Results for 'Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm'

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  1.  84
    An Interview with Andrzej Wajda.Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm & Andrzej Wajda - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (1-2):294-301.
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    Kaja, a Stretscher-Barear from the Warsaw Uprising, Saviour of the Hubal Cross.Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):157-174.
    This paper is a fragment of the book “Kaja od Radosława, czyli historia Hubalowego Krzyża”, which was published by Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza in 2006. It will be published by the American publisher The Military History Press under the title “Kaia Savior of the Hubal Cross”. Covering a century of Polish history, it is full of tragic and compelling events. Such historic events as Polish life in Siberia, Warsaw before the war, the German occupation, the Warsaw Uprising, life in Ostaszków, (...)
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    Is There Progress in Economics? Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought. Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn (eds).Boehm Stephan, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn, Donald Winch, Mark Blaug, Klaus Hamberger, Jack Birner, Sergio Cremaschi, Roger E. Backhouse, Uskali Maki, Luigi Pasinetti, Erich W. Streissler, Philippe Mongin, Augusto Graziani, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Stephen J. Meardon, Andrea Maneschi, Sergio Parrinello, Manuel Fernandez-Lopez, Richard van den Berg, Sandye Gloria-Palermo, Hansjorg Klausinger, Maurice Lageux, Fabio Ravagnani, Neri Salvadori & Pierangelo Garegnani - 2002 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book discusses the concept of progress in economics and investigates whether any advance has been made in its different spheres of research. The authors look back at the history, successes and failures of their respective fields and thoroughly examine the notion of progress from an epistemological and methodological perspective. The idea of progress is particularly significant as the authors regard it as an essentially contested concept which can be defined in many ways – theoretically or empirically; locally or (...)
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    (1 other version)Boehm, Max Hildebert. Natur und Sittlichkeit bei Fichte.Max Hildebert Boehm - 1917 - Kant Studien 21 (1-3).
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    Ireneusz Ziemiński, Śmierć, niesmiertelność, sens życia. Egzystencjalny wymiar filozofii Ludwiga Wittgensteina [Death, Immortality, the Meaning of Life. The Existential Dimension of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophy] by Aleksandra Derra.Aleksandra Derra - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):379-385.
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  6. The moral consequences of social selection.Christopher Boehm - 2014 - In Frans B. M. De Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani & Stefano Parmigiani (eds.), Evolved Morality: The Biology and Philosophy of Human Conscience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
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    Addressing Racism in Ethics Consultation: An Expansion of the Four-Box Method.Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Georgina D. Campelia & Holly Vo - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):11-26.
    Racism is a pervasive issue in patient care and a key social determinant of health. Clinical ethicists, like others involved in patient care, have a duty to recognize and respond to racism on both individual and systems-wide levels to improve patient care. Doing so can be challenging and, like other skills in ethics consultation, may benefit from specialized training, standardized tools and approaches, and practice. Learning from existing frameworks and tools, as well as building new ones, can help guide clinical (...)
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    Aleksandra Koyrégo analiza paradoksów Zenona z Elei.Aleksandra Schoen-żmijowa - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 31.
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  9. Hume's Foundational Project in the Treatise.Miren Boehm - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy.
    In the Introduction to the Treatise Hume very enthusiastically announces his project to provide a secure and solid foundation for the sciences by grounding them on his science of man. And Hume indicates in the Abstract that he carries out this project in the Treatise. But most interpreters do not believe that Hume's project comes to fruition. In this paper, I offer a general reading of what I call Hume's ‘foundational project’ in the Treatise, but I focus especially on Book (...)
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  10. The Works of Jacob Boehme [Ed. By F.F., Tr. By J. Ellistone]. The Epistles.Jacob Boehme, John Ellistone & F. F. - 1886
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  11. Hume’s “projectivism” explained.Miren Boehm - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):815-833.
    Hume appeals to a mysterious mental process to explain how to world appears to possess features that are not present in sense perceptions, namely causal, moral, and aesthetic properties. He famously writes that the mind spreads itself onto the external world, and that we stain or gild natural objects with our sentiments. Projectivism is founded on these texts but it assumes a reading of Hume’s language as merely metaphorical. This assumption, however, conflicts sharply with the important explanatory role that “spreading” (...)
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  12. L’être et le temps d’une traduction.Rudolf Boehm - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:101-104.
    In this article, the author explains the context and circumstances in which he begun, back in the 60s, the first French translation of Sein und Zeit, in collaboration with Alphonse de Waehlens. The article describes the methods and perspectives the first French translators adopted during their work of translation. The article ends with a few considerations concerning the incompleteness of the Heideggerian’s project of Sein und Zeit, explaining this nonachievement by Heidegger’s abandonment of the existential perspective he assumed in Sein (...)
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    Doradztwo filozoficzne w rozumieniu Polskiego Towarzystwa Doradztwa Filozoficznego.Aleksandra Golecka, Korneliusz Okoń & Julian Strzałkowski - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 50:1-21.
    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiliśmy filozoficzną argumentację na rzecz definicji doradztwa filozoficznego opracowaną przez Polskie Towarzystwo Doradztwa Filozoficznego. Omawiana profesja została pokazana jako forma ponowoczesnego poradnictwa dialogowego opierająca się na procesie filozofowania. Filozofowanie rozumiane jest przez nas zarówno jako forma pracy logiczno-analitycznej jak i towarzyszenie klientowi poprzez uważną obecność. Obecność ta warunkuje możliwość zadawania pytań o charakterze egzystencjalnym, umożliwia lepsze poznanie siebie, odnalezienie swojej filozofii życia oraz poszerzenie rozumienia podejmowanych kwestii. Zaprezentowaliśmy też metodykę pracy doradcy filozoficznego. Zaakcentowane zostały także niezbędne kompetencje, (...)
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    Intrinsic Motivation Predicting Performance Satisfaction in Athletes: Further Psychometric Evaluations of the Sport Motivation Scale-6.Aleksandra Luszczynska, Aleksandra Adamiec, Karolina Zarychta, Karolina Horodyska & Jan Blecharz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):309-319.
    The study investigated psychometric properties of the Sport Motivation Scale-6, assessing intrinsic regulation, four extrinsic regulation constructs, and amotivation among athletes competing at a regional and national level. In particular, we tested the factorial structure of SMS-6, its short-term stability, and the associations of SMS-6 constructs with self-efficacy, self-esteem, motivational climate, and satisfaction with sport performance. Participants were 197 athletes, representing team and individual disciplines. The measurement was repeated at the three-week follow-up. Results yielded support for the six first-order factor (...)
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  15.  32
    Collective intentionality: A basic and early component of moral evolution.Christopher Boehm - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (5):680-702.
    Michael Tomasello’s account of moral evolution includes both a synthesis of extensive experimental work done on humans and chimpanzees on their potential for perspective-taking and helpful, altruistic generosity and a major emphasis on “collective intentionality” as an important component of morality in humans. Both will be very useful to the evolutionary study of this subject. However, his disavowal of collective intentions on the parts of chimpanzees would appear to be empirically incorrect, owing to reliance on experimental captive research focused only (...)
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  16.  42
    Iustitia ut caritas sapientis: The Relationship between Love and Justice in G.W. Leibniz’s Philosophy of Right.Aleksandra Horowska - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2):185-204.
    The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present and analyse one of the most intriguing and unique elements of Leibniz’s philosophy of right—the relationship between love and justice —mainly based on selected excerpts from the Elementa Iuris Naturalis and the preface to the Codex Iuris Gentium Diplomaticus. The author presents the characteristics of this close connection and she tries to answer the question about the reasons for this relationship referring to the metaphysical assumptions and principles of Leibniz’s philosophy. (...)
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    The (Legal) Status of a Whistleblower in Poland. Selected Issues.Krystyna Ziółkowska - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):573-588.
    The Republic of Poland is one of the European Union countries that have not yet implemented Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of EU law (Journal of Laws EC L 305/17 of November 26, 2019). Even though signalling illegal acts is a more and more common occurrence and the social perception of such behaviours is also changing, the “whistleblowers” are not under any legal protection (...)
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    Experimental Philosophy, Blind Submission, and Hume’s Other Sceptical Principles.Miren Boehm - forthcoming - In Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.), Hume's _A Treatise of Human Nature_: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    A reading of Hume's famous Conclusion to Book 1 of the Treatise.
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  19. Wpływ późnego Wittgensteina na metody badań nad językiem.Aleksandra Derra - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:353-373.
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    In Quest of Genocide Understanding: Multiple Faces of Genocide.Aleksandra Matulewska & Dariusz J. Gwiazdowicz - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1425-1443.
    The paper focuses on genocide and its multidimensional emanations. First, the authors present the definition of genocide and its types as elaborated by Lemkin : physical, political, social, cultural, economic, biological, religious, and finally moral genocide. Next, ten stages of genocide by Stanton are scrutinized with some emphasis placed on the verbal issues enabling polarization and dehumanization. The authors point out that modern means of communication, ubiquitous nowadays, make it possible to dehumanize and discriminate against groups of people on an (...)
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  21.  15
    (1 other version)Husserl et l´idealisme classique.Rudolf Boehm - 1958 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 5:53-53.
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    Subjective Rank of the Competition as a Factor Differentiating Between the Affective States of Swimmers and Their Sport Performance.Aleksandra Samełko, Monika Guszkowska & Anna Kuk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    PurposeThe aim of the study was to establish the differences in affective states of swimmers depending on the subjective rank of the competition and the relationship between affective states and performance in sports competitions of low, medium and high subjectively perceived rank.MethodsThe respondents aged from 15 to 23 years were studied using the psychological questionnaires Perceived Stress Scale, Profile of Mood State, and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule during sports events. 362 measurements using POMS and 232 measurements using PANAS before (...)
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    Moc narrativum: idee biologii we współczesnym dyskursie humanistycznym.Dobrosława Wężowicz-Ziółkowska - 2008 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
  24. Amerykański sen o Europie (Jeremy Rifkin: Europejskie marzenie. Jak europejska wizja zaćmiewa American Dream).Joanna Ewa Ziółkowska - 2006 - Civitas 9 (9).
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    The Aesthetic Experience of Kandinsky's Abstract Art: A Polemic with Henry's Phenomenological Analysis.Anna Ziółkowska-Juś - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2):212-237.
    The French phenomenologist Michel Henry sees a similarity between the primordial experience of what he calls ‘Life’ and the aesthetic experience occasioned by Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract art. The triple aim of this essay is to explain and assess how Henry interprets Kandinsky’s abstract art and theory; what the consequences of his interpretation mean for the theory of the experience of abstract art; and what doubts and questions emerge from Henry’s interpretations of Kandinsky’s theory and practice. Despite its containing many interesting (...)
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    To Bring Memories Back—From Philosophical Olympiads.Joanna Ewa Ziółkowska - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3/4):165-167.
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    Race and Power at the Bedside: Counter Storytelling in Clinical Ethics Consultation.Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Maya Scott, Arika Patneaude, Elliott M. Weiss & Aaron Wightman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):77-79.
    Counter storytelling, used in critical race theory and narrative ethics, is a tool used to contradict and expose the oppression in a dominant narrative, by focusing attention on the stories of the...
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  28.  32
    Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame.Christopher Boehm - 2010 - Basic Books.
    Darwin's inner voice -- Living the virtuous life -- Of altruism and free riders -- Knowing our immediate predecessors -- Resurrecting some venerable ancestors -- A natural Garden of Eden -- The positive side of social selection -- Learning morals across the generations -- Work of the moral majority -- Pleistocene ups, downs, and crashes -- Testing the selection-by-reputation hypothesis -- The evolution of morals -- Epilogue: humanity's moral future.
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  29. Conceivability as the Standard of Metaphysical Possibility.Miren Boehm - 2024 - In Scott Stapleford & Verena Wagner (eds.), Hume and contemporary epistemology. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Hume establishes a link between our capacity to conceive or form “clear and distinct ideas” and metaphysical possibility. Hume’s so-called Conceivability Principle is usually assumed to be epistemic: conceivability is supposed to inform us of independent metaphysical facts. In this chapter, however, I argue that Hume is not engaged in modal epistemology. For Hume, there is no epistemic relation between conceivability and an independent metaphysical world of possibilities. On my reading, conceivability is more like the “mètre étalon” in Paris—the standard (...)
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    How art contributes to scientific knowledge.Aleksandra Sherman & Derek Anderson - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    We argue that although art has no systematic conventions for conveying knowledge in the way science does, the arts often play an important epistemic role in the production and understanding of scientific knowledge. We argue for what we call weak scientific cognitivism, the view that the production and distribution of scientific knowledge can benefit from engagement with art. We present a range of cases that illustrate a variety of epistemic functions of art relevant to scientific practice, and respond to influential (...)
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    Exploring science and art: discovering connections.Mary Kirsch Boehm - 2022 - Buffalo, New York: New Idea Press, a City of Light imprint.
    What do Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso have in common? Can we learn about science by studying art? There are many connections just waiting to be discovered between the natural world and artistic techniques that have been used for centuries. Author and retired science educator Mary Kirsch Boehm systematically guides readers through a look at science with an artistic eye, introducing an integrated and often overlooked view of the two disciplines. By exploring the materials and techniques of art and (...)
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  32. Immediate transfer of synesthesia to a novel inducer.Aleksandra Mroczko, Thomas Metzinger, Wolf Singer & Danko Nikolić - 2009 - Journal of Vision 9 (12):1-8.
    In synesthesia, a certain stimulus (eg grapheme) is associated automatically and consistently with a stable perceptual-like experience (eg color). These associations are acquired in early childhood and remain robust throughout the lifetime. Synesthetic associations can transfer to novel inducers in adulthood as one learns a second language that uses another writing system. However, it is not known how long this transfer takes. We found that grapheme-color associations can transfer to novel graphemes after only a 10-minute writing exercise. Most subjects experienced (...)
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  33.  47
    Les ambiguïtés des concepts husserliens d' « immanence » et de « transcendance ».Rudolf Boehm - 1959 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149:481 - 526.
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    Figurativity and human ecology.Aleksandra Bagasheva, Bozhil Hristov & Nelly Tincheva (eds.) - 2022 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Figurativity has attracted scholars' attention for thousands of years and yet there are still open questions concerning its nature. Figurativity and Human Ecology endorses a view of figurativity as ubiquitous in human reasoning and language, and as a key example of how a human organism and its perceived or imagined environment co-function as a system. The volume sees figurativity not only as embedded in an environment but also as a way of acting within that environment. It places figurativity within an (...)
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  35. Przyczynek do ch. S. peirce'a koncepcji znaku.Aleksandra Baldy - 2007 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 43 (2):119-131.
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    Das Ende der Demokratie?: Effekte der Digitalisierung Aus Rechtlicher, Politologischer Und Psychologischer Sicht.Volker Boehme-Neßler - 2018 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Wie verändert sich die Demokratie durch die Digitalisierung? Dieser Frage geht das Buch aus verfassungsrechtlicher, technikrechtlicher, politikwissenschaftlicher und psychologischer Sicht nach. Dazu arbeitet es zunächst die Charakteristika von Digitalisierung heraus. Es fragt, wie sich die Digitalisierung auf das Denken, das Verhalten und die Kommunikation auswirkt. Auf dieser Grundlage vertritt der Autor die These, dass sich die Demokratie grundlegend verändern muss und wird. Im letzten Teil skizziert er, wie die Demokratie konkret im digitalen Zeitalter funktionieren könnte.
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    Der Haushalt der Gefühle: Form und Emotion.Gottfried Boehm - 2017 - In Franz Engel, Johanna Schiffler & Marion Lauschke (eds.), Ikonische Formprozesse: Zur Philosophie des Unbestimmten in Bildern. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 63-84.
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    Elementare bemerkungen über husserls „phänomenologische reduktion”.Rudolf Boehm - 1965 - Bijdragen 26 (2):193-208.
  39.  39
    Impact of Conflict Resolution Strategies on Perception of Agency, Communion and Power Roles Evaluation.Aleksandra Cisłak - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):426-433.
    Two experiments probed the role of strategies used in social conflicts on perception of agency and communion. In study 1, persons who revealed prosocial orientation were perceived as less agentic, but more communal than those who revealed competitive orientation. In study 2 these findings were replicated in the context of organizational conflict, those who decided to use confrontational strategies were also perceived as more agentic, although less communal than these who used cooperative strategies. In line with the theory of power (...)
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  40. Jawne i ukryte filozoficzne założenia teorii języka Noama Chomsky'ego.Aleksandra Derra - 2008 - Principia 50.
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    Dwa modele zaufania w opiece zdrowotnej.Aleksandra Głos - 2015 - Diametros 45:82-106.
    Trust is a fundament of decent and just health care. In a subtle relation between patient and physician trust not only fuels the process of therapy but also plays a therapeutic role itself. Trust is a precondition of successful cooperation – it lowers its costs, increases efficiency and brings satisfaction to the partners. Only altruistic trust acts as such. Philosophical arguments as well as experiments analysing birth of trust in health care praxis prove the validity of the altruistic model. Distinction (...)
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  42. Six Theosophic Points.Jacob Boehme - 1958
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    Mową wiązaną o losie człowieka. Filozofia w poezji Giacoma Leopardiego.Aleksandra Koman - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 59 (4):101-114.
    Giacomo Leopardi is one of those authors whose texts oscillate on the border between literature and philosophy. It is true that Leopardi does not use traditional forms of philosophical expression, but the fact is that most of the considerations of the Italian thinker are expressed by the simultaneous conduct of two discourses: literary and philosophical. Leopardi experimented almost every form of literary expression, but he went down in history mainly as a poet, who contained a significant part of his highest (...)
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    Człowiek lokalny: rozważania umiejscowione = Local man: considerations situated in a place.Aleksandra Kunce - 2016 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Szestowa poszukiwanie pewności wiary.Aleksandra Macintosh - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11:221-222.
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    Future Perspectives of the Implementation of EU Urban Agenda.Aleksandra Olejnik - 2017 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 19 (1):175-188.
    This article is an overview of opinions and recommendations adopted in the European Union vis-à-vis urban policy. The author analyses the Pact of Amsterdam and future perspectives of the implementation of EU Urban Agenda.
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    Demystifying Kashmiri Rasa Ideology: Rāmacandra–Guṇacandra’s Theory of Aesthetics in Their Nāṭyadarpaṇa.Aleksandra Restifo - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (1):1-29.
    This paper presents a study of Rāmacandra–Guṇacandra’s theory of aesthetics in light of the Kashmiri rasa ideology and demonstrates that the Jain authors offer a new and original conceptualization of aesthetic experience, in which the spectator remains cognitively active in the course of watching the drama. In their model, the relationship between rasa and pleasure is mediated by a cognitive error, and the feeling of pleasure does not coincide with the savoring of rasa but emerges after the savoring of rasa (...)
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    Terrorism and religious fundamentalism: a reaction to the new world order.Aleksandra Schindler - 2007 - Disputatio Philosophica 9 (1):149-163.
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    Whether you are smart or kind depends on how I feel: The influence of positive and negative mood on agency and communion perception.Aleksandra Szymkow - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):434-443.
    Feelings-as-information theory states that feelings inform us about the nature of our current situation and we rely on them to make our judgments. Beyond that, feelings tune our cognitive processes to meet situational requirements. Positive feelings result in relying on pre-existing knowledge structures and default strategies, whereas negative feelings hamper relying on routines and results in adapting systematic processing. Based on this premise, it was hypothesized that positive mood, elicited either by the perceived target or by the independent source, would (...)
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    ELP Teachers as Researchers. On the Benefits of Conducting Needs Analysis.Aleksandra Łuczak - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):177-193.
    The fact that students’ target language needs (TLN) analysis is conducted for the benefits of the students is obvious. However, in the tertiary level context the TLN analysis is usually neglected and replaced with the use of the ready-made curricula (e.g. corresponding to the content of the course books used or syllabi of the examinations taken at the end of the course). The question which inspired the research undertaken for this paper was whether, and if so how, the very fact (...)
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