Results for 'Axiomatic basis'

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  1.  53
    An axiomatic basis for distributional equality in utilitarianism.D. Schoch - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (1):121 - 132.
    An axiomatic basis for a social preference ordering with interval-scaled utility levels satisfying the principles of anonymity and pareto superiority is elaborated. The ordering is required to be sensitive to distributional equality: Redistribution of utility income from poor to rich persons without changing their social rank should lead to a superior evaluation. The axiom of separability is weakened in order to make it compatible with distributional equality. We prove that every continuous ordering satisfying the upper axioms can be (...)
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    An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics.Gianni Cassinelli & Pekka Lahti - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (10):1341-1373.
    In this paper we use the framework of generalized probabilistic theories to present two sets of basic assumptions, called axioms, for which we show that they lead to the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. The key results in this derivation are the co-ordinatization of generalized geometries and a theorem of Solér which characterizes Hilbert spaces among the orthomodular spaces. A generalized Wigner theorem is applied to reduce some of the assumptions of Solér’s theorem to the theory of symmetry in (...)
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    An axiomatic basis of accounting: A structuralist reconstruction.Wolfgang Balzer & Richard Mattessich - 1991 - Theory and Decision 30 (3):213-243.
  4.  74
    Axiomatic basis of equilibrium classical thermodynamics.Julián Garrido Garrido - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (2):239 - 263.
  5.  51
    Reconciliation with the Utility of Chance by Elaborated Outcomes Destroys the Axiomatic Basis of Expected Utility Theory.Robin Pope - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (3):223-234.
    Expected utility theory does not directly deal with the utility of chance. It has been suggested in the literature (Samuelson, 1952, Markowitz, 1959) that this can be remedied by an approach which explicitly models the emotional consequences which give rise to the utility of chance. We refer to this as the elaborated outcomes approach. It is argued that the elaborated outcomes approach destroys the possibility of deriving a representation theorem based on the usual axioms of expected utility theory. This is (...)
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  6. Basis und Deduktion: Studien zur Entstehung u. Bedeutung d. Theorie d. axiomat. Methode bei J. H. Lambert (1728-1777).Gereon Wolters - 1980 - New York: de Gruyter.
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    Basis und Deduktion: Studien zur Entstehung u. Bedeutung d. Theorie d. axiomat. Methode bei J. H. Lambert (1728-1777).Gereon Wolters - 1980 - New York: de Gruyter.
    This book deals with Johann Heinrich Lamberts epistemological foundation of scientific knowledge and with his linear diagrams of logical reasoning.
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    The Fmla-Fmla Axiomatizations of the Exactly True and Non-falsity Logics and Some of Their Cousins.Yaroslav Shramko, Dmitry Zaitsev & Alexander Belikov - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):787-808.
    In this paper we present a solution of the axiomatization problem for the Fmla-Fmla versions of the Pietz and Rivieccio exactly true logic and the non-falsity logic dual to it. To prove the completeness of the corresponding binary consequence systems we introduce a specific proof-theoretic formalism, which allows us to deal simultaneously with two consequence relations within one logical system. These relations are hierarchically organized, so that one of them is treated as the basic for the resulting logic, and the (...)
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  9.  61
    Reconciling axiomatic quantum field theory with cutoff-dependent particle physics.Adam Koberinski - manuscript
    The debate between Fraser and Wallace over the foundations of quantum field theory has spawned increased focus on both the axiomatic and conventional formalisms. The debate has set the tone for future foundational analysis, and has forced philosophers to “pick a side”. The two are seen as competing research programs, and the major divide between the two manifests in how each handles renormalization. In this paper I argue that the terms set by the Fraser-Wallace debate are misleading. AQFT and (...)
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    Theorematics, Problematization, and Axiomatics in the Work of Deleuze and Guattari.Alex Underwood - 2024 - Substance 53 (1):101-122.
    This article explores three distinct approaches to politics identified by Deleuze and Guattari. I argue that they consistently privilege a 'problematic' approach entailing individuals and associations establishing norms on the basis of the potential they possess within a concrete situation, and that this implies resistance to both the 'theorematic' politics they associate with statist philosophy and struggles aiming to alter the 'axiomatic' determination induced by global forces of capital. While this resistance necessarily proceeds in relation to established notions (...)
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  11.  65
    Axiomatic quantum theory.Storrs McCall - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (5):465-477.
    The basis of a rigorous formal axiomatization of quantum mechanics is constructed, built upon Dirac's bra-ket notation. The system is three-sorted, with separate variables for scalars, vectors and operators. First-order quantification over all three types of variable is permitted. Economy in the axioms is effected by, e.g., assigning a single logical function * to transform (i) a scalar into its complex conjugate, (ii) a ket vector into a bra and a bra into a ket, (iii) an operator into its (...)
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  12.  53
    An axiomatic approach to predictability of outcomes in an interactive setting.Sebastian Bervoets - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (3):311-323.
    This article is an axiomatic approach to the problem of ranking game forms in terms of the predictability they offer to individuals. Two criteria are proposed and characterized, the CardMin and the CardMax. Both compare game forms on the basis of the number of distinct outcomes that can result from the choice of a CardMin (resp. CardMax) strategy. The CardMin (resp. CardMax) strategy is defined as a strategy leading to the smallest (resp. highest) number of different outcomes. In (...)
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  13.  36
    Axiomatic unsharp quantum theory (From Mackey to Ludwig and Piron).Gianpiero Cattaneo & Federico Laudisa - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (5):631-683.
    On the basis of Mackey's axiomatic approach to quantum physics or, equivalently, of a “state-event-probability” (SEVP) structure, using a quite standard “fuzzification” procedure, a set of unsharp events (or “effects”) is constructed and the corresponding “state-effect-probability” (SEFP) structure is introduced. The introduction of some suitable axioms gives rise to a partially ordered structure of quantum Brouwer-Zadeh (BZ) poset; i.e., a poset endowed with two nonusual orthocomplementation mappings, a fuzzy-like orthocomplementation, and an intuitionistic-like orthocomplementation, whose set of sharp elements (...)
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  14.  26
    Axiomatic foundations of the Marxian Theory of Value.Adolfo García de la Sienra - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (3):299-341.
    The aim of the present paper is to provide a logical reconstruction of the Marxian Theory of Value. This reconstruction is based upon the concept of abstract as opposed to that of homogeneous labor.labour is a social relation that holds in a market economy, whenever the profit rate is uniform; it consists in a comparison of the different labors through the exchange relationship. The author proved in a different place that there exists a mathematical representation of abstract labor which is (...)
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  15. Who Cares about Axiomatization? Representation, Invariance, and Formal Ontologies.R. Ferrario - 2006 - Epistemologia 29 (2):323-342.
    The philosophy of science of Patrick Suppes is centered on two important notions that are part of the title of his recent book (Suppes 2002): Representation and Invariance. Representation is important because when we embrace a theory we implicitly choose a way to represent the phenomenon we are studying. Invariance is important because, since invariants are the only things that are constant in a theory, in a way they give the “objective” meaning of that theory. Every scientific theory gives a (...)
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    Axiomatic foundations of the Marxian theory of value.Adolfo García Sienra - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (3):299 - 341.
    The aim of the present paper is to provide a logical reconstruction of the Marxian Theory of Value. This reconstruction is based upon the concept of abstract as opposed to that of homogeneous labor. Abstract labour is a social relation that holds in a market economy, (at least) whenever the profit rate is uniform; it consists in a comparison of the different labors through the exchange relationship. The author proved in a different place (see García de la Sienra, 1987) that (...)
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  17.  87
    Mid-sized axiomatizations of commonsense problems: A case study in egg cracking.Leora Morgenstern - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (3):333-384.
    We present an axiomatization of a problem in commonsense reasoning, characterizing the proper procedure for cracking an egg and transferring its contents to a bowl. The axiomatization is mid-sized, larger than toy problems such as the Yale Shooting Problem or the Suitcase Problem, but much smaller than the comprehensive axiomatizations associated with CYC and HPKB. This size of axiomatization permits the development of non-trivial, reusable core theories of commonsense reasoning, acts as a testbed for existing theories of commonsense reasoning, and (...)
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    Bridging the gap between analytic and synthetic geometry: Hilbert’s axiomatic approach.Eduardo N. Giovannini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (1):31-70.
    The paper outlines an interpretation of one of the most important and original contributions of David Hilbert’s monograph Foundations of Geometry , namely his internal arithmetization of geometry. It is claimed that Hilbert’s profound interest in the problem of the introduction of numbers into geometry responded to certain epistemological aims and methodological concerns that were fundamental to his early axiomatic investigations into the foundations of elementary geometry. In particular, it is shown that a central concern that motivated Hilbert’s (...) investigations from very early on was the aim of providing an independent basis for geometry. Accordingly, these concerns about an independent grounding for elementary geometry determined very clear methodological constraints in the process of embedding it into a formal axiomatic system. It is argued that Hilbert not only sought to show that geometry could be considered a pure mathematical theory, once it was presented as a formal axiomatic system; he also aimed at showing that in the construction of such an axiomatic system one could proceed purely geometrically, avoiding concept formations borrowed from other mathematical disciplines like arithmetic or analysis. (shrink)
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  19.  31
    Reconstructions of quantum theory: methodology and the role of axiomatization.Jessica Oddan - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-24.
    Reconstructions of quantum theory are a novel research program in theoretical physics which aims to uncover the unique physical features of quantum theory via axiomatization. I focus on Hardy’s “Quantum Theory from Five Reasonable Axioms” (2001), arguing that reconstructions represent a modern usage of axiomatization with significant points of continuity to von Neumann’s axiomatizations in quantum mechanics. In particular, I show that Hardy and von Neumann share similar methodological ordering, have a common operational framing, and insist on the empirical (...) of axioms. In the reconstruction programme, interesting points of discontinuity with historical axiomatizations include the stipulation of a generalized space of theories represented by a framework and the stipulation of analytic machinery at two levels of generality (first by establishing a generalized mathematical framework and then by positing specific formulations of axioms). In light of the reconstruction programme, I show that we should understand axiomatization attempts as being context–dependent, context which is contingent upon the goals of inquiry and the maturity of both mathematical formalism and theoretical underpinnings within the area of inquiry. Drawing on Mitsch (2022)’s account of axiomatization, I conclude that reconstructions should best be understood as provisional, practical, representations of quantum theory that are well suited for theory development and exploration. However, I propose my context–dependent re–framing of axiomatization as a means of enriching Mitsch’s account. (shrink)
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    The use of the axiomatic method in quantum physics.Yvon Gauthier - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (3):429-437.
    Although the introduction of the modern axiomatic method in physics is attributed to Hilbert, it is only recently that physicists and mathematicians have applied it significantly, i.e. on a basis extensive enough to promise fruitful results. Carnap, for one, stresses the importance of the axiomatic method, yet he considers its application in physics as a task for the future.
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  21. A system of axiomatic set theory - Part VII.Paul Bernays - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):81-96.
    The reader of Part VI will have noticed that among the set-theoretic models considered there some models were missing which were announced in Part II for certain proofs of independence. These models will be supplied now.Mainly two models have to be constructed: one with the property that there exists a set which is its own only element, and another in which the axioms I–III and VII, but not Va, are satisfied. In either case we need not satisfy the axiom of (...)
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  22.  39
    A Finite Memory Argument for an Axiomatic Conception of Scientific Theories.Holger Andreas - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (2):113-127.
    This article concerns the split between syntactic and semantic approaches to scientific theories. It aims at showing that an axiomatic representation of a scientific theory is a precondition of comprehending if the models of contain infinite entities. This result is established on the basis of the proposition that the human mind—which is finitely bounded for all we know—is not capable of directly grasping infinite entities. In view of this cognitive limitation, an indirect and finite representation of possibly infinite (...)
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  23.  55
    Conformal Proper Times According to the Woodhouse Causal Axiomatics of Relativistic Spacetimes.Jacques L. Rubin - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):158-178.
    On the basis of the Woodhouse causal axiomatics, we show that conformal proper times and an extra variable in addition to those of space and time, together give a physical justification for the ‘chronometric hypothesis’ of general relativity. Indeed, we show that, with a lack of these latter two ingredients and of this hypothesis, clock paradoxes exist for which the unparadoxical asymmetry cannot be recovered when using the ‘clock and message functions’ only. These proper times originate from a given (...)
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  24. Natural Deduction: The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems. [REVIEW]D. J. P. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):141-142.
    Here is a deft and new introduction to Gentzen proof techniques in axiom systems and to the analysis of formal axiom systems; in short, axiomatics inside and out. Treating of deduction in propositional and predicate logic, metatheoretical problems about both set theory and its paradoxes, the book is flexibly structured for selective use as a text. Yet the discussion is unified and motivated by the concept of the axiomatic system--the history of its use and analysis, and its present practical (...)
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  25.  25
    Does Science Progress Towards Ever Higher Solvability Through Feedbacks Between Insights and Routines?Witold Marciszewski - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (2):153-185.
    The affirmative answer to the title question is justified in two ways: logical and empirical. The logical justification is due to Gödel’s discovery that in any axiomatic formalized theory, having at least the expressive power of PA, at any stage of development there must appear unsolvable problems. However, some of them become solvable in a further development of the theory in question, owing to subsequent investigations. These lead to new concepts, expressed with additional axioms or rules. Owing to the (...)
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    We propose an axiomatic approach to constructing the dynamics of systems, in which one the main elements 9e8 is the consciousness of a subject. The main axiom is the statements that the state of consciousness is completely determined by the results of measurements performed on it. In case of economic systems we propose to consider an offer of transaction as a fundamental measurement. Transactions with delayed choice, discussed in this paper, represent a logical generalization of incomplete transactions and allow (...)
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  27. Axioms for Non-Archimedean Probability (NAP).Vieri Benci, Leon Horsten & Sylvia Wenmackers - 2012 - In De Vuyst J. & Demey L., Future Directions for Logic; Proceedings of PhDs in Logic III - Vol. 2 of IfColog Proceedings. College Publications.
    In this contribution, we focus on probabilistic problems with a denumerably or non-denumerably infinite number of possible outcomes. Kolmogorov (1933) provided an axiomatic basis for probability theory, presented as a part of measure theory, which is a branch of standard analysis or calculus. Since standard analysis does not allow for non-Archimedean quantities (i.e. infinitesimals), we may call Kolmogorov's approach "Archimedean probability theory". We show that allowing non-Archimedean probability values may have considerable epistemological advantages in the infinite case. The (...)
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  28.  17
    Choice That’s Rational.Sidharta Chatterjee - 2022 - Research,Innovation,Technologies -Hub forAcademics 1 (1):33-39.
    In this paper, it is about the axiomatic basis of rational choice theory - the theory that is behind making rational choice and decisions. To make rational choices, we would require thinking rationally and understanding the reason and logic behind what makes a choice rational, and how we need to choose rationally. Decisions are made under various circumstances, i.e., under risk, and often under compulsion. In social choice theory, decisions are made by different types of decision making entities, (...)
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  29.  11
    ‘NEXT’ events: a cooperative game theoretic view to festivals.Luc Champarnaud, Amandine Ghintran & Frédéric Jouneau-Sion - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (4):517-548.
    During a cultural festival, artists and theaters act as a cartel by agreeing on pricing decisions that maximize the groups’ profit as a whole. We model the problem of sharing the profit created by a festival among organizing theaters as a cooperative game. In such a game, the worth of a coalition is defined as the theaters’ profit from the optimal fixation of prices. We show that this class of games is convex and we axiomatically characterize the Shapley value for (...)
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  30.  47
    Likelihood.Anthony William Fairbank Edwards - 1972 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    Dr Edwards' stimulating and provocative book advances the thesis that the appropriate axiomatic basis for inductive inference is not that of probability, with its addition axiom, but rather likelihood - the concept introduced by Fisher as a measure of relative support amongst different hypotheses. Starting from the simplest considerations and assuming no more than a modest acquaintance with probability theory, the author sets out to reconstruct nothing less than a consistent theory of statistical inference in science.
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  31.  29
    Unsettling Preferential Semantics.Audun Stolpe - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (2):371-399.
    This paper is concerned with removing the identity schema from the axiomatic basis of deontic conditionals. This is in order to allow a stipulated ideal to be contrary or opposite in nature to the fact it is predicated upon. It is desirable, or so it is argued, to retain the order-theoretic orientation of preferential semantics towards the analysis of deontic conditionals, more specifically of maximality semantics in the tradition from Bengt Hansson. So understood, the problem involves abstracting away (...)
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  32.  16
    Mathematics.Leonid Zhmud - 2012 - In Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter turns from Pythagorean religion to Pythagorean science, primarily to mathematics. It shows that the similarities between Oriental calculations and Greek geometry are delusory, while others are perceived only by someone raised on the analytical geometry of Descartes and capable of translating Babylonian problems into the language of geometrical theorems. It then considers the systematic application of deductive proof, which was the most important factor in the formation in ancient Greece of theoretical mathematics on an axiomatic basis. (...)
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  33.  33
    El Conocimiento del Bien. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):145-146.
    In contrast to the systematic development of the previously published La Estructura del Valor, this new work by Hartman proceeds by critical examination of ethical theory from G. E. Moore to the present. If the first work was an attempt to establish on an axiomatic basis a new axiological science, the second intends to confront the paralogisms contained in preceding philosophical discussions of the moral field. Hartman accepts Moore's Principia Ethica as a critique of axiological reason. He also (...)
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  34.  36
    Replacing Modus Ponens With One-Premiss Rules.Lloyd Humberstone - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (5):431-451.
    After some motivating remarks in Section 1, in Section 2 we show how to replace an axiomatic basis for any one of a broad range of sentential logics having finitely many axiom schemes and Modus Ponens as the sole proper rule, by a basis with the same axiom schemes and finitely many one-premiss rules. Section 3 mentions some questions arising from this replacement procedure , explores another such procedure, and discusses some aspects of the consequence relations associated (...)
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  35.  26
    Scientometrics: the project for a science of science transformed into an industry of measurements.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (SPE):147-159.
    This paper discusses the intellectual justification of scientometrics through the claim that it is part of the quest for a quantitative science of science. Initially, I will make a brief description of scientometrics' historical background. Next, I will explain that those disciplines that have been satisfactorily mathematized always contain two distinct basic components: an axiomatic, defining the operations that can be realized with the available data, and an interpretation of their meaning. Counting papers and citations is a way to (...)
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  36.  60
    Aprendizagem e Comunicação em Bateson: A exigência de uma epistemologia Formal e Complexa.Maria Clara Faria Costa Oliveira - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (1):93-118.
    RESUMO: Para Bateson, a mudança social radicaria numa mudança epistemológica profunda que incidisse sobretudo na educação e na comunicação. Essa revolução paradigmática, baseada na lógica formal de Whitehead e Russell, evitaria discursos ditos científicos destituídos de rigor. Aqui, analisamos hermeneuticamente o seu pensamento, salientando os limites que a lógica formal encontra nas experiências éticas, religiosas e estéticas. Sem essa revolução, encontramo-nos condenados à estagnação intelectual, pois formamos cidadãos sem capacidade de aprender a aprender, que possibilitaria a capacidade de produzir abduções, (...)
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  37.  76
    Studies in the empiricist theory of scientific meaning.William W. Rozeboom - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (4):359-373.
    Part I is concerned with the tenet of modern Emperical Realism that while the theoretical concepts employed in science obtain their meanings entirely from the connections their usage establishes with the data language, the referents of such terms may be "unobservables," that is, entities which cannot be discussed within the data language alone. Such a view avoids both the restrictive excesses of logical positivism and the epistemic laxity of transcendentalism; however, it also necessitates a break with classical semantics, for it (...)
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  38.  41
    (1 other version)Un lenguaje aritmético como instrumento de análisis Y de decisión en lógica Y en derecho.Miguel Sánchez-Mazas - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):503-566.
    An arithmetical language, whose words are natural numbers written in hexadecimal numeration system, is defined and its applications for the representation, analysis and decision of formulae of some logical and normative systems are described and illustrated.The formulae, operations and relations of the represented system are associated as follows respectively to the numbers and the arithmetical operations and relations of the proposed language:1. Each well-formed-formula of the system is associated to a number of a set of natural numbers between zero (associated (...)
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  39. Non-Philosophy and the uninterpretable axiom.Ameen Mettawa - 2018 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 20 (1):78-88.
    This article connects François Laruelle's non-philosophical experiments with the axiomatic method to non-philosophy's anti-hermeneutic stance. Focusing on two texts from 1987 composed using the axiomatic method, "The Truth According to Hermes" and "Theorems on the Good News," I demonstrate how non-philosophy utilizes structural mechanisms to both expand and contract the field of potential models allowed by non-philosophy. This demonstration involves developing a notion of interpretation, which synthesizes Rocco Gangle's work on model theory with respect to non-philosophy with Laruelle's (...)
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  40. Hilbert's Metamathematical Problems and Their Solutions.Besim Karakadilar - 2008 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation examines several of the problems that Hilbert discovered in the foundations of mathematics, from a metalogical perspective. The problems manifest themselves in four different aspects of Hilbert’s views: (i) Hilbert’s axiomatic approach to the foundations of mathematics; (ii) His response to criticisms of set theory; (iii) His response to intuitionist criticisms of classical mathematics; (iv) Hilbert’s contribution to the specification of the role of logical inference in mathematical reasoning. This dissertation argues that Hilbert’s axiomatic approach was (...)
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    The Logical Foundation of Fundamental Rights and their Universality.Luca Baccelli - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (4):369-376.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of two central issues in Luigi Ferrajoli’s Principia iuris , and more generally of his theory of rights. One is the way in which ‘expectations’ play a crucial role in his deontic theory by establishing the logical basis for his guarantee-based conception of law and rights. The axiomatic way in which Ferrajoli arrives at his conception of fundamental rights is questioned, for it fails to give a full account of the nature of (...)
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    On the Strength of some Semi-Constructive Theories.Solomon Feferman - 2012 - In Ulrich Berger, Hannes Diener, Peter Schuster & Monika Seisenberger, Logic, Construction, Computation. De Gruyter. pp. 201-226.
    Most axiomatizations of set theory that have been treated metamathematically have been based either entirely on classical logic or entirely on intuitionistic logic. But a natural conception of the settheoretic universe is as an indefinite (or “potential”) totality, to which intuitionistic logic is more appropriately applied, while each set is taken to be a definite (or “completed”) totality, for which classical logic is appropriate; so on that view, set theory should be axiomatized on some correspondingly mixed basis. Similarly, in (...)
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  43.  58
    A free logic with intensions as possible values of terms.G. H. Merrill - 1975 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 4 (3):293 - 326.
    This paper contains an axiomatic theory of first order modal logic with operations, identity, and descriptions together with a formal semantics which interprets the theory in such a manner that empty universes of discourse and denotationless terms are allowed for at each possible world. The intuitive basis of the theory is discussed in preliminary sections, the syntax and semantics of theory are then characterized, its semantical adequacy is demonstrated, and certain important axioms and theorems are discussed in detail (...)
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  44. Co wiemy o wartościach?Eugeniusz Żabski - 2005 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    An axiomatic theory of values is presented in this article. The basis of this theory is Czeżowski's idea of values.
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  45. Integrated Information Theory as Testing Ground for Causation: Why Nested Hylomorphism Overcomes Physicalism and Panpsychism.Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (1-2):56-78.
    Integrated Information Theory (IIT) stands out as one of the most promising approaches to scientifically understand the emergence of consciousness. Even if it borrows from the phenomenology of consciousness to derive its axiomatic formulation, IIT does not initially adhere to any particular ontological position. However, its founder leans towards Panpsychism. More recently, Owen has studied the pros and cons of different ontologies as a metaphysical basis for IIT, defending a hylomorphic stance where en-grounding, en-forming relations gain the upper (...)
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    Action models in inquisitive logic.Thom van Gessel - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3905-3945.
    Information exchange can be viewed as a process of asking questions and answering them. While dynamic epistemic logic traditionally focuses on statements, recent developments have been concerned with ways of incorporating questions. One approach, based on the framework of inquisitive semantics, is inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic ). In this system, agents are represented with issues as well as information. On the dynamic level, it can model actions that raise new issues. Compared to other approaches, a limitation of \ is that (...)
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  47. Weak Rejection.Luca Incurvati & Julian J. Schlöder - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):741-760.
    ABSTRACTLinguistic evidence supports the claim that certain, weak rejections are less specific than assertions. On the basis of this evidence, it has been argued that rejected sentences cannot be premisses and conclusions in inferences. We give examples of inferences with weakly rejected sentences as premisses and conclusions. We then propose a logic of weak rejection which accounts for the relevant phenomena and is motivated by principles of coherence in dialogue. We give a semantics for which this logic is sound (...)
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  48. Borovik-Poizat rank and stability.Jeffrey Burdges & Gregory Cherlin - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1570-1578.
    Borovik proposed an axiomatic treatment of Morley rank in groups, later modified by Poizat, who showed that in the context of groups the resulting notion of rank provides a characterization of groups of finite Morley rank [2]. (This result makes use of ideas of Lascar, which it encapsulates in a neat way.) These axioms form the basis of the algebraic treatment of groups of finite Morley rank undertaken in [1].There are, however, ranked structures, i.e., structures on which a (...)
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    Nothing But Gold. Complexities in Terms of Non-difference and Identity: Part 1. Coreferential Puzzles.Alberto Anrò - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (3):361-386.
    Beginning from some passages by Vācaspati Miśra and Bhāskararāya Makhin discussing the relationship between a crown and the gold of which it is made, this paper investigates the complex underlying connections among difference, non-difference, coreferentiality, and qualification qua relations. Methodologically, philological care is paired with formal logical analysis on the basis of ‘Navya-Nyāya Formal Language’ premises and an axiomatic set theory-based approach. This study is intended as the first step of a broader investigation dedicated to analysing causation and (...)
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    Weighted averaging, Jeffrey conditioning and invariance.Denis Bonnay & Mikaël Cozic - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (1):21-39.
    Jeffrey conditioning tells an agent how to update her priors so as to grant a given probability to a particular event. Weighted averaging tells an agent how to update her priors on the basis of testimonial evidence, by changing to a weighted arithmetic mean of her priors and another agent’s priors. We show that, in their respective settings, these two seemingly so different updating rules are axiomatized by essentially the same invariance condition. As a by-product, this sheds new light (...)
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