Results for 'Antoni Vicens Lorente'

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  1. Freud cartesià.Antoni Vicens Lorente - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:437-440.
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    Freud cartesià.Antoni Vicens - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:437.
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    Driven towards a moral crash.Antoni Lorente - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):223-237.
    : Accidents will survive the outbreak of driverless cars, but their moral implications will suffer substantial changes. The decision made today by a human in a fraction of a second will eventually be replaced by an algorithm subject to moral scrutiny. This not only raises the question of how the algorithm should work, or whether alternatives solutions are indeed comparable, but also changes the essence of the problem: from ascertaining liability to defining desired outcomes. In this paper, I first contest (...)
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    The beautiful soul.Antoni Vicens - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 7:177.
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    Tiempo de subjetividad.Manuel Cruz (ed.) - 1996 - Barcelona: Grupo Planeta (GBS).
    Decae la subjetividad, se ha afirmado, pero, en tanto este en entredicho, es tambien tiempo de esta. Hablar de tiempo de subjetividad, como se propone aqui, es situarse en un territorio entrecruzado por muchos senderos. Desde el lugar escogido, lo que se divisa es una filigrana de rutas, una trama de caminos por recorrer, que pronto abandona su inicial apariencia de abanico de opciones entre las que escoger, para mostrar su autentica condicion de red teorica o atmosfera intelectual en cuyo (...)
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  6. Playing at Being Gods.Antoni Abad I. Ninet - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):41-55.
    The present article commences analyzing the origins and influences of the religious discourse on the configuration of the modern constitutional discourse and the contributions of the jus-positivism in the consolidation of this sacred-civil language. The second issue is the definition of the U.S. Constitution as a mixed and not as a democratic constitution, with regard to the influences of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Polybius to the Drafters of the first modern constitutional text; stability and equilibrium took preference over democracy in (...)
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    Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical Optics.Antoni Malet - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):265-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical OpticsAntoni MaletIntroductionIsaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy embodies a strong program of mathematization that departs both from the mechanical philosophy of Cartesian inspiration and from Boyle’s experimental philosophy. The roots of Newton’s mathematization of nature, this paper aims to demonstrate, are to be found in Isaac Barrow’s (1630–77) philosophy of the mathematical sciences.Barrow’s attitude (...)
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  8. On Critical and Pancritical Rationalism.Antoni Diller - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (2):127-156.
    Bartley’s pancritical rationalism is seen by some as being a refinement of Popper’s critical rationalism. I contest this view and argue that pancritical rationalism is obtained from critical rationalism by removing some of its most important and useful features. The remainder consists of a restatement of some of Popper’s key ideas and an interpretation of others that I attempt to show is not entirely faithful to what Popper says.
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    Ocho desiderata metodológicos de las teorías sociales normativas.Antoni Dümenech - 1998 - Isegoría 18:115-141.
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    Nie uznawał drogi na skróty.Antoni Dębiński - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):13-15.
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    Varieties of Commutative Integral Bounded Residuated Lattices Admitting a Boolean Retraction Term.Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1107-1136.
    Let ${\mathbb{BRL}}$ denote the variety of commutative integral bounded residuated lattices (bounded residuated lattices for short). A Boolean retraction term for a subvariety ${\mathbb{V}}$ of ${\mathbb{BRL}}$ is a unary term t in the language of bounded residuated lattices such that for every ${{\bf A} \in \mathbb{V}, t^{A}}$ , the interpretation of the term on A, defines a retraction from A onto its Boolean skeleton B(A). It is shown that Boolean retraction terms are equationally definable, in the sense that there is (...)
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    Using Open Dialogue-inspired dialogism in non-psychiatric medical practice: A ten-year experience.Horacio J. Antoni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:950060.
    Physicians are frequently consulted by people with physical symptoms that, after having ruled out an "organic" pathology, we suspect they are related to the most frequent psychological conditions in the usual consultation: the various forms of reaction to severe stress (Acute Stress Reaction and Adjustment Disorder, from ICD 11), "functional" pathologies, burn out syndrome, and anxiety disorders, especially Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with or without associated depression. They are usually given a brief explanation about these problems and how they affect their (...)
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    Naturalizing Darwall's Second Person Standpoint.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2020 - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Scienc 54:785–804.
    In this paper, we take Darwall’s analytical project of the second-person standpoint as the starting point for a naturalistic project about our moral psychology. In his project, Darwall contends that our moral notions constitutively imply the perspective of second-personal interaction, i.e. the interaction of two mutually recognized agents who make and acknowledge claims on one another. This allows him to explain the distinctive purported authority of morality. Yet a naturalized interpretation of it has potential as an account of our moral (...)
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    What is a thought experiment?Antoni Gomila - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):84-92.
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    The Truth in Social Media.Andrés Bernstein & Antoni Gomila - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    In the last chapter of In the beginning was the deed: realism and moralism in political argument, Williams raised the question of truthfulness in politics and warned that the media, particularly, television, and the market of communication in general, work in ways contrary to truthfulness -understood as the combination of the virtues of sincerity and accuracy. In this paper we would like to carry on Williams’ line of thinking in connection with the impact of the new social media platforms on (...)
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  16. L'esistenzialismo di M. Heidegger.Carlo Antoni - 1972 - Napoli,: Guida.
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    On the sense of unsaturated expressions.Antoni Diller - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (1):71-79.
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    The “separation of gods and buddhas” at Omiwa Jinja in Meiji Japan.Klaus Antoni - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (1-2):139-159.
  19. Enfermedad y la crisis consecuente.Anna La Fuerza & Antoni María Aluja Farré - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    El cielo teñido de rojo: La visión del color en el "Diarium spirituale" de Rûzbihân Baqlî (m. 606/1209).Antoni Gonzalo Carbó - 2000 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 13:31-59.
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    Il tempo e le idee.Carlo Antoni - 1967 - Napoli,: Edizioni scientifiche italiene.
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    Lo storicismo.Carlo Antoni - 1968 - Torino,: ERI.
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  23. Emergencia y explicación en sistemas complejos: el caso de la acción social.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 2011 - In David Pérez Chico, Rodríguez Suárez & Luisa Paz (eds.), Explicar y comprender. Pozuelo de Alarcón: Plaza y Valdés.
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    La teoría de los "centros sutiles" en el sufismo del Shaykn Ahmad Sirhindî.Antoni Gonzalo Carbó - 2002 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 15:87-116.
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  25. El Dios de Ockham y la ética de la voluntad.Antoni Gari & Miguel Beltrán - 2004 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 31:23-36.
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  26. Analyomen 1.Antoni Gomila - 1994 - Hawthorne: De Gruyter.
  27. Evolutionary Psychology and the proper relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny.Antoni Gomila - 2010 - In Luis A. Pérez Miranda & Aitor Izagirre Madariaga (eds.), Advances in Cognitive Science: Learning, Evolution and Social Action. University of the Basque Country Press. pp. 233--252.
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    Understanding brain circuits and their dynamics.Antoni Gomila & Paco Calvo - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):274-275.
    We argue that Anderson's (MRH) needs further development in several directions. First, a thoroughgoing criticism of the several alternatives is required. Second, the course between the Scylla of full holism and the Charybdis of structural-functional modularism must be plotted more distinctly. Third, methodologies better suited to reveal brain circuits must be brought in. Finally, the constraints that naturalistic settings provide should be considered.
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    Mersenne and Mixed Mathematics.Antoni Malet & Daniele Cozzoli - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (1):1-8.
  30. Ogarniające słowo.Antoni Moniuszko - 1998 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 27 (3):153-158.
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    Die personalistische Tiefenpsychologie Igor A. Carusos1.Antoni J. Nowak - 1988 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 18 (1):298-311.
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    G i ovanni Reale, una vita e un'ope ra di unità e arm onia.Antoni Bosch-Veciana - 2006 - Comprendre 8 (1):63-73.
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  33. Etica, cultura i racionalitat.Antoni Domènech - 1997 - In Pompeu Casanovas Romeu, Victoria Camps & José Luis L. Aranguren (eds.), Per una cultura democràtica: les dimensions polítiques de la moral contemporània: homenatge al Prof. J.L.L. Aranguren, 5 de novembre-11 de desembre de 1996. Sabadell: Fundació Caixa de Sabadell.
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  34. Las razones de las personas primates.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 2000 - Laguna 7:381-385.
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    Aproximación a los problemas epistemológicos desde la Biología actual.Antoni Prevosti Pelegrín - 1973 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 40:3-25.
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    Précis de Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction.Diana I. Pérez & Antoni Gomila - 2023 - Dianoia 68 (90):111.
    Se presentan las ideas centrales y la estructura del libro de Diana I. Pérez y Antoni Gomila Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction (Routledge, 2021).
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  37. Beschouwingen naar aanleiding van David Hume en zijne leer van het kenvermogen.Marinus Antoni van Melle - 1901 - Amsterdam,: Scheltema & Holkema's boekhandel.
  38.  51
    Why Does Empathy Matter for Morality?Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (1):5-26.
    In this paper we discuss Prinz’s Kantian arguments in “Is Empathy Necessary for Morality?”. They purport to show that empathy is not necessary for morality because it is not part of the capacities required for moral competence and it can bias moral judgment. First, we show that even conceding Prinz his notions of empathy and moral competence, empathy still plays a role in moral competence. Second, we argue that moral competence is not limited to moral judgment. Third, we reject Prinz’s (...)
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  39. A Second-Personal Approach to the Evolution of Morality.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2022 - Biological Theory 17 (3):199-209.
    Building on the discussion between Stephen Darwall and Michael Tomassello, we propose an alternative evolutionary account of moral motivation in its two-pronged dimension. We argue that an evolutionary account of moral motivation must account for the two forms of moral motivation that we distinguish: motivation to be partial, which is triggered by the affective relationships we develop with others; and motivation to be impartial, which is triggered by those norms to which we give impartial validity. To that aim, we present (...)
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    Wajsberg algebras and post algebras.Antonio Jesús Rodríguez & Antoni Torrens - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):1 - 19.
    We give a presentation of Post algebras of ordern+1 (n1) asn+1 bounded Wajsberg algebras with an additional constant, and we show that a Wajsberg algebra admits a P-algebra reduct if and only if it isn+1 bounded.
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    Interculturalidad, democracia y emancipación social: algunos retos para una teoría política intercultural.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:1 - 13.
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  42. Después de la modernidad: nuevas filosofías de la educación.Colom Cañellas & J. Antoni - 1995 - Barcelona: Paidós. Edited by Joan-Carles Mèlich.
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    Antecedents of CSR communication by hotels: The case of the Colombian Caribbean Region.Antoni Serra-Cantallops, David D. Peña Miranda & José Ramón-Cardona - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):323-337.
    By measuring the level of CSR communication carried out by hotels located in the Colombian Caribbean region and identifying the main determinant factors influencing this level (including pressure from the different stakeholders), this paper contributes to deepening our understanding of the antecedents of CSR communication in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in emerging economies and, particularly, in the hotel industry, for which no previous studies on this topic could be uncovered. The results reveal that the level of CSR disclosure (...)
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  44. Specyfika sprawdzania praw mikrofizyki.Antoni Szczuciński - 1980 - In Jan Such (ed.), O swoistości uzasadniania wiedzy w różnych naukach: praca zbiorowa. Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Exploiting homogeneity in games with non-homogeneous revenue functions.Antoni Rubí-Barceló & Walter Ferrarese - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (2):333-349.
    We exploit the properties of homogeneous functions to characterize the symmetric pure-strategy Nash equilibria of n-player symmetric games in which each player’s revenue function is not homogeneous but it can be decomposed into the sum of homogeneous functions with different degrees of homogeneity. Our results aim to provide a pathway for an easy computation of symmetric equilibria for this type of games. We discuss our results in a Cournot game, a contest game, and a public good game.
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    Glivenko like theorems in natural expansions of BCK‐logic.Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):111-125.
    The classical Glivenko theorem asserts that a propositional formula admits a classical proof if and only if its double negation admits an intuitionistic proof. By a natural expansion of the BCK-logic with negation we understand an algebraizable logic whose language is an expansion of the language of BCK-logic with negation by a family of connectives implicitly defined by equations and compatible with BCK-congruences. Many of the logics in the current literature are natural expansions of BCK-logic with negation. The validity of (...)
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    Topologiczno-ontologiczne poglądy Benedykta Bornsteina.Bolesław Antoni Bieniek - 2005 - Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie.
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    Externalization is common to all value judgments, and norms are motivating because of their intersubjective grounding.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:21-21.
    We show that externalization is a feature not only of moral judgment, but also of value judgment in general. It follows that the evolution of externalization was not specific to moral judgment. Second, we argue that value judgments cannot be decoupled from the level of motivations and preferences, which, in the moral case, rely on intersubjective bonds and claims.
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    The Age Structure, Stringency Policy, Income, and Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Evidence From 209 Countries.Faik Bilgili, Munis Dundar, Sevda Kuşkaya, Daniel Balsalobre Lorente, Fatma Ünlü, Pelin Gençoğlu & Erhan Muğaloğlu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article aims at answering the following questions: What is the influence of age structure on the spread of coronavirus disease 2019? What can be the impact of stringency policy on the spread of COVID-19? What might be the quantitative effect of development levelincome and number of hospital beds on the number of deaths due to the COVID-19 epidemic? By employing the methodologies of generalized linear model, generalized moments method, and quantile regression models, this article reveals that the shares of (...)
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    Making sense of emotional contagion.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    Emotional contagion is a phenomenon that has attracted much interest in recent times. However, the main approach on offer, the mimicry theory, fails to properly account for its many facets. In particular, we focus on two shortcomings: the elicitation of emotional contagion is not context-independent, and there can be cases of emotional contagion without motor mimicry. We contend that a general theory of emotion elicitation is better suited to account for these features, because of its multi-level appraisal component. From this (...)
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