Results for 'Barbara Rocca'

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  1. Artifact categorization: The good, the bad, and the ugly.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 85--123.
  2. A note on the nature of "water".Barbara Abbott - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):311-319.
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  3. Grupa jako podmiot stanów intencjonalnych – indywidualizm a obiektywizm.Barbara Trybulec - 2015 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 51 (204).
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  4. (1 other version)The Crucible of Anorexia Nervosa.Barbara Russell - 2007 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2:1-6.
    Anorexia nervosa is a very serious condition because of the suffering and loss of life that it causes. However, the wishes of the people directly involved can be strongly opposed. The person with severe AN may not want treatment, yet her family beseeches professionals to unilaterally intervene and clinical teams are divided over the defensibility of involuntary hospitalization and treatment. The metaphor of a crucible is used in this paper to help identify how much is at stake and how much (...)
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  5. Sprachliche Normen und Werte in der Sicht germanistischer Linguistik.Barbara Sandig - 1982 - In Friedrich Hiller & August Langen, Normen und Werte. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
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    Learning to represent exact numbers.Barbara W. Sarnecka - 2015 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 5):1001-1018.
    This article focuses on how young children acquire concepts for exact, cardinal numbers. I believe that exact numbers are a conceptual structure that was invented by people, and that most children acquire gradually, over a period of months or years during early childhood. This article reviews studies that explore children’s number knowledge at various points during this acquisition process. Most of these studies were done in my own lab, and assume the theoretical framework proposed by Carey. In this framework, the (...)
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    More lost Massey lectures: recovered classics from five great thinkers.Barbara Ward (ed.) - 2008 - Berkeley, CA: Distributed in the United States by Publishers Group West.
    Some of the series' finest lectures have been lost for many years, unavailable to the public in any form -- until now.
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    Finitely generated ideals in directed commutative bck-algebra.Barbara Wozniakowska - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (4):166-169.
    This main aim of this paper is to prove that in a direct commutative BCK-algebra an ideal I is nitely generated if and only if I is a principal ideal. This result generalizes the result obtained by E. Y. Deeba in [2]. We also give an answer to the question posed by E. Y. Deeba in [1]: for what class of BCK-algebras is every Noetherian algebra a principal ideal algebra ?
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    Why We Should Do Without Concepts.Barbara C. Malt - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (5):622-633.
    Machery (2009) has proposed that the notion of ‘concept’ ought to be eliminated from the theoretical vocabulary of psychology. I raise three questions about his argument: (1) Is there a meaningful distinction between concepts and background knowledge? (2) Do we need to discard the hybrid view? (3) Are there really categories of things in the world that are the basis for concepts? Although I argue that the answer to all three is ‘no’, I agree with Machery's conclusion that seeking a (...)
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    Spatial representation of objects in the young blind child.Barbara Landau - 1991 - Cognition 38 (2):145-178.
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  11. Status poznawczy semantyki.Barbara Stanosz - 1974 - Studia Semiotyczne 5:101-115.
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    White Educators Negotiating Complicity: Roadblocks Paved with Good Intentions.Barbara Applebaum - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    What does it mean to be a white educator teaching about and against whiteness to a racially diverse group of students while simultaneously acknowledging one’s white complicity? This books gleans insight from philosophical scholarship that can help respond to the challenges that white complicity creates for pedagogy.
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  13. Informacja statystyczna.Barbara Starosta - 1972 - Studia Semiotyczne 3:103-107.
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    Spinoza on the Immortality of the Mind.Barbara Stock - 2000 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 17 (4):381 - 403.
  15. Do We Really Need an Opposition between A Priori and A Posteriori?Barbara Tuchanska - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4):119.
  16. Fregowskie odróżnienie Sinn i Bedeutung.Barbara Tuchańska - 2001 - Principia.
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  17. Kryteria naukowości. Nauka-nienauka czy raczej my-inni.Barbara Tuchańska - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 51 (3):97-112.
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    Update on “What” and “Where” in Spatial Language: A New Division of Labor for Spatial Terms.Barbara Landau - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S2):321-350.
    In this article, I revisit Landau and Jackendoff's () paper, “What and where in spatial language and spatial cognition,” proposing a friendly amendment and reformulation. The original paper emphasized the distinct geometries that are engaged when objects are represented as members of object kinds, versus when they are represented as figure and ground in spatial expressions. We provided empirical and theoretical arguments for the link between these distinct representations in spatial language and their accompanying nonlinguistic neural representations, emphasizing the “what” (...)
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  19. Czy literatura „kobieca\" przyczynia się do poszerzania wspólnoty „nas\"?Barbara Grabowska - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (4).
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    Critical Notice.Barbara Hannan - 1990 - Mind 99 (394):291 - 297.
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  21. Filozofia praktyczna w warunkach nowej techniki.Barbara Markiewicz - 1992 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 4 (4):75-82.
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    El gozo y el asombro de aprender: los procesos metacognitivos como vivencias que acercan la utopía.Bárbara Matus - 2003 - Polis 6.
    Este trabajo explora el tema de la vivencia conciente del aprendizaje. Específicamente, el momento en que una persona se da cuenta que algo nuevo se está articulando a su experiencia anterior. Desde la psicología del aprendizaje, este fenómeno estás comprendido en el concepto de metacognición. El trabajo aborda la comprensión de este concepto, y elabora los factores favorecedores del aprendizaje. Finalmente aborda los grupos de acción comunitaria como proyectos socioeducativos, abordando la construcción de utopías cotidianas, la resignificación de la historia (...)
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    Chained Activation of the Motor System during Language Understanding.Barbara F. Marino, Anna M. Borghi, Giovanni Buccino & Lucia Riggio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  24. Clergy Women: An Uphill Calling.Barbara Brown Zikmund, Adair T. Lummis & Patricia Mei Yin Chang - 1998
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  25. Vielfältiges Denken : Goethes Elegie "Metamorphose der Pflanzen".Barbara Naumann - 2015 - In André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras, Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
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    Degrees of categoricity on a Cone via η-systems.Barbara F. Csima & Matthew Harrison-Trainor - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):325-346.
    We investigate the complexity of isomorphisms of computable structures on cones in the Turing degrees. We show that, on a cone, every structure has a strong degree of categoricity, and that degree of categoricity is${\rm{\Delta }}_\alpha ^0 $-complete for someα. To prove this, we extend Montalbán’sη-system framework to deal with limit ordinals in a more general way. We also show that, for any fixed computable structure, there is an ordinalαand a cone in the Turing degrees such that the exact complexity (...)
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    Learning Simple Spatial Terms: Core and More.Barbara Landau - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):91-114.
    Landau also pushes the role of syntax and its mapping to semantics in learning what some would consider “easy words”—the simplest spatial prepositions in English, in and on. Taking as a starting point that the syntactic distribution of a word is a reflex of its meaning, Landau shows that careful study of how children and adults linguistically encode a range of containment and support configurations reveals a special status for “core” configurations in each domain. She proposes that children come to (...)
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  28. Inconsciente genérico, feminismo y Nubosidad variable de Carmen Martín Gaite.Barbara Zecchi - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):527-535.
    En un contexto de falta de comunicación entre ginocrítica y escritura femenina, la novela Nubosidad variable (1992) de Carmen Martín Gaite se presenta como una significativa paradoja. Si por un lado su autora declaró repetidas veces no ser feminista —y hasta menospreció con ironía a las mujeres que han luchado por la igualdad—, Nubosidad variable es una innegable aplicación de algunos de los más conocidos paradigmas de la teoría literaria feminista. Desde la narración no-lineal y atemporal que sigue el “tiempo (...)
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    The Role of Moral Foundations, Anticipated Guilt and Personal Responsibility in Predicting Anti-consumption for Environmental Reasons.Barbara Culiberg, Hichang Cho, Mateja Kos Koklic & Vesna Zabkar - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):465-481.
    In response to the growing importance of environmental issues, more and more consumers are turning to anti-consumption by reducing, rejecting, or avoiding consumption. Covering the intersection of sustainable consumption and anti-consumption, previous studies relied on socio-cognitive models to explain this decision. In order to extend their findings, we consider the moral and emotional perspectives to examine reducing consumption for environmental reasons in a particular context, i.e. air travel. It is against this backdrop that we propose a conceptual model that includes (...)
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    Questioning and Disputing Vaccination Policies. Scientists and Experts in the Italian Public Debate.Barbara Sena & Giampietro Gobo - 2022 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 42 (1-2):25-38.
    Most literature about vaccine hesitancy has been focused on parental attitudes. Less attention has been devoted to both scientists and experts who raise criticism about immunization policies and intervene in the public debate. This consideration aims to balance the current emphasis in the literature on parents’ attitudes about vaccination, offering a complementary angle to reframe and widen the controversy. Focusing on scientists and experts, an unattended complex picture of multiple attitudes towards vaccines and vaccinations has been discovered through a qualitative (...)
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  31. Körper.Barbara Reisinger - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt, Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  32. I sympathize in their pains and pleasures" : women and animals in Mary Wollstonecraft.Barbara K. Seeber - 2008 - In Carla Jodey Castricano, Animal subjects: an ethical reader in a posthuman world. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
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    Czas i trwanie: studia o Bergsonie.Barbara Skarga - 1982 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Granice historyczności.Barbara Skarga (ed.) - 1989 - Warszawa: Wydawn. IFiS PAN.
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  35. Kilka słów w obronie metafizyki.Barbara Skarga - 1991 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 36.
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  36. Rozstrzygnięcie Konkursu im. Klemensa Szaniawskiego na najlepszą pracę doktorską w dziedzinie nauk filozoficznych i socjologicznych.Barbara Skarga - 1994 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 12 (4):157-158.
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  37. Matka Polka wiecznie żywa.Warianty kobiecości w serialu M jak miłość.Barbara Smoczyńska - 2008 - Colloquia Communia 84 (1-2):218-238.
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  38. Dynamiczno-relatywny charakter świata w nauce Buddy.Barbara Koehler - 2005 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 17 (17).
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  39. Maitreya - uniwersalny ideał bodhisattvy.Barbara Koehler - 2001 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 13 (13).
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  40. Niemiecka polemika wokół buddyjskiego pojęcia anatta.Barbara Koehler - 2008 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 20 (20).
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  41. Swoistość etyki zarathustriańskiej.Barbara Koehler - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
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  42. Epistemologia jako światopogląd nauki.Barbara Kotowa - 1998 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 26 (2):87-95.
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  43. Czy powinniśmy być agnostykami.Barbara Krawcowicz - 2005 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 53 (1):27-43.
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  44. Justification in Ethics, Law & Politics: Nomos XXVIII.Barbara Levenbook (ed.) - 1985 - New York, NY, USA:
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    Movement and music education: An historian's perspective.Barbara Lewis - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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  46. Teriale spor efter ritualer såsom ofringer og måltider.Barbara Flori Liberta, Hsean Xxxv & Prseteriens Ut Te Rogo - 2011 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Birte Poulsen, Antikkens Verden. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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  47. An Introduction.Barbara Carnevali & Gianni Paganini - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (2):461-467.
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    Alle origini dell'umanesimo scientifico: dal tardo Rinascimento al primo illuminismo.Barbara Carnevali - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (2).
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    dioses, DIOS.Barbara Cassin - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:147-159.
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  50. Argumentacja we współczesnych debatach bioetycznych.Barbara Chyrowicz - 2009 - Diametros 19:1-25.
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