Results for 'Albrecht Greule'

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  1.  23
    Albrecht Koschorke: Hegel und wir. Frankfurter Adorno-Vorlesungen 2013.Albrecht Koschorke & Thorsten Paprotny - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):133-137.
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    Sprachphilosophie.Erhard Albrecht - 1991 - Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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    Dynamometrie. Zur Messung der Körperkraft des Menschen im 19. Jahrhundert.Albrecht Hirschmüller - 1997 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 5 (1):104-118.
    Since the beginning of the 19th century dynamometry was a common method to measure human body strength. Instruments were described by J.-B. Regnier, G.B.A. Duchenne de Boulogne, V. Burq et Mathieu, and unauthorized copies of different size were also being used. Although it is not clear which instrument exactly Sigmund Freud used when trying to measure the effects of cocaine on grip strength in 1884, it seems that he used copies like those maintained in the Museum on the History of (...)
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    Toward a formal language for unsharp properties.Roberto Giuntini & Heinz Greuling - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (7):931-945.
    Some algebraic structures of the set of all effects are investigated and summarized in the notion of a(weak) orthoalgebra. It is shown that these structures can be embedded in a natural way in lattices, via the so-calledMacNeille completion. These structures serve as a model ofparaconsistent quantum logic, orthologic, andorthomodular quantum logic.
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    „… daß jene Anforderung nicht mehr in ihm entstehe“. Schleiermachers Programm der Seelsorge als Wiederherstellung religiöser Autonomie.Christian Albrecht - 2017 - In Jörg Dierken & Arnulf Scheliha, Der Mensch Und Seine Seele: Bildung – Frömmigkeit – Ästhetik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Münster, September 2015. De Gruyter. pp. 277-292.
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    Gutes Leben und guter Tod von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart: ein philosophisch-ethischer Diskurs über die Jahrhunderte hinweg.Albrecht Classen (ed.) - 2012 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Die neu gegründete Reihe Paracelsus Studien bietet ein wissenschaftliches Forum für interdisziplinäre Forschungen, die sich kultur- und wissenschaftshistorisch Modellen eines ganzheitlichen Weltbildes widmen und den Dialog zwischen den Disziplinen anregen. Der frühneuzeitliche Alchemist, Mystiker, Theologe und Philosoph Paracelsus (1493-1541) dient hierfür als Leitfigur und Vorbild. Als eröffnender Sammelband fokussiert Mystik und Natur Epochen und Persönlichkeiten der Geistesgeschichte von der Spätantike bis in die Gegenwart, die sich der Integration von Spiritualität und Wissenschaft widmeten: Hildegard von Bingen, Jakob Böhme, Emanuel Swedenborg, Josef (...)
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  7.  12
    Religious toleration in the Middle Ages and early modern age: an anthology of literary, theological, and philosophical texts.Albrecht Classen - 2020 - Berlin: Peter Lang - Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    This is an anthology of literary, religious, and philosophical texts from the entire Middle Ages and the early modern age that address already quite explicitly religious toleration and even tolerance.
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  8. Überzeugung und Gemeinschaft.Albrecht Herrmann - 1970 - Berlin,: Volk und Wissen. Edited by Hans Berger.
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  9. Graveside and Other Asymmetrical Promises.Ingrid V. Albrecht - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (4):469-483.
    People who make graveside promises consider themselves bound by them, which raises the question of whether a promise can morally obligate a promisor directly to a promisee who cannot acknowledge the promise. I show that it can by using the theoretical framework provided by “transaction accounts” of promising. Paradigmatically, these accounts maintain that the creation of a promissory obligation requires that the promisee consent to the promise. I extend these accounts to capture promises made by proxy and self-promises, and conclude (...)
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    The emergence of symbolic algebra as a shift in predominant models.Albrecht Heeffer - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (2):149--161.
    Historians of science find it difficult to pinpoint to an exact period in which symbolic algebra came into existence. This can be explained partly because the historical process leading to this breakthrough in mathematics has been a complex and diffuse one. On the other hand, it might also be the case that in the early twentieth century, historians of mathematics over emphasized the achievements in algebraic procedures and underestimated the conceptual changes leading to symbolic algebra. This paper attempts to provide (...)
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  11.  37
    The Theory of Will in Classical Antiquity.Albrecht Dihle - 1982 - Univ of California Press.
    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1982.
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    "Wer ist weise? der gute Lehr von jedem annimmt": Festschrift für Michael Albrecht zu seinem 65. Geburtstag.Michael Albrecht, Heinrich P. Delfosse & Ḥamīd Riz̤ā Yūsufī (eds.) - 2005 - Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz.
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    Verantwortung als Aufforderung.Kristin Y. Albrecht, Giulia Battistoni & Sabrina Zucca-Soest - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (4):483-490.
    Responsibility is a central juridical, moral and social concept that calls on individuals to act in ways that are necessary and morally right. It represents a fundamental normative relationship that bridges abstract philosophical ideas with empirical social realities. Despite its everyday importance, the derivation and application of responsibility are complex and often contested. This article explores the meaning and conditions under which responsibility can be justifiably demanded, as well as its practical enforceability. Responsibility is understood as a normative relationship with (...)
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  14.  22
    Les Hittites.Albrecht Goetze, Eugène Cavaignac & Eugene Cavaignac - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (1):79.
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    La Religione degli Hittiti.Albrecht Goetze & Giuseppe Furlani - 1938 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 58 (3):475.
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    (1 other version)Die Seele der Stadt.Albrecht Göschel - 2010 - In Peter Nickl & Georgios Terizakis, Die Seele: Metapher Oder Wirklichkeit?: Philosophische Ergründungen. Texte Zum Ersten Festival der Philosophie in Hannover 2008. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 99-114.
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  17.  59
    Surmounting obstacles: circulation and adoption of algebraic symbolism.Albrecht Heeffer - 2012 - Philosophica 87 (4):5-25.
    This introductory paper provides an overview of four contributions on the epistemological functions of mathematical symbolism as it emerged in Arabic and European treatises on algebra. The evolution towards symbolic algebra was a long and difficult process in which many obstacles had to be overcome. Three of these obstacles, related to the circulation and adoption of symbolism, are highlighted in this special volume: 1) the transition of material practices of algebraic calculation to discursive practices and text production, 2) the transition (...)
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  18.  9
    Nihilismus und Weltstaat: Katastrophen, Krisen und Lebensordnungen im 21. Jahrhundert.Albrecht Kiel - 2010 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
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  19. Diskussionsbericht.Albrecht Langner - 1982 - In Katholizismus und philosophische Strömungen in Deutschland. Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Versuch über die Wiener Klassik: die Tanzszene in Mozarts "Don Giovanni".Albrecht Riethmüller & Archiv für Musikwissenschaft - 1972 - Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
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  21.  27
    The isle of the amazons: A marvel of travellers.Albrecht Rosenthal - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (3):257-259.
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    On the nature and origin of algebraic symbolism.Albrecht Heeffer - 2009 - In Bart Van Kerkhove, New Perspectives on Mathematical Practices: Essays in Philosophy and History of Mathematics. World Scientific. pp. 1--27.
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  23.  59
    Kants Maximenethik und ihre Begründung.Michael Albrecht - 1994 - Kant Studien 85 (2):129-146.
  24.  90
    The Ethics of Assisted Colonization in the Age of Anthropogenic Climate Change.G. A. Albrecht, C. Brooke, D. H. Bennett & S. T. Garnett - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):827-845.
    This paper examines an issue that is becoming increasingly relevant as the pressures of a warming planet, changing climate and changing ecosystems ramp up. The broad context for the paper is the intragenerational, intergenerational, and interspecies equity implications of changing the climate and the value orientations of adapting to such change. In addition, the need to stabilize the planetary climate by urgent mitigation of change factors is a foundational ethical assumption. In order to avoid further animal and plant extinctions, or (...)
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    The debate about truth: Pragmatism without regulative ideas.Albrecht Wellmer - 2003 - Critical Horizons 4 (1):29-54.
    This paper argues that the concept of truth cannot be explained with the help of the idea of justification under ideal conditions. Truth is not a regulative idea. The attempt to replace a metaphysical correspondence theory of truth with one that is conceptually epistemic does not provide an exit from metaphysics. Truth and its justification do not coincide with reference to the ascription of judgements and beliefs. To save the normative power of truth no Archemedean point is needed.
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  26. The persistence of modernity: essays on aesthetics, ethic, and postmodernism.Albrecht Wellmer - 1991 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Truth, semblance, reconciliation -- The dialectic of modernism and postmodernism -- Art and industrial production -- Ethics and dialogue.
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  27. The Correspondence between Albrecht von Haller and Charles Bonnet.Albrecht von Haller, Charles Bonnet & Otto Sonntag - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (1):150-151.
  28.  61
    Rules of disengagement: a Kantian account of the relationship between former friends.Ingrid V. Albrecht - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):795-814.
    The category of “former friend” is familiar, yet the nature of this relationship type remains underexplored. Aristotle, for example, poses but does not answer the question of what constitute appropriate relations between former friends. To elucidate post-friendship expectations, I promote an account of friendship according to which some of our most significant friendships participate in a type of intimacy characterized by having normative standing to interpret each other in a constitutive manner, which I call the “co-interpretation view” of friendship. Unchecked (...)
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    Chancen und Grenzen der Idee des geistlichen Priestertums für Frauen.Ruth Albrecht - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 257-262.
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    I. Die Göttin Mise.Albrecht Dieterich - 1894 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 52 (1-4):1-12.
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  31.  17
    Virtues and Vices In Early Texts on Pastoral Care.Albrecht Diem - 2004 - Franciscan Studies 62 (1):193-223.
  32. City and Empire.Albrecht Dihle - 2008 - In Fritz-Heiner Mutschler & Achim Mittag, Conceiving the Empire: China and Rome Compared. Oxford University Press. pp. 5.
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    Herodot und die sophistik.Albrecht Dihle - 1962 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 106 (1-2):207-220.
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  34.  12
    Der Einfluß syntaktischer und semantischer Merkmale auf die Verarbeitung von Fernseh-Nachrichtentexten.Albrecht Esche & Volker Eberspächter - 1978 - Communications 4 (2):182-200.
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    1 Das Leben mit der Technik. Eine Bestandsaufnahme.Albrecht Fritzsche - 2009 - In Schatten des Unbestimmten: der Mensch und die Determination technischer Abläufe. transcript Verlag. pp. 11-46.
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    Einführung.Albrecht Fritzsche - 2009 - In Schatten des Unbestimmten: der Mensch und die Determination technischer Abläufe. transcript Verlag. pp. 7-10.
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    3 Eine Landkarte des Unbestimmten. Zum Versuch einer Systematisierung.Albrecht Fritzsche - 2009 - In Schatten des Unbestimmten: der Mensch und die Determination technischer Abläufe. transcript Verlag. pp. 107-128.
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    2 Wie Determination zustande kommt. Über die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit technischer Vollzüge.Albrecht Fritzsche - 2009 - In Schatten des Unbestimmten: der Mensch und die Determination technischer Abläufe. transcript Verlag. pp. 47-106.
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  39.  21
    Phonological effects in the visual processing of words: Some methodological considerations.Albrecht Werner Inhoff - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):714-715.
  40.  10
    Philosophische Seelenlehren als Leitfaden für die Psychologie: ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie von Karl Jaspers.Albrecht Kiel - 1991 - Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag.
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    Die Textur der Neigungen Attraktion, Verwandtschaftscode und novellistische Kombinatorik in Goethes Mann von funfzig Jahren.Albrecht Koschorke - 1999 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (4):592-610.
    Goethes Novelle ist ein Familienexperiment. Sie exponiert einen nach den damaligen Rechtsverhältnissen inzestuösen Heiratswunsch, um ihn durch ein Gewebe affektiver Verschiebungen und Übertragungen in eine legitime Partnerkonstellation zu überführen. Mit groβem mythologischem Aufwand werden für die Goethezeit fundamentale Fragen des Verwandtschaftscodes verhandelt.
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  42.  6
    Katholizismus und philosophische Strömungen in Deutschland.Albrecht Langner (ed.) - 1982 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Der dritte Glaubensartikel.Albrecht Peters - 1973 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 15 (3):326-347.
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  44. (1 other version)Empfinden und Denken.Albrecht Rau - 1898 - The Monist 8:300.
  45.  12
    Volkstum und weltmacht in der geschichte.Albrecht H. Wirth - 1901 - München,: F. Bruckmann a.-g..
    Wirth beschreibt in diesem Buch Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte, im Original 1904 erschienen.
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    Yuktidīpikā: the most significant commentary on the Sāṃkhyakārikā.Albrecht Wezler & Shujun Motegi (eds.) - 1998 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
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  47.  18
    Change Engagement, Change Resources, and Change Demands: A Model for Positive Employee Orientations to Organizational Change.Simon L. Albrecht, Sean Connaughton, Kathryn Foster, Sarah Furlong & Chua Jim Leon Yeow - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  48.  10
    Die »Revised Standard Edition« der psychologischen Werke Sigmund Freuds.Albrecht Hirschmüller - 2024 - Psyche 78 (6):536-559.
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  49.  23
    Die Aristotelische Theorie der Möglichkeitsschlüsse.Albrecht Becker - 1932 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  50.  23
    Imagination and fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern time: projections, dreams, monsters, and illusions.Albrecht Classen (ed.) - 2020 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    The notions of other peoples, cultures, and natural conditions have always been determined by the epistemology of imagination and fantasy, providing much freedom and creativity, and yet have also created much fear, anxiety, and horror. In this regard, the pre-modern world demonstrates striking parallels with our own insofar as the projections of alterity might be different by degrees, but they are fundamentally the same by content. Dreams, illusions, projections, concepts, hopes, utopias/dystopias, desires, and emotional attachments are as specific and impactful (...)
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