Results for 'A. Prins'

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    History English Phonemes.Anton A. Prins - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    Not as Stable as We Think: A Descriptive Study of 12 Monthly Assessments of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Curatively-Treated Breast Cancer Survivors 0–5 Years After Surgery. [REVIEW]José A. E. Custers, Linda Kwakkenbos, Winette T. A. van der Graaf, Judith B. Prins, Marieke F. M. Gielissen & Belinda Thewes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580979.
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    Applying the Model-Comparison Approach to Test Specific Research Hypotheses in Psychophysical Research Using the Palamedes Toolbox.Nicolaas Prins & Frederick A. A. Kingdom - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Law-Abiding & Integrity on the Internet: a Case for Agents.M. H. M. Schellekens, J. E. J. Prins, A. Oskamp & F. Brazier - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2).
  5.  9
    Cell biology. A laboratory handbook. Edited by J.E. Celis. Academic Press, 4 volume set.John Prins - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (11):965-966.
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    Narrative Accounts of Origins: A Blind Spot in the Intersectional Approach?Prins Baukje - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (3):277-290.
    This paper uses a study of the life story narratives of former classmates of Dutch and Moluccan descent to argue that the constructionist approach to intersectionality, with its account of identity as a narrative construction rather than a practice of naming, offers better tools for answering questions concerning intersectional identity formation than a more systemic intersectional approach. The case study also highlights the importance of the quest for origins in narratives. It demonstrates that theories of intersectionality are unjustified in subsuming (...)
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    The Ethics of Hybrid Subjects: Feminist Constructivism According to Donna Haraway.Baukje Prins - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (3):352-367.
    This article discusses the viability of a feminist constructivist approach of knowledge through the careful reading of the work of the feminist scholar and historian of science and technology, Donna Haraway. Haraway proposes an interpretation of objectivity in terms of "situated knowledges. " Both the subject and the object of knowledge are endowed with the status of material-semiotic actors. By blurring the epistemological boundary between subject and object, Haraway's narratives about scientific discourse become populated with hybrid subjects/objects. The author argues (...)
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    The Present Caught in Presumptions-Martin Heidegger and the Possibility of a Diagnosis of Our Time.Awee Prins - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (1):37-59.
  9.  27
    Affecting Argumentative Action: The Temporality of Decisive Emotion.Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (4):603-627.
    This paper explores the interrelations between temporality and emotion in rhetorical argumentation. It argues that in situations of uncertainty argumentation affects action via appeals that invoke emotion and thereby translate the distant past and future into the situated present. Using practical inferences, a threefold model for the interrelation of emotion and time in argumentation outlines how argumentative action depends on whether speakers provide reasons for the exigence that makes a decision necessary, the contingency of the decision, and the confidence required (...)
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  10. Gesitueerde kennis en identiteit.Baukje Prins - 2020 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 60 (1):14-23.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    De oorsprong en betekenis Van Hobbes' geometrische methodenideaal.J. Prins - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (2):248 - 271.
    La méthodologie de Hobbes est interprétée par la plupart des commentateurs en termes de l'idéal scientifique moderne comme celui-ci fut exprimé par exemple par Galilée. Cependant, en ce qui concerne son approche purement méthodologique, tant du problème de la vérité que de celui de la certitude, et son ambiguïté vis-à-vis du rôle épistémologique de l'expérience, sa méthodologie paraît beaucoup plus apparentée aux conceptions méthodologiques, inspirées par les mathématiques grecques, de certains aristotéliciens éclectiques du seizième et de la première moitié du (...)
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  12. Mothers and Muslima's, Sisters and Sojourners;The Contested Boundaries of Feminist Citizenship.Baukje Prins - 2006 - In Davis Kathy, Evans Mary & Lorber Judith, Handbook of Women's Studies. SAGE. pp. 234-250.
    In the early 1990’s, many feminist philosophers found that the practice of the women´s movement as well as those of other new social movements, could be articulated most adequately in terms of citizenship. The classical political vocabulary of citizenship seemed to offer a viable alternative to the vocabularies that until then had been dominant in feminist political theory: the individualistic, rights-oriented discourse of liberalism, and the structuralist, interest-oriented perspectives of socialism and marxism.
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    Law-abiding and integrity on the internet: A case for agents. [REVIEW]Frances Brazier, Anja Oskamp, Corien Prins, Maurice Schellekens & Niek Wijngaards - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):5-37.
    Software agents extend the current, information-based Internet to include autonomous mobile processing. In most countries such processes, i.e., software agents are, however, without an explicit legal status. Many of the legal implications of their actions (e.g., gathering information, negotiating terms, performing transactions) are not well understood. One important characteristic of mobile software agents is that they roam the Internet: they often run on agent platforms of others. There often is no pre-existing relation between the owner of a running agents process (...)
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  14.  89
    A Systematic Review: The Effect of Cancer on the Divorce Rate.Dominik Fugmann, Martin Boeker, Steffen Holsteg, Nancy Steiner, Judith Prins & André Karger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionResearch on the impact of cancer on close relationships brings up conflicting results. This systematic review collects empirical evidence on the research questions whether a cancer diagnosis in general or the type of cancer affects the divorce rate.Materials and MethodsThis systematic review was conducted according to the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration and the PRISMA statement. The following electronic databases were searched: Web of Science, Ovid SP MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PsyINDEX, CINAHL, ERIC. Risk of bias assessment was performed with the preliminary (...)
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    Embodiment in Neuro-engineering Endeavors: Phenomenological Considerations and Practical Implications.Sadaf Soloukey Tbalvandany, Biswadjiet Sanjay Harhangi, Awee W. Prins & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2018 - Neuroethics 12 (3):231-242.
    The field of Neuro-Engineering seems to be on the fast track towards accomplishing its ultimate goal of potentially replacing the nervous system in the face of disease. Meanwhile, the patients and professionals involved are continuously dealing with human bodily experience and especially how neuro-engineering devices could become part of a user’s body schema: the domain of ‘embodied phenomenology’. This focus on embodiment, however, is not sufficiently reflected in the current literature on ethical and philosophical issues in neuro-engineering. In this article (...)
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    Unreliable information on the internet: a challenging dilemma for the law.Maurice Schellekens & Corien Prins - 2006 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 4 (1):49-59.
    This paper examines what role the law can and should play with regard to unreliable information available on fast communication networks, such as the Internet. Users of electronic information find it increasingly difficult to assess its reliability. The traditional structures for assessing reliability are lacking or function inadequately. Clear social norms have not yet been developed. As regards the law, traditionally liability law is the first legal guard against undesirable societal developments. We conclude however, that liability law is an inadequate (...)
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    Anonymity and software agents: An interdisciplinary challenge. [REVIEW]Frances Brazier, Anja Oskamp, Corien Prins, Maurice Schellekens & Niek Wijngaards - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):137-157.
    Software agents that play a role in E-commerce and E-government applications involving the Internet often contain information about the identity of their human user such as credit cards and bank accounts. This paper discusses whether this is necessary: whether human users and software agents are allowed to be anonymous under the relevant legal regimes and whether an adequate interaction and balance between law and anonymity can be realised from both the perspective of Computer Systems and the perspective of Law.
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    Making room for grief: walking backwards and living forward.Nancy J. Moules, Kari Simonson, Mark Prins, Paula Angus & Janice M. Bell - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):99-107.
    In this paper, the authors describe an aspect of a program of research around grief and clinical practice. The first phase of the study involves examination of experiences of grief with attention to troublesome or problematic beliefs that fuel the extent of suffering in the bereaved. The data, obtained from a review of videotaped clinical interviews with families seen in the Family Nursing Unit at the University of Calgary, were analyzed according to philosophical hermeneutic tradition. Findings suggest that grief is (...)
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    Moartea și experiența muririi: in(tro)specție metafizică și filosofico-aplicativă: prin nouă ochiri.István Király Váradi - 2002 - Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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  20. Originea speciilor [prin selecție naturală; sau, Păstrarea raselor favorizate l̂upta pentru existență.].Charles Darwin - 1957 - [Buchurești,: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne.
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  21. Note de călătorie: [prin Europa, Asia, Africa, S.U.A.].Mihai Ralea - 1980 - București: "Sport-Turism".
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  22. Revolutionary poetry and liquid crystal chemistry: Herman Gorter, Ada Prins and the interface between literature and science.Hub Zwart - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (1):115-132.
    In the Netherlands, the poet Herman Gorter is mostly known as the author of the neo-romantic poem May and the “sensitivistic” Poems, but internationally he became famous as a propagandist of radical Marxism: the author of influential brochures and of an “open letter” to comrade W.I. Lenin in 1920. During the 1890s, Gorter became increasingly dissatisfied with his poetry, considering it as ego-centric, disinterested and “bourgeois”, unconnected with what was happening in the real world. He wanted to put his poetry (...)
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  23. Misiune şi pastoraţie prin ucenicie sau prin cateheză? Istorie, provocări şi soluţii.Doru Marcu - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):242-257.
    In the Romanian Orthodox theology, the words mission and pastoral care are used very often in a mixed way. Nevertheless, there are some differences between them and we explain why. In the main part of our article, we demonstrate that the biblical verse regarding the great commandment for mission was translated in a wrong way and it gave a different paradigm for mission. In the second part, we speak about catechesis and catechumenate at the beginning of the Church and about (...)
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    Greniewski Marek. Întrebuinţarea logicilor trivalente în teoria mecanismelor automate. I. Realizarea prin circuite a funcţiilor fundamentale. Roumanian, with Russian and French summaries. Comunicǎrile Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne, vol. 6 , pp. 225–229. [REVIEW]Emil Grosswald - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):257-257.
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    På slagmarken med prins Otto – Kønsballade hos B.S. Ingemann i 1835.Lone Kølle Martinsen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:97-115.
    In his historical novel from 1835, Prince Otto of Denmark and his Time, the poet Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789-1862) established the unknown, yet historical character, Prince Otto of Denmark (1310-1346) as the hero of the novel. This choice has puzzled critics ever since, due to the fact that Prince Otto seems less a potential king than his brother Valdemar IV (1320-1372) who actually became a king of Denmark. Georg Brandes (1842-1927) claimed that Otto mirrored Ingemann’s persona as weak and feminine, (...)
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  26. Unlearned Knowledge: Aristotle on How We Come to Know Prin- ciples.Robin Smith - unknown
    At the beginning of the Posterior Analytics, Aristotle says that “all learning and all rational teaching arises from previously existing knowledge”. How, then, can we have any knowledge? If all our knowledge is acquired by learning that depends on previously existing knowledge, then we would have an infinite regress of still prior knowledge, with the result that we cannot learn anything without having learned something else first. If we reject this possibility, then the only one that remains is that we (...)
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    Reprezentări filosofice ale unității existenței: prin credință noetică și credință perceptivă.Viorel Cernica - 2022 - Studii de Istorie a Filosofiei Românești 18:11-27.
    In the following paper, I suggest an interpretation of Petrovici’s and Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, both of them structured in accordance with the concept of unity of existence (the world), itself given in a close relation with the idea about an existential subject. Each philosophy includes a representation of the unity of existence, founded, the first, in a spiritual conviction (noetic belief), and the second, in a perceptual faith. This representation is in the same time a privileged kind by which a subject (...)
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    What is a good world?: internationalisation in a post-Covid society = Wat is een goede wereld?: internationalisering in een post-coronasamenleving.Liza Voetman - 2022 - [Gent, Belgium]: Art Paper Editions.
    This essay series attempts to stimulate the debate about the moral challenges that internationalisation confronts us with, both in the Netherlands and abroad, and in particular for Artist-in-Residencies (AIRs). The publication is a reflection on how the crisis is reconsidering our international ambitions, starting from a post-COVID society. Internationalisation is an inevitable reality, inherent to the art landscape. The current time calls for a critical reflection on major issues such as climate inequality, plurality and the Western-dominant canon. 0With contributions and (...)
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    Kant, Schelling, and Hegel on How to Conceive Matter from a Metaphysical Point of View.Georg Oswald - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (3):245-268.
    Kant, Schelling, and Hegel research has frequently highlighted differences when considering their three respective concepts of philoso-phy. Especially with regard to natural philosophy, there seems to be little common ground between them. In my paper, however, I want to revise this perspective, picking up on what brings them together. Taking the concept of matter as my primary example, I will argue that neither Kant nor Schelling nor Hegel are interested in conceiving of nature from the viewpoint of empirical observation and (...)
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  30. Bogdan Olaru, Rigorously Idea Of Science. Husserlian Phenomenological Project Of Founding A Science, Ed Univ.Cristian Ciocan - 2005 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    Cartea pe care o prezentăm poate fi privită ca ilustrare a unei concepţii idealiste despre ştiinţă. Este meritul filozofului Edmund Husserl de a fi tulburat secolul trecut prin perseverenţa cu care a urmărit realizarea unei filozofii în formă riguroasă, ştiinţifică. Dacă sintagma în cauză a putut să apară pentru mulţi ca fiind nepotrivită pentru sensul şi posibilităţile filozofiei, lucrurile stau astfel şi pentru că filozofia gânditorului german a rămas pentru ei, într-o oarecare măsură, insondabilă. Voi susţine aici contrariul: ea este (...)
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  31. Întruchipări. Studiu de fenomenologie a corporalităţii.Cristian Ciocan - 2013 - Bucharest, Romania: Humanitas.
    Dacă cercetarea fenomenologică are o anumită intuiţie mai mult sau mai puţin vagă a direcţiei în care se îndreaptă, ea nu ştie dintru început unde anume va ajunge, unde anume o vor ghida întrebările. Ca în Călăuza lui Tarkovski, cercetătorul aruncă înaintea sa întrebarea şi apoi o urmează, înaintând oarecum în necunoscut, în orizontul neştiut pe care întrebarea îl deschide. Tocmai de aceea cercetarea fenomenologică este o explorare, o înaintare în necunoscut, fără o hartă sigură, fără o busolă infailibilă, alta (...)
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  32. Dumnezeu, Constituțía și imperativul neutralitățíi. O analiză critică a ideii de revizuire a Constituției în sens creștin.Eugen Huzum - 2013 - In Bocancea Sorin, Constituția României. Opinii esențiale pentru legea fundamentală. Institutul European.
    Unul dintre cele mai importante subiecte de dezbatere în contextul deliberărilor publice privind revizuirea Constituției a fost lansat, fără îndoială, de solicitările de revizuire a ei in sens creștin. Solicitările în discuție au fost făcute, după cum este cunoscut, de Sinodul mitropolitan al Mitropoliei Moldovei și Bucovinei în 5 martie 2013. Potrivit acestor solicitări, ar fi dezirabil ca, printre altele, noua Constituție „să facă referire la numele lui Dumnezeu”, să „sublinieze ... importanța tradiției creștine a poporului român”, să evidențieze „rolul (...)
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  33. Ce este matematica: Ghidul şcolar al înţelegerii conceptuale a matematicii.Cătălin Bărboianu - 2020 - Targu Jiu: PhilScience Press.
    Aceasta nu este o carte de matematică, ci una despre matematică, care se adresează elevului sau studentului, dar şi dascălului său, cu un scop cât se poate de practic, anume acela de a iniţia şi netezi calea către înţelegerea completă a matematicii predate în şcoală. Tradiţia predării matematicii într-o abordare preponderent procedural-formală a avut ca efect o viziune deformată a elevilor asupra matematicii, ca fiind ceva strict formal, instrumental şi calculatoriu. Pierzând contactul cu baza conceptuală a matematicii, elevii dezvoltă pe (...)
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    Liquid crystal chemistry and poetry.David Dunmur - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2):277-287.
    This paper comments on a recent article “Revolutionary poetry and liquid crystal chemistry: Herman Gorter, Ada Prins and the interface between literature and science” by Hub Zwart, in which the author explores the influence of the liquid crystal research of Ada Prins on the epic poem Pan written by her long-time lover Herman Gorter. The present paper reviews the basic science of liquid crystals and explains the connections between the work of Prins and its influence on the (...)
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  35. Fondarea Uniunii Europene și evoluția tratatelor comunității europene.Cristian Alexandru - manuscript
    De ce a fost fondată Uniunea Europeană? Un prim răspuns ar fi dorinţa de pace după un război devastator şi umilitor. Un al doilea răspuns ar fi realizarea importanţei unităţii. O unitate care se va caracteriza printr-o diversitate a culturilor şi a limbilor. Statele europene nu au dorit să renunţe la suveranitatea lor, au vrut să devină un corp comun pentru a nu a mai putea fi călcate în picioare de iureşul istoriei. Ca orice unitate, UE avea nevoie de un (...)
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  36. Natural axioms for classical mereology.Aaron Cotnoir & Achille C. Varzi - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):201-208.
    We present a new axiomatization of classical mereology in which the three components of the theory—ordering, composition, and decomposition prin-ciples—are neatly separated. The equivalence of our axiom system with other, more familiar systems is established by purely deductive methods, along with additional results on the relative strengths of the composition and decomposition axioms of each theory.
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  37. DESPRE BOALĂ ȘI VINDECARE ÎN RELIGIILE ANTICE.Adrian Boldisor - 2024 - Pastoraţia Și Îngrijirea Celor Bolnavi 9 (1):87-77.
    O privire fugitivă asupra unora dintre religiile lumii antice scoate la iveală faptul că, indiferent de structura sa și de teritoriul în care s-a răspândit, credința într-o viață fără boli și suferințe a fost idealul permanent al omului. Astfel că, alături de nădejdea în viața de apoi, încrederea într-un trai mai bun încă de pe pământ a reprezentat o constată a vieții private și publice. În acest sens, au existat divinități, dar și specialiști, care s-au îngrijit de întreținerea speranțelor oamenilor. (...)
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    Questioning Behaviour in Monocultural and Intercultural Technical Business Negotiations: The Dutch—Spanish Connection.Maurits J. Verweij & Jan M. Ulijn - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (2):217-248.
    This article addresses the issue of asking questions as an important element of international business negotiation where there are differences in cultural background. A Dutch-Spanish difference in questioning was related to differences between the two parties in uncertainty reduction and negotiation goals. All 480 questions in 8 simulated Kelley game negotiations were reviewed: both monocultural and intercultural, i.e. 2 cultures and 3 languages. This analysis may also allow an illustration of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis which holds, at least in its weak (...)
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    Cartesianische Meditationen Und Pariser Vorträge.Edmund Husserl & Stephan Strasser - 1991 - Springer. Edited by Stephan Strasser.
    Le 27 avril 1938, Edmund HUSSERL, l'initiateur et principal representant du courant phenomenologique dans la philosophie contemporaine, mourut a Fribourg en Brisgau, age de pres de quatre-vingts ans. Depuis la parution de ses Logische Untersuchungen en 190~ 1901, le monde philosophique international avait suivi, avec UD interet toujours croissant, les exposes successifs et de plus en plus approfondis, que le maUre fribourgeois publiait sur les prin~ cipes de sa methode, dite pMnomenologique, sur les applications concretes de celle-ci aux problemes philosophiques (...)
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    The Principia’s second law (as Newton understood it) from Galileo to Laplace.Bruce Pourciau - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (3):183-242.
    Newton certainly regarded his second law of motion in the Principia as a fundamental axiom of mechanics. Yet the works that came after the Principia, the major treatises on the foundations of mechanics in the eighteenth century—by Varignon, Hermann, Euler, Maclaurin, d’Alembert, Euler (again), Lagrange, and Laplace—do not record, cite, discuss, or even mention the Principia’s statement of the second law. Nevertheless, the present study shows that all of these scientists do in fact assume the principle that the Principia’s second (...)
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  41. Basic Positive Duties of Justice and Narveson's Libertarian Challenge.Pablo Gilabert - 2006 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):193-216.
    Are positive duties to help others in need mere informal duties of virtue or can they also be enforceable duties of justice? In this paper I defend the claim that some positive duties (which I call basic positive duties) can be duties of justice against one of the most important prin- cipled objections to it. This is the libertarian challenge, according to which only negative duties to avoid harming others can be duties of justice, whereas positive duties (basic or nonbasic) (...)
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    (1 other version)Do Religious Jews Have Faith in the Principles of Judaism.N. Verbin - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):360-371.
    Sam Lebens’ The Principles of Judaism is an extraordinary book in its rigor and richness. It is a sophisticated examination of three central propositions, which Lebens maintains, are the fundamental doctrines that “can make sense of continued commitment to an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.” (Lebens, 273). He presents and discusses the following three propositions: 1) The universe is the creation of one God; 2) The Torah is a divine system of laws and wisdom, revealed by the creator of the universe; and, (...)
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  43. Relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie în viziunea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria.Doru Marcu - 2022 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Cartea de față este teza de doctorat în Teologie a autorului, alcătuită și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale „Sf. Nicodim” a Universității din Craiova, în noiembrie 2021. Lucrarea se remarcă prin rigurozitatea și amploarea cercetării teologice despre o temă actuală în misiologie, anume relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie. În acest sens, opera și personalitatea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria sunt punctele de referință pentru susținerea dimensiunii misionare a Bisericii Ortodoxe. Amintim că Pr. Ion Bria ne-a fost un apropiat, mai ales în (...)
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    Inductive Plausibility and Certainty.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - In Marcin Trepczyński, Philosophical Approaches to the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics: In Honor of Stanisław Krajewski. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 193-210.
    Is it possible to combine different logics into a coherent system with the goal of applying it to specific problems so that it sheds some light on foundational aspects of those logics? These are two of the most basic issues of combining logics. Paranormal modal logic is a combination of paraconsistent logic and modal logic. In this paper, I propose two further combinatory developments, focusing on each one of these two issues. On the foundational side, I combine paranormal modal logic (...)
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  45. The Soul and Its Instrumental Body: A Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Philosophy of Living Nature.A. P. Bos - 2003 - Boston, MA: Brill.
    Aristotle's definition of the soul should be interpreted as: 'the soul is the entelechy of a natural body that serves as its instrument'.
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    In the Voice of Qu Yuan.Su Fu - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (1):151-171.
    Since the time of the Eastern Han (25–220), the composition of “Nines,” suites of nine poems written in the Chuci style, has been perceived as a practice to transmit the paradigmatic poet Qu Yuan’s texts and intention. The actual practice of composition, however, invites the negotiation, if not tension, between two voices: the actual author’s and that of Qu Yuan’s texts. This paper examines Lu Yun’s 陸雲 (262–303) “Jiumin” 九愍 (Nine sufferings), a rewriting of Qu Yuan’s “Jiuzhang” 九章 (Nine declarations), (...)
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  47. Etică și integritate academică.Emanuel Socaciu, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov, Toni Gibea, Valentin Mureşan & Mihaela Constantinescu - 2018 - Bucharest: Editura Universității din București.
    „Strategia noastră a fost de a gândi un text util pentru profesori, dar de a-l scrie mai ales pentru studenți. Etica este interesantă cu precădere atunci când pune în joc intuiții morale sau valori diferite și când ne confruntăm cu dileme în care decizia nu este evidentă, iar dezacordul este rezonabil. Prin urmare, am încercat să ne ferim pe cât a fost posibil de verdicte și de simpla enumerare a unor interdicții. Veți observa că, de cele mai multe ori, exercițiile (...)
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    Morality and Universality: Essays on Ethical Universalizability.N. T. Potter & Mark Timmons - 2006 - Springer Verlag.
    In the past 25 years or so, the issue of ethical universalizability has figured prominently in theoretical as well as practical ethics. The term, 'universaliz ability' used in connection with ethical considerations, was apparently first introduced in the mid-1950s by R. M. Hare to refer to what he characterized as a logical thesis about certain sorts of evaluative sentences (Hare, 1955). The term has since been used to cover a broad variety of ethical considerations including those associated with the ideas (...)
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    Arhitectonica moralității.Emilian Mihailov - 2017 - Pitești: Editura Paralela 45.
    „E o plăcere să citeşti o carte filosofică în care este atât de evidentă preocuparea autorului pentru a se face cât mai bine înţeles, iar rezultatele sunt pe măsura acestei preocupări. Sobrietatea scrierii este, în acest caz, expresia unei onestităţi intelectuale lipsite de cusur. Sunt atribute, din păcate mai rar întâlnite, care constituie apanajul acelora care îşi pot permite să renunţe la orice încercări de a-şi impresiona cititorii prin efecte exterioare. şi aceasta deoarece ei pot convinge pe deplin numai şi (...)
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    On a Remarkable Case of Samples Connected in a Chain. Appendix on the statistical investigation of a text by Aksakov.A. A. Markov - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (4):601-604.
    I have conducted a similar investigation on a text by a different author. The results of this investigation, which was performed on a text passage of 100,000 letters, are presented in the following tables from which one can see how and to what extent the limit theorems of the calculus of probability actually become evident.
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