Results for 'Alessandro Calbucci'

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  1. Is It Bad to Prefer Attractive Partners?William D'Alessandro - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (2):335-354.
    Philosophers have rightly condemned lookism—that is, discrimination in favor of attractive people or against unattractive people—in education, the justice system, the workplace and elsewhere. Surprisingly, however, the almost universal preference for attractive romantic and sexual partners has rarely received serious ethical scrutiny. On its face, it’s unclear whether this is a form of discrimination we should reject or tolerate. I consider arguments for both views. On the one hand, a strong case can be made that preferring attractive partners is bad. (...)
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    Equivalence between Wadge and Lipschitz determinacy.Alessandro Andretta - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 123 (1-3):163-192.
    We prove that the determinacy of all Lipschitz games, the determinacy of all Wadge games, and the semi-linear ordering principle for Lipschitz maps are all equivalent.
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  3. A Noetic Account of Explanation in Mathematics.William D’Alessandro & Ellen Lehet - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    We defend a noetic account of intramathematical explanation. On this view, a piece of mathematics is explanatory just in case it produces understanding of an appropriate type. We motivate the view by presenting some appealing features of noeticism. We then discuss and criticize the most prominent extant version of noeticism, due to Inglis and Mejía Ramos, which identifies explanatory understanding with the possession of well-organized cognitive schemas. Finally, we present a novel noetic account. On our view, explanatory understanding arises from (...)
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    Spatialization in working memory is related to literacy and reading direction: Culture “literarily” directs our thoughts.Alessandro Guida, Ahmed M. Megreya, Magali Lavielle-Guida, Yvonnick Noël, Fabien Mathy, Jean-Philippe van Dijck & Elger Abrahamse - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):96-100.
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    A SPoARC in the Dark: Spatialization in Verbal Immediate Memory.Alessandro Guida, Aurélie Leroux, Magali Lavielle-Guida & Yvonnick Noël - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2108-2121.
    In 2011, van Dijck and Fias described a positional SNARC effect: the SPoARC. To-be-remembered items presented centrally on a screen seemed to acquire a left-to-right spatial dimension. If confirmed, this spatialization could be crucial for immediate memory theories. However, given the intricate links between visual and spatial dimensions, this effect could be due to the visual presentation, which could have probed the left-to-right direction of reading/writing. To allow a generalization of this effect, we adapted van Dijck and Fias's task using (...)
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  6. Presupoositions as pragmames: the case of exemplification acts.Alessandro Capone - 2020 - Intercultural Pragmatics (17-1):53-75.
    This paper is an example of how contextual information interacts with the interpretation of noun phrases (NPs) in discourse. When we encounter an NP escorted by the definite article or a proper name, the expectation is triggered that the speaker is referring to some referent x that the hearer can normally identify. Strawson and Russell have agreed that a referent must be associated with a definite description so that the assertion containing it can be said to be true. In the (...)
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    Democratizing Health Research Through Data Cooperatives.Alessandro Blasimme, Effy Vayena & Ernst Hafen - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):473-479.
    Massive amounts of data are collected and stored on a routine basis in virtually all domains of human activities. Such data are potentially useful to biomedicine. Yet, access to data for research purposes is hindered by the fact that different kinds of individual-patient data reside in disparate, unlinked silos. We propose that data cooperatives can promote much needed data aggregation and consequently accelerate research and its clinical translation. Data cooperatives enable direct control over personal data, as well as more democratic (...)
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    Rethinking reappraisal: Insights from affective neuroscience.Alessandro Grecucci & Remo Job - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e102.
    Kalisch et al. argue that appraisal and reappraisal are key mechanisms promoting resilience; however, experimental findings seem to contradict this simplistic view. We argue that a deeper look at affective neuroscience may provide complementary and stronger evidence on how emotional reactivity and emotion regulation may affect resilience.
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    Functional cerebral reorganization: a signature of expertise? Reexamining Guida, Gobet, Tardieu, and Nicolas' (2012) two-stage framework.Alessandro Guida, Fernand Gobet & Serge Nicolas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  10. On quasi-names.Alessandro Capone - forthcoming - Ca' Foscari Submission. Translated by Alessandro Capone.
    Abstract -/- In this paper, I shall deal with quasi-(proper) names, that is expressions like ‘Mum’, ‘Dad’, ‘Grandpa’, ‘Grandma’ in English or ‘Papà’, ‘Mamma’, ‘Nonna’, ‘Nonno’ in Italian. I shall use examples both from English and Italian. Quasi-names are directly referential like proper names, even if they apparently exhibit some conceptual materials, which, however, are not active and are inert. They can be used as vocatives or as arguments of verbs. I called terms like ‘Mum’, ‘Dad’ ‘quasi-names’ because they have (...)
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  11. Presuppositions as conversational phenomena.Alessandro Capone - 2017 - Intercultural Pragmatics 198 (198):22-37.
    In this paper, I distinguish between linguistic and non-linguistic presuppositions. I also propose that we should be interested in conversational presuppositions, which could also be called speaker-meant presuppositions or speaker's presuppositions. I also distinguish between potential and actual presuppositions. I propose that, in some cases, presuppositions can be conversationally implicated and cancellation is possible. I specify what the hard cases are and I try to explain them through ontological considerations. I try to reduce the hard cases through (a) the notion (...)
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  12.  51
    O-Minimal Spectra, Infinitesimal Subgroups and Cohomology.Alessandro Berarducci - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1177 - 1193.
    By recent work on some conjectures of Pillay, each definably compact group G in a saturated o-minimal expansion of an ordered field has a normal "infinitesimal subgroup" G00 such that the quotient G/G00, equipped with the "logic topology", is a compact (real) Lie group. Our first result is that the functor G → G/G00 sends exact sequences of definably compact groups into exact sequences of Lie groups. We then study the connections between the Lie group G/G00 and the o-minimal spectrum (...)
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    Engaging the later Rawls on legitimacy.Alessandro Ferrara - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1076-1084.
    Frank Michelman’s recent book Constitutional Essentials. On the Constitutional Theory of Political Liberalism is discussed from a specific angle, related to how Rawls’s ‘deflection procedure’ – called by Michelman ‘justification by constitution’ – is affected by two recent innovations in the paradigm of political liberalism: first, the extension of reasonable pluralism to a family of liberal political conceptions of justice that coexist in a liberal-democratic society; second, the idea of legitimation based on the criterion of reciprocity, aimed at supplementing the (...)
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  14.  56
    Combinatorial principles in elementary number theory.Alessandro Berarducci & Benedetto Intrigila - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (1):35-50.
    We prove that the theory IΔ0, extended by a weak version of the Δ0-Pigeonhole Principle, proves that every integer is the sum of four squares (Lagrange's theorem). Since the required weak version is derivable from the theory IΔ0 + ∀x (xlog(x) exists), our results give a positive answer to a question of Macintyre (1986). In the rest of the paper we consider the number-theoretical consequences of a new combinatorial principle, the ‘Δ0-Equipartition Principle’ (Δ0EQ). In particular we give a new proof, (...)
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    Editorial: Advances in Emotion Regulation: From Neuroscience to Psychotherapy.Alessandro Grecucci, Jon Frederickson & Remo Job - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. Habits and Aesthetic Experience.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 17 (1):61-78.
    It is often assumed that habits and aesthetic experiences are fundamentally and irreconcilably opposed. Typically, aesthetic experiences are considered to necessitate non-habitual behavior and to provoke unexpected mental states and extraordinary affective sensations. This article challenges this assumption. Moving beyond potential structural analogies between habitual behavior and aesthetic experience, I focus on two key aspects. Firstly, I argue that the experience of beauty and aesthetic experiences in general actually depend on certain habits, specifically those engaged in aesthetic agency and appreciation, (...)
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    “Tailored-to-You”: Public Engagement and the Political Legitimation of Precision Medicine.Alessandro Blasimme & Effy Vayena - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (2):172-188.
    Some patients tolerate a given drug well, without adverse reactions. For others, though, an identical dose of the same medication can have toxic effects. Moreover, while a drug can be effective at relieving symptoms for some patients, it may fail to do the same for others suffering with the same disease. With such variability in treatment responses, tailoring medical interventions to individual patients has long been an aspiration of medicine. Until recently, however, medicine lacked a clear understanding of the biological (...)
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    Constrained spherical deconvolution analysis of the limbic network in human, with emphasis on a direct cerebello-limbic pathway.Alessandro Arrigo, Enricomaria Mormina, Giuseppe Pio Anastasi, Michele Gaeta, Alessandro Calamuneri, Angelo Quartarone, Simona De Salvo, Daniele Bruschetta, Giuseppina Rizzo, Fabio Trimarchi & Demetrio Milardi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  19.  6
    Entendre comme: Wittgenstein et l'esthétique musicale.Alessandro Arbo - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    Ce livre se veut une lecture d'ensemble des reflexions que Wittgenstein a consacrees aux questions esthetiques concernant la musique. Il s'attache notamment a explorer les fonctions de l' entendre comme un outil conceptuel susceptible de nous aider a analyser nos manieres de comprendre cet art et a mieux definir ses proprietes expressives et son pouvoir emotionnel. Plus generalement, l'approfondissement de ces thematiques a pour objectif la definition d'une strategie pour re-penser l'acte performatif et l'experience auditive.
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    Discussione su "Moulin Rouge", di Baz Luhrmann.Alessandro Agostinelli, Umberto Curi & Dario Squilloni - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):155-170.
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    Che cos’è un “oggetto musicale”?Alessandro Arbo - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:9-27.
    The discussion about the uses of the concept “musical object” highlights the difficulties of the project – put forward by Pierre Schaeffer (1966) – of basing its definition on the idea of “objet sonore”. Moreover, the proposal to assimilate the functions of the “objet sonore” to those fulfilled by a “musical work” turns out to be no less problematic. A new definition is proposed: a musical object is a social object resulting from the inscription of perceived sound(s), or of the (...)
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    The musical work in cyberspace: some ontological and aesthetic implications.Alessandro Arbo - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):5-27.
    The article examines some of the consequences of the migration of musical works in cyberspace, particularly with regard to their ways of being and the ways in which we listen to them. Streaming is interpreted as the last stage in the expansion of a phenomenon that arose with the advent of phonography, namely, the ubiquity and availability of the works. A new development consists in the production of musical units in modular terms: works can consist of independent parts, which can (...)
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  23. L'esercizio delle libertà di fede e di religione in Italia, in Europa e in occidente: Possibilità e limiti nelle prospettive globale e tardomoderna.Alessandro Argiroffi - 2009 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 86 (3):459-478.
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  24. Martin Heidegger lettore del neoplatonico Sant' Agostino: il Brauch fra uti, frui e il concetto giuridico dell'Ususfructus.Alessandro Argiroffi - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4 (4):577-592.
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    Classical Constructions: Papers in Memory of Don Fowler (review).Alessandro Barchiesi - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (4):508-509.
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    Muscle Synergies in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Reveal Demand-Specific Alterations in the Modular Organization of Locomotion.Lars Janshen, Alessandro Santuz & Adamantios Arampatzis - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    For patients with multiple sclerosis, deficits in gait significantly reduce the quality of life. Using the concept of muscle synergies, this study investigated the modular organization of motor control during level and inclined walking in MS patients compared with healthy participants to identify the potential demand-specific adjustments in motor control in MSP. We hypothesized a widening of the time-dependent activation patterns in MSP to increase the overlap of temporally-adjacent muscle synergies, especially during inclined walking, as a strategy to increase the (...)
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    Becoming an expert: Ontogeny of expertise as an example of neural reuse.Alessandro Guida, Guillermo Campitelli & Fernand Gobet - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    In this commentary, we discuss an important pattern of results in the literature on the neural basis of expertise: decrease of cerebral activation at the beginning of acquisition of expertise and functional cerebral reorganization as a consequence of years of practice. We show how these two results can be integrated with the neural reuse framework.
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    A recursive nonstandard model of normal open induction.Alessandro Berarducci & Margarita Otero - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1228-1241.
    Models of normal open induction are those normal discretely ordered rings whose nonnegative part satisfy Peano's axioms for open formulas in the language of ordered semirings. (Where normal means integrally closed in its fraction field.) In 1964 Shepherdson gave a recursive nonstandard model of open induction. His model is not normal and does not have any infinite prime elements. In this paper we present a recursive nonstandard model of normal open induction with an unbounded set of infinite prime elements.
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    A ontologia performativa de Fichte.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (42):801.
    Que contribuição a filosofia de Fichte pode dar à ontologia? Fichte posicionou-se claramente contra a ontologia enquanto descrição dos entes, isto é, contra a ontologia descritiva. A doutrina da ciência desenvolve pois uma ontologia prescritiva que pode ser entendida como um tipo de “ontologia performativa”.
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    Situating evaluativism in psychiatry: on the axiological dimension of phenomenological psychopathology and Fulford’s value-based practice.Alessandro Guardascione - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):267-303.
    Evaluativists hold that psychiatric disorders have a factual and evaluative dimension and recognize that psychiatric patients have an active role in shaping their symptoms, influencing the development of their disorders, and the outcome of psychiatric therapy. This is reflected in person-centered approaches that explicitly consider the role of values in psychiatric conceptualization, classification, and decision-making. In this respect, in light of the recent partnership between Fulford’s value-based practice (VBP), and Stanghellini’s phenomenological-hermeneutic-dynamical (P.H.D) psychotherapy method, this paper presents a comparative analysis (...)
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    Counterfactual thoughts in complex causal domain: content, benefits, and implications for their function.Alessandro Bogani, Katya Tentori, Donatella Ferrante & Stefania Pighin - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (4):612-647.
    The reliability of previous findings on two crucial aspects of counterfactual thinking, namely the content of counterfactual modifications and their impact on future performance, has been questioned for the frequent use of tasks characterised by simple causal domains, that restrict participants’ possibility to consider a broad range of modifications. To overcome this limitation, we utilised a new experimental task featuring a complex causal domain to investigate such key aspects. The results indicated that participants tend to generate counterfactuals about elements outside (...)
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    Alienation and Social Action.Adam Schaff, Alessandro Ferace & Nelda Cantarella - 1967 - Diogenes 15 (57):64-82.
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    Turning Toward Technology: A Glimpse Into the Asian Paradigm.George Teschner & Alessandro Tomasi - 2016 - New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Routledge.
    We live in an age when the dominant technologically utilitarian worldview is undergoing a transformation. To increase our awareness of this change, Turning Toward Technology introduces readers to the possibility of an alternative technological worldview by examining foundational concepts to Asian thought. The early Eastern philosophical treatment of technology was not ethical, but ontological, exhibiting sensitivity to how human existence was defined and determined in its relation to technology and to reality as a whole. Within the Eastern cultural orientation, technological (...)
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    Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers: Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language.Alessandro Torza (ed.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume covers a wide range of topics that fall under the 'philosophy of quantifiers', a philosophy that spans across multiple areas such as logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and even the history of philosophy. It discusses the import of quantifier variance in the model theory of mathematics. It advances an argument for the uniqueness of quantifier meaning in terms of Evert Beth's notion of implicit definition, and clarifies the oldest explicit formulation of quantifier variance: the one proposed by Rudolf Carnap. The (...)
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    The paradox of pictorial representation. A Wittgensteinian solution.Alessandro Cavazzana - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21 (3):137-155.
    When Wittgenstein claims that "the expression of a change of aspect is the expression of a new perception and at the same time of the perception's being unchanged" (Wittgenstein 1953: 196), he expresses a paradox that Gombrich (Gombrich 1960) modifies in this way: (a 1) the observer x perceives a picture P under a new aspect; (b 1) if x perceives P under a new aspect then x's perception of P has changed; (c 1) but x's perception of P has (...)
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    A Preliminary List and Description of the Nyāyamañjarī Manuscripts.Alessandro Graheli - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (3):317-337.
    The present paper is an inventory and a description of the known manuscripts of the Nyāyamañjarī, meant as a tool for philological research on Bhaṭṭa Jayanta’s magnum opus. The inventory is gradually built through a systematic analysis of archival data found in catalogi catalogorum, bibliographies of catalogues, individual catalogues, unpublished lists, and editions of the Nyāyamañjarī. The list is followed by a concise description of each manuscript, including an external description, an outline of the contents, and historical information.
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    How dare you not recognize the role of my contempt? Insight from experimental psychopathology.Alessandro Grecucci, Jon Frederickson & Remo Job - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  38. Doutrina do estado.Alessandro Groppali - 1962 - São Paulo,: Saraiva.
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  39. Dottrina generale dello stato.Alessandro Groppali - 1936 - Milano,: A. Giuffrè.
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    Board of directors within public organisations: a literature review.Alessandro Hinna, Ernesto De Nito & Gianluigi Mangia - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (3):131.
  41.  10
    La bataille mondiale des semences.Alessandro Stanziani - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):147-152.
    En février 2024, le Parlement européen a voté l’autorisation partielle d’utilisation des NGT ( New Genomic Techniques ). À la différence des OGM, interdites, les NGT ne visent pas à injecter dans une plante les gènes d’une autre, mais à modifier le séquençage de son propre génome en imitant l’évolution génétique « spontanée » qui ne prend plus des milliers d’années, mais quelques minutes. Du coup, elles sont peu « traçables ». Les techniques d’hybridation ont, depuis les années 50, été (...)
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    Contro la tirannia della maggioranza: la democrazia secondo John Stuart Mill.Alessandro Della Casa - 2009 - Saonara (Pd) [i.e. Padua, Italy]: Il prato.
  43.  34
    The "What" problem: the emergence of new goals in a robot.Marco Alessandro Villamira - unknown
    - Biological and cognitive systems have the capa- bility of developing new goals during phylogenesis of species or during ontogenesis of single individuals. On the other hand, current artificial cognitive systems focus on how achieving a given fixed set of hard-wired goals. They search an optimal solution of a problem, given a set of goals and a set of optimiza- tion criteria. They look for “how” to achieve a given goal. Natural agents develop new goals in order to cope with (...)
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    Fra semiotica ed estetica: i primi contributi di semiologia del cinema di Metz.Alessandro Agostini - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 22.
    Christian Metz can rightfully be considered the founder of the semiology of cinema. This essay traces the supporting structures, and the problems connected to them, of this theoretical effort, starting first of all from the context that nourished it. The difficulties associated with both the construction of a general semiology and the use of its categories in cinema and artistic languages emerge.
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    Collections as abstract artifacts.Alessandro Bruzzone - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    Collecting is one of the most widespread cultural practices in the world; which, similar to art – already the subject of a long tradition of philosophical studies – has given rise to the most various creations over the centuries. This refers not only to the countless types of objects that have been the focus of collections but, above all, to the object that constitutes their most defining production: the collection itself, collectively understood as an unparalleled artifact. But from a metaphysical (...)
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  46. Il vero è l'intero? Esercizi sull'intero e la parte.Alessandro Bussotti & Fausto Moriani - 2004 - In Franco Cambi & Francesco Paolo Firrao (eds.), Filosofia per i nuovi Licei. Roma: Armando. pp. pp. 215-235.
  47. La bioetica in classe.Alessandro Bussotti & Fausto Moriani - 2004 - In Franco Cambi & Francesco Paolo Firrao (eds.), Filosofia per i nuovi Licei. Roma: Armando. pp. pp. 179-193.
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    L'utopia in movimento: Herbert Marcuse e le lotte sociali (1964-1979).Ruggero D'Alessandro - 2022 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    (1 other version)Socrates and Socratic dialogue.Alessandro Stavru (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue provides the most complete study of the immediate literary reaction to Socrates, by his contemporaries and the first-generation Socratics, and of the writings from Aristotle to Proclus addressing Socrates and the literary work he inspired.
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    The ASGLOS Study: A global survey on how predatory journals affect scientific practice.Alessandro Martinino, Oshin Puri, Juan Pablo Scarano Pereira, Eloise Owen, Surobhi Chatterjee, Mohamed Abouelazayem, Wah Yang, Francesk Mulita, Yitka Graham, Chetan Parmar, Dharmanand Ramnarain, Arda Isik, Shruti Yadav, Bhargavi R. Budihal, Shankarsai Kashyap, Mohammad Aloulou, Mrinmoy Kundu, Arturan Ibrahimli, Eshwar Rajesh, Reewen George D. Silva, Gaurang Bhatt, Kashish Malhotra, Riccardo Magnani, Frank W. J. M. Smeenk & Sjaak Pouwels - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):207-216.
    Predatory journals and conferences are an emerging problem in scientific literature as they have financial motives, without guaranteeing scientific quality and exposure. The main objective of the ASGLOS project is to investigate the predatory e‐email characteristics, management, and possible consequences and to analyse the extent of the current problem at each academic level. To collect the personal experiences of physicians’ mailboxes on predatory publishing, a Google Form® survey was designed and disseminated from September 2021 to April 2022. A total of (...)
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