Results for 'Aesthetics Congresses.'

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  1.  12
    New Queries in Aesthetics and Metaphysics.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection is the final volume of a four book survey of the state of phenomenology fifty years after the death of Edmund Husserl. Its publication represents a landmark in the comprehensive treatment of contemporary phenomenology in all its vastness and richness. The diversity of the issues raised here is dazzling, but the main themes of Husserl's thought are all either explicitly treated, or else they underlie the ingenious approaches found here. Time, historicity, intentionality, eidos, meaning, possibility/reality, and teleology are (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Fine Arts.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & Fine Arts Aesthetics American Society for Phenomenology - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Published under the auspices of The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning, 19 essays document the April 1998 international congress held at Harvard University. They ponder on such topics as the phenomenology of the experience of enchantment, Leonardo's enchantress, the ambiguous meaning of musical enchantment in Kant's Third Critique, art and the reenchantment of sensuous human activity, the creative voice, the allure of the Naza, Henri Matisse's early critical reception in New York, Zizek's sublimicist aesthetic of enchanted fantasy, (...)
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    Kryzys estetyki?Maria Golszewska, International Conference on Aesthetics "A. Crisis in Aesthetics?" & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski (eds.) - 1983 - [Kraków]: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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  4. Proceedings of the sixth International Congress of Aesthetics, Uppsala 1968.Rudolf Walter Zeitler (ed.) - 1972 - Stockholm,: Almqvist & Wiksell (distr.).
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  5. Proceedings, Xith International Congress in Aesthetics, Nottingham 1988.Richard Woodfield - 1990 - Nottingham Polytechnic Press.
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  6. Aesthetics in the 21st Century: Report on the XVth International Congress of Aesthetics (Tokyo, Japan, August 27-31, 2001). [REVIEW]Ken-Ichi Sasaki - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (4-5):175-178.
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  7. The creativity and the human world: proceedings of the 9th Intern. Congress of Aesthetics = Stvaralaštvo i ljudski svet: akti 9. medjunarodnog kongresa za estetiku.Milan Damnjanović (ed.) - 1980 - Beograd: International Congress of Aesthetics.
    v. 1-3. Section papers, plenary sessions papers -- [v. 4] Abstracts.
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    The seventh international congress of aesthetics 1972.J. W. H. F. - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):76-77.
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    (8 other versions)The third international congress on aesthetics.Thomas Munro - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (2):255-256.
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  10. The 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics (conference report).Tereza Hadravová & Jakub Stejskal - 2011 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:246-247.
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    Following the first Russian congress of aesthetics.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):101-108.
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    XVth International Congress of Aesthetics. Makuhari/Tokyo, 27-31 augusti 2001.Michael Ranta - 2002 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 14 (25-26).
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    Actes du cinquième Congrès International d'Esthétique. Amsterdam 1964. Proceedings of the fifth International Congress of Aesthetics.Jan Aler - 1968 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    The seventh international congress of aesthetics 1972.H. W. - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1).
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    The Aesthetics of landscape: proceedings of a symposium held in the University of Hull 17-19 September 1976.Jay Appleton (ed.) - 1980 - Didcot: Rural Planning Services.
    Proceedings of a symposium held in the University of Hull, 17-19 September, 1976. Rural Planning Services Publication no. 7.
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    Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches.Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.) - 1990 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Art treats appearance as appearance and thus does not want to be an illusion, but is true. [...] truths are illusions which we are oblivious of their being ...
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    Knowledge and Action: IAA President's Remarks: Opening Ceremonies, International Congress of Aesthetics.Curtis L. Carter - 2013 - IAA Newsletter 43.
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    Aesthetics.Rudolf Haller (ed.) - 1984 - Hingham, Mass., U.S.A.: D. Reidel [distributor].
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    Speech for Opening Ceremonies International Congress for Aesthetics Beijing, August, 2010.Curtis L. Carter - unknown
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  20. The aesthetic function of art.Gary Iseminger - 2004 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Kevin A. Stoehr.
    Art and the aesthetic -- Traditional aestheticism -- A new aestheticism -- Aesthetic communication -- The artworld and the practice of art -- The artifactual concept of function -- Art as an aesthetic practice -- Artistic value as aesthetic.
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  21. Report on the XIXth International Congress of Aesthetics:“Aesthetics in Action”, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland 21-27 July 2013. [REVIEW]Michael Ranta & Jale Erzen - 2013 - Contemporary Aesthetics 11.
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    (1 other version)The Aesthetic Function of Art.Gary Iseminger - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:169-176.
    Like most aestheticians today I begin by firmly separating the concept of art from the concept of the aesthetic; unlike them, I conclude by reuniting these concepts in the thesis that the function of art is to promote the aesthetic. I understand the existence of artworks and of artists to be “institutional facts” (though the institution of art is an informal one, not to be confused with formal institutions to which it has given rise, such as museums, academies, etc.), while (...)
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  23.  39
    Aesthetics in Canada: The State of the Art.W. E. Cooper - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):123-.
    Opuscula Aesthetica Nostra is a pioneering publishing effort, blazing a trail which specialists in other philosophical fields should consider following. It purports to represent what is happening in aesthetics throughout English-speaking and French-speaking Canada today, and in consequence it is an intriguing exercise in Canadian bilingualism. It purports also to show, as co-editor Calvin Seerveld says in the Preface, that “aesthetics deserves its own bona fide place in the national market place of ideas”; so the editors have reprinted (...)
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  24.  46
    Aesthetics Rethinking Modern Sports.Mikhail Saraf - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 47:29-34.
    Sport has become a significant part of the contemporary society culture. There has been developed a system of sciences dealing with sports. Philosophy figures prominently among them and it deals with aesthetic problems of sport. The problem of the aesthetic of sport is really of great importance as; first of all, it creates new fields of aesthetic activity and exerts aesthetic influence upon millions of people. Secondly, sports exert profound influence upon modern architecture, design, performing and fine arts, fashion and (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Copyright.Eberhard Ortland - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:227-232.
    Copyright law is a crucial part of the normative framework of the artistic and art-related practices in the modern world. It facilitates the production and public accessibility of certain works of art and literature, music, moving images, etc. At the same time, it prevents the production and public accessibility of others whichmight have been just as interesting as those we got to know. Intellectual property norms imprint our ideas of authorship as well as the ontological constitution of artworks. Yet the (...)
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  26. The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress.Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    The Proceedings present the contributions to the 13th International Kant Congress which was held at the University of Oslo, August 6-9, 2019. The congress, which hosted speakers from more than thirty countries and five continents, was dedicated to the topic of the court of reason. The idea that reason stands before itself as a tribunal characterizes the whole of Kant's critical project. Without such a court, reason falls into conflict with itself. With such a court in place, however, it may (...)
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    Philosophical-aesthetic Grounds for Overcoming Human Alienation in Georg Lukacs’ Art.Liliya Masgutova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:185-192.
    A well-known Hungarian philosopher, politician, literary and art theorist Georg Lukacs was a notable figure of philosophical thought in XX century. Although he was interested in many problems philosophical-aesthetical matter is the main one in all his works. The problem of human alienation from social forms is outlined in his numerous literary, philosophical, aesthetical works of pre- and post- Marxian periods. The concept of philosophical-aesthetical grounds for overcoming human alienation has been developed in his art from romantic feeling of existential (...)
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    Aesthetic Experience and Verbal Art.Hugo Roeffaers - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:145-151.
    In this paper I intend to present a philosophical account of what is commonly called verbal or literary art. Starting from the Hegelian conception of language and of the aesthetic experience, I shall argue that literary, and more specifically poetic, discourse can be defined as the verbal completion of an aesthetic experience, and that this distinctive feature marks off literary discourse from other types of discourse, such as scientific and philosophical discourse. In his phenomenological description of the growth of a (...)
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    Aesthetic Aspects of Persons in Kant, Schiller, and Wittgenstein.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:35-39.
    The main ideas in this paper can be summarized in the following three points. (1) Openness, indeterminacy, and exemplarity are elements of both Kant's aesthetics and Wittgenstein's notion of language games. (2) These elements are essential to what makes a person. They are necessary in processes of decision-making and in the development of a person. (3) Such aspects were in the center of discussion during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe, especially in the tradition of the so-called Bildungsroman. (...)
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    Aesthetic Qualities as Iterated Response-dependent.Božidar Kante - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:129-136.
    There is widespread view among numerous aestheticians that aesthetic and value properties are response-dependent. According to some philosophers the dependence has a rich and multilayered structure: value qualities (e.g. beauty) depend on our response to aesthetic properties (e.g. harmonious), which in turn depend on our response to a pattern of primary and secondary qualities (shapes and colors). Secondary qualities are themselves response-dependent. The basic dependence relation is thus iterated. The resulting structure is one of iterated response-dependence. The integral part of (...)
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    Characterizing Aesthetic Experience.Haewan Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:161-167.
    In this paper, I suggest what I think is an appropriate characterization of aesthetic experience. I do this by critically assessing Noel Carroll’s position and Gary Iseminger’s counterposition. Carroll claims that aesthetic experience should be understood only as an experience of the aesthetic content of an object. Although I accept many of Carroll’s points, I find his position unconvincing. I contend that, in addition to the content, positive value plays a significant role as a constituent of aesthetic experience. Unlike Carroll, (...)
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    Aesthetics as Cross-Disciplinary Discipline.Julia Jansen, Francis Halsall & Tony O’Connor - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:113-120.
    One of the important aspects of recent aesthetics is its focus on cross-disciplinary approaches. This implies that, although claims to generality and objectivity continue to be made, no single practice, science, or approach is able to provide absolute evidential support for arguments and claims. Aesthetics as a critical enterprise, therefore, is open to a plurality of explanations. As a result, art becomes more than another object of scientific or philosophical inquiry. It becomes a model for philosophical practice that (...)
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    Aesthetic Justification and Systematic Unity in Kant's Third Critique.A. C. Genova - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):293-309.
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    Aesthetics and the Gestalt Concept.F. I. G. Rawlins - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 10:261-264.
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    Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress: The Court of Reason (Oslo, 6–9 August 2019).Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    The Proceedings present the contributions to the 13th International Kant Congress which was held at the University of Oslo, August 6-9, 2019. The congress, which hosted speakers from more than thirty countries and five continents, was dedicated to the topic of the court of reason. The idea that reason stands before itself as a tribunal characterizes the whole of Kant's critical project. Without such a court, reason falls into conflict with itself. With such a court in place, however, it may (...)
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  36. The Revival of Aesthetics: In a Few Words.Aleš Erjavec - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    The immediate reason for choosing the theme of this international issue of Filozofski vestnik was the forthcoming XVII International Congress of Aesthetics (Ankara, July 2007). The other motive was to discern some of the issues in contemporary aesthetics.
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    Nomadic Aesthetics.Bambang Sugiharto - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:255-262.
    Visual arts have undergone significant changes in their character, identities, structures, And perceptions of what it means to be an artist. Arts have been ‘dematerialized’, so to say. This, in turn, creates a dilemma’: on the one hand, art turns into philosophy or mere strategy of representation; on the other, art becomes anything, with its pluralistic, pragmatic and multicultural characters. Corollary to this is that now art can hardly be judged, and hence, art criticismdisappears. Today art bears the character of (...)
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  38.  6
    Psychological Aesthetics in America Today.H. S. Langfeld - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 1:523-526.
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    Aisthesis and aesthetics.Erwin Walter Straus & Richard Marion Griffith (eds.) - 1970 - Pittsburgh, Pa.,: Duquesne University Press.
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    The Politics of the picturesque: literature, landscape, and aesthetics since 1770.Stephen Copley & Peter Garside (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Picturesque (a set of theories, ideas, and conventions which grew up around the question of how we look at landscape) offers a valuable focus for new investigations into the literary, artistic, social, and cultural history of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This volume of essays by scholars from various disciplines in Britain and America incorporates a range of historically and theoretically challenging approaches to the topic. It covers the writers most closely identified with the exposition of the Picturesque (...)
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  41. The Second Modernity of Naturalist Aesthetics.Lev Kreft - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    Naturalist aestetics, strictly speaking, is a move to establish naturalist explanation of aesthetic phenomena. It was nearly forgotten, at least in the history of aesthetics, where, if mentioned, it was put aside as something dead and despised. Its reappearance in recent years, among other occasions at the XIVIVth International Congress of Aesthetics (Rio de Janeiro, 2004), came as a surprise and a challenge. Its second modernity has predecessors in the first modernity, and Darwin is only one of the (...)
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  42.  84
    Aestheticism, or Aesthetic Approach, in Arendt and Heidegger on Politics.Michael Halberstam - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:219-232.
    Hannah Arendt’s aesthetic approach to politics is regarded as frequently reflecting the anti-political substitution of nonpolitical concerns for political ones characteristic of the German tradition from Schiller to Heidegger and beyond. Arendt’s relationship to this tradition can be understood as squarely calling into question her central claim to have rehabilitated the political. This paper examines the relationship between Arendt’s and Heidegger’s political thought in light of the distinction between an aestheticism and an aesthetic approach. Two issues are at stake: can (...)
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  43. Is there are a Possibility of an Ugly Aesthetic Idea in Kant's Aesthetics?Mojca Küplen - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel and Margit Ruffing, Proceedings of the 12. International Kant Congress Nature and Freedom. De Gruyter.
    In Kant’s aesthetic theory, the association of ugliness with aesthetic ideas is not immediately apparent. Even more, it has been argued by most of Kant’s commentators that ugliness cannot express aesthetic ideas. In short, they claim that accordance with taste (i.e. free harmony between imagination and understanding) is a necessary condition for an aesthetic idea to be expressed in a way that makes sense to others. But if production of aesthetic ideas must be restrained by taste in order to have (...)
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  44.  19
    Philosophical-aesthetic Grounds for Overcoming Human Alienation in Georg Lukacs’ Art.Kiyom Nazarov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:193-200.
    Declaration of independence became a reference point of a new historical epoch - epoch of free, sovereign development of Uzbekistan. Our country from first days of independent development, under direction of President I.A. Karimov, has headed for refusal of a heritage of a command control system, having started to construction of bases of a democratic legal society with the socially-focused market economy. For achievement of these purposes own model of updating and progress which essential features are the selective approach to (...)
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    Irrationalism in Eighteenth Century Aesthetics.Irmgard Scherer - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12:23-29.
    This essay deals with a particularly recalcitrant problem in the history of ideas, that of irrationalism. It emerged to full consciousness in mid-eighteenth century thought. Irrationalism was a logical consequence of individualism which in turn was a direct outcome of the Cartesian self-reflective subject. In time these tendencies produced the "critical" Zeitgeist and the "epoch of taste" during which Kant began thinking about such matters. Like Alfred Bäumler, I argue that irrationalism could not have arisen in ancient or medieval philosophical (...)
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    From Aesthetic Pleasures to Morality.Maria Borges - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1395-1402.
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    The Fusion of Aesthetics With Ethics in the Work of Shaftesbury and its Romantic Corollaries.Christos Grigoriou - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 1:99-114.
    In this paper, I am trying to reconstruct Shaftesbury’s views on natural beauty, writing and painting. Thus, the term ‘aesthetics’ I am using refers to both aesthetic experience and artistic creativity, to both natural and artistic beauty. As, however, in Shaftesbury’s work aesthetics cannot be considered irrespective of his overall philosophy, I am obliged to examine in parallel with aesthetics Shaftesbury’s ontology and moral theory. It is the concern for this last one that gave the occasion for (...)
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  48.  22
    The Revival of Multimodal Aesthetics.Fay Zika - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 1:359-364.
    One of the recent areas of discussion in aesthetics and the visual arts is the tension between the so-called “ocularcentric” tradition, on the one hand, and the tendency to move in a multisensory, multimodal direction, on the other. My aim in this paper is to bring out this tension by tracing it in a number of moments; firstly, in the late 19th-early 20th century discussion, concerning the “total art work” and the contribution of synaesthesia; secondly, the reaction to what (...)
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  49. The Problem of Particularity in Kant’s Aesthetic Theory.Andrew Chignell - 1999 - In Kevin A. Stoehr, The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. Philosophy Documentation Center. pp. 197-208.
    An early version of "Kant on the Normativity of Taste" above. Original abstract: In moving away from the objective, property-based theories of earlier periods to a subject-based aesthetic, Kant did not intend to give up the idea that judgments of beauty are universalizable. Accordingly, the “Deduction of Judgments of Taste” aims to show how reflective aesthetic judgments can be “imputed” a priori to all human subjects. The Deduction is not successful: Kant manages only to justify the imputation of the same (...)
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    The Problem of Affects in Aesthetics.Elga Freiberga - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:79-86.
    I was more excited by Jacques Ranciere’s idea about aesthetics being, in his opinion, a special way of thinking (mode de pensee) that works of art provoke and that tends to show what they are like as art objects. Aesthetics then (following this intention) would not be viewed as a discipline akin to art theory that wouldexamine the structure of the work of art, its peculiarities, conditions of arising, et cetera, all that attests either to its objectivity or (...)
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