Results for 'Ana Alice Silveira Correa'

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  1.  19
    A tradição do milho: o ingrediente base da cozinha caipira e das festas juninas.Ana Alice Silveira Correa, Suely Sani Pereira Quinzani, Daniela Vilela Peixoto & Tatiana Caroline Silveira Corrêa - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):99.
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    O processo de hominização: Freud interpretando Nietzsche.Fernanda Silveira Corrêa - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 17 (20):85.
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    Johannes Climacus e o pensador subjetivo existente. A categoria trágico-cômica da linguagem indireta.Ana Alice Matiello Coelho - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (2):155-164.
    Este presente artigo visa buscar os pressupostos da dupla reflexão de Climacus para melhor compreender a sua crítica ao pensamento dialético-especulativo. É tendo em mente que a dupla reflexão retoma os conceitos do trágico e do cômico, da seriedade e do gracejo – ainda que sobre uma nova perspectiva– que compreenderemos a importância dessa comunicação para a linguagem indireta, que tem por objetivo comunicar uma contradição absoluta.
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    Conceiving Cosmopolitanism and Cosmopolitan Law: Theories, Contexts and Practice for a World Peace.Ana Luiza Silveira Nedochetko - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:321-326.
    _Review of: Consani, Cristina Foroni; Klein, Joel T.; Nour Sckell, Soraya, _Cosmopolitanism: From the Kantian Legacy to Contemporary Approaches_, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021, pp. 327. ISBN 978-3-428-58460-4._.
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  5. Responsabilidade Socioambiental Coletiva: Um Olhar Sobre o Papel da Educação Ambiental No Enfrentamento Das Mudanças Climáticas.Adriana dos Santos Souza & Ana Alice De Carli - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):1-16.
    This academic essay aims to bring to light important reflections on the responsibility of all members of society, in relation to the protection of the natural environment. Furthermore, highlight the importance of environmental education as a tool for combating climate change. This is an exploratory research, with a bibliographic review.
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    A Interpretação Dentro e Fora da Moldura: o Pensamento Jurídico Hermenêutico de Kelsen e seus Desafios no Século XXI.Bianca Kremer Nogueira Corrêa & Natalia Silveira Alves - 2015 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 1 (1).
    O presente artigo tem o escopo de analisar as influências deixadas por Hans Kelsen e sua Teoria Pura do Direito para a Hermenêutica Jurídica e as incertezas ainda presentes em sua clássica obra sobre o processo interpretativo. O positivismo kelseniano, reconhecido pela separação entre direito e moral, não se omitiu quanto à realidade da interpretação jurídica, e, sem desconsiderar suas bases teóricas, deixou diretrizes para a consolidação de uma teoria da interpretação. Kelsen desenvolveu o conceito de moldura normativa como um (...)
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    La interioridad humana y san Juan de la Cruz. Camino de salida y de llegada.Ana Silveira - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):181-202.
    Acercar el pensamiento sanjuanista al tema de la «Interioridad humana» supone una esperanza de nue- vos horizontes de cultivo de la vida inte- rior, no solo para los creyentes sino tam- bién para todo buscador de la Verdad. Asimismo, queremos proponer el símbolo de la Noche Oscura como camino mista- gógico para la plena maduración de la in- terioridad humana, sobre todo en el marco de los principales hallazgos de di- cha experiencia, a saber: conocimiento de sí, conocimiento de Dios (...)
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    Responsabilidad social y ética médico-sanitaria.Ana María Correa Díaz & Alejandro Valencia Arias - 2016 - Ratio Juris 11 (22):73-90.
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    Sem máscaras: uma antologia dentro de casa, na quarentena | No More Masks: an antology from our homes, during the quarantine.Ana Laura Boeno Malmaceda, Alice Sant’Anna, Catarina Lins, Maria Lutterbach & Sofia Mariutti - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):293-313.
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    Din'micas para o filosofar.Ana Maria Ferlin & Dayse Aparecida Corrêa Gomes - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2 (2).
    A base da autonomia acontece na presença do outro, através do diálogo. Pensando nisso e preocupadas em oferecer ferramentas para o educador é que temos desenvolvido oficinas com dinâmicas, pois elas favorecem o filosofar, possibilitam ao profissional da educação infantil um espaço para ressignificar sua atuação e sua prática diante da reflexão e de vivências que o levem a experimentar o saber de si enquanto sujeito aberto ao diálogo e a novas aprendizagens.
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    Sátira e alienação na construção do narrador não confiável em Goethe e Machado de Assis.Ana Laura dos Reis Corrêa - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):194-202.
    A partir da leitura de Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther, com base nos artigos de György Lukács e Miguel Vedda sobre esse romance de Goethe, e considerando o conjunto da obra de maturidade de Machado de Assis, quando o narrador assume a condução da narrativa guiando-a no ritmo frívolo e volúvel do capricho de classe, pretende-se investigar, neste texto, de que maneira a composição satírica de um narrador não confiável estabelece conexões entre esses dois escritores que deram forma sensível à (...)
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  12.  25
    Impulso sexual: impulso lúdico e impulso estético.Fernanda Silveira Corrêa - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Neogenomic events challenge current models of heritability, neuronal plasticity dynamics, and machine learning.Cláudio Eduardo Corrêa Teixeira, Nelson Monte de Carvalho-Filho & Luiz Carlos de Lima Silveira - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):379-380.
    We address current needs for neogenomics-based theoretical and computational approaches for several neuroscience research fields, from investigations of heritability properties, passing by investigations of spatiotemporal dynamics in the neuromodulatory microcircuits involved in perceptual learning and attentional shifts, to the application of genetic algorithms to create robots exhibiting ongoing emergence.
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  14. Por un mundo mejor= For a better world.Ana Alvarez de Lara Alonso, Vicente Ferrer, José Luís García Lorenzo, Alberto Sabatés, Jaime Montalvo Correa, Rafael Jiménez Claudín, Nidita Guerrero & Rigoberta Menchú Tum - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:115-122.
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    No title available.Roberto Romano da Silva, Ligia Fraga Silveira, Luiz Araujo Prado, Carlos Davidoff & Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes - 1981 - Trans/Form/Ação 4:5-14.
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    “Irmãos concebidos ilegalmente serão enviados para hibernação”: práticas pedagógicas em imbricações entre obras audiovisuais, biopoder, biopolítica e direito.Amanda Löwenhaupt & Ana Clara Corrêa Henning - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):93.
    Propõe-se protocolo de utilização pedagógica de mídias e cultura popular para desenvolver conhecimentos sobre direito e suas imbricações com os conceitos de biopoder e biopolítica. As práticas apresentadas têm por público alvo crianças, adolescentes e adultos, sendo escolhidas três obras, cada uma delas correspondente a uma das diferentes faixas etárias. Para a elaboração do presente texto, utilizou-se de fundamentação teórica jurídica e dos estudos foucaultianos, assim como estudo empírico das obras audiovisuais.
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    Not all Online Sexual Activities Are the Same.Juan Ramón Barrada, Paula Ruiz-Gómez, Ana Belén Correa & Ángel Castro - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Stressors in Indoor and Field Brazilian Soccer: Are They Perceived as a Distress or Eustress?Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão, Luis Felipe Polito, Vania Hernandes, Mariana Correa, Ana Paula Mastrocola, Daniel Oliveira, Alessandra Oliveira, Larissa Moura, Marcelo Villas Boas Junior & Daniela Angelo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Soccer players inescapably live under stress during the sportive career, and many real-life aspects of soccer situations operate in the ongoing performance. This study’s main objective was to elaborate the List of Stressors in Professional Indoor and Field Soccer, a self-report instrument designed to measure the impact of 77 soccer situations upon the sport performance. Participants were 138 indoor and field soccer players from the Brazilian Premier League. Each situation was evaluated on a 7-point scale, ranging from the most negative (...)
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    Female Soul and Feminine Spirit: Philosophical Prolegomena to a New (Women) Culture in the Interwar Radio Lectures Alice Voinescu’s and Constantin Noica’s.Ana Ocoleanu - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:91-101.
    Female Soul and Feminine Spirit. Philosophical Prolegomena to a New (Women) Culture in the Interwar Radio Lectures Alice Voinescu’s and Constantin Noica’s. The newly founded Romanian Radio (1927) invited since 1930 the most important personalities of the Romanian culture to speak in the frame of different radio conferences. Two of these personalities were the philosophers Alice Voinescu (1885-1961) and Constantin Noica (1909-1987). Although they represent two different philosophical orientations (Alice Voinescu as a post-metaphysical thinker and Constantin Noica (...)
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    Effects of Concomitant Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants Long-Term Use on Social Decision-Making: Results From the Ultimatum Game.Carina Fernandes, Helena Garcez, Senanur Balaban, Fernando Barbosa, Mariana R. Pereira, Celeste Silveira, João Marques-Teixeira & Ana R. Gonçalves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Benzodiazepines and antidepressants have been shown to change responses to unfairness; however, the effects of their combined use on unfairness evaluation are unknown. This study examines the effects of concomitant benzodiazepines and antidepressants long-term use on the evaluation of fair and unfair offers. To analyze behavioral changes on responses to unfairness, we compared the performance of medicated participants and healthy controls in the Ultimatum Game, both in the proposer and in the respondent role. The results showed that long-term psychotropic users (...)
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    Consultores 2009.Adriana Benevides Soares, Adriana Nobre De Paula Simão, Adriana Wagner, Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva, Alice Maggi, Alvaro Roberto Crespo Merlo, Ana Cristina Gonçalves Dantas de Araújo, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, Ana Paula Porto Noronha & Ana Raquel Rosas Torres - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:1.
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    Psicologia social, educação e análise institucional: diálogos entre Paulo Freire, Gregório Baremblitt, bell hooks, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari.Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos (ed.) - 2023 - Curitiba, Brasil: Editora CRV.
    Este livro é uma coletânea internacional, transdisciplinar, formada por capítulos de pesquisas na pós-graduação por pesquisadores(as) de várias áreas do conhecimento que celebraram os cem anos de Paulo Freire, em 2021. O legado de Freire é articulado nesta obra com os estudos da Análise Institucional, com a Filosofia da Diferença e a educação como prática de libertação e transgressão. Também se materializa, neste conjunto de textos com autoria de vários países, uma homenagem in memoriam a Gregório Baremblitt, que faleceu em (...)
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  23. Literatura de formação e cidadania nos anos 1930: Cazuza de Viriato Corrêa.Ana Elisa de Arruda Penteado - 2002 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 4 (2):p - 41.
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    Adersan: o dendê na Bahia e no 'mbito sagrado do Candomblé.Pablo Luís dos Santos Portela & Ana Beatriz Simon Factum - 2024 - Odeere 9 (2):131-151.
    O dendê, símbolo peculiar e relevante da culinária nacional, tem sido objeto de investigação em diferentes vertentes, e neste trabalho será abordado pelo campo da visualidade e da cultura baiana. Buscou-se evidenciar o histórico do dendê, a tipologia e a classificação da estrutura formal, bem como a sua validação na religião de matriz africana do Candomblé. Nesse sentido, observa-se a existência do dendê na cultura material e imaterial das pessoas, sobretudo da população baiana, que interage nos modos de viver, trabalhar, (...)
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    Reseña" Habilidades cognitivas y lingüísticas" de Alicia Paz, Ana Sánchez, Xiomara Atencio, Alice Valbuena y Migdalis Moreno.Siglic Gutiérrez - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (3):485-485.
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    THEOGONY (1-115).Alan David Dos Santos Tórma - 2021 - Pólemos 3 (5):255-274.
    The Greek text used was that of the English edition of Hugh G. Evelyn-White (HESIOD, 1914). The translations of the Theogony of Ana Lúcia Silveira Cerqueira and Maria Therezinha Áreas Lyra (HESÍODO, 1986) have been consulted for comparison, José Antonio Alves Torrano (HESÍODO, 1995), Hugh G. Evelyn-White (HESIOD, 1914) and José Marcos Mariani de Macedo (MACEDO, 2010). In addition, this translation was based on the translations of the Homeric Hymns, Edvanda Bonavina da Rosa et alia (2010), and Trajano Vieira’s (...)
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    Portraiture and Anthropocentrism.Stephen Bush - 2023 - De Ethica 7 (3):93-107.
    In an age in which anthropocentrism is increasingly under fire, the investment of the artistic tradition in that paradigm deserves particular attention. Portraiture is especially significant, as it seems to be the anthropocentric art form par excellence. It seems to reinforce key features of anthropocentrism: the distinction of the human from the nonhuman and the superiority of the former over the latter. We can pursue these questions most effectively if we distinguish descriptive (“weak”) anthropocentrism from normative (“strong”) anthropocentrism. The former (...)
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  28.  21
    Aesthetics and Agency in Experiments.Alice Murphy, Adrian Currie & Kirsten Walsh - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    We place agency front-and-centre in the aesthetics of science via an analysis of experimental design and performance. This first involves developing an account of scientific agency relevant to experiment. We do this via an analogy between experiments and games (as understood by Suits and Nguyen): both involve artificial practical environments designed to enable participants to exercise particular forms of agency. Second, we consider how this account of agency might underwrite an aesthetics of experiment. Experiments are well-designed not only when they (...)
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert Wall - 1987 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics (...)
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    Barriers and facilitators to consulting hospital clinical ethics committees.Alice Gaudine, Marianne Lamb, Sandra M. LeFort & Linda Thorne - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):767-780.
    Hospitals in many countries have had clinical ethics committees for over 20 years. Despite this, there has been little research to evaluate these committees and growing evidence that they are underutilized. To address this gap, we investigated the question ‘What are the barriers and facilitators nurses and physicians perceive in consulting their hospital ethics committee?’ Thirty-four nurses, 10 nurse managers and 31 physicians working at four Canadian hospitals were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide as part of a larger investigation. (...)
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    Anxiety and Social Support as Predictors of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19.Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Sonia Zaccoletti & João R. Daniel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study we examined whether parents’ perceptions of students’ anxiety as well as perceived support from both teachers and classmates were predictive of changes in students’ academic motivation during the first wave of COVID-19. To this end, we used a retrospective pretest-posttest design together with a latent change score model to analyze our data. From April to May of 2020, 394 Portuguese parents of students in grades 1–9 participated in this study. Our results showed that students’ anxiety and teachers’ (...)
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    Ethics of resuscitation for extremely premature infants: a systematic review of argument-based literature.Alice Cavolo, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Gunnar Naulaers & Chris Gastmans - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):4-4.
    ObjectiveTo present (1) the ethical concepts related to the debate on resuscitation of extremely premature infants (EPIs) as they are described in the ethical literature; and (2) the ethical arguments based on these concepts.DesignWe conducted a systematic review of the ethical literature. We selected articles based on the following predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria: (1) English language articles (2) presenting fully elaborated ethical arguments (3) on resuscitation (4) of EPIs, that is, infants born before 28 weeks of gestation.AnalysisAfter repeated reading of articles, (...)
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  33. Cognition and Culture.Ana Margarida Abrantes - 2009 - Semiotics:480-486.
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    E a guerra: o uso do eufemismo na imprensa: um estudo contrastivo em linguística cognitiva.Ana Margarida Abrantes - 2002 - Viseu, Portugal: Passagem Editores.
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    Temporal Minds, Timeless Tales. Experiencing Time in Theatre.Ana Margarida Abrantes - 2009 - Semiotics:12-21.
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  36. Ensino médio integrado? A questão da dualidade histórica no ensino secundário.Ana Carolina Martins - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (9):85-92.
    Documento recente do Ministério da Educação aponta para a construção da identidade desse curso como sendo etapa final que compõe a educação básica e sinalizando a busca constante pela superação da dualidade considerada histórica entre formação geral e profissionalização. Entretanto, o mesmo documento reconhece que essa contradição ainda se faz presente na realidade educacional brasileira e, em alguns momentos, afirma a necessidade de uma educação integrada e em outros reforça a profissionalização aos mais pobres que não podem esperar o Ensino (...)
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  37. Wholeness, Unity and Order.Ana Rioja - 1997 - Synthesis Philosophica 12:323-342.
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    Keller contra Wagner: Einige Gemeinsamkeiten zur Kritik Nietzsches.Ana Zelin - 2016 - In Renate Reschke & Jutta Georg (eds.), Nietzsche Und Wagner: Perspektiven Ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter. pp. 203-214.
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  39. Effects of meaning in psychoanalysis.Ana Zerjav - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (3):173 - +.
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    Neither Physics nor Chemistry: A History of Quantum Chemistry.Kostas Gavroglu & Ana Simoes (eds.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In Neither Physics Nor Chemistry, Kostas Gavroglu and Ana Simoes examine the evolution of quantum chemistry into an autonomous discipline, tracing its development from the publication of early papers in the 1920s to the dramatic changes ...
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    Metaphorical Expressions and Culture: An Indirect Link.Alice Deignan - 2003 - Metaphor and Symbol 18 (4):255-271.
    Lakoff (1993) argued that basic level conceptual metaphors are grounded in human experience, and are therefore likely to be found widely across different languages and cultures. However, other mappings may not be shared. It is well documented that many metaphorical expressions vary across languages, and a number of researchers have argued cultural motivations for this. Possible reasons for cross-linguistic differences in metaphor are that different cultures hold different attitudes to metaphor vehicles, or that the source domain entities and events are (...)
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    Mapping Concepts and Issues in the Ethics of the Commons: Introduction to the Special Issue.Ana María Peredo, Helen M. Haugh, Marek Hudon & Camille Meyer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):659-672.
    We introduce the papers in this special issue by providing an overarching perspective on the variety in kinds of commons and the ethical issues stemming from their diversity. Despite a long history of local commons management, recent decades have witnessed a surge of scholarly interest in the concept of “the commons,” including a growing management literature. This swell was impelled especially by Garrett Hardin’s paper of 1968, and the body of work generated by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues. However, the (...)
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    Higher-order desires, risk attitudes and respect for autonomy.Alice Elizabeth Kelley - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):753-754.
    Nicholas Makins makes a valuable contribution to the literature on medical decision-making, highlighting the role that risk attitudes play in deliberation and subsequently arguing that, in medical choices under uncertainty, if considerations of autonomy and beneficence support deference to patient values and outcome preferences then they also support deference to patients’ attitudes to risk.1 Crucially, however, Makins suggests that it is not simply first-order risk attitudes that are the appropriate target of deference but, rather, patients’ higher-order risk attitudes. In other (...)
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  44. Dispositions and ceteris paribus laws.Alice Drewery - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (4):723-733.
    This paper discusses the relationship between dispositions and laws and the prospects for any analysis of talk of laws in terms of talk of dispositions. Recent attempts at such a reduction have often been motivated by the desire to give an account of ceteris paribus laws and in this they have had some success. However, such accounts differ as to whether they view dispositions as properties fundamentally of individuals or of kinds. I argue that if dispositions are properties of individuals, (...)
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    An Ageing Population Creates New Challenges Around Consent to Medical Treatment.Alice L. Holmes & Joseph E. Ibrahim - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):465-475.
    Obtaining consent for medical treatment in older adults raises a number of complex challenges. Despite being required by ethics and the law, consent for medical treatment is not always validly sought in this population. The dynamic nature of capacity, particularly in individuals who have dementia or other cognitive impairments, adds complexity to obtaining consent. Further challenges arise in ensuring that older people comprehend the medical treatment information provided and that consent is not vitiated by coercion or undue influence. Existing mechanisms (...)
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    Business and Human Rights, from Theory to Practice and Law to Morality: Taking a Philosophical Look at the Proposed UN Treaty.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (2):167-200.
    This paper considers the UN efforts to introduce a legally binding Treaty on corporate accountability for human rights impacts in the context of other proposed legislation at country level, on the one hand, and existing voluntary initiatives like the UN Guiding Principles (2011), on the other. What we are interested in is whether the proposed Treaty signals a transition from voluntary initiatives (based on moral commitments) to law (that is, a focus on compliance), and the extent to which it might (...)
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    Nurses' ethical conflict with hospitals: A longitudinal study of outcomes.Alice Gaudine & Linda Thorne - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (6):727-737.
    This study examined the association of nurses’ ethical conflict with hospitals with organizational commitment, stress, turnover intention, absence and turnover. Participants were 410 nurses working at four different Canadian hospitals. A longitudinal design was used where nurses completed a questionnaire to capture ethical conflict, stress and organizational commitment, and one year later, measures of turnover intention, absence and actual turnover were obtained for the same sample. We found three aspects of nurses’ ethical conflict with hospitals: patient care values, value of (...)
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  48. Who cares what the people think? Revisiting David Miller’s approach to theorising about justice.Alice Baderin, Andreas Busen, Thomas Schramme, Luke Ulaş & David Miller - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (1):69-104.
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    Pragmatic Humanism and the Posthumanist Challenge: Between Biocentrism and the New Human Being.Ana Honnacker - 2020 - Contemporary Pragmatism 17 (1):70-84.
    Humanism is charged with fostering a harmful anthropocentrism that has led to the exploitation of non-human beings and the environment. Posthumanist and transhumanist ideas prominently aim at rethinking our self-understanding and human-nature relations. Yet these approaches turn out to be flawed when it comes to addressing the challenges of the “age of the humanity”, the Anthropocene. Whereas posthumanism fails in acknowledging the exceptional role of human beings with regard to political agency and responsibility, transhumanism overemphasizes human capabilities of controlling nature (...)
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  50. Reading Cavell.Alice Crary, Sanford Shieh, Russell B. Goodman & William Rothman - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):229-233.
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