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Alfred E. Emerson [5]Alfred Emerson [5]Alfred Edwards Emerson [1]
  1.  67
    Dynamic homeostasis. A unifying principle in organic, social, and ethical evolution.Alfred E. Emerson - 1968 - Zygon 3 (2):129-168.
  2.  53
    Evolutionary aspects of freedom, death, and dignity.Alfred E. Emerson & Ralph Wendell Burhoe - 1974 - Zygon 9 (2):156-182.
    Presented and discussed the gist of this paper at the Twentieth Summer Conference (“The Humanizing and Dehumanizing of Man”) of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, Star Island, New Hampshire, July 28–August 4, 1973. “We wish to express our indebtedness to Ralph W. Gerard, Eleanor Fish Emerson, Helen Fraser, Calla Burhoe, George Riggan, and Gertrude Emerson Sen for assisting with the preparation of the manuscript, providing references, and, most important, discussion of the concepts and evidence,” the authors (...)
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  3.  29
    The impact of Darwin on biology.Alfred E. Emerson - 1962 - Acta Biotheoretica 15 (4):175-216.
  4.  48
    Commentary on theological resources from the biological sciences.Alfred E. Emerson - 1966 - Zygon 1 (1):55-56.
  5.  34
    In memoriam.Alfred Edwards Emerson - 1976 - Zygon 11 (4):389-389.
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  6.  38
    Some biological antecedents of human purpose.Alfred E. Emerson - 1973 - Zygon 8 (3-4):294-309.