Results for 'Árpád Kovács'

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  1. The oldest solution to the circularity problem for Humeanism about the laws of nature.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Synthese 198 (9):1-21.
    According to Humeanism about the laws, the laws of nature are nothing over and above certain kinds of regularities about particular facts. Humeanism has often been accused of circularity: according to scientific practice laws often explain their instances, but on the Humean view they also reduce to the mosaic, which includes those instances. In this paper I formulate the circularity problem in a way that avoids a number of controversial assumptions routinely taken for granted in the literature, and against which (...)
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    Georg Lukács: life, thought, and politics.Arpad Kadarkay - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Traces the life of the influential Marxist philosopher, and discusses the formation of his political beliefs.
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    Early-Life Stressors, Personality Development, and Fast Life Strategies: An Evolutionary Perspective on Malevolent Personality Features.Árpád Csathó & Béla Birkás - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Metaphysically explanatory unification.David Mark Kovacs - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (6):1659-1683.
    This paper develops and motivates a unification theory of metaphysical explanation, or as I will call it, Metaphysical Unificationism. The theory’s main inspiration is the unification account of scientific explanation, according to which explanatoriness is a holistic feature of theories that derive a large number of explananda from a meager set of explanantia, using a small number of argument patterns. In developing Metaphysical Unificationism, I will point out that it has a number of interesting consequences. The view offers a novel (...)
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  5. Four Questions of Iterated Grounding.David Mark Kovacs - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (2):341-364.
    The Question of Iterated Grounding (QIG) asks what grounds the grounding facts. Although the question received a lot of attention in the past few years, it is usually discussed independently of another important issue: the connection between metaphysical explanation and the relation or relations that supposedly “back” it. I will show that once we get clear on the distinction between metaphysical explanation and the relation(s) backing it, we can distinguish no fewer than four questions lumped under QIG. I will also (...)
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  6. Intuitions about Objects: From Teleology to Elimination.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Mind 130 (517):199-213.
    In a series of recent papers, David Rose and Jonathan Schaffer use a number of experiments to show that folk intuitions about composition and persistence are driven by pre-scientific teleological tendencies. They argue that these intuitions are fit for debunking and that the playing field for competing accounts of composition and persistence should therefore be considered even: no view draws more support from folk intuitions than its rivals, and the choice between them should be made exclusively on the basis of (...)
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  7. What is priority monism?David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):2873-2893.
    In a series papers, Jonathan Schaffer defended priority monism, the thesis that the cosmos is the only fundamental material object, on which all other objects depend. A primitive notion of dependence plays a crucial role in Schaffer’s argu- ments for priority monism. The goal of this paper is to scrutinize this notion and also to shed new light on what is at stake in the debate. I present three familiar arguments for priority monism and point out that each relies on (...)
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    (1 other version)Vienna and Budapest-Complementary Figures at the Turn of the Century.Arpad Ajtony - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (68):137-150.
    In an aticle written in 1917 for the Hungarian journal Nyugat (Occident), Freud speaks of three deep humiliations that scientific investigation had to inflict on the selflove of humanity. The first is cosmological, which is associated with the work of Copernicus, who proved that the habitat of man, the earth, is not at the center of the universe. The second is biological, and it is indebted to the work of Darwin, who destroyed man's belief in his divine descent, thus making (...)
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  9. E-learning and distributed collaborative environment based on WEB3D.Marek Kovac & Martin Sperka - 2006 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 39 (1-2):61-73.
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    On Heidegger's Silence.George Kovacs - 1989 - Heidegger Studies 5:135-151.
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  11. The Mystical Way To Ultimate Meaning In Martin Buber's Existential Philosophy.George Kovacs - 2011 - Existentia 21 (3-4):241-253.
  12.  13
    An Encounter and Its Impact: The Visit of John R. Mott in Cluj-Napoca/kolozsvár and His Impression Upon László Ravasz.Árpád Kulcsár - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (1):75-89.
    In this paper I examine one of the effects of László Ravasz’s (1882-1975) theological thinking, former professor of Practical Theology at Protestant Theological Institute, Kolzosvár-Cluj-Napoca, namely the development of his spiritual life and its impact on his theological scientific position. Due to the limitations of the scope of this paper, I could present the less well-known views of Ravasz’s work on the mission. John R. Mott’s lecture in Kolozsvár-Cluj-Napoca provides, among others, the certainty that in the modern theoretical approach of (...)
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    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U.b. 292 editum (2).Arpad P. Orban - 1974 - Vivarium 12 (2):133-145.
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    Anonymi teutonici commentum in theodoli eclogam E codice utrecht, U. B. 292 editum (5).Árpád P. Orbán - 1977 - Vivarium 15 (2):143-158.
  15.  17
    Thomas Rohkrämer: Martin Heidegger. Eine politische Biographie.Árpád-Andreas Sölter - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (1):19-34.
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    A Mirror For Scholars Of The Baroque.Arpad Steiner - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (3):320.
  17.  19
    The Vernacular Proverb in Mediaeval Latin Prose.Arpad Steiner - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):37.
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  18. Franz Borkenau on the Mechanical Weltbild.Arpad Szakolczai - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (18).
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  19. An explanatory idealist theory of grounding.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):530-553.
    How is grounding related to metaphysical explanation? The standard view is that the former somehow “backs”, “undergirds” or “underlies” the latter. This view fits into a general picture of explanation, according to which explanations in general hold in virtue of a certain elite group of “explanatory relations” or “determinative relations” that back them. This paper turns the standard view on its head: grounding doesn't “back” metaphysical explanation but is in an important sense downstream from it. I call this view “grounding (...)
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    The Collision of Science with the Question of Be-ing in Heidegger’s Thinking.George Kovacs - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):119-132.
    _The Collision of Science with the Question of Be-ing in Heidegger’s Thinking_ Science does not lead to the full, final, truly in-depth exploration of beings; it leaves unresolved (unclarified) the understanding of being; it does not think through the question of being, of the “to be”, of the “is”; it does not think being as such; it adopts a metaphysical idea of being as being of beings (as one, the highest of beings). As this study shows, being is not within (...)
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  21. How to be an uncompromising revisionary ontologist.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Synthese 198 (3):2129-2152.
    Revisionary ontologies seem to go against our common sense convictions about which material objects exist. These views face the so-called Problem of Reasonableness: they have to explain why reasonable people don’t seem to accept the true ontology. Most approaches to this problem treat the mismatch between the ontological truth and ordinary belief as superficial or not even real. By contrast, I propose what I call the “uncompromising solution”. First, I argue that our beliefs about material objects were influenced by evolutionary (...)
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  22.  12
    Reflexive Historical Sociology.Arpád Szakolczai - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (2):209-227.
    This paper attempts to reassess the standard sociological canon and sketch the outlines of a new approach by bringing together a series of thinkers whose works so far have remained disconnected. Introducing a distinction between classics and background figures who were crucial sources of inspiration, it shifts emphasis to the late, reflexive works of Durkheim and Weber. These are sources for two types of reflexive sociology: historical and anthropological. The main background figures of reflexive historical sociology are Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche (...)
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  23. The Question of Iterated Causation.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):454-473.
    This paper is about what I call the Question of Iterated Causation (QIC): for any instance of causation in which c1…ck cause effect e, what are the causes of c1…ck’s causing of e? In short: what causes instances of causation or, as I will refer to these instances, the “causal goings‐on”? A natural response (which I call “dismissivism”) is that this is a bad question because causal goings‐on aren’t apt to be caused. After rebutting several versions of dismissivism, I consider (...)
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  24. Self-Making and Subpeople.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (9):461-488.
    On many currently popular ontologies of material objects, we share our place with numerous shorter-lived things that came into existence after we did or will go out of existence before we will. Subpeople are intrinsically indistinguishable from possible people, and as several authors pointed out, this raises grave ethical concerns: it threatens to make any sacrifice for long-term goals impermissible, as well as to undermine our standard practices of punishment, reward, grief, and utility calculation. The aim in this paper is (...)
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    Permanent Liminality and Modernity: Analysing the Sacrificial Carnival Through Novels.Árpád Szakolczai - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book offers a comprehensive sociological study of the nature and dynamics of the modern world, through the use of a series of anthropological concepts, including the trickster, schismogenesis, imitation and liminality. Developing the view that with the theatre playing a central role, the modern world is conditioned as much by cultural processes as it is by economic, technological or scientific ones, the author contends the world is, to a considerable extent, theatrical - a phenomenon experienced as inauthenticity or a (...)
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  26.  18
    Christian Philosophy and Foucault: a Conversation with Philippe Chevallier, Part I.Arpad Szakolczai - unknown
    Arpad Szakolczai: Thank you very much, Philippe, for granting me this conversation. The 2018 publication, and now the 2021 English translation of the fourth volume of the History of Sexuality is an opportunity to rethink a bit this important question, which is the following: what was the dynamics of Foucault’s work in the last ten years of his life, before it was cut short? There are a number of reasons why this question is so interesting and important. On the one (...)
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    Logical Foundations and Kant's Principles of Formal Logic.Srećko Kovač - 2020 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (1):48-70.
    The abstract status of Kant's account of his ‘general logic’ is explained in comparison with Gödel's general definition of a formal logical system and reflections on ‘abstract’ (‘absolute’) concepts. Thereafter, an informal reconstruction of Kant's general logic is given from the aspect of the principles of contradiction, of sufficient reason, and of excluded middle. It is shown that Kant's composition of logic consists in a gradual strengthening of logical principles, starting from a weak principle of contradiction that tolerates a sort (...)
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  28. Constitution and Dependence.David Mark Kovacs - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (3):150-177.
    Constitution is the relation that holds between an object and what it is made of: statues are constituted by the lumps of matter they coincide with; flags, one may think, are constituted by colored pieces of cloth; and perhaps human persons are constituted by biological organisms. Constitution is often thought to be a.
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    Erōs en kairō — un bas-relief à Budapest.Árpád M. Nagy - 2022 - Kernos 35:135-162.
    Cet article entend examiner l’iconographie d’un bas-relief qui se trouve à Budapest et provient probablement de Naples. Il a été sculpté en lychnites de Paros vers la fin de l’époque hellénistique ou aux tout débuts de l’époque impériale. Il représente une scène unique : Éros se posant sur une roue en train de tourner. Cette scène n’est pas le cliché instantané d’un quelconque jeu d’équilibre, et il n’existe pas non plus de mythe auquel l’associer. Il faut donc l’interpréter de manière (...)
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  30. Nazivlje u nastavi logike.Srećko Kovač - 1993 - Metodicki Ogledi 4 (1):23-32.
    U članku se promatraju osnovne karakteristike razvojne dinamike hrvatskoga logičkoga nazivlja od izlazka Pacelove Logike za gimnazije, prve sustavne logike na hrvatskome jeziku, 1868. godine, pa sve do Petrovićeve Logike, također za srednja učilišta, iz 1964., koja je još uviek u uporabi. Nazivlje je u tu svrhu razvrstano u nekoliko tipičih skupina. Općenito, uočava se porast zastupljenosti latinizama (i grecizama) na štetu hrvatskih naziva. U analizi nazivlja autor se ograničuje na knjige namienjene nastavi logike bilo na srednjim učilištima, bilo na (...)
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  31. The myth of the myth of supervenience.David Mark Kovacs - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (8):1967-1989.
    Supervenience is necessary co-variation between two sets of entities. In the good old days, supervenience was considered a useful philosophical tool with a wide range of applications in the philosophy of mind, metaethics, epistemology, and elsewhere. In recent years, however, supervenience has fallen out of favor, giving place to grounding, realization, and other, more metaphysically “meaty”, notions. The emerging consensus is that there are principled reasons for which explanatory theses cannot be captured in terms of supervenience, or as the slogan (...)
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    Bestsellers 2008 to 2014.Miha Kovač & Rüdiger Wischenbart - 2018 - Logos 29 (1):18-27.
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    Recovery of electrical resistivity in Pt cold worked at 78 K.I. Kovács & B. Sas - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (6):937-943.
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    Two lectures on the electoral victory of the hungarian socialists I parties and voters.Andras Kovacs - 1995 - Constellations 2 (1):72-75.
  35. Sociology, religion, and grace.Arpad Szakolczai - 2011 - In Ann Brooks, Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  36. Varieties of Grounding Skepticism.David Mark Kovacs - 2023 - The Monist 106 (3):301-316.
    Abstract:Skepticism about grounding is the view that ground-theoretic concepts shouldn’t be used in meta­physical theorizing. Possible reasons for adopting this attitude are numerous: perhaps grounding is unintelligible; or perhaps it’s never instantiated; or perhaps it’s just too heterogeneous to be theor­­­­­etically useful. Unfortunately, as currently pursued the debate between grounding enthusiasts and skeptics is insufficiently structured. This paper’s purpose is to impose a measure of conceptual rigor on the debate by offering an opinionated taxonomy of views with a reasonable claim (...)
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  37. Pregnant Thinkers.David Mark Kovacs - 2025 - Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):104-124.
    Do pregnant mothers have fetuses as parts? According to the “parthood view” they do, while according to the “containment view” they don’t. This paper raises a novel puzzle about pregnancy: if mothers have their fetuses as parts, then wherever there is a pregnant mother, there is also a smaller thinking being that has every part of the mother except for those that overlap with the fetus. This problem resembles a familiar overpopulation puzzle from the personal identity literature, known as the (...)
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    Anfänge der Griechischen Mathematik.Árpád Szabó - 1969 - De Gruyter.
    Gerade heute, wo sich die Aufmerksamkeit der führenden Philosophen, Logiker und Mathematiker erneut auf die Grundlagen der systematisch-deduktiven Mathematik richtet, ist dieses Buch von zeitnaher und tiefer Bedeutung.
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    Virgil, Eclogue 4.53–4: Enough Of What?David Kovacs - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (1):314-315.
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  40. The Deflationary Theory of Ontological Dependence.David Mark Kovacs - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):481-502.
    When an entity ontologically depends on another entity, the former ‘presupposes’ or ‘requires’ the latter in some metaphysical sense. This paper defends a novel view, Dependence Deflationism, according to which ontological dependence is what I call an aggregative cluster concept: a concept which can be understood, but not fully analysed, as a ‘weighted total’ of constructive and modal relations. The view has several benefits: it accounts for clear cases of ontological dependence as well as the source of disagreement in controversial (...)
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  41. Modality.David Mark Kovacs - 2020 - In Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge. pp. 348-360.
    A survey of the connection between grounding and modality, in particular supervenience. The survey explores three possible connections between grounding and supervenience: (1) supervenience can be analyzed in terms of grounding, (2) grounded facts supervene on their grounds, and (3) grounding and supervenience overlap in their theoretical roles.
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    In liminal tension towards giving birth.Arpad Szakolczai - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):98-113.
    The discussion on the nature of eros (love as sexual desire) in Plato’s Symposium offers us special insights concerning the potential role played by love in social and political life. While about eros, the dialogue also claims to offer a true image of Socrates, generating a complex puzzle. This article offers a solution to this puzzle by reconstructing and interpreting Plato’s theatrical presentation of his argument, making use of the structure of the plays of Aristophanes, a protagonist in the dialogue. (...)
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    Suggestion for Determining Treatment Strategies in Dental Ethics.Szilárd D. Kovács - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):373-379.
    Contemporary medicine views health as the individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Oral health plays a crucial role in one’s well-being, as the oral cavity and its surrounding regions execute essential functions in verbal and nonverbal communication, sensing, digestion, and significantly contribute to aesthetic appearance. The multifaceted nature of the notion of oral health, as well as the patient’s needs and autonomous will result in various treatment options for the same oral state, favouring often contrasting ethical values and different aspects (...)
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    Klizeće Ja u djelu Ivana Faktora: između faktografije i fikcije.Leonida Kovač - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (2):299-308.
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    Reverence and Ethics in Science.Jeffrey Kovac - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):745-756.
    Codes of ethics abound in science, but the question of why such codes should be obeyed is rarely asked. Various reasons for obeying a professional code have been proposed, but all are unsatisfactory in that they do not really motivate behavior. This article suggests that the long forgotten virtue of reverence provides both a reason to obey a professional code and motivation to do so. In addition, it discusses the importance of reverence as a cardinal virtue for scientists drawing on (...)
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    The Impact of Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie on Understanding his Lifework.George Kovacs - 2011 - Heidegger Studies 27:155-176.
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    Wie zitiert Petrus venerabilis in seiner korrespondenz die klassisch-lateinischen autoren?Ärpad P. Orbän - 1993 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 137 (2).
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    II. Teil. Die voreuklidische Proportionenlehre.Arpad Szabo - 1973 - In Anfänge der griechischen Mathematik. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 131-242.
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  49. Michel Serres and Gregory Bateson : implicit dialogue about a recognitive epistemology of nature.Arpad Szakolczai - 2024 - In Andreas Bandak & Daniel M. Knight, Porous Becomings: Anthropological Engagements with Michel Serres. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Nietzsche's Genealogical Method: Presentation and Application.Arpad Szakolczai - 1993 - European University Institute.
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