Results for 'Arturo Crespo'

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  1. Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it’s a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  3. Ensayos en homenaje al doctor Arturo Ardao.Arturo Ardao, Hugo Achugar & Manuel Arturo Claps (eds.) - 1995 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Publicaciones.
    Contiene tres trabajos sobre Arturo Ardao: sobre la noción de sujeto (Yamandú Acosta); sobre la interpretación de Andrés Bello (Arturo A. Roig); y sobre su libro Filosofía de lengua española (ver HLAS 36:5047). Mencionamos algunas de las otras contribuciones: el tema de la historia de la filosofía latinoamericana (Horacio Cerutti Guldberg); el batllismo (Manuel A. Claps); el tema de Calibán (Roberto Fernández Retamar); el pensamiento de Pedro Figari (Juan Fló); la universidad latinoamericana en el siglo XVIII (Gregorio Weinberg); (...)
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  4. Il primo libro di Arturo Massolo.Arturo Massolo - 1967 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:458.
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    Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento.Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini (eds.) - 2014 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
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    Book Review: Arturo Warman, Corn and Capitalism: How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global Dominance. [REVIEW]Arturo Warman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):594-595.
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    Economics and Other Disciplines: Assessing New Economic Currents.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, economics exported its logic - utility maximization - to the analysis of several human activities or realities: a tendency that has been called "economic imperialism". This book explores the concept termed by John Davis as "reverse imperialism", whereby economics has been seen in recent years to have taken in elements from other disciplines. Economics and Other Disciplines sheds light on the current state and possible future development of economics by focusing on it (...)
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it's a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–35.
    Many sentences can be interpreted both as a metaphor and as a literal claim, depending on the context. The aim of this paper is to show that there are discourse-based systematic constraints on the identification of an utterance as metaphorical, literal, or both (as in the case of twice-apt metaphors), from a normative point of view. We claim that the key is contextual coherence. In order to substantiate this claim, we introduce a novel notion of context as a rich and (...)
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  10.  50
    Liberal Naturalism and Non-epistemic Values.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):247-273.
    The ‘value-free ideal’ has been called into question for several reasons. It does not include “epistemic values”—viewed as characteristic of ‘good science’—and rejects the so-called ‘contextual’, ‘non-cognitive’ or ‘non-epistemic’ values—all of them personal, moral, or political values. This paper analyzes a possible complementary argument about the dubitable validity of the value-free ideal, specifically focusing on social sciences, with a two-fold strategy. First, it will consider that values are natural facts in a broad or ‘liberal naturalist’ sense and, thus, a legitimate (...)
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  11.  22
    Rostro y filosofía de nuestra América.Arturo Andrés Roig - 2011 - CABA [i.e. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires]: Una Ventana.
  12.  27
    Repensando el siglo XIX desde América Latina y Francia: homenaje al filósofo Arturo A. Roig.Arturo Andrés Roig, Marisa Muñoz, Patrice Vermeren & Yamandú Acosta (eds.) - 2009 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Colihue.
  13. La scienza e lo spirito negli scritti di Arturo Danusso.Arturo Danusso - 1978 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Comparative Study of Imputation Algorithms Applied to the Prediction of Student Performance.Concepción Crespo-Turrado, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Fernando Sánchez-Lasheras, José Antonio López-Vázquez, Francisco Javier De Cos Juez, Francisco Javier Pérez Castelo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Emilio Corchado - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Student performance and its evaluation remain a serious challenge for education systems. Frequently, the recording and processing of students’ scores in a specific curriculum have several flaws for various reasons. In this context, the absence of data from some of the student scores undermines the efficiency of any future analysis carried out in order to reach conclusions. When this is the case, missing data imputation algorithms are needed. These algorithms are capable of substituting, with a high level of accuracy, the (...)
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  15.  46
    (1 other version)Ciencias naturales, economía Y filosofía (natural sciences, economics, and philosophy).Ricardo F. Crespo - 1999 - Theoria 14 (2):275-289.
    En este trabajo se postula que se pueden establecer relaciones entre las diversas ‘visiones dei mundo’ (en sentido vulgar) y las teorías economicas, a través de las epistemologías subyacentes a las mismas. Se ilustra con las siguientes relaciones: entre la cosmovisión propia dei sistema de Aristóteles y su noción de economía, entre la matriz racionalista moderna y la economía clásica y neoclásica, a través del uso de analogías físicas y biologicas, y entre algunas posturas recientes y una vision post-moderna del (...)
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  16.  35
    Freedom and coordination in economics: An epistemological analysis.Ricardo F. Crespo - manuscript
    This article begins by pointing out the difficulties involved by the insertion of freedom in economics: It poses epistemological problems that are not satisfactorily solved by the standard theories. The article suggests that the Aristotelian epistemological frame of practical rationality may be an apt position from which one can deal with freedom in economics. Aristotle's concepts of society and economics are first introduced. The role of virtues in achieving economic coordination is exposed. Then the corresponding concept of practical science is (...)
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    Fenomenología de la alegría. Un caso de intencionalidad afectiva.Mariano Crespo - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:471-494.
    El propósito de este artículo es arrojar luz sobre el peculiar modo de intencionalidad de la alegría. Para ello me referiré, en primer lugar, a los dos sentidos principales de alegría. En segundo lugar, aludiré al objeto de la alegría y a la cuestión de la corrección o legitimidad de la misma. En tercer lugar, haré referencia a las “leyes de la alegría”. Por último, aludiré a la relación entre alegría y alteridad.
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  18. Racionalismo crítico y sociedad abierta. Algunas dificultades de la filosofía social de Popper.Ricardo Crespo - 1992 - Philosophica 15:151.
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    Spanish mutual fund fees and less sophisticated investors: examination and ethical implications.Rocío Marco Crespo - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):224-240.
    Some mutual funds not only apply the usual asset management and custodial fees, but also front loads and redemption fees as a kind of ‘toll charge’ payable on entering and/or leaving the fund. The aim of this work is to examine the implications of the different loads and fees applied to mutual fund investors in the Spanish market. The results show that there is a relationship between the various charges and fees. The fact that load fund companies charge higher management (...)
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  20. Curse the Criminal: Exile, Community and Law before Violence.Arturo Aguirre Moreno - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12).
    El siguiente artículo tiene por finalidad explorar el concepto de exilio desde el enfoque filosófico. Se trata de un examen de la construcción teórica del concepto, a partir del análisis situado en pasajes de dos obras centrales en la cultura de Occidente: La Il íada de Homero y Las leyes de Platón. Se atiende a estas obras a la luz del exilio, para esclarecer una problemática que subyace a la propia constitución de la comunidad política en la historia jurídica, ética (...)
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    Urbicidio: sobre la violencia contemporánea contra las ciudades.Arturo Aguirre Moreno & Eduardo Yahir Báez Gil - 2020 - Agora 40 (1):87-110.
    El siguiente artículo se propone la aproximación, desde la filosofía, a uno de los problemas contemporáneos más relevantes de la violencia política: el urbicidio, concepto que señala la destrucción de las ciudades. El análisis desarrollado deconstruye conceptualmente las implicaciones que tienen para los tiempos de globalización bélica y armamentos tecnológicos una serie de prácticas estructuradas, consensuadas y abiertamente aceptadas que, bajo los neologismos de renovación, modernidad y progreso aniquila las formas de habitar de una comunidad históricamente articulada, en la íntima (...)
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    Roldán, Concha y Moro, Óscar (eds.): Aproximaciones a la contingencia. Historia y actualidad de una idea.Pedro Ochoa Crespo - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:232-233.
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  23. Thinking about the financial and economic crisis: Some brief notes on its causes and remedies: Crespo thinking about the financial and economic crisis.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2009 - Think 8 (23):97-103.
    An economic crisis is an unexpected phenomenon with strong consequences for nations, institutions and people's wealth, habits, and behaviors. It departs from the ‘normal’ evolution of the affairs foreseen by economic theory. It makes the claim for new theoretical explanations. It surprises the economic agents that try to ascertain what kind of phenomenon they are facing in order to decide the appropriate actions to undertake. It calls for revisions of theory, plans and expectations. Overall, a crisis calls for an explanation (...)
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  24. Behavior, purpose and teleology.Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (1):18-24.
    This essay has two goals. The first is to define the behavioristic study of natural events and to classify behavior. The second is to stress the importance of the concept of purpose.Given any object, relatively abstracted from its surroundings for study, the behavioristic approach consists in the examination of the output of the object and of the relations of this output to the input. By output is meant any change produced in the surroundings by the object. By input, conversely, is (...)
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  25. Symbiosis, Parasitism and Bilingual Cognitive Control: A Neuroemergentist Perspective.Arturo E. Hernandez, Hannah L. Claussenius-Kalman, Juliana Ronderos & Kelly A. Vaughn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Interest in the intersection between bilingualism and cognitive control and accessibility to neuroimaging methods have resulted in numerous studies with a variety of interpretations of the bilingual cognitive advantage. Neurocomputational Emergentism (or Neuroemergentism for short) is a new framework for understanding this relationship between bilingualism and cognitive control. This framework considers Emergence, in which two small elements are recombined in an interactive manner, yielding a non-linear effect. Added to this is the notion that Emergence can be captured in neural systems (...)
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    What does a critical period for second language acquisition mean?: Reflections on Hartshorne et al.Arturo E. Hernandez, Jean P. Bodet, Kevin Gehm & Shutian Shen - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104478.
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    Assimilation and Transformation of Positivism in Latin America.Arturo Ardao - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (4):515.
  28.  13
    A Re-Assessment of Aristotle's Economic Thought.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Routledge.
    The world has seen several financial and economic crises in the past few years. Psychological, ethical and philosophical levels of causal analysis have been discussed, and in this context, an interest in classical thinkers has emerged. The work of Aristotle has influenced writers from Marx and Menger to Amartya Sen. This book introduces us to Aristotle's thought on 'the economic' and on its influences on economists. First, it focuses on Aristotle´s ideas, situating Aristotle in his historical context, describing his positions (...)
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    La cuestión abierta de las tres P: polarización, populismo y posverdad en perspectiva emotivista.Arturo Rodríguez Sáez & José Manuel Robles Morales - forthcoming - Isegoría.
    La polarización, los populismos y la posverdad forman tres fenómenos sociopolíticos fundamentales para comprender cómo se está orientando la política en los sistemas demoliberales. La polarización política se suele entender como un proceso dinámico de activación de las divisiones entre dos o más grupos sociales en el transcurso de los debates públicos que puede terminar con una ruptura comunicativa o una comunicación fallida. Si bien los especialistas no coinciden a la hora de definir el populismo, se puede comprender como una (...)
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    El amor como motivo ético en la fenomenología de Edmund Husserl.Mariano Crespo - 2012 - Anuario Filosófico 45 (1):15-32.
    Husserl va haciéndose consciente de que el ideal “racionalista” de la razón no hace justicia por sí solo a la riqueza de la vida moral. La vida lograda no consistiría solamente en conducir ésta de acuerdo con el ideal de la razón, sino en dejarse mover por el amor. Éste presenta dos características: revela la individualidad de la persona que ama y de la persona amada y funda una “comunidad del tender” con la(s) persona(s) amada(s).
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    La refexión metafísica como respuesta al nihilismo.Remedios Avila Crespo - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  32. Arte y diseño.Roberto Crespo - 2015 - In Susana Espinosa & Silvia Alderoqui (eds.), Ciencia, arte y tecnología: enfoques plurales para abordajes multidisciplinares. Remedios de Escalada, Lanús, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones de la UNLa.
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  33. El término alumnus indicador de dependencia personal en Hispania romana.S. Crespo - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Economía y naturaleza en Tomás de Aquino.Ricardo Crespo - 1995 - Acta Philosophica 4 (2).
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    Sentido y hermenéutica: hacia una ontología inacabada.Remedios Avila Crespo - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (2):407-422.
  36.  25
    Three Arguments Against Menger's Suggested Aristotelianism.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1).
    Specialists often maintain that Menger has been strongly influenced by Aristotle’s thought ideas.This paper shows that although using Aristotle’s categories and general framework there are some issues in which Menger’s conclusions differs from Aristotle’s.This hint out that Menger’s knowledge of Aristotle’s ideas was not sufficiently deep and precise so as to completely capture its very spirit.Section two lays out the differences between Menger’s conception of theoretical science applied to economics and Aristotle’s conception of economics as a practical science.Section three maintains (...)
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  37. "Una forma divina de pensar": Nietzsche y el problema de la nada.Remedios Avila Crespo - 2006 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 19:65-84.
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    Wittgenstein e a estética.Nuno Crespo - 2011 - Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim.
  39.  14
    El poema de amor que prometió Dante.Arturo Fontaine - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:239-254.
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    El comercio de barrio como espacio de sociabilidad en contextos locales de migración.Paloma Gómez Crespo - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Este artículo aborda el carácter clave del comercio de barrio como espacio para la sociabilidad en contextos locales de migración, centrándose en tres planteamientos que contribuyen a analizar tanto situaciones de convivencia armoniosa como de conflictividad entre vecinos de distintos orígenes etnoculturales: 1) la vinculación entre el comercio como elemento visibilizador de expresiones identitarias y la construcción culturalista del conflicto; 2) cómo se articula el comercio con otros espacios de sociabilidad; y 3) la multiplicidad de espacios de interacción que ofrece (...)
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    The Interpretation of Ownership: Insights from Original Institutional Economics, Pragmatist Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis.Arturo Hermann - 2023 - Economic Thought 11 (1):15.
    In this work we analyse the main interpretations of ownership in Original Institutional Economics (OIE) and their links with pragmatist psychology and psychoanalysis. We consider Thorstein Veblen's notion of ownership as a relation of possession of persons, and John R.Commons's distinction between “corporeal” and “intangible” property, that marks the shift from a material possession of goods and arbitrary power over the workers to the development of human faculties in a more participatory environment. For space reasons we do not address other (...)
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    Sensación y pintura en Deleuze.Paula Honorato Crespo - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    "Grecia" como conflicto entre Kant y Hölderlin.Arturo Leyte - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico:713-732.
    This article focuses on the meaning of Greece in the modern Philosophy, specifically as a conflict between Kant and Hölderlin. It is shown the distinct perception from Kant and the idealism that becomes crucial: Greece as a conflict means the conflict between the Greek and the modern, between the difference and the absolute.
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    Estética de la inmediatez: reflexiones en torno a una fundamentación ético-filosófica de la obra de Gaston Bachelard.Arturo Martínez - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (1):144-170.
    Si bien toda la filosofía de la imaginación bachelardiana está afectada por un materialismo simbólico y este puede ejercer las funciones de mediación o acompañamiento en el viaje de la ensoñación, también es cierto que la finalidad del arte –en este caso, de la poesía– es el relámpago, la búsqueda de la verdad, la aprehensión profunda del ser de las cosas; experiencia esta que difícilmente se puede dar si mediamos, entre el ser de la cosa y el ser del hombre, (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas como crítico e intérprete del pensamiento jurídico-político de Carl Schmitt.Carlos-Eduardo Perez-Crespo - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (3).
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    The ethical and religious values of ancient India, 3,000 B.C.-650 A.D.Arturo Speziale - 1987 - Calcutta: Sujan Publications.
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    Sieyès’s idea of constituent power: a moderate and illiberal idea of sovereignty in the French revolution.Carlos Pérez-Crespo - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (6):1029-1051.
    Moderation and liberalism are different and in some cases antagonistic concepts. In recent years, the view that Sieyès’s idea of constituent power is a moderate and liberal rendering of sovereignty has gained acceptance in intellectual history and constitutional theory literature. This claim is based on the premise that radical and illiberal readers of Rousseau’s idea of sovereignty, such as Robespierre and the Jacobins, were opposed to representing the general will (volonté générale). Thus, constituent power as the exercise of power by (...)
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  48. Expressing expectations.Inés Crespo, Hadil Karawani & Frank Veltman - 2018 - In Derek Ball & Brian Rabern (eds.), The Science of Meaning: Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Toward an A Priori Gefühlsmoral: Husserl’s Critique of Hume’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.Mariano Crespo - 2017 - In Roberto Walton, Shigeru Taguchi & Roberto Rubio (eds.), Perception, Affectivity, and Volition in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Cham: Springer.
  50. The role of models in science.Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (4):316-321.
    The intention and the result of a scientific inquiry is to obtain an understanding and a control of some part of the universe. This statement implies a dualistic attitude on the part of scientists. Indeed, science does and should proceed from this dualistic basis. But even though the scientist behaves dualistically, his dualism is operational and does not necessarily imply strict dualistic metaphysics.
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