Results for 'Allan Hepburn'

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  1. Wise choices, apt feelings: a theory of normative judgment.Allan Gibbard - 1990 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This book examines some of the deepest questions in philosophy: What is involved in judging a belief, action, or feeling to be rational?
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  2. Thinking How to Live.Allan Gibbard - 2003 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Philosophers have long suspected that thought and discourse about what we ought to do differ in some fundamental way from statements about what is. But the difference has proved elusive, in part because the two kinds of statement look alike. Focusing on judgments that express decisions--judgments about what is to be done, all things considered--Allan Gibbard offers a compelling argument for reconsidering, and reconfiguring, the distinctions between normative and descriptive discourse--between questions of "ought" and "is." Gibbard considers how our (...)
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  3. Meaning and normativity.Allan Gibbard - 1994 - Philosophical Issues 5:95-115.
    The concepts of meaning and mental content resist naturalistic analysis. This is because they are normative: they depend on ideas of how things ought to be.
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    Experiment, Right or Wrong.Allan Franklin - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Experiment, Right or Wrong, Allan Franklin continues his investigation of the history and philosophy of experiment presented in his previous book, The Neglect of Experiment. Using a combination of case studies and philosophical readings of those studies, Franklin again addresses two important questions: (1) What role does and should experiment play in the choice between competing theories and in the confirmation or refutation of theories and hypotheses? (2) How do we come to believe reasonably in experimental results? Experiment, (...)
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    Explorations toward a logic of empirical discovery: A case study in clinical medicine.Allan Adelman - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (1):54-70.
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  6. Morality as consistency in living: Korsgaard’s Kantian lectures.Allan Gibbard - 1999 - Ethics 110 (1):140-164.
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    Aristotle's Theory of Abstraction.Allan Bäck - 2014 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book investigates Aristotle’s views on abstraction and explores how he uses it. In this work, the author follows Aristotle in focusing on the scientific detail first and then approaches the metaphysical claims, and so creates a reconstructed theory that explains many puzzles of Aristotle’s thought. Understanding the details of his theory of relations and abstraction further illuminates his theory of universals. Some of the features of Aristotle’s theory of abstraction developed in this book include: abstraction is a relation; perception (...)
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    Utilitarianism and coordination.Allan Gibbard - 1990 - New York: Garland.
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  9. How to defeat belief in the external world.Allan Hazlett - 2006 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):198–212.
    I defend the view that there is a privileged class of propositions – that there is an external world, among other such 'hinge propositions'– that possess a special epistemic status: justified belief in these propositions is not defeated unless one has sufficient reason to believe their negation. Two arguments are given for this conclusion. Finally, three proposals are offered as morals of the preceding story: first, our justification for hinge propositions must be understood as defeatable, second, antiskeptics must explain our (...)
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    Calibration.Allan Franklin - 1997 - Perspectives on Science 5 (1):31-80.
    Calibration, the use of a surrogate signal to standardize an instrument, is an important strategy for the establishment of the validity of an experimental result. In this paper, I present several examples, typical of physics experiments, that illustrate the adequacy of the surrogate. In addition, I discuss several episodes in which the question of calibration is both difficult to answer and of paramount importance. These episodes include early attempts to detect gravity waves, the question of the existence of a 17–keV (...)
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  11. False Intellectual Humility.Allan Hazlett - 2020 - In Mark Alfano, Michael Patrick Lynch & Alessandra Tanesini (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Humility. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter explores a species of false modesty, false intellectual humility, which is defined as affected or pretended intellectual humility concealing intellectual arrogance. False intellectual humility is situated in a virtue epistemological framework, where it is contrasted with intellectual humility, understood as excellence in self-attribution of intellectual weakness. False intellectual humility characteristically takes the form of insincere expressions of ignorance or uncertainty – as when dogmatically committed conspiracy theorists insist that they just want to know what’s going on – and, (...)
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  12. Nursing Ethics and Advanced Practice in the Anesthesia and Perioperative Period.Allan C. Thomas, Gregory Sheedy & Pamela J. Grace - 2018 - In Pamela June Grace & Melissa K. Uveges (eds.), Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  13. Grice's razor.Allan Hazlett - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (5):669-690.
    Grice’s Razor is a principle of parsimony which states a preference for linguistic explanations in terms of conversational implicature, to explanations in terms of semantic context-dependence. Here I propose a Gricean theory of knowledge attributions, and contend on the basis of Grice’s Razor that it is superior to contextualism about ‘knows’.
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  14. On Technological Determinism: A Typology, Scope Conditions, and a Mechanism.Allan Dafoe - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):1047-1076.
    “Technological determinism” is predominantly employed as a critic’s term, used to dismiss certain classes of theoretical and empirical claims. Understood more productively as referring to claims that place a greater emphasis on the autonomous and social-shaping tendencies of technology, technological determinism is a valuable and prominent perspective. This article will advance our understanding of technological determinism through four contributions. First, I clarify some debates about technological determinism through an examination of the meaning of technology. Second, I parse the family of (...)
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  15. Intellectual Pride.Allan Hazlett - 2017 - In Joseph Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Pride. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Intellectual pride is pride about intellectual matters – for example, knowledge about what you know, about your intellectual virtues, or about your intellectual achievements. It is the opposite of intellectual humility (e.g. knowledge about what you don’t know, about your intellectual vices, or about your intellectual failures). In this paper I will advocate for intellectual pride by explaining its importance in the contexts of education (where a lack of pride threatens to undermine motivation), intellectual marginalization (where a lack of pride (...)
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  16. Thoughts, norms, and discursive practices: Commentary on Brandom.Allan Gibbard - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (3):699-717.
  17. How to defend response moralism.Allan Hazlett - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (3):241-255.
    Here I defend response moralism, the view that some emotional responses to fi ctions are morally right, and others morally wrong, from the objection that responses to merely fi ctional characters and events cannot be morally evaluated. I defend the view that emotional responses to fi ctions can be morally evaluated only to the extent that said responses are responses to real people and events.
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  18. Epistemic conceptions of begging the question.Allan Hazlett - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (3):343-363.
    A number of epistemologists have recently concluded that a piece of reasoning may be epistemically permissible even when it is impossible for the reasoning subject to present her reasoning as an argument without begging the question. I agree with these epistemologists, but argue that none has sufficiently divorced the notion of begging the question from epistemic notions. I present a proposal for a characterization of begging the question in purely pragmatic terms.
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    Becoming Human: The Matter of the Medieval Child.John Allan Mitchell - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Becoming Human_ argues that human identity was articulated and extended across a wide range of textual, visual, and artifactual assemblages from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. J. Allan Mitchell shows how the formation of the child expresses a manifold and mutable style of being. To be human is to learn to dwell among a welter of things. A searching and provocative historical inquiry into human becoming, the book presents a set of idiosyncratic essays on embryology and infancy, play (...)
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  20. The maturation of the Gettier problem.Allan Hazlett - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):1-6.
    Edmund Gettier’s paper “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” first appeared in an issue of Analysis , dated June of 1963, and although it’s tempting to wax hyperbolic when discussing the paper’s importance and influence, it is fair to say that its impact on contemporary philosophy has been substantial and wide-ranging. Epistemology has benefited from 50 years of sincere and rigorous discussion of issues arising from the paper, and Gettier’s conclusion that knowledge is not justified true belief is sometimes offered as (...)
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    Reply to Sinnott-Armstrong.Allan Gibbard - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 69 (2):315 - 327.
    I conclude that Gibbard fails to solve several of the traditional problems for expressivism. He solves some of these problems, but his solutions to them in effect give up expressivism. Of course, one might respond that it does not really matter whether his theory is expressivist. In some ways, I agree. Gibbard says many fascinating things about morality which have at most indirect connections to his expressivist analysis. I am thinking especially of his later discussions of hyperscepticism, parochialism, and indirect (...)
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    Delegation and supervision of healthcare assistants’ work in the daily management of uncertainty and the unexpected in clinical practice: invisible learning among newly qualified nurses.Helen T. Allan, Carin Magnusson, Karen Evans, Elaine Ball, Sue Westwood, Kathy Curtis, Khim Horton & Martin Johnson - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):377-385.
    The invisibility of nursing work has been discussed in the international literature but not in relation to learning clinical skills. Evans and Guile's (Practice‐based education: Perspectives and strategies, Rotterdam: Sense, 2012) theory of recontextualisation is used to explore the ways in which invisible or unplanned and unrecognised learning takes place as newly qualified nurses learn to delegate to and supervise the work of the healthcare assistant. In the British context, delegation and supervision are thought of as skills which are learnt (...)
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  23. The Neyman-Pearson theory as decision theory, and as inference theory; with a criticism of the Lindley-Savage argument for bayesian theory.Allan Birnbaum - 1977 - Synthese 36 (1):19 - 49.
  24. Moral concepts: Substance and sentiment.Allan Gibbard - 1992 - Philosophical Perspectives 6:199-221.
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    The Guodian Laozi: proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998.Sarah Allan & Crispin Williams (eds.) - 2000 - Berkeley, Calif.: Society for the Study of Early China and Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California.
    The first major publication in English on the bamboo slips excavated from a late fourth century B.C. Chu-state tomb at Guodian, Hubei, in 1993. The slip texts include both Daoist and Confucian works, many previously unknown. Thie monograph is a full account of the international conference held on these texts, at which leading scholars from China, the United States, Europe, and Japan analyzed the Laozi materials and a previously unknown cosmological text. In addition, the contents include nine essays on topics (...)
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    Intuition and Reality: A Study of the Attributes of Substance in the Absolute Idealism of Spinoza.James Allan Thomas, James Peringer Thomas & Leslie Armour - 1999 - Ashgate Publishing.
    This is a study of the attributes problem in the metaphysics of Spinoza, using the recent literature ascribing an absolute idealism to Spinoza as a point of departure.
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  27. Understanding and Testimony.Allan Hazlett - 2025 - In Jennifer Lackey & Aidan McGlynn (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Can understanding be transmitted by testimony, in the same sense that propositional knowledge can be transmitted by testimony? Some contemporary philosophers – call them testimonial understanding pessimists – say No, and others – call them testimonial understanding optimists – say Yes. In this chapter I will articulate testimonial understanding pessimism (§1) and consider some arguments for it (§2).
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  28. Skepticism.Allan Hazlett - 2018 - In Heather D. Battaly (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Virtue Epistemology. Routledge.
    In this chapter I sympathetically consider the idea that skepticism is an epistemic virtue. I argue that this depends on whether skepticism is admirable, and articulate three defenses of skepticism as admirable: a Pyrrhonian defense (on which skepticism leads to tranquility), a Cartesian defense (on which skepticism is prophylactic against error), and a liberal defense (on which skepticism counteracts dogmatism and closed-mindedness). I give the liberal defense the most attention: I distinguish skepticism from several species of dogmatism that are sometimes (...)
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  29. How the past depends on the future.Allan Hazlett - 2011 - Ratio 24 (2):167-175.
    It is often said that, according to common sense, there is a fundamental asymmetry between the past and future; namely, that the past is closed and the future is open. Eternalism in the ontology of time is often seen as conflicting with common sense on this point. Here I argue against the claim that common sense is committed to this fundamental asymmetry between the past and the future, on the grounds that facts about the past often depend on facts about (...)
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    The DSM-5 and the Continuing Transformation of Normal Sadness Into Depressive Disorder.Allan V. Horwitz - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):209-215.
    For millennia, diagnosticians distinguished natural sadness that arose from social circumstances from depressive disorders that were disproportionate to their contexts. In 1980, the DSM-III transformed this tradition through equating depressive disorders with symptoms without regard to context. Nevertheless, it excluded grieving people without especially severe or enduring symptoms from diagnosis. Subsequently, considerable empirical research indicated that bereavement was not unique but a model for all stressor-maintained conditions. Yet, despite the evidence showing that the causes, prognoses, and optimal treatments for context-specific (...)
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  31. Comment on "the structure of a scientific paper" by Frederick Suppe.Allan Franklin & Colin Howson - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (3):411-416.
    On the basis of an analysis of a single paper on plate tectonics, a paper whose actual content is nowhere in evidence, Frederick Suppe concludes that no standard model of confirmation—hypothetico-deductive, Bayesian-inductive, or inference to the best explanation—can account for the structure of a scientific paper that reports an experimental result. He further argues on the basis of a survey of scientific papers, a survey whose data and results are also absent, that papers which have a rather stringent length limit, (...)
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    Stress-induced twinning and phase transformations in polyethylene single crystals.P. Allan, E. B. Crellin & M. Bevis - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (1):127-145.
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    Neville’s Ontological Ultimate: A Bridge Too Far.George Allan - 2015 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 36 (1):18-30.
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  34. Sailing through the Sea Battle.Allan Bäck - 1992 - Ancient Philosophy 12 (1):133-151.
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    Assigning Responsibility for Children’s Health When Parents and Authorities Disagree: Whose Child?Allan J. Jacobs - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the potential conflict between a government’s duty to protect children and a parent’ right to raise children in a manner they see fit. Using philosophical, bioethical, and legal analysis, the author engages with key scholars in pediatric decision-making and individual and religious rights theory. Going beyond the parent-child dyad, the author is deeply concerned both with the inteests of the broader society and with the appropriate limits of government interference in the private sphere. (...)
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    The Body in Mind: Medical Imagery in Sophocles.William Allan - 2014 - Hermes 142 (3):259-278.
    This article analyses the depiction of mental and physical pain in Sophoclean tragedy, showing how Sophocles uses medical imagery to explore fundamental problems in the personality and behaviour of his protagonists. It argues that the concentration of medical language at certain moments in particular plays not only makes the scenes more graphic and credible, but also articulates the causes and consequences of the characters’ predicament. Particular attention is given to Ajax’s delusions and maddening shame, Heracles’ agony and Deianeira’s mistake, and (...)
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  37. The New Testament Today.Mark Allan Powell - 1999
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  38. Linguistic meaning.Keith Allan - 1986 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Chapter Beginning an account of linguistic meaning: speaker, hearer, context, and utterance Pity the poor analyst, who has to do the best he can with ...
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    Philoponus on the Fallacy of Accident.Allan Bäck - 1987 - Ancient Philosophy 7:131-146.
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    The Aesthetics of Irwin Edman (1896-1954).Allan Shields - 1980 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 14 (2):23.
  41. The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth CenturyAesthetics, an Introduction.Allan Shields, Albert Boime & William Charlton - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (1):140.
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    Nightlife Patrons’ Personal and Descriptive Norms Regarding Sexual Behaviors.Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester, Maria Allan & Alfred Allan - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (6):423-437.
    The behavior of some nightlife-setting patrons would be unacceptable in workplaces or public settings and could cause distress to other patrons. This quantitative study determined 381 young Australian’s descriptive and personal norms regarding four types of sexual behavior. Participants’ personal norms were that these behaviors are wrong, but they reported that the behaviors are common in a nightlife setting. Behaviors such as these could theoretically be prevented by modifying patrons’ descriptive norms with evidence that their beliefs are contrary to individuals’ (...)
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    Wouter Goris, Transzendentale Einheit. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015. Pp. ix, 527. $210. ISBN: 978-90-04-30511-3.Allan Bäck - 2017 - Speculum 92 (2):530-532.
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  44. Talk about talk about talk about art.Allan Shields - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (2):187-192.
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  45. Truthfulness without Truth.Allan Hazlett - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 45:115-131.
    It is natural to think that the badness of false belief explains the badness of lying. In this paper, I argue against this: I argue that the badness of false belief does not explain the badness of lying and that, given a popular account of the badness of lying, the badness of false belief is orthogonal to the badness of lying.
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    Reply to Sturgeon.Allan Gibbard - 1985 - Ethics 96 (1):34-41.
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    Transitivity of social choice: Developmental considerations.Allan H. Schulman - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):425-426.
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    Waiting for tear gas.Allan Sekula - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):118-129.
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    Art and Human Values.Allan Shields - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 15 (2):113.
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    Art, Style, and History: A Selective Survey of Art.Allan Shields & Jon D. Longaker - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 7 (1):111.
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