Results for 'Academic writing History'

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  1. Academic writing, genres and philosophy.Michael A. Peters - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (7):819-831.
    This paper examines the underlying genres of philosophy focusing especially on their pedagogical forms to emphasize the materiality and historicity of genres, texts and writing. It focuses briefly on the history of the essay and its relation to the journal within the wider history of scientific communication, and comments on the standardized forms of academic writing and the issue of 'bad writing'.
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    Reporting in Prose: Reconsidering Ways of Writing History.Adrian Jones - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (3):311-336.
    This article reconsiders history's ways of reporting in prose. Ways of analysing and writing history so as to evoke a past are contrasted with ways of analysing and writing history so as to frame theses about a past. Academic norms now favour theses. It was not always so. This article contrasts very early European theories about writing prose, including key writings by Johannine Christians and by Heraclitus. Influenced by Martin Heidegger's existentialist phenomenology, this (...)
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    History, Ethics, and the Recognition of the Other: A Levinasian View on the Writing of History.Anton Froeyman - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    "This book introduces a new way of looking at the writing of history. Rather than as the production of knowledge or the telling of stories, it sees writing history as an ethical, existential and emotional engagement with the people from the past. The conceptual and philosophical basis for this view is provided by the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. In the first part, the view is presented and contrasted with other, competing views, such as those of Hans-Georg (...)
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    Women, Writing and Religion in England and Beyond, 650-1100 (Studies in Early Medieval History). By Diane Watt. Pp. x, 238, London/NY, Bloomsbury Academic, hdb 2020 $95.00, ppb 2021 $39.95. [REVIEW]John C. Hirsh - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (5):950-952.
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    Marc Bloch, strange defeat, the historian's craft and World War II: Writing and teaching contemporary history.Neil Morpeth - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (3):179-195.
    The roles of small and great books, and passionate yet well-considered writings in the general education of a “college” or “university” trained teacher are questions which should be turned back upon the historian as teacher and writer. Where resides the historian's classroom? Who are the students and how do teachers come to be? What subject matter should be used to prod and provoke an often dormant humanity awake? Professor Marc Bloch's work, his passion for history's rôles and its voices (...)
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    Genealogies of Partition; History, HistoryWriting and 'the Troubles' in Ireland.Margaret O'Callaghan - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (4):619-634.
    Contemporary political disputes have a long history of expression and contestation through the genre of historywriting in Ireland. The role of history writing and political science writing during the nearly 40 years of the so‐called ‘Troubles’ has been no exception to this. Battles between competing versions of what the conflict ‘is about’, mediated through academic and popular texts have themselves in turn become constitutive of it. This builds upon centuries of the representation of (...)
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    The ambiguities of history: the problem of ethnocentrism in historical writing.Finn Fuglestad - 2005 - Oslo: Unipub.
    This book argues that history may, by definition, be an imperialist science or a quintessentially Western form of discourse. Finn Fuglestad thinks there is something profoundly ambiguous about the science or academic discipline we call history. It is the only science that is the product of its own object of study, the past, an object outside of which it cannot exist. It is also the only science that can study itself. The author argues that history has (...)
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    Philosophical academic programs of the German Enlightement: a literary genre recontextualized.Seung-Kee Lee, Riccardo Pozzo, Marco Sgarbi, Dagmar von Wille & Maria Cristina Dalfino (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
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  9. The consequences of rights: history, politics, writing.Ben Dorfman - 2025 - New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Written in an style intended to speak to both academics and a general audience, The Consequences of Rights addresses what it means to encounter the human rights concept and advocate for rights from the position of the university academic but in the face of the reality that rights are the ultimate "public topic"-a matter of "all members of the human family," as phrased in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Consequences of Rights addresses three questions: how, in the (...)
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    U.S. history state assessments, discourse demands, and English Learners’ achievement: Evidence for the importance of reading and writing instruction in U.S. history for English Learners. [REVIEW]Jason M. Miller - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (4):375-392.
    States are beginning to restructure their U.S. history assessments from previous multiple-choice based assessments to include written-response questions that have higher levels of academic language demands. These higher-order thinking and analytical items pose challenges to linguistically and culturally diverse students. The purpose of the current study is to investigate how the restructuring of a U.S. history state assessment is associated with English Learners’ (ELs) achievement over time. The author incorporates 3 years of data from the Tennessee Department (...)
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    Rewriting history: changing perceptions of the archaeological past.Dennis Harding - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Every generation re-writes history in its own way'. Re-writing History applies Collingwood's dictum to a series of topics and themes, some of which have been central to prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology for the past century or more, while some have been triggered by more recent changes in technology or social attitudes. Some issues are highly controversial, like the proposals for the Stonehenge World Heritage sites. Others challenge long-held popular myths, like the deconstruction of the Celts and by (...)
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    Pol Vandevelde and Arun Iyer : Hermeneutics between history and philosophy: the selected writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer—volume 1: Bloomsbury Academic, New York, 2016, XXXV + 348 pp, ISBN: 9781441158444.Giancarlo Tarantino - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (4):517-522.
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    Freedom Isn't Academic [review of Conrad Russell, Academic Freedom and An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism ].William Bruneau - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):180-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\REVIEWS.252 : 2006-02-27 11:52  Reviews FREEDOM ISN’T ACADEMIC W B Educational Studies / U. of British Columbia Vancouver, , Canada   .@. Conrad Russell. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalism. London: Duckworth, . Pp. . £. (hb). Academic Freedom. London and New York: Routledge, . Pp. xi, . £. (pb). ho is the intelligent person of the first title? Is it (...)
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    Memory, History, Forgetting.Kathleen Blamey & David Pellauer (eds.) - 2006 - University of Chicago Press.
    Why do major historical events such as the Holocaust occupy the forefront of the collective consciousness, while profound moments such as the Armenian genocide, the McCarthy era, and France's role in North Africa stand distantly behind? Is it possible that history "overly remembers" some events at the expense of others? A landmark work in philosophy, Paul Ricoeur's _Memory, History, Forgetting_ examines this reciprocal relationship between remembering and forgetting, showing how it affects both the perception of historical experience and (...)
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    Could I Write Like Carol Weiss?Øyunn Syrstad Høydal - 2024 - Minerva 62 (4):491-504.
    Academic papers in the social sciences were once more essayistic in their form. The carefree launching of concepts and ideas of academic value were the order of the day, all without the security of the present standardized paper format inspired by the natural sciences. This text draws on the most cited paper by the acclaimed scholar Carol Weiss, as an outset to discussing academic writing; why we write as we do and what we may lose by (...)
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    Can Intellectual History be Done Otherwise?Mohamed 'Arafa, Nader El-Bizri, Nauman Faizi, Lena Salaymeh & Shahzad Bashir - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (2).
    Using Shahzad Bashir’s open-access publication A New Vision for Islamic Pasts and Futures as a baseline, this symposium debates whether and how intellectual history can be done otherwise. Mohamed ‘Arafa follows Bashir’s invitation to explore the potential of open-ended historiographies when he thinks about the viability of a flexible method to interpret Sharī ʿ a. Nader El-Bizri interrogates whether the assemblage of personal experiential accounts offered by Bashir can be framed within the discourse of intellectual history at all. (...)
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    On writing philosophy: a manifesto.Michael Eskin - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Upper West Side Philosophers.
    Avowedly polemical, without a single footnote, and aiming at the educated, non-academic or academic, reader, this short and punchy book - a manifesto, manual of instruction, and inspirational romp through the history of philosophy - argues that what we typically take to be 'philosophy' these days is actually not philosophy in the strong or 'true' sense at all, but a mix of intellectual history, the history of philosophy, philosophical scholarship, and 'academic' philosophy. More specifically, (...)
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    On the history and transmission of Lacanian psychoanalysis: speaking of Lacan.Chris Vanderwees - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    On the History and Transmission of Lacanian Psychoanalysis addresses key questions about the history and transmission of Lacan's work in North America through discussions with experienced psychoanalysts (who are also trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychotherapists). Chris Vanderwees presents conversations with clinicians about their psychoanalytic formation and about the development of Lacanian psychoanalysis in North America over the past several decades. With oral narrative brought out through the technique of free association, then transcribed and annotated, each discussion is a (...)
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    When the “Ostjuden” Returned: Linguistic Continuities in German-Language Writing about Eastern European Jews.Mariusz Kałczewiak - 2021 - Naharaim 15 (2):287-309.
    This article examines the dynamics that allowed the derogatory term “Ostjuden” to reappear in academic writing in post-Holocaust Germany. This article focuses on the period between 1980’s and 2000’s, complementing earlier studies that focused on the emergence of the term “Ostjuden” and on the complex representations of Eastern European Jews in Imperial and later Weimar Germany. It shows that, despite its well-evidenced discriminatory history, the term “Ostjuden” re-appeared in the scholarly writing in German and has also (...)
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  20.  9
    Green History: The Future of the Past.Thomas S. Martin - 2000 - University Press of Amer.
    Calling post-modernism merely "the last tortured gasps of the old paradigm, not the birth-cries of the new," Martin (affiliations, academic or otherwise, not noted) seeks to move along to a "post-Western" perspective on history. He writes from a Green viewpoint (anarchist, feminist, and ecological), giving much credit to American anarchist Murray Bookchin, who he calls the last great Western philosopher. Double-spaced. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
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    The Oxford handbook of the history of physics.Jed Z. Buchwald & Robert Fox (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book brings together cutting-edge writing by more than twenty leading authorities on the history of physics from the seventeenth century to the present day. By presenting a wide diversity of studies in a single volume, it provides authoritative introductions to scholarly contributions that have tended to be dispersed in journals and books not easily accessible to the general reader. While the core thread remains the theories and experimental practices of physics, the Handbook contains chapters on other dimensions (...)
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    The Writing in the Wittenberg Sky: Astrology in Sixteenth-Century Germany.Claudia Brosseder - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (4):557-576.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 66.4 (2005) 557-576 [Access article in PDF] The Writing in the Wittenberg Sky: Astrology in Sixteenth-Century Germany Claudia Brosseder University of Munich It probably was a delightful summer day when the celebrated humanist Willibald Pirckheimer, best known as a friend of Albrecht Dürer and Erasmus of Rotterdam, strolled, with an unknown friend, through the streets of Nuremberg. When they saw a (...)
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    History as the Realization of Beauty: Li Zehou's Aesthetic Marxism.W. L. Chong - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (2):3-19.
    Li Zehou , a former professor of philosophy at Beijing University and a member of the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences in Beijing, is widely recognized as one of the most important thinkers in post-Mao China and "the leader of the Chinese Enlightenment" of the 1980s.1 One of the signatories of a petition to the government during the 1989 democracy movement, he was castigated in the official press after the crackdown and accused of being a proponent of "bourgeois liberalism." Li (...)
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    Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy: The Charronian Legacy 1601–1662 by José R. Maia Neto.Luiz Eva - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):163-164.
    Richard Popkin’s seminal study on the revival of skepticism from the late Renaissance onwards gave a prominent role to Pyrrhonism, rediscovered through the translation of Sextus Empiricus’s writings into Latin and their usage in Michel de Montaigne’s Essais, among other works. Maia Neto’s new book aims to reassess this interpretation, claiming that Montaigne’s disciple, Pierre Charron, in his La sagesse, displayed a distinctively Academic skeptical wisdom that became central in the philosophical debate of the period. Such wisdom, according to (...)
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    Classical Art: A Life History from Antiquity to the Present.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):464-466.
    To write a history “from antiquity to the present” of classical art or literature (or, worst of all, classicism) is the ultimate nightmare aspiration for a scholar whose colleagues are attentive methodologists. The product, when there is one (which I add because the aspiration can yield paralysis), is always in part an apologetic treatise on historical method. Professor Vout—of Christ's College, Cambridge—apologizes with the first word of her subtitle, A, which stresses that many differing histories may be as valid (...)
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    Monuments to Academic Carelessness: The Self-fulfilling Prophecy of Katherine Frost Bruner.Ole Bjørn Rekdal - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):744-758.
    In 1942, Katherine Frost Bruner published an article titled “Of psychological writing: Being some valedictory remarks on style.” It was published in Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, the journal for which she served as editorial assistant between 1937 and 1941. Her collection of advice to writing scholars has been widely quoted, including by several editions of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The most frequently quoted message in Bruner’s article deals with the importance of making (...)
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    Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Brian Simpson.A. W. Brian Simpson, Katherine O'Donovan & Gerry R. Rubin - 2000 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    This book brings together essays on themes of human rights and legal history, reflecting the long and distinguished career as academic writer and human rights activist of Brian Simpson. Written by colleagues and friends in the United States and Britain, the essays are intended to reflect Simpson's own legal interests. The collection opens with biography of Simpson's academic life which notes his major contribution to legal thought, and closes with an account of his career in the United (...)
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    Review of: Inessa Medzhibovskaya, Tolstoy as Philosopher. Essential Short Writings: An Anthology (1835–1910), Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2022, 426 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-644-69401-5, €114,98, Kindle: €33,25. [REVIEW]Iuliia Kuznetsova - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (4):749-751.
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    Dictatorship of the Professoriat?: Academic Unfreedom in East Germany.John Rodden - 2007 - Human Rights Review 8 (4):369-388.
    The following interview is with a retired eastern German professor whose career constitutes a case history in the comparative politics of “academic unfreedom”. Professor Erhard Naake was the only Ph.D. student in the history of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) to write his dissertation on Friedrich Nietzsche, whose work was considered “anti-socialist” throughout the history of the GDR regime. Because Herr Naake had the temerity to select Nietzsche as his thesis topic – a philosopher whose work (...)
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    Productive marginalities: The history of science in/about Poland since 1989.Jan Surman - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):569-584.
    While the history of science in Polish language has a long history, both intellectual and institutional, it became less visible internationally following the fall of the Iron Curtain. This article looks into the institutional state of history-of-science writing in Poland, and discusses several key focal points that emerged in recent years. By distinguishing between the core history of science, written at institutions devoted to this discipline, and broader academic discussions concerning science's past, I claim (...)
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    A Field on Fire: The Future of Environmental History ed. by Mark D. Hersey and Ted Steinberg.Jeff Hirschy - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (1):133-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Field on Fire: The Future of Environmental History ed. by Mark D. Hersey and Ted SteinbergJeff HirschyA Field on Fire: The Future of Environmental History EDITED BY MARK D. HERSEY AND TED STEINBERG Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2019In the beginning, there was something. Usually filled in with more details, the phrase “in the beginning” is a universal phrase that can cross academic (...)
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    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 2, Practice.Ellen Muehlberger (ed.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings provides definitive anthology of early Christian texts, from c.100 to 650 CE. Its six volumes reflect the cultural, intellectual and linguistic diversity of early Christianity and are organized thematically on the topics of God, practice, Christ, community, reading and creation. The series expands the pool of source material to include not only Greek and Latin writings, but also Syriac and Coptic texts. Additionally, the series rejects a theologically normative view by juxtaposing texts that (...)
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    Is tenure justified? An experimental study of faculty beliefs about tenure, promotion, and academic freedom.Stephen J. Ceci, Wendy M. Williams & Katrin Mueller-Johnson - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):553-569.
    The behavioral sciences have come under attack for writings and speech that affront sensitivities. At such times, academic freedom and tenure are invoked to forestall efforts to censure and terminate jobs. We review the history and controversy surrounding academic freedom and tenure, and explore their meaning across different fields, at different institutions, and at different ranks. In a multifactoral experimental survey, 1,004 randomly selected faculty members from top-ranked institutions were asked how colleagues would typically respond when confronted (...)
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    Historians on history: readings.John Tosh (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Pearson Longman.
    No enterprise as laborious and long-drawn out as the writing of history can be pursued without deeply held convictions as to its purpose and significance. With this in mind, Historians on History addresses the nature of historical enquiry by bringing together in one volume the key writings of many of the best known 20th century historians including Braudel, Carr, Elton, Guha, Hobsbawm, Samuel, Scott, and Zeldin. This new edition begins with a substantial survey by John Tosh charting (...)
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    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 4, Christ: Chalcedon and Beyond.Mark DelCogliano (ed.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings provides the definitive anthology of early Christian texts from ca. 100 CE to ca. 650 CE. Its volumes reflect the cultural, intellectual, and linguistic diversity of early Christianity, and are organized thematically on the topics of God, Practice, Christ, Community, Reading, and Creation. The series expands the pool of source material to include not only Greek and Latin writings, but also Syriac and Coptic texts. Additionally, the series rejects a theologically normative view by (...)
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    Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome.Giles Knox, Janis Bell & Thomas Willette - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 116-120 [Access article in PDF] Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, edited by Janis Bell and Thomas Willette. Cambridge: Cambridge Universtiy Press, 2002, 396 pp. Giovan Pietro Bellori is a name familiar to all who have studied seventeenth-century Italian art. His magisterial book, The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Le (...)
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    History and the history of the human sciences: what voice?Smith Roger - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (3):22-39.
    This paper discusses the historical voice in the history of the human sci ences. I address the question, 'Who speaks?', as a question about disci plinary identities and conventions of writing - identities and conventions which have the appearance of conditions of knowledge, in an area of activity where academic history and the history of science or intellectual history meet. If, as this paper contends, the subject-matter of the history of the human sciences (...)
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  38. A History of Pythagoreanism.Carl A. Huffman (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive, authoritative and innovative account of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism, one of the most enigmatic and influential philosophies in the West. In twenty-one chapters covering a timespan from the sixth century BC to the seventeenth century AD, leading scholars construct a number of different images of Pythagoras and his community, assessing current scholarship and offering new answers to central problems. Chapters are devoted to the early Pythagoreans, and the full breadth of Pythagorean thought is explored including politics, religion, (...)
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    Twilight of history.Shlomo Sand - 2017 - Brooklyn, NY: Verso.
    The acclaimed and controversial historian turns his critical gaze on the writing of history today. Drawing on his four decades as a professional historian, Shlomo Sand interrogates the academic discipline of history, whose origin lay in the need for a national ideology. In the last few decades, traditional history has begun to fragment, yet only to give rise to a new role of historians as priests of official memory. Working in Israel has sharpened Sand's perspective, (...)
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    History and contemporary issues: studies in moral theology.Charles E. Curran - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    The turbulence of Charles Curran's academic career in the past decade stands in sharp contrast to the equanimity and intellectual balance of his writings during that strained-filled period. Here is a collection of the most important of those writings.
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    Abandoning Evolution: The Forgotten History of Antievolution Activism and the Transformation of American Social Science.Michael Lienesch - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):687-709.
    From its inception, antievolution activism has been aimed not only at the natural sciences but also, and almost as often, at the social sciences. Although almost entirely overlooked by scholars, this activism played a significant part in the development of American social science in the early twentieth century. Analyzing public writings and private papers of antievolution activists, academic social scientists, and university officials from the 1920s, this essay recalls this forgotten history, showing how antievolution activism contributed to the (...)
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    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 1, God.Andrew Radde-Gallwitz (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings provides the definitive anthology of early Christian texts, from c.100 to 650 CE. Its six volumes reflect the cultural, intellectual and linguistic diversity of early Christianity and are organized thematically on the topics of God, practice, Christ, community, reading and creation. The series expands the pool of source material to include not only Greek and Latin writings, but also Syriac and Coptic texts. Additionally, the series rejects a theologically normative view by juxtaposing texts (...)
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    Auguste Comte and positivism: the essential writings.Auguste Comte - 1975 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gertrud Lenzer.
    Although Auguste Comte is conventionally acknowledged as one of the founders of sociology and as a key representative of positivism, few new editions of his writings have been published in the English language in this century. He has become virtually dissociated from the history of modern positivism and the most recent debates about it. Gertrud Lenzer maintains that the work of Comte is, for better or for worse, essential to an understanding of the modern period of positivism. This collection (...)
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    On the edge of the cliff: history, language, and practices.Roger Chartier - 1997 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The importance of history has been powerfully reaffirmed in recent years by the appearance of major new authors, pathbreaking works, and fresh interpretations of historical events, trends, and methods. Responding to these developments, Roger Chartier engages several of the most influential writers of cultural history whose works have spread far beyond academic audiences to become part of contemporary cultural argument. Challenging the assertion that history is no more than a "fiction-making operation" Chartier examines the relationships between (...)
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    Civilization and Democracy: The Salvernini Anthology of Cattaneo's Writings.Filippo Sabetti - 2006 - University of Toronto Press.
    Nineteenth-century Italy is a vast, unexplored territory in the history of modern political thought and liberal democratic theory. Apart from Mazzini, Pareto, and Mosca, the authors of this period are little read, even though their central concerns - the riddle of human liberation, progress, and liberty - are as important today as ever. This volume presents a selection of the writings of Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869), one of the period's most important thinkers, as selected by an equally important personage of (...)
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    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 3, Christ: Through the Nestorian Controversy.Mark DelCogliano (ed.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings provides the definitive anthology of early Christian texts from ca. 100 CE to ca. 650 CE. Its volumes reflect the cultural, intellectual, and linguistic diversity of early Christianity, and are organized thematically on the topics of God, Practice, Christ, Community, Reading, and Creation. The series expands the pool of source material to include not only Greek and Latin writings, but also Syriac and Coptic texts. Additionally, the series rejects a theologically normative view by (...)
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    New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Volume 9, Special Issue: Becoming Heidegger: On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927.Burt Hopkins & John Drummond - 2001 - Acumen Publishing.
    CONTENTS An Editor's Introduction INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW HEIDEGGER'S ACADEMIC CAREER 1909-1930 A. Background B. Lehrveranstaltungen/University Education and Teaching C. Heidegger's Early Occasional Writings: A Chronological Bibliography PART I: STUDENT YEARS 1. Curricula Vitae 2. Two Essays for The Academician o Authority and Freedom o On a Philosophical Orientation for Academics 3. The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy 4. Recent Research in Logic 5. Meßkirch's Triduum: A Three-day Meditation on the War 6. Question and Judgment 7. The Concept of (...)
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    New Qing History and the Problem of “Chinese Empire”—Another Impact and Response?Li Aiyong - 2016 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 47 (1):13-29.
    EDITOR’ ABSTRACTLi Aiyong starts from a thorough analysis of the academic background, theories, and approaches of New Qing History. This suggests that its emergence in North America and the controversy it continues to cause in China have to be understood within the respective academic traditions and cultural environments and calls on Chinese academia to actively impact the writing of Qing history overseas.
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    Civilization and Democracy: The Salvernini Anthology of Cattaneo's Writings.CarloHG Cattaneo - 2006 - University of Toronto Press.
    Nineteenth-century Italy is a vast, unexplored territory in the history of modern political thought and liberal democratic theory. Apart from Mazzini, Pareto, and Mosca, the authors of this period are little read, even though their central concerns - the riddle of human liberation, progress, and liberty - are as important today as ever. This volume presents a selection of the writings of Carlo Cattaneo, one of the period's most important thinkers, as selected by an equally important personage of a (...)
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    New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy IX (2009), Special Issue: Becoming Heidegger: On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927.Burt Hopkins & John Drummond - 2001 - Acumen Publishing.
    CONTENTS An Editor's Introduction INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW HEIDEGGER'S ACADEMIC CAREER 1909-1930 A. Background (1889-1930) B. Lehrveranstaltungen/University Education and Teaching (1909-1930) C. Heidegger's Early Occasional Writings: A Chronological Bibliography PART I: STUDENT YEARS 1. Curricula Vitae 2. Two Essays for The Academician o Authority and Freedom (1910) o On a Philosophical Orientation for Academics (1911) 3. The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy (1912) 4. Recent Research in Logic (October-December 1912) 5. Meßkirch's Triduum: A Three-day Meditation on the War (January (...)
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