Results for 'Axiomatisation of many valued logics'

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  1.  20
    An Axiomatisation of the Conditionals of Post's Many Valued Logics.Stan J. Surma - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (3):369-372.
    The paper provides a method for a uniform complete Hilbert-style axiomatisation of Post's -conditionals and Post's negation, where m is the number of truth values and u is the number of designated truth values . The main feature of the technique which we employ in this proof generalises the well-known Kalmár Lemma which was used by its author in his completeness argument for the ordinary, two-valued logic.
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    (1 other version)The Complete Axiomatisation of any ManyValued Propositional Logic.John Williamson - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):299-306.
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    On the Rosser–Turquette method of constructing axiom systems for finitely many-valued propositional logics of Łukasiewicz.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (1-2):27-32.
    A method of constructing Hilbert-type axiom systems for standard many-valued propositional logics was offered by Rosser and Turquette. Although this method is considered to be a solution of the problem of axiomatisability of a wide class of many-valued logics, the article demonstrates that it fails to produce adequate axiom systems. The article concerns finitely many-valued propositional logics of Łukasiewicz. It proves that if standard propositional connectives of the Rosser–Turquette axiom systems are (...)
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    DM72. Fact and Existence. By Joseph Margolis. University of Toronto Press. 1969. Pp. v, 144, $4.50. Principles of Logic. By Alex C. Michalos. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. 1969. Pp. xiii, 433. [REVIEW]Many-Valued Logic - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Applicability of many-valued logics.B. Czernecka-Rej - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 15 (2 (58)):75-93.
  6. Many-valued logics.Grzegorz Malinowski - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by L. Goble.
    This book provides an incisive, basic introduction to many-valued logics and to the constructions that are "many-valued" at their origin. Using the matrix method, the author sheds light on the profound problems of many-valuedness criteria and its classical characterizations. The book also includes information concerning the main systems of many-valued logic, related axiomatic constructions, and conceptions inspired by many-valuedness. With its selective bibliography and many useful historical references, this book provides (...)
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  7. Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic.David Dinsmore Comey - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (152):171-173.
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    On structural completeness of many-valued logics.Piotr Wojtylak - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (2):139 - 147.
    In the paper some consequence operations generated by ukasiewicz's matrices are examined.
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    (1 other version)An Interpretation of ManyValued Logic.Alasdair Urquhart - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (7):111-114.
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    Many-Valued Logics.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2011 - In Gillian Russell & Delia Graff Fara (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 636--51.
    A many-valued (aka multiple- or multi-valued) semantics, in the strict sense, is one which employs more than two truth values; in the loose sense it is one which countenances more than two truth statuses. So if, for example, we say that there are only two truth values—True and False—but allow that as well as possessing the value True and possessing the value False, propositions may also have a third truth status—possessing neither truth value—then we have a (...)-valued semantics in the loose but not the strict sense. A many-valued logic is one which arises from a many-valued semantics and does not also arise from any two-valued semantics [Malinowski, 1993, 30]. By a ‘logic’ here we mean either a set of tautologies, or a consequence relation. We can best explain these ideas by considering the case of classical propositional logic. The language contains the usual basic symbols (propositional constants p, q, r, . . .; connectives ¬, ∧, ∨, →, ↔; and parentheses) and well-formed formulas are defined in the standard way. With the language thus specified—as a set of well-formed formulas—its semantics is then given in three parts. (i) A model of a logical language consists in a free assignment of semantic values to basic items of the non-logical vocabulary. Here the basic items of the non-logical vocabulary are the propositional constants. The appropriate kind of semantic value for a proposition is a truth value, and so a model of the language consists in a free assignment of truth values to basic propositions. Two truth values are countenanced: 1 (representing truth) and 0 (representing falsity). (ii) Rules are presented which determine a truth value for every proposition of the language, given a model. The most common way of presenting these rules is via truth tables (Figure 1). Another way of stating such rules—which will be useful below—is first to introduce functions on the truth values themselves: a unary function ¬ and four binary functions ∧, ∨, → and ↔ (Figure 2).. (shrink)
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    N.A. Vasil’ev’s Logical Ideas and the Categorical Semantics of Many-Valued Logic.D. Y. Maximov - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (1):21-43.
    Here we suggest a formal using of N.A. Vasil’ev’s logical ideas in categorical logic: the idea of “accidental” assertion is formalized with topoi and the idea of the notion of nonclassical negation, that is not based on incompatibility, is formalized in special cases of monoidal categories. For these cases, the variant of the law of “excluded n-th” suggested by Vasil’ev instead of the tertium non datur is obtained in some special cases of these categories. The paraconsistent law suggested by Vasil’ev (...)
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  12.  56
    Paraconsistent structure inside of many-valued logic.A. S. Karpenko - 1986 - Synthese 66 (1):63 - 69.
  13. Many-valued logic.Nicholas Rescher - 1969 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
  14.  33
    Philosophical Problems of Many-valued Logic.T. J. Smiley - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (62):83.
  15.  37
    Philosophical problems of many-valued logic.Aleksandr Zinoviev - 1963 - Dordrecht, Holland,: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  16.  11
    Many-Valued Logics in the Iberian Peninsula.Angel Garrido - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 633-644.
    The roots of the Lvov-Warsaw School can be traced back to Aristotle himself. But in later times we better put them into thinking GW Leibniz and who somehow inherited many of these ways of thinking, such as the philosopher and mathematician Bernhard Bolzano. Since he would pass the key figure of Franz Brentano, who had as one of his disciples to Kazimierz Twardowski, which starts with the brilliant Polish school of mathematics and philosophy dealt with. Among them, one of (...)
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    (1 other version)Many-valued logics and systems of strict implication.Atwell R. Turquette - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (3):365-379.
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    Many-valued logics in foundations of quantum mechanics.Jaroslaw Pykacz - 1995 - In William Herfel et al (ed.), Theories and Models in Scientific Processes. Rodopi. pp. 44--401.
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    Fragments of Many-valued Statement Calculi.Alan Rose & John Barkley Rosser - 1958 - [S.N.].
  20. Many-valued logics. A mathematical and computational introduction.Luis M. Augusto - 2020 - London: College Publications.
    2nd edition. Many-valued logics are those logics that have more than the two classical truth values, to wit, true and false; in fact, they can have from three to infinitely many truth values. This property, together with truth-functionality, provides a powerful formalism to reason in settings where classical logic—as well as other non-classical logics—is of no avail. Indeed, originally motivated by philosophical concerns, these logics soon proved relevant for a plethora of applications ranging (...)
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  21.  84
    Many-valued logic and sequence arguments in value theory.Simon Knutsson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10793-10825.
    Some find it plausible that a sufficiently long duration of torture is worse than any duration of mild headaches. Similarly, it has been claimed that a million humans living great lives is better than any number of worm-like creatures feeling a few seconds of pleasure each. Some have related bad things to good things along the same lines. For example, one may hold that a future in which a sufficient number of beings experience a lifetime of torture is bad, regardless (...)
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    Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic. By A. A. Zinov'ev. A revised edition, edited and translated by Guido Küng and David Dinsmore Gomey. (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1963, pp. xiv + 155, f. 23; 46s.). [REVIEW]G. T. Kneebone - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (152):171-.
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    Many-valued logic of informal provability: A non-deterministic strategy.Pawel Pawlowski & Rafal Urbaniak - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):207-223.
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    Many-Valued Logic in the Jewish Short Stories.Vitaly I. Levin - 2014 - Studia Humana 3 (4):3-6.
    Jewish short stories are explained from the viewpoint of many-valued logic. On the basis of some examples, we show, how their contents may be logically interpreted.
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    On axiomatization of many-valued logics associated with formalization of plausible reasonings.O. M. Anshakov, V. K. Finn & D. P. Skvortsov - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (4):423 - 447.
    This paper studies a class of infinite-valued predicate logics. A sufficient condition for axiomatizability of logics from that class is given.
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  26. Many-valued logic.Alasdair Urquhart - 1986 - In D. Gabbay & F. Guenther (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol. Iii. D. Reidel Publishing Co..
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  27.  67
    Many-valued logics of extended Gentzen style II.Moto-O. Takahashi - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):493-528.
    In the monograph [1] of Chang and Keisler, a considerable extent of model theory of the first order continuous logic is ingeniously developed without using any notion of provability.In this paper we shall define the notion of provability in continuous logic as well as the notion of matrix, which is a natural extension of one in finite-valued logic in [2], and develop the syntax and semantics of it mostly along the line in the preceding paper [2]. Fundamental theorems of (...)
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  28.  13
    (1 other version)ManyValued Logics.Grzegorz Malinowski - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 309–335.
    The most natural and straightforward step beyond two‐valued logic is to introduce more logical values, thereby rejecting the principle of bivalence. Another, indirect, way consists in challenging the classical laws concerning the sentence connectives and introducing other non‐two‐valued connectives into the language. Either way, prepositional logic seems fundamental to many‐valuedness, rather than its first‐order extension. Hence, although there has been interesting research into first‐order manyvalued logics, we shall confine our discussion here to the 0‐order (...)
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  29. A Modest Logic of Plurals.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (3):317-348.
    We present a plural logic that is as expressively strong as it can be without sacrificing axiomatisability, axiomatise it, and use it to chart the expressive limits set by axiomatisability. To the standard apparatus of quantification using singular variables our object-language adds plural variables, a predicate expressing inclusion (is/are/is one of/are among), and a plural definite description operator. Axiomatisability demands that plural variables only occur free, but they have a surprisingly important role. Plural description is not eliminable in favour of (...)
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    Gödel on Many-Valued Logic.Tim Lethen - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):655-671.
    This paper collects and presents unpublished notes of Kurt Gödel concerning the field of many-valued logic. In order to get a picture as complete as possible, both formal and philosophical notes, transcribed from the Gabelsberger shorthand system, are included.
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    Many-valued logic.Siegfried Gottwald - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  32.  40
    Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic. [REVIEW]S. P. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):596-596.
    Here is an informal treatment of many-valued logic, especially propositional logic, using Polish notation. The relations of n-valued logics with 2-valued logics are considered, and numerous systems are drawn on for illustrations. The book is written with an eye to scientific applications of many-valued logics, and considers empirical application of formal calculi. A short section on the relation of formal and "dialectical" logics appears. The work is introductory in nature.—P. S.
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    Kripke-style semantics for many-valued logics.Franco Montagna & Lorenzo Sacchetti - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (6):629.
    This paper deals with Kripke-style semantics for many-valued logics. We introduce various types of Kripke semantics, and we connect them with algebraic semantics. As for modal logics, we relate the axioms of logics extending MTL to properties of the Kripke frames in which they are valid. We show that in the propositional case most logics are complete but not strongly complete with respect to the corresponding class of complete Kripke frames, whereas in the predicate (...)
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    In § 2 I shall say something about logical consequence, starting from the observation that two systems of many-valued logic may have identical truth-values and truth-tables and theorems and still differ over the inferences they count as valid.T. J. Smiley - 1976 - In John P. Cleave & Stephan Körner (eds.), Philosophy of logic: papers and discussions. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 74.
  35.  20
    Algebraic foundations of many-valued reasoning.Roberto Cignoli - 1999 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by Itala M. L. D'Ottaviano & Daniele Mundici.
    This unique textbook states and proves all the major theorems of many-valued propositional logic and provides the reader with the most recent developments and trends, including applications to adaptive error-correcting binary search. The book is suitable for self-study, making the basic tools of many-valued logic accessible to students and scientists with a basic mathematical knowledge who are interested in the mathematical treatment of uncertain information. Stressing the interplay between algebra and logic, the book contains material never (...)
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  36. Many-valued logics and Suszko's thesis revisited.Marcelo Tsuji - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (2):299-309.
    Suszko's Thesis maintains that many-valued logics do not exist at all. In order to support it, R. Suszko offered a method for providing any structural abstract logic with a complete set of bivaluations. G. Malinowski challenged Suszko's Thesis by constructing a new class of logics (called q-logics by him) for which Suszko's method fails. He argued that the key for logical two-valuedness was the "bivalent" partition of the Lindenbaum bundle associated with all structural abstract (...), while his q-logics were generated by "trivalent" matrices. This paper will show that contrary to these intuitions, logical two-valuedness has more to do with the geometrical properties of the deduction relation of a logical structure than with the algebraic properties embedded on it. (shrink)
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  37. Many-Valued Logics.J. B. Rosser & A. R. Turquette - 1954 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (17):80-83.
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  38.  43
    A criterion of fullness of many-valued systems of propositional logic.Jerzy Słupecki - 1972 - Studia Logica 30 (1):153-157.
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    Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic.Max Black - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (3):385.
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    A Philosophical Justification of Many-Valued Extensions of Classical Logic.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:497-504.
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  41. Systematization of finite many-valued logics through the method of tableaux.Walter A. Carnielli - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):473-493.
    his paper presents a unified treatment of the propositional and first-order many-valued logics through the method of tableaux. It is shown that several important results on the proof theory and model theory of those logics can be obtained in a general way. We obtain, in this direction, abstract versions of the completeness theorem, model existence theorem (using a generalization of the classical analytic consistency properties), compactness theorem and Lowenheim-Skolem theorem. The paper is completely self-contained and includes (...)
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    Rose Alan. Many-valued logical machines. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 54 , pp. 307–321.Robert McNaughton - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):250-250.
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    Sequent-type rejection systems for finite-valued non-deterministic logics.Martin Gius & Hans Tompits - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3):606-640.
    A rejection system, also referred to as a complementary calculus, is a proof system axiomatising the invalid formulas of a logic, in contrast to traditional calculi which axiomatise the valid ones. Rejection systems therefore introduce a purely syntactic way of determining non-validity without having to consider countermodels, which can be useful in procedures for automated deduction and proof search. Rejection calculi have first been formally introduced by Łukasiewicz in the context of Aristotelian syllogistic and subsequently rejection systems for many (...)
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    Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic. [REVIEW]Elliott Mendelson - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (15):445-446.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue Epistemic Aspects of Many-Valued Logics.Timothy Childers & Ondrej Majer - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):969-970.
    The papers in this special issue are based on presentations delivered at the conference Epistemic Aspects of Many-valued Logics, held at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in Prague, 2010. All papers consequently revolve around the application of non-classical logical tools—mathematical fuzzy logic and/or probability theory—to epistemological issues.Timothy Williamson employs a modal epistemic logic enriched with probabilities to generalize an argument against the KK-principle. He argues that we can know a (...)
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  46. Proof Theory of Finite-valued Logics.Richard Zach - 1993 - Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien
    The proof theory of many-valued systems has not been investigated to an extent comparable to the work done on axiomatizatbility of many-valued logics. Proof theory requires appropriate formalisms, such as sequent calculus, natural deduction, and tableaux for classical (and intuitionistic) logic. One particular method for systematically obtaining calculi for all finite-valued logics was invented independently by several researchers, with slight variations in design and presentation. The main aim of this report is to develop (...)
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    Many-Valued Logics and Translations.Ítala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Hércules de Araujo Feitosa - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):121-140.
    This work presents the concepts of translation and conservative translation between logics. By using algebraic semantics we introduce several conservative translations involving the classical propositional calculus and the many-valued calculi of Post and Lukasiewicz.
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    On the application of many-valued systems of logic to physics.H. Margenau - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (1):118-121.
  49. Many-Valued Logic.Nicholas Rescher - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):405-406.
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  50.  41
    Axiomatisations of the Genuine Three-Valued Paraconsistent Logics $$mathbf {L3AG}$$ L 3 A G and $$mathbf {L3BG}$$ L 3 B G.Alejandro Hernández-Tello, Miguel Pérez-Gaspar & Verónica Borja Macías - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (1):87-121.
    Genuine Paraconsistent logics \ and \ were defined in 2016 by Béziau et al, including only three logical connectives, namely, negation disjunction and conjunction. Afterwards in 2017 Hernández-Tello et al, provide implications for both logics and define the logics \ and \. In this work we continue the study of these logics, providing sound and complete Hilbert-type axiomatic systems for each logic. We prove among other properties that \ and \ satisfy a restricted version of the (...)
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