Results for 'Bernhard Bolzano'

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  1. Wissenschaftslehre [von] Bernhard Bolzano. Mit Einem Nachweis der von Bolzano Zitierten Verfasser, Werke Und Stellen Hrsg. Von Wolfgang Schultz.Bernard Bolzano & Wolfgang Schultz - 1970 - Scientia Verlag.
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  2. Bernhard Bolzano's Grundlegung der Logik. Ausgewählte Paragraphen aus der Wissenschaftsehre. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Kambartel. [REVIEW]Franz von Kutschera - 1965 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 72 (2):434.
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    Vernünftig glauben?: Gemeinsamkeit von Religion, Metaphysik und Wissenschaft bei Bernhard Bolzano.Donatella Colantuono - 2016 - Wien: Lit.
    Bernard Bolzano (1781 - 1848) war ein vielseitiger Philosoph. Seine Interessen bedecken alle Bereiche der Logik über Physik bis zur den Wissenschaften des Übersinnlichen. Die moderne Bolzano-Rezeption schätzt an seinem Werk vor allem die mathematischen, logischen und erkenntnistheoretischen Bemühungen. Trotz des großen Stellenwertes, den Mathematik und Logik in der Forschung Bolzanos einnehmen, können sie die beachtliche Dichte der Querverbindungen seines Denkens nicht ausschöpfen. In diesem Band wird eine kritische Rekonstruktion der theologisch-metaphysischen Untersuchungen (anhand seiner Athanasia) Bolzanos geliefert, welche (...)
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    Multitudes, colecciones E Infinito: La emergencia Del enfoque conjuntista en la obra de Bernhard Bolzano.Luis Alberto Canela Morales - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:31.
    El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar ciertos pasajes fundamentales de la Wissenschaftslehre y de las Paradoxien des Unendlichen de Bernard Bolzano en cuanto al análisis conjuntista se refiere. En dichos pasajes, Bolzano desarrolla conceptos fundamentales tales como multitud, colección e infinito que anticipan el carácter conjuntista y del análisis matemático moderno. Asimismo, se presentará un breve estudio de las Contribuciones a una más fundada exposición de la matemática y el apéndice, Sobre la teoría kantiana de la construcción de (...)
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  5. Edgar Morscher, "Das logische An-sich bei Bernhard Bolzano". [REVIEW]H. Lauener - 1974 - Dialectica 28 (3):276.
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    Bolzano, Bernhard.Alonzo Church & T. A. K. Kloyda - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):596.
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    Bolzano on conceptual and intuitive truth: the point and purpose of the distinction.Mark Textor - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):13-36.
    Bolzano incorporated Kant's distinction between intuitions and concepts into the doctrine of propositions by distinguishing between conceptual (Begriffssätze an sich) and intuitive propositions (Anschauungssätze an sich). An intuitive proposition contains at least one objective intuition, that is, a simple idea that represents exactly one object; a conceptual proposition contains no objective intuition. After Bolzano, philosophers dispensed with the distinction between conceptual and intuitive propositions. So why did Bolzano attach philosophical importance to it? I will argue that, ultimately, (...)
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  8. Bolzano, Brentano e la reazione a Kant.R. Martinelli - 2014 - In U. Eco & R. Fedriga (eds.), Storia della filosofia, vol. 3: Ottocento e Novecento. Laterza - EM Publishers. pp. 262-269.
    La filosofia austriaca presenta tratti di originalità nei suoi esponenti: anzitutto B. Bolzano, F. Brentano e la sua scuola. Grazie all’influenza di Herbart essa rimane estranea all’idealismo e al neokantismo e sviluppa temi poi decisivi nel novecento come la fenomenologia e la filosofia analitica.
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  9. Mihail Neamtu: Jean-Luc Marion, De surcroît. études sur les phénomènes saturésRadu M. Oancea: Magda King, A Guide to Heidegger's Being and TimeAndrei Timotin: Andreas Michel, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen KonsequenzenGabriel Cercel: Alfred Denker, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's PhilosophyCristian Ciocan: John B. Brough & Lester Embree (eds.), The Many Faces of TimePaul Balogh: Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Heidegger's Concept of TruthPaul Marinescu: Cristina Lafont, Heidegger, Language, And World-DisclosureCristian Ciocan: Eliane Escoubas & Bernhard Waldenfels (eds.), Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemandeAndrei Timotin: Eckard Wolz-Gottwald, Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und HeideggerCristian Ciocan: Martin Heidegger, Ontology - The Hermeneutics of FacticityAndrei Timotin: Arkadiusz Chrudzimski, Die Erkenntnistheorie von Roman IngardenVictor Popescu: Jocelyn Benoist, L'apriori conceptuel. Bolzano, Husserl, SchlickCris. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu, Andrei Timotin, Gabriel Cercel, Cristian Ciocan, Paul Balogh, Paul Marinescu, Victor Popescu, Adina Bozga, Holger Zaborowski & Mihai Caplea - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3):418-495.
    Jean-Luc MARION, De surcroît. Études sur les phénomènes saturés ; Magda KING, A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time ; Andreas MICHEL, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen Konsequenzen ; Alfred DENKER, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy ; John B. BROUGH & Lester EMBREE, The Many Faces of Time ; Daniel O. DAHLSTROM, Heidegger’s Concept of Truth ; Cristina LAFONT, Heidegger, Language, And World-Disclosure ; Eliane ESCOUBAS & Bernhard WALDENFELS, Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemande ; Eckard WOLZ-GOTTWALD, Transformation der (...)
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    Many-Valued Logics in the Iberian Peninsula.Angel Garrido - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 633-644.
    The roots of the Lvov-Warsaw School can be traced back to Aristotle himself. But in later times we better put them into thinking GW Leibniz and who somehow inherited many of these ways of thinking, such as the philosopher and mathematician Bernhard Bolzano. Since he would pass the key figure of Franz Brentano, who had as one of his disciples to Kazimierz Twardowski, which starts with the brilliant Polish school of mathematics and philosophy dealt with. Among them, one (...)
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  11. La filosofia tra psicologismo e antipsicologismo e la reazione a Kant.R. Martinelli - 2012 - 11:447-461.
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  12. Generics and the ways of normality.Bernhard Nickel - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (6):629-648.
    I contrast two approaches to the interpretation of generics such as ‘ravens are black:’ majority-based views, on which they are about what is the case most of the time, and inquiry-based views, on which they are about a feature we focus on in inquiry. I argue that majority-based views face far more systematic counterexamples than has previously been supposed. They cannot account for generics about kinds with multiple characteristic properties, such as ‘elephants live in Africa and Asia.’ I then go (...)
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  13. How General Do Theories of Explanation Need To Be?Bernhard Nickel - 2010 - Noûs 44 (2):305-328.
    Theories of explanation seek to tell us what distinctively explanatory information is. The most ambitious ones, such as the DN-account, seek to tell us what an explanation is, tout court. Less ambitious ones, such as causal theories, restrict themselves to a particular domain of inquiry. The least ambitious theories constitute outright skepticism, holding that there is no reasonably unified phenomenon to give an account of. On these views, it is impossible to give any theories of explanation at all. I argue (...)
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  14. Bildung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und Selbstbefreiung : Konturen eines praxisphilosophischen Verständnisses von Bildung im Kontext kritischer Pädagogik.Armin Bernhard - 2013 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs: Fortführung der Diskussion. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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    Nietzsches Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.Bernhard Bueb - 1970 - Stuttgart,: E. Klett.
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    Grundfragen des Humanen: Studien zur Menschlichkeit des Menschen.Bernhard Casper - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    Die angewandte Kunst des Denkens: von, für und gegen Rudolf Burger, zum Achzigsten.Bernhard Kraller & Rudolf Burger (eds.) - 2019 - Wien: Sonderzahl.
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  18. Menschliche Existenz und rituelle Verwandlung in Marokko Ein Essay in phänomenologischer Anthropologie1.Bernhard Leistle - 2006 - In Aleida Assmann & Jan Assmann (eds.), Verwandlungen. München: Fink. pp. 9--155.
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  19. Philosophie als Meditation des Lebens. Reflexionen über das Verhältnis Nietzsches zu Schopenhauer in Schopenhauer und Nietzsche: Wurzeln gegenwärtiger Vernunftkritik.Bernhard Lypp - 1984 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 65:55-68.
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  20. Die Eintrübung des reinen Bewusstseins.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Philosophische Rundschau 34:74.
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  21. Simbolismo, creatividad y responsividad.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1997 - Ideas Y Valores 46 (105):17-29.
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  22. Zrcalo, sled in pogled. H genezi slike Mirror, Trace and the Gaze. Towards the Genealogy of the Painting.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Phainomena 49.
    Večina slikovnih koncepcij boleha za tem, da začenjajo previsoko, namreč na ravni slikovnih del in slikovnih medijev. Zaradi tega pri doživljanju slike nismo pozorni na razpoke in brezna. Ta očitek zadeva tako filozofske teorije slike kot tudi umetnostno teorijo, umetnostno zgodovino in muzejsko prakso, ki se ne zna več čuditi temu, da obstaja nekaj takega kot slike. Naslednji razmisleki se vrtijo okoli geneze slike, ki omogoča vdor v zaprtost nekega v lepi ali nič več lepi videz ujetega estetskega sveta, tako (...)
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  23. Heilsverständnis.Bernhard Welte - 1966 - Wien,: Herder.
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    The theory of event coding as embodied-cognition framework.Bernhard Hommel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  25. Fallibility and Dogmatism.Bernhard Salow - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
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  26. Molecularity in the Theory of Meaning and the Topic Neutrality of Logic.Bernhard Weiss & Nils Kürbis - 2024 - In Antonio Piccolomini D'Aragona (ed.), Perspectives on Deduction: Contemporary Studies in the Philosophy, History and Formal Theories of Deduction. Springer Verlag. pp. 187-209.
    Without directly addressing the Demarcation Problem for logic—the problem of distinguishing logical vocabulary from others—we focus on distinctive aspects of logical vocabulary in pursuit of a second goal in the philosophy of logic, namely, proposing criteria for the justification of logical rules. Our preferred approach has three components. Two of these are effectively Belnap’s, but with a twist. We agree with Belnap’s response to Prior’s challenge to inferentialist characterisations of the meanings of logical constants. Belnap argued that for a logical (...)
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    Expérience et réflexivité: perspectives au-delà de l’empirisme et de l’idéalisme.David Lauer, Christophe Laudou, Robin Celikates & Georg W. Bertram (eds.) - 2011 - L'Harmattan.
    This book collects essays from the 2006 and 2007 International Philosophy Colloquia Evian, centred around a central problem in the philosophy of mind: the relationship between the human faculty of sensory experience and the faculty of conceptual reflection, that is self-consciousness. Containing articles by philosophers of eight nationalities, in three languages (English, French, German), and of "analytical" as well as "continental" provenance, it beautifully represents the spirit of the colloquia. Authors include Joshua Andresen (AU Beirut), Valérie Aucouturier (Kent U / (...)
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  28. Biologie als Erste Philosophie? Uberlegungen zur Voraussetzungsproblematik und zum Theoriestatus einer Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie.Bernhard Irrgang - 1986 - Philosophische Rundschau 33 (1-2):103-121.
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    Technologisches Zeitalter oder Postmoderne?Bernhard Irrgang - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (2):291 - 295.
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  30. Verantwortete Forschungsfreiheit bei der Anwendung der Gentechnik.Bernhard Irrgang - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (4):595.
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  31. Transzendentale Methode und thomistische Erkenntnismetaphysik.Bernhard Jansen - 1928 - Theologie Und Philosophie 3 (3):341.
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    Der Stachel des Fremden.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1990
    Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Beiträge gehören in den Umkreis von Waldenfels' 1987 erschienenem Buch Ordnung im Zwielicht. Der dort vorgelegte Grundriß wird hier auf mannigfache Weise ausgeführt und fortgeführt - ein Materialienband also zu Ordnung im Zwielicht, doch gleichzeitig ein Vorbereitungsband zur Behandlung dessen, was Waldenfels dort responsive Rationalität genannt hat.
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  33. The Role of Kinds in the Semantics of Ceteris Paribus Laws.Bernhard Nickel - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (10):1729-1744.
    This paper investigates the interaction between semantic theories for cp-laws (roughly, laws that hold “all things equal”) and metaphysical theories of kinds in the special sciences. Its central conclusion is that cp-laws concerning kinds behave differently from cp-laws concerning non-kinds: “ravens are black” which concerns the kind corvus corax, behaves differently from from “albino ravens are white” which concerns the non-kind grouping of albino ravens. I argue that this difference is in the first instance logical: the two sorts of cp-laws (...)
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    Awareness of the functioning of one's own Limbs mediated by the insular cortex?Hans-Otto Karnath, Bernhard Baier & Thomas Nägele - 2005 - Journal of Neuroscience 25 (31):7134-7138.
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    Religion der Erfahrung: Einführung in das Denken Franz Rosenzweigs.Bernhard Casper - 2004 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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  36. In den Netzen der Lebenswelt, coll. « Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ».Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (2):232-232.
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  37. Mens sive cerebrum. Intentionalität in mentalistischer Sicht.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1984 - Philosophische Rundschau 31:22.
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    Learning from history: the need for a synthetic approach to human cognition.Bernhard Hommel & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Computational complexity of terminological reasoning in BACK.Bernhard Nebel - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (3):371-383.
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    Does Amount of Pre-cue Encoding Modulate Selective List Method Directed Forgetting?Oliver Kliegl, Bernhard Pastötter & Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration.Michael H. Bernhard & Jan Kubik (eds.) - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Twenty Years After Communism is concerned with the explosion of a politics of memory triggered by the fall of state socialism in Eastern Europe, and it takes a comparative look at the ways that communism and its demise have been commemorated by major political actors across the region.
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    Integrating body movement into attractiveness research.Bernhard Fink, Bettina Weege, Nick Neave, Michael N. Pham & Todd K. Shackelford - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Measuring the Quality of Philosophical Dialogue: A High-Inference Rating Instrument for Research and Teacher Education.Deborah Bernhard & Dominik Helbling - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-31.
    Various studies have shown that philosophizing with children at school can have a positive effect on cognitive, language and social skills. However, previous studies have not considered how the quality of the dialogue influences these outcomes. Addressing this gap, our article introduces a high-inference rating instrument to assess the quality of philosophical dialogue. This instrument features four quality dimensions: Philosophical Richness, Co-construction, Focus, and Restrained Facilitation. It was applied to evaluate 63 class dialogues from a Swiss study involving secondary-school students. (...)
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    The Body as Original Medium and Vehicle of Technique.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2024 - Critical Hermeneutics 8.
    Living corporeity is the intermediate element between nature and culture, which must be thought of as a reciprocal interconnection, since as corporeal beings we always move on a threshold. In the reflection of the bodily self, a doubling between the living body as a functioning subject and as a material object is revealed; after all, even one's own body sometimes takes on the features of a foreign body, as is the case in the experience of illness. In the technical instrument, (...)
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    Generics.Bernhard Nickel - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 437–462.
    Generics exhibit genericity, and though a theory of generics is closely connected to a theory of genericity, the two are distinct. They raise a host of interesting linguistic and philosophical issues, both separately and in their interaction. This chapter begins with a fairly manifest phenomenon one can observe in natural language. There is a range of sentences that, speaking intuitively, one can use to talk about kinds. It argues that there's no simple statistical criterion that systematically captures the patterns of (...)
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    Otherness as a paradigm in anthropology.Bernhard Leistle - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (204):291-313.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 204 Seiten: 291-313.
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    Reading Cassirer's philosophy of myth: early signs of Heidegger's late philosophy?Bernhard Josef Sylla - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):91-104.
    Reading Cassirer’s philosophy of myth: early signs of Heidegger’s late philosophy? In 1928, Heidegger’s book review of the second volume of Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (The Mythical Thought) was published in the Deutsche Literaturzeitung. Cassirer’s text date of 1925, hence it is possible that Heidegger had read it even before the publication of Being and Time. What makes both texts worthy of a closer examination is the fact that several central motifs and terms of Heidegger’s later philosophy are already (...)
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    Axiomata philosophica Venerabilis Bedae,: viri in divinis atqve hvmanis literis exercitatissimi, ex Aristotele et alijs.Bernhard Bede, Wolter & Aristotle - 1623 - Sumptibus Bernardi Gualtherii.
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  49. Managing Noise in Part-of-Speech Tagging for Extremely Low-Resource Languages: Comparing Strategies for Corpus Collection and Annotation in Dagur and Alsatian.Delphine Dolińska Bernhard - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Although Dagur and Alsatian represent two typologically distant language families, they share several similarities: both languages are endangered, do not have a unified spelling system, and have few available digital corpora. Given these challenges, the main aim of this article is to compare the noise in corpora for these languages and its impact on part-of-speech (POS) annotation and tagging. We first discuss what strategies can be used to reduce the noise due to spelling inconsistencies observed during corpus collection, using Dagur (...)
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    Antropologia filosofica.Bernhard Groethuysen - 1969 - Napoli,: Guida.
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