Results for 'Antiglobalization '

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  1.  32
    Modern Globalization and Antiglobalization.V. V. Pavlovskiy - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:579-584.
    A modern stage of globalization is a historical and logical continuation of “an economical social formation” (K.G. Marx), a civilization (L.G. Morgan). The analysis of this globalization in philosophy and social sciences has an extremely contradictory character which is law-governed in the modern society. Modern globalization has been showing itself as a qualitatively new historical process since 1991. Judging from the positions of the dialectical materialistic theory of history (K.G. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin and others) it by its essence (...)
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  2. Feminist Paradigms of Solidarity and Justice.Ann Ferguson - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (2):161-177.
    This paper develops a new feminist paradigm for global justice that includes several components. I deploy a non-ideal ethics approach based on an argumentabout what principle of justice is possible to act on, given a historical and intersectional feminist analysis of what kind of feminist coalitions are possible in the present period. I claim that the time is ripe for a new progressive feminist Solidarity paradigm of justice that supersedes the classical liberal debates between Libertarian Freedom paradigm and the Social (...)
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    Organizing against Globalization: the Case of ATTAC in France.Marcos Ancelovici - 2002 - Politics and Society 30 (3):427-463.
    This article argues that the current opposition to globalization is not a structural side effect of economic integration. Instead of assuming that globalization generates resistance, it stresses the political and interpretive processes that shape collective action. It substantiates this claim by studying the rise of an antiglobalization social movement organization called ATTAC in France. It holds that ATTAC's emergence is the product of political entrepreneurs whose actions were constrained by the ideational and organizational legacies of previous contentious episodes, particularly (...)
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    Четверта хвиля. Нова індустріалізація. Альтермодерн: Культурологічна експлікація концептів.Yevheniia Bilchenko - 2017 - Схід 5 (151):65-70.
    The article is devoted to the culturological analysis of the new model of the subject in the twenty first century. The methodology of work is based on the wave theory of social development. Modern society enters the state of the "fourth wave". The fourth wave comes in place of the agrarian, industrial and informational societies. This wave is called "new Industrialization" in contemporary economic context. The modern economy needs the revival of the industrial sector with the support of the national (...)
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    Is “Globalizing Democracy” Possible?Omar Dahbour - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 4:255-260.
    Comparing Carol Gould’s Globalizing Democracy and Human Rights to other recent discussions of global justice, Dahbour argues that her work offers two important theoretical departures: It grounds global rights and democracy along foundationalist rather than constructivist lines; and it rejects the notion that just global institutions require the equal input of all those affected by their activities, defending instead that only those engaged in the “common activity” of institutions should participate in the decision-making. On the basis of this common activity (...)
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    Network power and global standardization: The controversy over the multilateral agreement on investment.David Singh Grewal - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):128-144.
    This essay examines the controversy over the attempt to establish rules governing global capital flows in the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), which became a target of “antiglobalization” activism. Making sense of the activists' concerns about the MAI requires understanding how the emergence of transnational standards in contemporary globalization constitutes an exercise in power. I develop the concept of “network power” to explain the way in which the rise of a single coordinating standard for global activity can be experienced (...)
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    Pan-Bantuist Globalization and African Development.Zekeh S. Gbotokuma - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:77-84.
    Historically, the sub-Saharan Africans’ being-in-the-world with other peoples and nations has been characterized by a ‘Black-Out,’ or the exclusion of black Africans from full humanity and the violation of their human rights through slavery, colonization, apartheid, etc. So far globalization looks like another ‘Black-Out’ or recolonization, Westernization, homogenization, the universalization of the particular, and a jungle rather than an opportunity for all. This conception of globalization has resulted in skepticisms about, and fear of the phenomenon. Antiglobalization movements – e.g., (...)
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    Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-First Century.Deepak Lal - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Reviving the Invisible Hand is an uncompromising call for a global return to a classical liberal economic order, free of interference from governments and international organizations. Arguing for a revival of the invisible hand of free international trade and global capital, eminent economist Deepak Lal vigorously defends the view that statist attempts to ameliorate the impact of markets threaten global economic progress and stability. And in an unusual move, he not only defends globalization economically, but also answers the cultural and (...)
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  9. Too Early for Global Ethics?Miltos Ladikas & Doris Schroeder - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (4):404-415.
    “Globalisation is the Yeti of … newspapers. Everybody knows it, but nobody has ever seen it. What does it look like? Tall, monkeyish, hairy? Or rather weasel-like? With glasses? Like a ferret or a marten?” Globalization means different things to different people, a laudable development uniting humankind or an epidemic crushing the vulnerable peoples of the earth. Whether it is something we can control remains to be seen, but it is certainly upon us. The move to “go global” is such (...)
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community (review).Paul Hendrickson - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):343-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal CommunityPaul HendricksonThe University of South Carolina. Hauke Brunkhorst. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005. Pp. xxv + 262. $42.50, hardcover.Public appeals to solidarity have been pervasive throughout the storied history of political dissent and democratic politics. From the French Revolution and the European revolutions of 1848 to decolonization, Polish Solidarność, and the antiglobalization movement, solidarity has been invoked as a means (...)
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    Rethink Contemporary Anti-globalization.Shifa Zhao - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:913-921.
    With the development of globalization and its inner-contradictions exposing gradually, a new anti-globalization movement has sprung up Since 1990s. It is also a kind of new globalization. In fact, contemporary globalization is controlled by capitalism. During the course, capitalist contradictions and crisis also globalize. Anti-globalization exposes the new crisis of contemporary capitalism The substance of contemporary antiglobalization is to opposite capitalism and its crisis. It is not a mature movement now, but it is significant to correct the developing direction (...)
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    Making feminist sense of the global justice movement. By Catherine eschle and Bice maiguashca Lanham., Md.: Rowman & Littlefield publishers, inc., 2010. [REVIEW]Katharine Schweitzer - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):388-390.