Results for 'Amoris laetitia '

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  1.  33
    Pope Francis on Conscience, Gradualness, and Discernment: Adapting Amoris Laetitia for Business Ethics.Caleb Bernacchio - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (4):437-460.
    ABSTRACT:Experience often manifests a gap between moral principles that are both rationally defensible and widely accepted, and the actual practice of business. In this article, I adapt Pope Francis’s discussion of conscience, gradualness, and discernment, inAmoris Laetitia, for the philosophical context of business ethics in order to better conceptualize and to identify means of narrowing the gap between objective moral principles and business practice. Specifically, right conscience allows for a better understanding of the scope and boundary conditions of moral (...)
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    Missing Voices in Amoris laetitia.Annie Selak - 2019 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 16 (1):83-102.
    Catholic social teaching appeals to the universal dimension of the Church. Specific details and lived experience are sacrificed in an effort to address the universal Church. In striving to speak to the universal, particular voices are missing. American case law approaches the universal through the particular by grounding law in the cases of specific persons. Narrative is tied to the case, and as a result, embedded in the law. This paper asks how the study of Church teaching might be enriched (...)
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    Veritatis Splendor and Amoris Laetitia: Neither Lamented nor Celebrated Discontinuity.Angel Perez-Lopez - 2018 - Nova et Vetera 16 (4):1183-1214.
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  4. The Petrine keys of mercy: A biblical defence of 'Amoris Laetitia'.Robert Tilley - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (1):3.
    In the last few decades there has been no more controversial a papal document than that of 'Amoris Laetitia'. The controversy revolves around divorce, in particular allowing the divorced and remarried, with no annulment, to communicate at the Eucharist.1 The critics of 'Amoris' argue that Pope Francis, under the claim to be exercising mercy, is effectively undermining the truths of the faith. The defence of 'Amoris', however, is that in answer to the exigencies of the time (...)
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    La tensión entre una espiritualidad desde abajo y una espiritualidad desde arriba. Paradojas de la Exhortación Apostólica Amoris Laetitia.Lorena Basualto Porra - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (170):153-182.
    El artículo busca analizar la paradoja que se puede descubrir en Amoris Laetitia entre una espiritualidad desde abajo y una espiritualidad desde arriba. El Papa Francisco busca romper esta tensión entre el ideal y la realidad a través del desarrollo de una espiritualidad familiar que se encuentra con Dios a partir de las flaquezas, de la incapacidad e incluso de los pecados. Ahora bien, cuando se refiere a temas propios de la moral conyugal y familiar, no puede sino (...)
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    Education of children and young people in Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia and Laudato Si’.Grzegorz J. Pyźlak - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    The issues concerning education of children and young people are deeply inscribed into Pope Francis’ profound experience, as he gained knowledge and practised educating in Buenos Aires. He worked there in support of the universal education of children and young people who lived in the so-called barrios and villas miseria, which were the districts of poverty in the suburbs of this metropolis. This and other experiences of Jorge Mario Bergoglio contributed to his decisions to discuss the issues of education in (...)
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    Immanuelio Kanto filosofijos potencialas popiežiaus Pranciškaus enciklikos Amoris Laetitia kontekste.Zdzislaw Kieliszek - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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  8. A theological ethics approach to understanding the 'Amoris Laetitia' position on marriage/divorce/remarriage.P. A. McGavin - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (3):259.
    The hardest thing in appropriating [a] holistic natural law perspective is to recognise the invisible mean of judgement, which alone contains the limits of all things... The notion of mean and limits - so fundamental to ethics - calls for inner understanding that the nature of the mean cannot be defined 'a priori', because it involves an exercise of judgement, ethical judgement.
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    La teologia morale dopo l'Amoris laetitia: atti del X Seminario nazionale dell'ATISM (Alghero, 3-7 luglio 2017).Salvatore Cipressa (ed.) - 2018 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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  10. 'Weakness, and wounded and troubled love' in amoris laetitia: Pope Francis as pastor.Tom Ryan - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (2):131.
    Ryan, Tom 'Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating Weakness' is the 'contested' chapter 8 of Pope Francis's postsynodal allocution 'The Joy of Love'. This collegial document can be approached from various perspectives, for example, in its historical and theological context; in its significance for moral theology; in its reception within local churches. The aim here is pastoral, namely, to clarify the chapter's content and, specifically, its implications for the faithful and those engaged in pastoral ministry.
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    Mercy and the Rule of Law: A Theological Interpretation of “Amoris Laetitia”.Maureen K. Day - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):499-500.
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    Camino pedagógico de crecimiento: de Familiaris consortio a Amoris laetitia: aporte a la teología moral fundamental.Carlos Alberto Scarponi - 2021 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Agape Libros.
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    Cruzando por oscuras quebradas.Amadeo Tonello - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (38):353-390.
    La Exhortación Apostólica Amoris laetitia presenta un rico cuerpo de doctrina sobre el matrimonio y la familia, en el que se destaca una propuesta de discernimiento pastoral para el tratamiento de las situaciones matrimoniales difíciles. Ello ha generado diversas preguntas, entre ellas, particularmente, la siguiente: ¿pueden los divorciados en nueva unión que viven conyugalmente acercarse al sacramento de la Comunión? En el presente trabajo se analizan los criterios ofrecidos por el Papa para intentar dar una respuesta a esa (...)
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    Sensus Fidei Umat Katolik di Keuskupan Agung Jakarta terhadap Isu Homoseksualitas pada Tahun 2022.Albertus Adiwenanto - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):197-233.
    Homosexuality is not easily accepted in the Catholic Church. There are at least three major schools concerning the attitude towards homosexuality based on their respective theological methodologies (scientia fidei). The first school is encapsulated in the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1986), which rejects homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. The second school is put forward by John J. McNeill (1993), a moralist who embraces homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. (...)
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    Capital Punishment and Lethal Acts in War.John Finnis - 2024 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 60 (2):7-34.
    In reply to the readily inferable denial, in para. 304 of the papal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, that there are any exceptionless negative moral norms, this article (1) recalls and reaffirms the philosophical and doctrinal tradition’s thesis that there are such norms. It then (2) sketches what is involved in identifying a kinds of act by its object; (3) reflects briefly on the three successive and different iterations of the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on capital (...)
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    Papado do Papa Francisco: renovação pastoral, não mudança doutrinária.Michael G. Lawler, Todd A. Sazlman & José Martins dos Santos Neto - forthcoming - Horizonte:646-646.
    Following the publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, four aged Cardinals wrote to him asking him to clarify positions in the Exhortation they charged were causing confusion to the faithful. They even suggested he had changed some Catholic doctrines. This essay answers their questions, arguing that Francis has not changed any Catholic doctrine but has changed, in the sense that he has renewed, Catholic pastoral practice. It also argues that, while not changing any Catholic doctrines, he (...)
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    Ideal and Mandatory Moral Norms.Thomas Finegan - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (4):600-622.
    ABSTRACT“Ideals” are often invoked in contemporary theological discussion of moral norms, especially but not exclusively regarding norms of marriage/sex ethics. Seemingly absent from the discussion, however, is focused critical analysis of the distinction between ideal and mandatory normativity. Attempting to address this oversight, the following paper begins by highlighting a serious inconsistency between recent Catholic magisterial documents. It is proposed that the inconsistency is largely due to understanding the respective norms—relating to marriage and euthanasia—in divergent ways: per the very different (...)
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    Self-Originating Source of Valid Moral Claims or Witness to Moral Truth? Contemporary Revisionist Accounts of Conscience—An Exploration and Response.Thomas Berg - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1319-1355.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Originating Source of Valid Moral Claims or Witness to Moral Truth?Contemporary Revisionist Accounts of Conscience—An Exploration and Response*Thomas Berg"It will not do to identify man's conscience with the self-consciousness of the I, with its subjective certainty about itself and its moral behavior."—Joseph Ratzinger1In his seminal essay "The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self," Michael Sandel observed that the dominant political philosophy that had been implicit in the practices and (...)
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  19. Witness, the pedagogy of grace and moral development.Daniel J. Fleming & Thomas Ryan - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):259.
    Fleming, Daniel J; Ryan, Thomas Three recent phrases of Pope Francis warrant attention and guide this article. First, there is his call for 'witnesses of God's love' in his tribute to modern martyrs. The second is 'the pedagogy of grace' and the work of the Spirit explained in 'Amoris Laetitia'. Third, from the same document, we find his discussion of accompaniment in the process of moral discernment within the church. With these as guideposts and drawing on recent studies (...)
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    A Família, o Trabalho e a Empregabilidade.Antônio de Pádua Santos - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):46-58.
    Este artigo parte da Exortação Pós-Sinodal Amoris Laetitia quanto trata da questão da importância do trabalho para a constituição e estabilidade da família. O trabalho é um tema bíblico que diz respeito tanto á realidade pessoal, familiar, quanto com a conservação da natureza. A preocupação da Igreja com as questões sociais sempre esteve presente. Os acontecimentos decorrentes da revolução industrial, suscitando questões de justiça, e colocando em destaque a causa operária, derivada do conflito entre capital e trabalho, provocou (...)
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    Acompañar, integrar y discernir.Juan de Dios Larrú - 2020 - Isidorianum 27 (53):25-39.
    El presente estudio se propone iluminar la recepción de la exhortación apostólica Amoris laetitia. Para ello se toma como hilo conductor los tres verbos que aparecen en el capítulo VIII de la misma: acompañar, integrar y discernir, teniendo presente el conjunto de la exhortación. Siguiendo de cerca el vademécum escrito por tres profesores de la sede central del Instituto Teológico Juan Pablo II, consideramos sucesivamente el significado del acompañamiento, la integración y el discernimiento para la pastoral familiar. En (...)
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    Veritatis splendor y la Moral autónoma.María Soledad Paladino - 2023 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 26 (51):131-162.
    Las discusiones suscitadas en torno a la exhortación apostólica Amoris laetitia evidencian que a seis lustros de la publicación de Veritatis splendor la temática del objeto moral no ha perdido actualidad. En este contexto, es interesante observar que algunas de las discusiones relativas a este tema tienen su origen en posiciones afines a los presupuestos de la Moral autónoma. A fin de poder efectuar una valoración crítica de tales posiciones, en este estudio ofrecemos una aproximación a la racionalidad (...)
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    Cinta kasih suami-istri sebagai fondasi kehidupan keluarga kristiani.Antonius Moa & Yordianus Pajo Hewen - forthcoming - Logos:153-168.
    The development of time which becoming more modern, exposes married couples to various opportunities and challenges to build Christian family life. The development of the modern world which is marked by very rapid progress in the fields of science and technology not only has a very positive impact but also has a very negative impact on the realization of Christian family life. The magnitude of the negative impact that has occurred has resulted in many Christian families, especially Christian husbands and (...)
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    A análise sem'ntico-exegética de Lc 4,1-2 como método de compreensão da família cristã, símbolo da igreja doméstica em saída. [REVIEW]da Silva Renato Gonçalves - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):134-144.
    This article aims to make a parallel between the act of Christ, Son of God who is led by the Holy Spirit to face the devil and his temptations in the dry environment of the desert, and the act of the Christian families, who should have the same enthusiasm to let be led by the Spirit that will take them to dense and problematic realities in order to overcome evil. It is also related to the thinking of the evangelist through (...)
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    What causes the insight memory advantage?Amory H. Danek & Jennifer Wiley - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104411.
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    Working Wonders? Investigating insight with magic tricks.Amory H. Danek, Thomas Fraps, Albrecht von Müller, Benedikt Grothe & Michael Öllinger - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):174-185.
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    Growing Up Palestinian: Israeli Occupation and the Intifada Generation.Laetitia Bucaille - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Looks at the lives of three young Palestinian fighters caught up in the second Palestinian Intifada and examines the recent history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the cross-generational differences and divisions in religious, ...
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    On the role of rTJP in moral judgments: a tDCS study.Leloup Laëtitia, Dongo Miletich Diana, Andriet Gaëlle, Vandermeeren Yves & Samson Dana - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Le Rousseau de Cassirer.Laetitia Simonetta - 2018 - Astérion 18 (18).
    The way Ernst Cassirer understands Jean-Jacques Rousseau at the beginning of the 1930’s is interesting, in so far as it puts forward different mechanisms of interpretation, which Cassirer is not always conscious of. On the one hand, Cassirer claims to have a fresh and neutral interpretation of Rousseau’s works, going above divergent contemporaneous interpretations. On the other hand, his thought is actually determined by his personal philosophical formation, that is to say the neokantism of the Marburg School, and above all (...)
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  30. Sustaining local agriculture Barriers and opportunities to direct marketing between farms and restaurants in Colorado.Amory Starr, Adrian Card, Carolyn Benepe, Garry Auld, Dennis Lamm, Ken Smith & Karen Wilken - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):301-321.
    Research explored methods for “shortening the food links” or developing the “local foodshed” by connecting farmers with food service buyers (for restaurants and institutions) in Colorado. Telephone interviews were used to investigate marketing and purchasing practices. Findings include that price is not a significant factor in purchasing decisions; that food buyers prioritize quality as their top purchasing criterion but are not aware that local farmers can provide higher quality, that institutions are interested in buying locally; that small farms can offer (...)
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    Political Consent, Promissory Fidelity and Rights Transfers in Grotius.Laetitia Ramelet - 2019 - Grotiana 40 (1):123-145.
    Grotius is now widely acknowledged as an important figure in early modern contractual and consensual theories of political authority and legitimacy. However, as his thoughts on these debates are disseminated throughout his works rather than systematically ordained, it remains difficult to assess what, if anything, constitutes his distinctive mark. In the present paper, I will argue that his works contain a combination of two conceptual elements that have come to constitute a salient characteristic of early modern contract and consent theories: (...)
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    Growing Up with Asperger’s Syndrome: Developmental Trajectory of Autobiographical Memory.Laetitia Bon, Jean-Marc Baleyte, Pascale Piolino, Béatrice Desgranges, Francis Eustache & Bérengère Guillery-Girard - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Some Observations on the Incidence of Word-end in Anapaestic Paroemiacs and its Application to Textual Questions.Laetitia Parker - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (1-2):82-.
    It is generally stated that diaeresis after the first metron, obligatory in recitative dimeters, is not the rule in catalectic dimeters, or paroemiacs. An examination of the material, however, yields the following results. The paroemiacs of Tyrtaeus' consistendy observe metron-diaeresis. Out of a total of 348 recitative paroemiacs in the Attic dramatists, only 34 disregard metron-diaeresis altogether. A further 75 overlap metron-diaeresis by one short syllable . Apparently, the practice with regard to metron-diaeresis is fundamentally the same in paroemiacs as (...)
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  34. Une place pour l’artisanat mycénien?Laetitia Phialon - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:1-42.
    Cet article se propose d’examiner les espaces de production et d’activités artisanales dans le monde mycénien. On s’intéresse aux structures fixes – telles que les fours artisanaux – et aux dépôts d’outils, d’objets semi‑finis ou de matériaux bruts découverts en contexte de l’Helladique Récent. Alors que certaines activités artisanales, comme le travail de l’ivoire, se concentrent sur des sites palatiaux tels que Mycènes et Thèbes à l’HR III B, la production céramique est attestée par la découverte de fours dans différents (...)
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    La légende de Gauz.Laetitia Ajanohun - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):200-201.
    Au sortir de cet entretien avec Gauz, Laëtitia Ajanohun nous propose une légende inspirée de ces légendes orales pleinement réécrites qui essaiment dans tout le roman de Gauz, Camarade Papa, qui minent le discours colonial et donnent voix aux oubliés de l’Histoire.
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  36. Contribution of Neuroepigenetics to Huntington’s Disease.Laetitia Francelle, Caroline Lotz, Tiago Outeiro, Emmanuel Brouillet & Karine Merienne - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Moral Rationalization Contributes More Strongly to Escalation of Unethical Behavior Among Low Moral Identifiers Than Among High Moral Identifiers.Laetitia B. Mulder & Eric van Dijk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38. Giuliana Mancuso, Il giovane Scheler (1899-1906).Matteo Amori - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (4):801.
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    Exilés : habiter en attendant à l’hôtel.Laetitia Laé Overney - 2021 - Temporalités 33.
    L’article décrit l’attente des familles exilées hébergées dans des hôtels. De quoi est fait le quotidien en attendant les papiers pour chacun des membres de la famille, un CDI, un logement? Nous proposons de porter notre attention sur les relations entre le temps vécu et la vie matérielle, autrement dit l’espace, les objets, l’argent, les papiers administratifs, les petits boulots, les échanges concrets, lesquels sont trop souvent évacués des recherches sociologiques sur l’exil.Parce que l’espace d’hébergement donne un relief particulier à (...)
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    La connaissance par sentiment au XVIIIe siècle.Laetitia Simonetta - 2018 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    La particularité du sentiment est que, alors qu'il est une impression d'ordre affectif, constituée de perceptions de plaisir et de douleur, il est amené à représenter autre chose que l'état purement subjectif de l'âme. Tout le problème est de déterminer à quel point le sentiment constitue un mode de connaissance irréductible.
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    Ethical Leadership on the Rise? A Cross-Temporal and Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of its Means, Variability, and Relationships with Follower Outcomes Across 15 Years.Justine Amory, Bart Wille, Brenton M. Wiernik & Sofie Dupré - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):455-483.
    Scholars have suggested that leaders’ ethical failures at the beginning of the twenty-first century have raised awareness about the importance of ethical leadership (EL). Yet, there has been no systematic effort to evaluate whether this awareness indeed led to changes in EL or how followers react to this leadership style over time. To address this gap, we examine the evolution in EL means, variability, and its associations with follower outcomes between 2004 and 2019. Our cross-temporal meta-analysis included 359 independent samples (...)
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    Hobbes and the Indirect Workings of Political Consent.Laetitia Ramelet - 2022 - Hobbes Studies 35 (2):155-175.
    This paper brings to light an unexplored aspect of Hobbes’s argument that political authority rests upon subjects’ consent. Consent enacts a transfer of subjects’ right of nature to the sovereign, yet she already possesses a natural right to everything. What moral difference, then, does this make to her possession of power, and how? In my reading, the difference lies in the rise of new obligations befalling the sovereign by means of an indirect mechanism: That many individuals, hoping for safety, transfer (...)
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    The settlement of Krisa (Chrysso‑Hagios Georgios) in the Bronze Age: a re‑evaluation of the site topography and ceramics.Laetitia Phialon - 2018 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 142:403-536.
    L ’habitat de Krisa, fouillé en 1935‑36, a livré d’importants vestiges de l’âge du Bronze. Le réexamen du site et du mobilier a pour but de revoir l’accessibilité de l’éperon rocheux, de redater les dépôts céramiques découverts dans les bâtiments et les tombes au sein de l’habitat, ainsi que de mettre à jour nos connaissances sur le corpus céramique. On démontre, entre autres, que la porte ouverte dans le mur de fortification se trouve plus à l’Est que l’emplacement indiqué jusqu’alors. (...)
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    Femme 2.0: féminisme et transhumanisme: quel avenir pour la femme?Laetitia Pouliquen - 2016 - Le Coudray-Macouard: Saint-Léger éditions.
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    Germaine de Staël, citoyenne du monde : le cosmopolitisme dans l’oeuvre staëlien.Laetitia Saintes - 2019 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38:73.
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    Queer challenges to evidence‐based practice.Laetitia Zeeman, Kay Aranda & Alec Grant - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):101-111.
    This paper aims to queer evidence‐based practice by troubling the concepts of evidence, knowledge and mental illness. The evidence‐based narrative that emerged within biomedicine has dominated health care. The biomedical notion of ‘evidence’ has been critiqued extensively and is seen as exclusive and limiting, and even though the social constructionist paradigm attempts to challenge the authority of biomedicine to legitimate what constitutes acceptable evidence or knowledge for those experiencing mental illness, biomedical notions of evidence appear to remain relatively intact. Queer (...)
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  47. The thinking of Robert Spaemann between the review of modernity and teleological ontology.M. Amori - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (1):55-103.
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    Qu’est-ce qui fait art en danse classique?Laetitia Basselier - 2021 - Noesis 37.
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    A report on the current access to academic information at the University of Pretoria for visually impaired students: challenges and opportunities.Laetitia Cassells & Caitlin Weber - 2018 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 22 (3):82-91.
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    Décrire une ville : « Heidelberg par ses mots »: Esquisse d’une analyse lexicale et discursive de l’espace urbain.Laetitia Faivre - 2011 - In Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Jean El Gammal & Gabriele Clemens, Städtischer Raum Im Wandel/Espaces Urbains En Mutation: Modernität - Mobilität - Repräsentationen/Modernités - Mobilités - Représentations. Akademie Verlag. pp. 373-394.
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