Results for 'Bahad'

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  1. Dynamic absolutism and qualitative change.Bahadır Eker - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (1):281-291.
    According to Fine’s famous take on the infamous McTaggartian paradox, realism about tensed facts is incompatible with the joint acceptence of three very general and seemingly plausible theses about reality. However, Correia and Rosenkranz have recently objected that Fine’s argument depends on a crucial assumption about the nature of tensed facts; once that assumption is given up, they claim, realists can endorse the theses in question without further ado. They also argue that their novel version of tense realism, called dynamic (...)
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    Siyasal Bilgi Edinme Amacı İle İnternetin Kullanımı, Siyasal Yeterlilik, İlgi Ve Katılım İlişkisi Üz.Hamza Bahadır Eser - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1873-1873.
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    Arapçadan Türkçeye Tercüme Edilen Bir Kıyafetname Metni Üzerine.Bahadır GÜNEŞ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1259-1259.
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    First-principles study of structural, mechanical, lattice dynamical and thermal properties of nodal-line semimetals ZrXY.Bahadır Salmankurt & Sıtkı Duman - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-12.
  5.  13
    “Evet, Sokrates!”in Gölgesinde: Elenkhos Üzerine Bir Soruşturma.Bahadır Söylemez - 2022 - Felsefe Arkivi 56:29-54.
    Socrates’ philosophy as expressed in its most general form manifests itself within the framework of questions of the type “What is F-ness?” The method is determinant in the way an asked question is handled and the character of the philosophy that is identified with it. This method is known as elenchus or the Socratic method. This study aims to generally explain what elenchus is and how it can be used. Plato and his dialogues are at the forefront of the sources (...)
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    The Statement in the Hadith as a Principle of Detection and Criticism: 'It Doesn't Look Like The Reporter's Narration".Bahadır Opus - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):297-309.
    In order to determine the authenticity of the hadiths, some conditions were determined by the hadiths regarding the proof and text of the hadith. There are aspects of these terms regarding the deed and the text. One of these conditions is that the hadith is not illegitimate. There are some types and reasons for the disease known as a hidden defect that harms the health of the hadith, and there are some methods used by the hadiths to detect the disease. (...)
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    Ali Rıza Zihakın Hik'yelerinde Anlatıcı Tiplerive Bakış Açısı.Bahadır Gücüyeter - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1517-1517.
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    Literature Education and Ideology - Case of the Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.Gücüyeter Bahadır - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1825-1834.
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    Efrasiyap Gemalmaz, Türkçenin Derin Yapısı, , Belen Publisher, Ankara 2010, XXVI+574 p.Bahadır GÜNEŞ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1975-1980.
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    Ortaokullarda Çalışan Türkçe Öğretmenlerinin Öğrenme Alanlarına İlişkin Görüşler.Bahadır OĞUZ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):479-479.
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    A Glance at the Problem of Reason of State through Siyasatnamas.Hasan Bahadır Türk - forthcoming - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy:573-591.
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 1.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):1-4.
    Welcome to the 25th volume 1st issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. With this issue, we are excited and happy to be 25 years old. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal has gained a rapid momentum with its format and publishing principles, and managed to attract the attention of the world of science. With the Isnad Citation System developed within the Cumhuriyet Theology Journal and the work-shops held in 2018 and 2019, a number of decisions were taken to increase the publication quality of Theology (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 3.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):957-959.
    Dear readers, Welcome to the 25th Volume 3rd Issue - Basic Islamic Sciences Special Issue- of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. We are excited and happy to present you many current researches in this issue. We would like to express that we make all our efforts with a large team to carry the valuable works entrusted to us to the international arena. In our special issue we allocated to articles with the theme of Basic Islamic Sciences, 26 articles have been presented to (...)
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    al-Zarkashī and Evaluation Method of Riwāyas in His Work of al-Tadhkira fī al-Ahadith al-Mushtahira.Muhammed Akdoğan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):215-232.
    al-Zarkashī, an ethnic Turk, is an important hadith, fiqh and commentary scholar who lived during the Mamlūks period. He was taught by some of the leading scholars of his era, such as Alā al-Dīn Mughultay (d. 762/1360), Imād al-Dīn Ibn Kashīr (d. 774/1372) ve Jamal al-Dīn al-Asnawī (d. 772/1370), and he grew up under their mentorship. Nevertheless, his only well-known student is Birmāvī (d. 831/1428). Almost half of his works have been related to fiqh and methodology of fiqh, and he (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 2.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):517-520.
    Welcome to the 25th volume 2nd issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. With this issue, we are excited and happy to be 25 years old. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal has gained a rapid momentum with its format and publishing principles, and managed to attract the attention of the world of science. With the Isnad Citation System developed within the Cumhuriyet Theology Journal and the work-shops held in 2018, 2019 and 2020, a number of decisions were taken to increase the publi-cation quality of (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 2.Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):581-584.
    Welcome to the 23rd volume 2nd issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal which left behind 22 years of academic publication journey. It is important to carry out valuable scientific studies in academic life as well as to reach a wide audience. Our journal has achieved great progress in both national and interna-tional academic publication. Today, almost all scientific knowledge can be reached through online access. The researchs in the field of religious studies in Turkey deserves to reach all the world beyond (...)
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