Results for 'Augusto Astudillo Cánobra'

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    (1 other version)¿Por qué importa la filosofía en la educación escolar para el siglo XXI? comentario de la exposición de la profesora Sylvia Eyzaguirre.Augusto Astudillo Cánobra - 2019 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 76:269-274.
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    Análise fatorial da escala de afrontamento para adolescentes (ACS) em uma amostra de jovens de Porto Alegre; The adolescents' coping scale (ACS) in a sample of youths at Porto Alegre City, RS, Brazil.Sheila Gonçalves Câmara, Jorge Castellá Sarriera & Eduardo Augusto Remor - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 16:15-31.
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    Estudiantes migrantes internos y retornados y sus adversidades en la universidad.Fabiola Cervantes Rincón & Ángel Augusto Landa Alemán - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:5-14.
    Los y las estudiantes denominados migrantes internos o interregionales, así como los jóvenes migrantes retornados o pertenecientes a la generación 1.5 enfrentan un cúmulo de adversidades que deben sortear durante sus trayectorias escolares en la universidad pública y en muchos de los casos no son visibilizadas ni atendidas por las IES. En el presente ensayo se pretende proveer algunas estrategias que puedan servir de punto de partida para la atención y seguimiento a estos grupos de población estudiantil.
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    Experiência Religiosa e Saúde – Uma Análise Fenomenológico- Empírico Das Práticas Meditativas Neo-Xamânicas.Tommy Akira Goto & Thaíke Augusto Narciso Ribeiro - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (13):08-33.
    Shamanism is an ancient system centered on individuals chosen from shamans who gained access to extraordinary information through meditation or trance to meet the psychological, medical, and spiritual needs of a community. "Neoxamanism" is thus the current attempt to reconcile this wisdom with modern elements and ideas. This research aimed to understand,through the phenomenological-empirical method, the sense of the neoxamanic religious experience from five collaborators of the city of Uberlândia-MG. After the interviews, a process of analysis was followed which obtained (...)
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    Indicadores de síndrome de couvade em pais primíparos durante a gestação.Talu Andréa Dartora De Martini, Cesar Augusto Piccinini & Tonantzin Ribeiro Gonçalves - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:121-136.
    O estudo investigou indicadores da síndrome de couvade em pais primíparos durante a gravidez das esposas. Participaram 30 casais com idades entre 20 e 35 anos que estavam em diferentes trimestres da gestação. Os pais e as gestantes responderam individualmente a uma entrevista semi-estruturada que in..
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    Que Sentido dar à Metafísica e ao Senso Comum? Uma Análise das Atitudes Filosóficas de Mach e Duhem à Luz da Distinção entre Fato e Valor.Carlos Fils Puig & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):115-132.
    Through the analysis of the thought of Mach and Duhem, who have felt the need to re-evaluate the relationship between metaphysics and physics, we study in what measure the authors had a position relating to an eventual weakening of the traditional epistemic criteria, which were until their time used for the evaluation of scientific theories, and those criteria should respect the distinction between fact and value. We investigate the way each argues for a division between science and metaphysics, as well (...)
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    A Inserção da Bananicultura em São Bento do Sapucaí: Práticas Saudáveis e Saberes Gastronômicos na Serra da Mantiqueira.Marília De Moraes Silva, Larissa Ramos Botossi, Augusto Gardezani Baesso, Júlia De Carvalho Freitas, Thiago Rosa Zanelatto, Roseli De Sousa Neto & Paula De Oliveira Feliciano - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):108.
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Developmental Dimensions in Preterm Infants During the 1st Year of Life: The Influence of Severity of Prematurity and Maternal Generalized Anxiety.Erica Neri, Federica Genova, Fiorella Monti, Elena Trombini, Augusto Biasini, Marcello Stella & Francesca Agostini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Psiconanálisis y neurociencias: ¿un matrimonio de conveniencia?: François Ansermet & Pierre Magistretti, A cada cual su cerebro. Plasticidad neuronal e inconsciente, Katz Editores, Buenos Aires, 2006. Por Ester Astudillo.Ester Astudillo - 2007 - Astrolabio 4:125-130.
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    Chi cerca... cerca: un profilo a tutto tondo di Augusto Cavadi.Augusto Cavadi, Crispino Di Girolamo & Sylwia Proniewicz (eds.) - 2020 - Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe.
    Seekers know that they will search all their lives not only for what they have lost, but above all for what they do not yet know and that they are not even sure exists. Augusto Cavadi, to whom this book is dedicated on his 70th birthday, is an indomitable seeker. For this reason a group of friends and colleagues wrote these collected testimonies, reflections, ideas and suggestions inspired by his writings and his life as an anti-academic philosopher without a (...)
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    Emotional Content Modulates Attentional Visual Orientation During Free Viewing of Natural Images.Carolina Astudillo, Kristofher Muñoz & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  13. Unconscious knowledge: A survey.Luis M. Augusto - 2010 - Advances in Cognitive Psychology 6:116-141.
    The concept of unconscious knowledge is fundamental for an understanding of human thought processes and mentation in general; however, the psychological community at large is not familiar with it. This paper offers a survey of the main psychological research currently being carried out into cognitive processes, and examines pathways that can be integrated into a discipline of unconscious knowledge. It shows that the field has already a defined history and discusses some of the features that all kinds of unconscious knowledge (...)
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    A propósito de Indignez-vous.Ester Astudillo - 2011 - Astrolabio 12:94-96.
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  15. Lenguaje, evolución y nacionalismo. A propósito del libro "Lenguas en guerra".Ester Astudillo - 2006 - Astrolabio 2:7-19.
    Este texto, aprovechando la reciente publicación del último Premio Espasa de Ensayo, Lenguas en guerra, de Irene Lozano, hace un recorrido por las ideas más destacables del libro, tanto sobre el origen filogenético del lenguaje como sobre la problemática relación que este origen supone, según la autora, para las justificaciones al uso sobre los nacionalismos fundamentados en la singularidad de la lengua propia, y sitúa estas ideas en el contexto de los conocimientos que se tienen hoy sobre evolución, genética e (...)
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  16. Los monos y el largo viaje hacia la felicidad: Sebastià Serrano: Els secrets de la felicitat, Ara llibres, Badalona, 2006.Ester Astudillo - 2007 - Astrolabio 4:151-156.
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    Las Prácticas Articulatorias de Las Luchas Por Derechos Desde Situaciones de Contaminación En El Sector Sur de la Ciudad de Córdoba, 2012.Diego Ariel Astudillo & Cecilia Cecilia Carrizo - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:276-301.
    Como habitantes e investigadores de las luchas que emergen desde situaciones de contaminación en la zona sur de la ciudad de Córdoba, nuestro interés es analizar los modos de construcción de las identidades políticas en estos contextos discursivos situados. Metodológicamente, apelamos a los desarrollos de Laclau para el análisis de las prácticas articulatorias, tomando como herramientas para el análisis del discurso las figuras de la retórica clásica (sinécdoque, catacresis, metáfora y metonimia); como unidad de análisis, cuatro experiencias de luchas desde (...)
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    O Sócrates de Hannah Arendt.Augusto Bach & Juliano Orlandi - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (4):201-222.
    Resumo: Com o fito de compreender as noções de história e juízo político, este artigo pretende mostrar a peculiar interpretação que Hannah Arendt faz da mais conhecida e discutida personalidade filosófica: Sócrates. Assim como outras ideias, tais como a de banalidade do mal, a natureza do terror totalitário e de espaço público, sua estrita pintura do filósofo grego nos demanda a tarefa de discriminar a diferença entre pensamento e ação. Seria acaso o juízo a ponte entre as atividades de pensamento (...)
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  19. Emotions and moral motivation.Augusto Blasi - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (1):1–19.
    One question in moral psychology concerns the role of emotions to motivate moral action. This question has recently become more urgent, because it is now clearer that cognitive developmental theories cannot offer a complete explanation of moral functioning. This paper suggests that emotion, as is typically understood in psychology, cannot be seen as the basis for an acceptable explanation of moral behaviour and motivation. However, it is argued that it is possible to understand emotions as embedded in agentic processes, and (...)
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  20. Averroes a la luz y en la sombra de su tergiversación.Héctor Astudillo del Valle - 2009 - A Parte Rei 64:2.
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    Con Emmanuel Levinas: alterità e identità.Augusto Ponzio - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  22. Bridging mainstream and formal ontology: A causality-based upper ontology in Dietrich of Freiberg.Luis M. Augusto - 2021 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 2 (2):35.
    Ontologies are some of the most central constructs in today's large plethora of knowledge technologies, namely in the context of the semantic web. As their coinage indicates, they are direct heirs to the ontological investigations in the long Western philosophical tradition, but it is not easy to make bridges between them. Contemporary ontological commitments often take causality as a central aspect for the ur-segregation of entities, especially in scientific upper ontologies; theories of causality and philosophical ontological investigations often go hand-in-hand, (...)
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    The Monetary Theory of Production.Augusto Graziani - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    In mainstream economic theory money functions as an instrument for the circulation of commodities or for keeping a stock of liquid wealth. In neither case is it considered fundamental to the production of goods or the distribution of income. Augusto Graziani challenges traditional theories of monetary production, arguing that a modern economy based on credit cannot be understood without a focus on the administration of credit flows. He argues that market asset configuration depends not upon consumer preferences and available (...)
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    Augusto Del Noce e Ugo Spirito: un rapporto intellettuale attraverso l'epistolario (1954-1973.Giovanni Dessì, Augusto Del Noce & Ugo Spirito - 1994
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    Il mondo della sicurezza.Augusto Guerra - 1963 - Firenze,: Sansoni.
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    Analisi dell'umana esperienza: antologia di scritti teoretici.Augusto Guzzo - 1979 - Lecce: Milella. Edited by Pietro Fernando Quarta.
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    La ética en la escuela: Simposio sobre la Enseñanza de la Etica.Augusto Hortal & Ignacio Zumeta (eds.) - 1985 - Madrid: Distribuye, Cesma.
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    The Problem of Atheism.Augusto Del Noce - 2021 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Carlo Lancellotti.
    In 1964, Augusto Del Noce assembled in a book some of his best works on Marxism, atheism, and the history of modern philosophy. The result was Il problema dell’ateismo, which he always regarded as foundational to his way of thinking. The book remains his best-known work and is still in print in Italy almost sixty years later. The Problem of Atheism offers the first English translation of this landmark book, one of the earliest works to recognize the new secularizing (...)
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    The Scientometric Bubble Considered Harmful.Gonzalo Génova, Hernán Astudillo & Anabel Fraga - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):227-235.
    This article deals with a modern disease of academic science that consists of an enormous increase in the number of scientific publications without a corresponding advance of knowledge. Findings are sliced as thin as salami and submitted to different journals to produce more papers. If we consider academic papers as a kind of scientific ‘currency’ that is backed by gold bullion in the central bank of ‘true’ science, then we are witnessing an article-inflation phenomenon, a scientometric bubble that is most (...)
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    Repensar a Augusto Salazar Bondy: homenaje a los 90 años de su nacimiento.Augusto Salazar Bondy - 2015 - Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Fondo Editorial. Edited by Joel Rojas Huaynates, Segundo Montoya Huamani & Oscar Martínez Salirosas.
    Selection of Salazar Bondy's works with new critical materials.
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    … Exim in Gallaeciam Priscillianistarum Haeresis invasit. The Success of Priscilianism in Gallaecia Following the Trials at Trier.Diego Piay Augusto - 2016 - Klio 98 (2):634-652.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 2 Seiten: 634-652.
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    Foucault e a literatura.Augusto Bach - 2010 - Dissertatio 31:133-156.
    Este artigo procura mostrar como Michel Foucault opera a leitura dos saberes da civilização ocidental em sua grande obra A História da Loucura. Ao longo dos anos sessenta, Foucault sempre esteve preocupado acerca da maneira com que usualmente nos concebemos. Investigando a linguagem racional ele descobre uma surpreendente modulação discursiva que esconde nossas mais básicas escolhas. Ele a chama de literatura. Cavando até o mais profundo e desconhecido nível de nossa cultura, a arqueologia de Foucault compartilha desde o prefácio de (...)
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    Filosofia e literatura no discurso de Foucault.Augusto Bach - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):218-237.
    Neste artigo apresentamos a discussão arqueológica de Foucault sobre a história dos saberes e sua relação com a literatura. Com tal fito, a investigação se debruça acerca da concepção de história operada em As Palavras e as Coisas e as novidades trazidas por ela. Também investigamos a questão literária como elemento crucial para a compreensão de seu empreendimento intelectual.
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    Hannah Arendt e a Conquista do Espaço.Augusto Bach - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (64).
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  35. Monismo metafisico e realismo gnoseologico.Augusto Guzzo - 1926 - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (2):150.
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  36. From symbols to knowledge systems: A. Newell and H. A. Simon's contribution to symbolic AI.Luis M. Augusto - 2021 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 2 (1):29 - 62.
    A. Newell and H. A. Simon were two of the most influential scientists in the emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the late 1950s through to the early 1990s. This paper reviews their crucial contribution to this field, namely to symbolic AI. This contribution was constituted mostly by their quest for the implementation of general intelligence and (commonsense) knowledge in artificial thinking or reasoning artifacts, a project they shared with many other scientists but that in their case was theoretically (...)
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    Postfordisten Spinoza.Augusto Illuminati - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (2-3):317-329.
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    Olho e a Orelha.Augusto Jobim do Amaral & José Luís Ferraro - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1).
    O trabalho pretende, a partir da publicação das “Confissões da Carne”, analisar o impasse que diz respeito a sua não publicação em vida por Foucault, em especial em função da entrada do sujeito como terceiro componente do triângulo arqueológico-genealógico, impondo uma reviravolta decisiva em sua pesquisa. A força aletúrgica do sujeito implica uma definitiva dessoberanização do dispositivo de poder. Por um lado, se a forma moderna prevê a sua transferência de um poder sobre si próprio aos outros, o complexo de (...)
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  39. La polémica epistolar entre Schelling y Eschenmayer.Roberto Augusto - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (90):623-645.
    This article discusses the controversy between Schelling and Eschenmayer regarding the Freiheitsschrift of 1809. Eschenmayer, a follower of the ideas of Jacobi, accuses Schelling of degrading God in applying to Him human concepts. Schelling, on the contrary, thinks that the faith needs the understanding.
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    Two Kinds of Process or Two Kinds of Processing? Disambiguating Dual-Process Theories.Rafael Augusto - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):277-298.
    Dual-Process Theories (D-PTs) claim there are two qualitatively different types of processes in the human brain-mind. Despite forming the basis for several areas of cognitive science, they are still shrouded in ambiguity: critics erroneously attack D-PTs as a whole (e.g., Evans and Stanovich Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(3), 2013), the qualitative/quantitative distinction is not clear enough (De Neys Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (6): 1412–1427, 2021; Dewey 2022) and, given this criterion, deciding between qualitative or quantitative differences may even be (...)
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  41. Schelling and evil in 1809.Roberto Augusto Miguez - 2010 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:73-90.
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    Birth, marriage and death in illegitimacy: a study in northern Portugal.Augusto Abade & Jaume Bertranpetit - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (4):443-455.
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    Surveillance e as “novas” tecnologias de Controle biopolítico.Augusto Jobim do Amaral & Felipe da Veiga Dias - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e33427.
    O presente estudo tem como tema o surveillance e a sociedade do controle biopolítico, sendo dada ênfase à conexão com o sistema penal e as tecnologias dispostas nas práticas de segurança. Tem-se como problema de pesquisa como e de que forma operam os “novos” mecanismos de surveillance em prol da segurança no modelo biopolítico do Estado penal? Conclui-se que o modelo de controle atual baseado em riscos e algoritmos emprega o surveillance em uma atuação securitária seletiva, adotando o discurso “científico/tecnológico” (...)
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  44. A arte de narrar ou as relações perigosas entre a Philosophí­a e a Tékhne.Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto - 2004 - Princípios 11 (15):07-28.
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    A estética do oprimido: reflexões errantes sobre o pensamento do ponto de vista estético e não científico.Augusto Boal - 2008 - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Garamond.
    'A Estética do Oprimido' convida todos a apostarem em uma potência radical do pensamento - a potência criadora de realidades possíveis. Portanto, trata-se aqui da sedimentação de mais de 50 anos de prática e reflexão sobre arte, indivíduo e sociedade.
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    El humanismo jurídico.Augusto Pinzón Carvajal - 1992 - Santafé de Bogotá: Rodríguez Quito Editores.
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  47. Logic According Spinoza.Augusto Furlan - 1974 - In der Bend & G. J. (eds.), Spinoza on knowing, being and freedom. Assen,: Van Gorcum. pp. 61--68.
  48. Giordano Bruno.Augusto Guzzo - 1969 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 74 (4):487-487.
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  49. Ricordo di amici: Paolo Lamanna, Carlo Terzi, Mario Gliozzi.Augusto Guzzo - 1977 - Filosofia 28 (3):450.
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    Scritti pedagogici, storia della pedagogia.Augusto Guzzo - 2002 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia. Edited by Hervé A. Cavallera.
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