Feige, Gunnar Hindrichs, Richard Klein, Cosima Linke und Matthias Vogel, ziehen erstmals ein Fazit und beleuchten die Perspektiven des mittlerweile ausdifferenzierten Diskurses über diese scheinbar unmittelbarste und zugleich (...)
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  18.  20
    Verwandtschaft, Name Und Soziale Ordnung.Karl Ubl & Steffen Patzold (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    Die Transformation der römischen Welt ist ein hoch aktuelles und viel diskutiertes Thema der Geschichtswissenschaft. Die Bedeutung von Verwandtschaft für diesen epochalen Prozess wurde bislang kaum untersucht. Der Sammelband schließt diese Lücke, indem er die Rolle der Verwandtschaft für die Umwandlung der sozialen Ordnung in den Blick nimmt. Er erweitert damit maßgeblich die Perspektive auf den Epochenumbruch von der Spätantike zum Mittelalter.
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    On the computational complexity of temporal projection, planning, and plan validation.Bernhard Nebel & Christer Bäckström - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):125-160.
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  20.  39
    Casuistry: On a Method of Ethical Judgement in Patient Care.Bernhard Bleyer - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):211-226.
    The article is dedicated to the application questions of a case study method known as casuistry. In its long tradition, it focuses on an influential variant of the early modern period and reconstructs its functionality. In the course of reading recent receptions, it is noted that some studies speak of a “casuistic revival” in moral case deliberation in health care. As a result of this revival, casuistry has been modified in such a way that it guides case discussions in practice (...)
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  21.  5
    Wirklichkeit und Sinnerfahrung: Grundfragen der Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert.Bernhard Braun & Rafael Hüntelmann - 1998
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  22.  15
    Kritische Reflexionen über die Stoa: Leon Battista Albertis Profugiorum ab aerumna libri III.Bernhard Zimmermann, Jochen Schmidt & Barbara Neymeyr - 2008 - In Bernhard Zimmermann, Jochen Schmidt & Barbara Neymeyr, Stoizismus in der Europäischen Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Politikstoicism in European Philosophy, Literature, Art, and Politics. A Cultural History From Antiquity to Modernity: Eine Kulturgeschichte von der Antike Bis Zur Moderne. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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  23.  12
    Petrarcas Begründung der humanistischen Moralphilosophie: Rezeption und Relativierung der stoischen Tradition.Bernhard Zimmermann, Jochen Schmidt & Barbara Neymeyr - 2008 - In Bernhard Zimmermann, Jochen Schmidt & Barbara Neymeyr, Stoizismus in der Europäischen Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Politikstoicism in European Philosophy, Literature, Art, and Politics. A Cultural History From Antiquity to Modernity: Eine Kulturgeschichte von der Antike Bis Zur Moderne. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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  24.  50
    Reference problems in stoichiometry.Bernhard Lauth - 1989 - Erkenntnis 30 (3):339 - 362.
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  25.  38
    Learning from history: the need for a synthetic approach to human cognition.Bernhard Hommel & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  26.  22
    'Newtonian'elements in locke, hume, and reid, or: how far can one stretch a label?Steffen Ducheyne - 2009 - Enlightenment and Dissent 25:62-105.
  27. Weight ω in stable theories with few types.Bernhard Herwig - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):353-373.
    We construct a type p with preweight ω with respect to itself in a theory with few types. A type with this property must be present in a stable theory with finitely many (but more than one) countable models. The construction is a modification of Hrushovski's important pseudoplane construction.
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  28. Crossover. Cultural Hybridity in Ethnicity, Gender.Therese Steffen - forthcoming - Ethics.
  29. Berichte und Kritik: Robert Alexys Diskurstheoretische Menschenrechtsbegründung.Steffen Wesche - 1999 - Rechtstheorie 30 (1):79-93.
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    Xenophons Symposion : ein Kommentar.Bernhard Huss - 1999 - Teubner.
    Die Beiträge zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbände, Editionen, Übersetzungen und Kommentare zu Themen aus den Bereichen Klassische, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Archäologie, Antike Philosophie sowie Nachwirken der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Dadurch leistet die Reihe einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Erschließung klassischer Literatur und zur Forschung im gesamten Gebiet der Altertumswissenschaften.
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    Theory evolution and reference kinematics.Bernhard Lauth - 1991 - Synthese 88 (3):279 - 307.
  32. Der Zugang zu Religion im Denken von Emmanuel Lévinas.Bernhard Casper - 1988 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 95 (2):268-277.
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  33.  33
    Der Strukturalismus als Element geistlicher Rhetorik.Bernhard Klaus - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (4):361-363.
  34. Precise measurements in classical and modern physics.Bernhard Kramer - 1995 - In Heinz Lübbig, The Inverse Problem: Symposium Ad Memoriam Hermann von Helmholtz. Wiley-Vch. pp. 25.
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  35. Liebesfluchten. Zürich.Bernhard Schlink - forthcoming - Diogenes.
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  36. Topological Nexttime Logic.Bernhard Heinemann - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 99-112.
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  37. The explanation of first person authority.Bernhard Thole - 1993 - In Ralf Stoecker, Reflecting Davidson: Donald Davidson responding to an international forum of philosophers. New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    Karen Gloy: Was ist die Wirklichkeit?Karen Gloy & Steffen Kluck - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):175-181.
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  39. Adorno und die Musik : eine Bilanz aus heutiger Sicht.Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf - 2014 - In Marcus Quent & Eckardt Lindner, Das Versprechen der Kunst: aktuelle Zugänge zu Adornos ästhetischer Theorie. Wien: vERLAG Turia + Kant.
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    Von der messianischen Freiheit: Weltgesellschaft - Kunst - Musik.Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf - 2016 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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    Personenregister.Claudia Terne & Steffen Dietzsch - 2014 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Claudia Terne, Nietzsches Perspektiven: Denken Und Dichten in der Moderne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 419-424.
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  42. Die Grundlagen der griechischen Plastik.Ernst Bernhard - 1920 - Rivista di Filosofia 9:43.
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  43. Die Struktur des französischen Geistes.Ernst Bernhard - 1912 - Rivista di Filosofia 3:80.
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  44. Engineering Education Research as Engineering Research.Jonte Bernhard - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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  45. Logische Diagramme : Sehen als Folgern.Peter Bernhard - 2015 - In Hanno Depner, Visuelle Philosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  46. On the filter of computably enumerable supersets of an r-maximal set.Steffen Lempp, André Nies & D. Reed Solomon - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (6):415-423.
    We study the filter ℒ*(A) of computably enumerable supersets (modulo finite sets) of an r-maximal set A and show that, for some such set A, the property of being cofinite in ℒ*(A) is still Σ0 3-complete. This implies that for this A, there is no uniformly computably enumerable “tower” of sets exhausting exactly the coinfinite sets in ℒ*(A).
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    Free-variable tableaux for propositional modal logics.Bernhard Beckert & Rajeev GorÉ - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):59-96.
    Free-variable semantic tableaux are a well-established technique for first-order theorem proving where free variables act as a meta-linguistic device for tracking the eigenvariables used during proof search. We present the theoretical foundations to extend this technique to propositional modal logics, including non-trivial rigorous proofs of soundness and completeness, and also present various techniques that improve the efficiency of the basic naive method for such tableaux.
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  48. Intentional control of automatic stimulus-response translation.Bernhard Hommel - 2000 - In Yves Rossetti, Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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  49. Acquisition and control of voluntary action.Bernhard Hommel - 2003 - In Sabine Maasen, Wolfgang Prinz & Gerhard Roth, Voluntary action: brains, minds, and sociality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 34--48.
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    Mimicking Schizophrenia: Reducing P300b by Minimally Fragmenting Healthy Participants’ Selves Using Immersive Virtual Reality Embodiment.Bernhard Spanlang, Birgit Nierula, Maud Haffar & J. Bruno Debruille - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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