Results for '11-cis-retinal'

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  1.  9
    A short story on how chromophore is hydrolyzed from rhodopsin for recycling.John D. Hong & Krzysztof Palczewski - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (9):2300068.
    The photocycle of visual opsins is essential to maintain the light sensitivity of the retina. The early physical observations of the rhodopsin photocycle by Böll and Kühne in the 1870s inspired over a century's worth of investigations on rhodopsin biochemistry. A single photon isomerizes the Schiff‐base linked 11‐cis‐retinylidene chromophore of rhodopsin, converting it to the all‐trans agonist to elicit phototransduction through photoactivated rhodopsin (Rho*). Schiff base hydrolysis of the agonist is a key step in the photocycle, not only diminishing ongoing (...)
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    Ca2+‐binding proteins in the retina: Structure, function, and the etiology of human visual diseases.Krzysztof Palczewski, Arthur S. Polans, Wolfgang Baehr & James B. Ames - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (4):337-350.
    The complex sensation of vision begins with the relatively simple photoisomerization of the visual pigment chromophore 11-cis-retinal to its all-trans configuration. This event initiates a series of biochemical reactions that are collectively referred to as phototransduction, which ultimately lead to a change in the electrochemical signaling of the photoreceptor cell. To operate in a wide range of light intensities, however, the phototransduction pathway must allow for adjustments to background light. These take place through physiological adaptation processes that rely primarily (...)
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    Analysis of Visible Light Communication Link’s Performance in Fire Smoke Environment.Yu-Feng Yang, Kang-Kang Chang & Ying Ci - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-7.
    This paper mainly studies the communication performance of visible light communication link in fire smoke environment. Compared with the previous studies, this study no longer only considers a single wavelength and considers the influence of smoke and background light noise. Firstly, the variation of background light noise caused by sunlight during a day was analyzed, then signal-to-noise ratio and bit error rate of the visible light communication link in fire smoke environment with different visibility were calculated, and finally, the variation (...)
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    Unusual evolution of 11β‐ and 17β‐hydroxysteroid and retinol dehydrogenases.Michael E. Baker - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (1):63-70.
    Abstract11β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases regulate glucocorticoid concentrations and 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases regulate estrogen and androgen concentrations in mammals. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences from two 11β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and four mammalian 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases indicates unusual evolution in these enzymes. Type 1 11β‐ and 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases are on the same branch; Type 2 enzymes cluster on another branch with β‐hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, 11‐cis retinol dehydrogenase and retinol dehydrogenase; Type 3 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is on a third branch; while the pig dehydrogenase clusters with a yeast multifunctional enzyme (...)
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    De Codicibus Pindaricis. By Alexander Turyn. (Polska Akademja Umiejȩtno ci: Archiwum Filologiczne Nr. 11.) Pp. 90. Cracow: Gebethner and Wolff, 1932. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (6):239-240.
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    Interdisciplinary atomism? Exploring twentieth-century culture through Einstein Marcia Bartusiak,Einstein's Unfinished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of Space–Time. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2000. Pp. xii+249. ISBN 0-309-06987-4. £17.95 . Alice Calaprice , The Expanded Quotable Einstein. With a foreword by Freeman Dyson. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000. Pp. xliii+407. ISBN 0-691-07021-0. £11.95, $18.95 . Klaus Hentschel , Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Ann M. Hentschel, Editorial Assistant and Translator. Erwin Hiebert and Hans Wussing , Science Networks: Historical Studies, 18. Basel, Boston and Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1996. Pp. ci+406+civ. ISBN 3-7643-5312-0. DM 178.00, SFR 148.00, €98.00 . Gerald Holton,Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2000. Pp. xii+240. ISBN 0-674-00433-7. £12.50 . Don Howard and J. [REVIEW]Richard Staley - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (2):221-230.
  7. Altruisme cívic i democràcia.Salvador Giner - 1997 - In Pompeu Casanovas Romeu, Victoria Camps & José Luis L. Aranguren, Per una cultura democràtica: les dimensions polítiques de la moral contemporània: homenatge al Prof. J.L.L. Aranguren, 5 de novembre-11 de desembre de 1996. Sabadell: Fundació Caixa de Sabadell.
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    (1 other version)La risa caníbal: humor, pensamiento cínico y poder.Andrés Barba - 2016 - Barcelona: Alpha Decay.
    La risa caníbal -- Chaplin vs. Hitler : un estudio sobre la parodia -- En el interior de <> -- Sobre el chiste como una de las bellas artes -- La vida privada de los cómicos -- De muñecos y hombres -- El pensamiento cínico o el arte de la performance -- George Bush, o el payaso involuntario -- Prohibir la risa : el 11 de septiembre y la comunidad herida -- El político humorista, el humorista encarcelado: psoverdad, política (...)
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    La tache aveugle: droit et prise de conscience.François Jouen (ed.) - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    Il est un point commun de la prise de conscience entre les spécialistes des sciences cognitives et les spécialistes des sciences du droit. Il s'agit d'un point aveugle (ou d'une tache aveugle) correspondant à un trou de l'oeil. Le cerveau ignore en pareille hypothèse la tache aveugle et il va " au-delà de l'information fournie par la rétine en faisant une supposition raisonnable sur l'image qui pouvait être dans la zone aveugle " (Christof Koch). C'est un procédé analogue sur lequel (...)
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    Démocratie et terrorisme.Jesús Padilla-Gálvez - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):359-372.
    Depuis les attentats du 11 mars 2004 de Madrid se sont imposées quelques questions qui, d’après notre appréhension continentale de la démocratie, exigent des réponses urgentes. Certaines questions n’ont pas encore été formulées par les intellectuels en Europe et en Espagne. Comment peut-on combattre contre le terrorisme dans une démocratie? Celui-ci est intentionnellement désigné sous le nom de tradition continentale européenne, en opposition à la tradition anglo-saxonne. Cette dernière a de nouveau formulé la question de Hobbes et dans un cas (...)
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    L’assertion positive comme conjecture de l’autre dans l’altérité et l’influence eckartienne chez Nicolas de Cues.Pedro Calixto - 2021 - Dois Pontos 18 (1).
    Nicolas de Cues (1401-11 août 1464) assume pour l’essentiel la thèse érigénienne et alanienne de l’incognoscibilité de Dieu et de la quiddité des choses. Il développe et approfondit la conscience de la supériorité de la négation sur l’affirmation in divinis qui avait permis au Néoplatonisme Médiéval d’élaborer une théorie sémantique du langage en nette rupture avec le triptyque aristotélicien qui établit la nécessité d’une correspondance entre chose, pensée et signe : pour Nicolas de Cues, l’essence du langage est dans la (...)
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    Default options and neonatal resuscitation decisions.Marlyse Frieda Haward, Ryan O. Murphy & John M. Lorenz - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):713-718.
    Objective To determine whether presenting delivery room management options as defaults influences decisions to resuscitate extremely premature infants. Materials and methods Adult volunteers recruited from the world wide web were randomised to receive either resuscitation or comfort care as the delivery room management default option for a hypothetical delivery of a 23-week gestation infant. Participants were required to check a box to opt out of the default. The primary outcome measure was the proportion of respondents electing resuscitation. Data were analysed (...)
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    Health professionals' knowledge and attitude towards patient confidentiality and associated factors in a resource-limited setting: a cross-sectional study.Ashenafi Fentahun Chanie, Tirualem Zeleke, Wondewossen Zemene, Nebyu Demeke Mengestie, Tewabe Ambaye Ejigu, Meseret Gashaw Legese, Degefaw Denekew Hunegnaw, Aynadis Worku Shimie, Mequannent Sharew Melaku & Masresha Derese Tegegne - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundRespecting patients’ confidentiality is an ethical and legal responsibility for health professionals and the cornerstone of care excellence. This study aims to assess health professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, and associated factors towards patients’ confidentiality in a resource-limited setting.MethodsInstitutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among 423 health professionals. Stratified sampling methods were used to select the participants, and a structured self-administer questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was entered using Epi-data version 4.6 and analyzed using SPSS, version 25. Bi-variable and (...)
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    Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.Katherine K. Kim, Pamela Sankar, Machelle D. Wilson & Sarah C. Haynes - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):25.
    Robust technology infrastructure is needed to enable learning health care systems to improve quality, access, and cost. Such infrastructure relies on the trust and confidence of individuals to share their health data for healthcare and research. Few studies have addressed consumers’ views on electronic data sharing and fewer still have explored the dual purposes of healthcare and research together. The objective of the study is to explore factors that affect consumers’ willingness to share electronic health information for healthcare and research. (...)
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  15. Prevalence of Plagiarism in Recent Submissions to the Croatian Medical Journal.Ksenija Baždarić, Lidija Bilić-Zulle, Gordana Brumini & Mladen Petrovečki - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):223-239.
    To assess the prevalence of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for publication in the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ). All manuscripts submitted in 2009–2010 were analyzed using plagiarism detection software: eTBLAST , CrossCheck, and WCopyfind . Plagiarism was suspected in manuscripts with more than 10% of the text derived from other sources. These manuscripts were checked against the Déjà vu database and manually verified by investigators. Of 754 submitted manuscripts, 105 (14%) were identified by the software as suspicious of plagiarism. Manual verification (...)
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    Affective Valence and Enjoyment in High- and Moderate-High Intensity Interval Exercise. The Tromsø Exercise Enjoyment Study.Tord Markussen Hammer, Sigurd Pedersen, Svein Arne Pettersen, Kamilla Rognmo & Edvard H. Sagelv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:825738.
    IntroductionExercise at high intensity may cause lower affective responses toward exercise compared with moderate intensity exercise. We aimed to elucidate affective valence and enjoyment in high- and moderate-high interval exercise.MethodsTwenty recreationally active participants (9 females, 11 males, age range: 20–51 years) underwent three different treadmill running exercise sessions per week over a 3-week period, in randomized order; (1) CE70: 45 min continuous exercise at 70% of heart rate maximum (HRmax), (2) INT80: 4 × 4 min intervals at 80% of HRmax, (...)
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    O discurso de Glauco e o nascimento do tirano em República II.Matheus Jorge do Couto Abreu Pamplona - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Neste artigo, defenderei que o recurso à imagem de Giges que é feita por Glauco no livro II da República de Platão serve ao propósito de demonstrar que, dada a ambição (πλεονεξία) que é própria à natureza humana, a concessão de um poder ilimitado a quem quer que seja conduz fatalmente à tirania. Antes disso, contudo, reconstruirei a hipótese de Glauco para a origem da justiça e por fim sustentarei como Glauco, ao final do seu discurso, procura superar o plano (...)
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    Associations between self-compassion and moral injury among healthcare workers: A cross-sectional study.Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet, Azita Zahiriharsini, Lok Yue Lam & Manon Truchon - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Healthcare workers (HCWs) can face situations that conflict with their moral beliefs, leading to moral injury, an adverse psychological consequence that was more frequent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-compassion is a potential coping mechanism for moral injury by encouraging acceptance of human limitations and suffering. Objectives This study aimed to examine the associations between self-compassion components and moral injury prevalence among HCWs in Quebec, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design A cross-sectional study design was employed. Participants: and research (...)
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    Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas d’'me du monde dans le dialogue de Numénius Sur le Bien?Fabienne Jourdan - 2021 - Philosophie Antique 21:233-264.
    Dans son dialogue Sur le Bien (19 F = fr. 11 dP), Numénius écrit que le dieu qui est « deuxième et troisième est un ». Par là, il désigne un dieu considéré selon deux aspects qui correspondent à la double orientation de son attention. Dans le second, il est tourné vers le monde et joue le rôle de démiurge. Selon la plupart des chercheurs, ce démiurge serait à identifier à l’âme du monde que les fragments parvenus du dialogue ne (...)
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  20.  14
    The Effects of Psychological Interventions on Symptoms and Psychology of Functional Dyspepsia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Zhongcao Wei, Xin Xing, Xinxing Tantai, Cailan Xiao, Qian Yang, Xiaosa Jiang, Yujie Hao, Na Liu, Yan Wang & Jinhai Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe effects of psychological interventions on symptoms and psychology of functional dyspepsia remain unclear. We aimed to comprehensively evaluate the effects of psychological interventions on symptoms and psychology of FD.MethodsWe searched the PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Embase electronic databases for randomized controlled trials evaluating the role of psychological interventions in FD patients published before July 2021. Standardized mean differences, risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated by a random effects model. Subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses were also performed.ResultsFourteen RCTs (...)
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  21.  36
    Some basic psychological assumptions and conceptions.Henry A. Murray - 1951 - Dialectica 5 (3‐4):266-292.
    RésuméAprès avoir déflni la Psychologie comme la science des personnaliés, de leurs activité au sein des situations qui les confrontent, et de leur développement dans un milieu physique, social et culturel donné, le Dr Murray formule un certain nombre de propositions et conceptions théo‐riques destinées à rendre compte des faits psychiques. Les unes sont ?ordre général, les autres concernent la motivation. Propositions générales. 1. La personnalitéà son siège dans le cerveau.2. Elle dure et se développe dans le temps par suite (...)
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  22.  7
    Religions et sphere publique en Europe. Un retour sur les positions de Jurgen Habermas.Jean-François Petit - 2022 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 8 (31):41-52.
    Dans les débats sur la situation des religions en Europe, la pensée de Jürgen Habermas reste incontournable. Depuis le choc de 11 septembre 2001, celle-ci a largement évolué pour accorder une place plus grande aux demandes de reconnaissance des religions dans l’espace public. Pour autant, l’éthique de la discussion doit aujourd’hui être interrogée à nouveaux frais face aux recrudescences des fondamentalismes religieux et laïcistes.
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    Selective citation in the literature on swimming in chlorinated water and childhood asthma: a network analysis.Maurice P. Zeegers, Lex M. Bouter, Gerard M. H. Swaen, Miriam J. E. Urlings & Bram Duyx - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundKnowledge development depends on an unbiased representation of the available evidence. Selective citation may distort this representation. Recently, some controversy emerged regarding the possible impact of swimming on childhood asthma, raising the question about the role of selective citation in this field. Our objective was to assess the occurrence and determinants of selective citation in scientific publications on the relationship between swimming in chlorinated pools and childhood asthma.MethodsWe identified scientific journal articles on this relationship via a systematic literature search. The (...)
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    Islam et occident: les raisons d'un conflit.Christian Delacampagne - 2003 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Entre Islam et Occident, le conflit existe. Il est profond. Et il n'a pas débuté le 11 septembre 2001 car - sans remonter aux Croisades - il oppose deux civilisations dont les valeurs, depuis des siècles, ne sont guère compatibles. Les orientalistes qui le nient se bercent d'illusions. Les partisans de Huntington, qui croient à la mission salvatrice de l'Occident, font tout autant fausse route. Situation d'autant plus grave que, depuis la guerre des Six jours, le conflit en question a (...)
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    Na czym polega skończoność ciała własnego? W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi Paula Ricoeura.Jarosław Jakubowski - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (11 (2010/2)):107-124.
    Author: Jakubowski Jarosław Title: EN QUOI CONSISTE LA FINITUDE DU CORPS PROPRE? À LA RECHERCHE DE LA RÉPONSE DE PAUL RICOEUR (Na czym polega skończoność ciała własnego? W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi Paula Ricoeura) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2010, vol:.11, number: 2010/2, pages: 107-124 Keywords: FINITUDE DU CORPS, RICOEUR, „OUVERTURE”, „FERMETURE DANS L’OUVERTURE”, L’ALTERITE DU CORPS PROPRE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:L’analyse du problème formulé dans le titre se compose de deux parties (...)
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    L'homme est un être philosophique.Paul Trouillas - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    Ce texte est né de la manifestation du 11 janvier 2015, au cours de laquelle les masses françaises proclamèrent leur adhésion à un contrat social philosophique fondé sur quelques principes essentiels la liberté d'expression, la démocratie, la tolérance, la laïcité, la volonté de vivre ensemble, la lutte contre la barbarie. Des exemplaires du Traité sur la tolérance de Voltaire furent même déposés au pied de la statue de la République, à Paris. La thèse ici défendue est que la plupart des (...)
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    Apuleius Glosses in the Abolita Glossary.Robert Weir - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (1):41-43.
    Loewe drew attention to the fact that Apuleius is one of the authors drawn upon by the compiler of the Glossary that has come to be known as ‘Abolita’; and Professor Lindsay in his article on this Glossary gives as examples of Apuleius glosses three short batches from the CA-, the CI-, and the CO- sections. These batches are respectively as follows: C.G.L. IV. p. 29, 33 = Met. 7, 12 or 8, 13: 34 = Met. 9, 16: 35 = (...)
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    Attitudes and behaviors of Japanese physicians concerning withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment for end-of-life patients: results from an Internet survey.Seiji Bito & Atsushi Asai - 2007 - BMC Medical Ethics 8 (1):1-9.
    Background Evidence concerning how Japanese physicians think and behave in specific clinical situations that involve withholding or withdrawal of medical interventions for end-of-life or frail elderly patients is yet insufficient. Methods To analyze decisions and actions concerning the withholding/withdrawal of life-support care by Japanese physicians, we conducted cross-sectional web-based internet survey presenting three scenarios involving an elderly comatose patient following a severe stroke. Volunteer physicians were recruited for the survey through mailing lists and medical journals. The respondents answered questions concerning (...)
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    Il diritto naturale e il suo rapporto con la divinità in Ugo Grozio.Matija Berljak - 1978 - Roma: Università gregoriana.
    Nella problematica generale dei rapporti tra Dio e l'uomo rientra il problema del diritto naturale. Tale problema si e manifestato in modo particolare nel secolo XVII come dimostra lo studio di Ugo Grozio (1583-1645). L'attualita delle sue idee e vivo anche oggi sia in Italia che all'estero; Grozio e ricordato soprattutto dai giuristi, nonostante la sua attivita si sia svolta anche in altri campi come dimostra l'opera bibliografica di Meulen J. Ter e Diermanse. Molti studiosi elogiano le sue impostazioni giuridiche (...)
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    Predictors of hospitalised patients' preferences for physician-directed medical decision-making.Grace S. Chung, Ryan E. Lawrence, Farr A. Curlin, Vineet Arora & David O. Meltzer - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):77-82.
    Background Although medical ethicists and educators emphasise patient-centred decision-making, previous studies suggest that patients often prefer their doctors to make the clinical decisions. Objective To examine the associations between a preference for physician-directed decision-making and patient health status and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods Sociodemographic and clinical information from all consenting general internal medicine patients at the University of Chicago Medical Center were examined. The primary objectives were to (1) assess the extent to which patients prefer an active role in clinical decision-making, (...)
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    Acute Stress Response Profiles in Health Workers Facing SARS-CoV-2.Luca Moderato, Davide Lazzeroni, Annalisa Oppo, Francesco Dell’Orco, Paolo Moderato & Giovambattista Presti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:660156.
    ObjectiveThe study is an explorative investigation aimed to assess the differences in acute stress response patterns of health workers facing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during Italy’s first lockdown.MethodsA cross-sectional investigation using convenience sampling method was conducted in Italy during April 2020. Eight hundred fifty-eight health workers participated in the research filling out self-report measures including Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Impact of Event Scale–Revised (IES-R).ResultsModerate/severe depression was found in 28.9% (95% CI, 25.8–32.04), (...)
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    Homo spectator.Marie-José Mondzain - 2007 - Paris: Bayard.
    De la Première Guerre mondiale aux attentats du 11 septembre 2001, la manipulation des émotions par le biais des images existe et limite l'esprit critique. L'auteure révèle que les images ont un pouvoir humanisant, et la distance qu'elles créent entre l'homme et ses émotions offre à celui-ci les conditions de sa liberté, à lui de ne pas subir les images, de les refuser.
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  33. A Routine to Develop Inferencing Skills in Primary School Children.Celso Vieira - 2023 - In Marella A. Mancenido-Bolaños, C. Alvarez-Abarejo & L. Marquez, Cultivating Reasonableness in Education. Springer. pp. 95-117.
    The chapter presents the prototyping of a thinking routine designed to foster good inference habits in children ages 6 to 11. The prototyping was developed at Ninho, an educational project for children from underprivileged households in Brazil. The thinking routines by Ritchhart and colleagues (2006) served as our starting point. Following a Virtue Education (VE) approach, we supposed that the repeated application would conduce to habituation. In addition, to increase peer-to-peer interactions, the teacher applying the routines worked as a facilitator (...)
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    L’ancrage étymologique comme outil de traduction chez Sénèque et Cicéron.Camille Marrou - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:93-121.
    Cet article soutient que Ben. 1, 3-4, une célèbre polémique à l’encontre de l’étymologie chrysippéenne, ne devrait pas être lue comme un rejet « en bloc » d’une étymologie philosophique, mais seulement comme un ensemble de conditions restrictives imposées à celle-ci. Cette interprétation nous permet de considérer les nombreuses étymologies du corpus sénéquien, dont une douzaine sont ici réunies et commentées, comme des réflexions philosophiquement intéressantes sur le langage. L’article se concentre sur la manière dont Sénèque utilise l’étymologie comme une (...)
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    Grandparental Support and Maternal Postpartum Mental Health.Madelon M. E. Riem, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Maaike Cima & Marinus H. van IJzendoorn - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (1):25-45.
    Support from grandparents plays a role in mothers’ perinatal mental health. However, previous research on maternal mental health has mainly focused on influences of partner support or general social support and neglected the roles of grandparents. In this narrative review and meta-analysis, the scientific evidence on the association between grandparental support and maternal perinatal mental health is reviewed. Searches in PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Scopus, and PsycINFO yielded 11 empirical studies on N = 3381 participants, reporting on 35 effect sizes. A (...)
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    Le positif et le normatif en philosophie économique.Sina Badiei, Gilles Campagnolo & Agnès Grivaux (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions matériologiques.
    Le rapport entre positif et normatif est une question méthodologique et théorique centrale en économie. À ce titre, les débats de la littérature spécialisée réclament une synthèse précise, à défaut de la cartographie exhaustive qui paraît une gageure. Le présent ouvrage le reconnaît volontiers en montrant qu'il est pertinent de revenir sur ces enjeux et qu'il est opportun d'élaborer ou d'ouvrir certaines perspectives jusqu'ici peut-être moins explorées. Le point de vue des coordinateurs de ce volume part du constat que l'étude (...)
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  37. Wang Zhaowen ji.Zhaowen Wang - 1998 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Ping Jian.
    1. Xin yi shu chuang zuo lun, Xin yi shu lun ji -- 2. Mian xiang sheng huo, Lun yi shu de ji qiao -- 3. Yi yi dang shi -- 4. Xi wen le jian -- 5. Ge er bu ge -- 6. Lun Feng jie -- 7. Kai xin yue shi -- 8. Bu dao ding dian, Shen mei de min gan -- 9. Zai zai tan suo -- 10. Liao ran yu xin -- 11. Shen mei tan (...)
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  38. Colombian adolescents’ preferences for independently accessing sexual and reproductive health services: a cross-sectional and bioethics analysis.Julien Brisson, Bryn Williams-Jones & Vardit Ravitsky - 2022 - Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 100698 (32).
    Objective Our study sought to (1) describe the practices and preferences of Colombian adolescents in accessing sexual and reproductive health services: accompanied versus alone; (2) compare actual practices with stated preferences; and (3) determine age and gender differences regarding the practice and these stated preferences. -/- Methods 812 participants aged 11–24 years old answered a survey in two Profamilia clinics in the cities of Medellin and Cali in Colombia. A cross-sectional analysis was performed to compare participants’ answers based on the (...)
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    Preverbal Production and Early Lexical Development in Children With Cochlear Implants: A Longitudinal Study Following Pre-implanted Children Until 12 Months After Cochlear Implant Activation.Marinella Majorano, Margherita Brondino, Marika Morelli, Rachele Ferrari, Manuela Lavelli, Letizia Guerzoni, Domenico Cuda & Valentina Persici - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:591584.
    Studies have shown that children vary in the trajectories of their language development after cochlear implant (CI) activation. The aim of the present study is to assess the preverbal and lexical development of a group of 20 Italian-speaking children observed longitudinally before CI activation and at three, 6 and 12 months after CI surgery (mean age at the first session: 17.5 months; SD: 8.3; and range: 10–35). The group of children with CIs (G-CI) was compared with two groups of normally-hearing (...)
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    On intimate relationships between healthcare professionals and patients: a nationwide cohort analysis of medical tribunal decisions in the Netherlands.Sander Renes & Wim Rietdijk - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundWe examine the incidence of medical tribunal decisions and disciplinary actions (DAs) against healthcare professionals (HCPs). In addition, we studied whether an intimate relationship between an HCP and patient as part of the medical tribunal decision is associated with an increased likelihood of disciplinary actions.MethodsWe conducted a nationwide cohort analysis on the downloadable medical tribunal decisions from a medical disciplinary tribunal in the Netherlands from 2010 to 2017.ResultsWe found that 117 (2.8%) of the 4,046 medical tribunal decisions involved an alleged (...)
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    Consent to organ offers from public health service “Increased Risk” donors decreases time to transplant and waitlist mortality.John P. Roberts, Chiung-Yu Huang, Amy M. Shui, Mehdi Tavakol, Arya Zarinsefat & Yvonne M. Kelly - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe Public Health Service Increased Risk designation identified organ donors at increased risk of transmitting hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus. Despite clear data demonstrating a low absolute risk of disease transmission from these donors, patients are hesitant to consent to receiving organs from these donors. We hypothesize that patients who consent to receiving offers from these donors have decreased time to transplant and decreased waitlist mortality.MethodsWe performed a single-center retrospective review of all-comers waitlisted for liver transplant from (...)
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    Avant-propos.Leopoldo Laks Iribarren - 2013 - Philosophie Antique 13:11-12.
    Les cinq contributions que l’on va lire ont été présentées et discutées lors d’une journée d’étude organisée par Leopoldo Iribarren et André Laks (Centre Léon Robin, UMR 8061) les 11 et 12 février 2011 dans le cadre du programme ANR « Présocratiques Grecs/Présocratiques latins » (ANR Blanc ANR 08‑BLAN‑0063‑01, responsable A. Laks). Couvrant quelques aspects centraux ou représentatifs de la pratique pré‑aristotélicienne de l’analogie et de la réflexion (le plus souvent implicite) dont celle-ci...
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    Level and determinants of willingness to donate organs among the general public: A cross‐sectional survey in China.Xiaojing Fan, Sirui Zheng, Meng Li, Enchang Li & Ying-Ying Li - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (4):267-275.
    This study aims to assess the level and determinants of the general public's willingness to organ donation. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of 4261 participants in China. The primary outcome was the willingness to donate organs. Logistic regression modelling was used to determine the factors that affect willingness to donate organs. Overall, the proportion of participants who showed a willingness to donate organs was 47.45% (95%CI: 0.46, 0.49) in this study. Logistic regression modelling showed participants from Western (OR = (...)
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    Communication patterns in the doctor–patient relationship: evaluating determinants associated with low paternalism in Mexico.Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Angelica Angeles-Llerenas, Rocío Rodríguez-Valentín, Luis Salvador-Carulla, Rosalinda Domínguez-Esponda, Claudia Iveth Astudillo-García, Eduardo Madrigal-de León & Gregorio Katz - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundPaternalism/overprotection limits communication between healthcare professionals and patients and does not promote shared therapeutic decision-making. In the global north, communication patterns have been regulated to promote autonomy, whereas in the global south, they reflect the physician’s personal choices. The goal of this study was to contribute to knowledge on the communication patterns used in clinical practice in Mexico and to identify the determinants that favour a doctor–patient relationship characterized by low paternalism/autonomy.MethodsA self-report study on communication patterns in a sample of (...)
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    Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Adults in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Yudan Ding, Li Wang, Jindong Chen, Jingping Zhao & Wenbin Guo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Chinese Taoist cognitive therapy (CTCT), a culture-oriented psychological therapy for Chinese mental well-being, has been proposed for decades. However, the evidence for its effects is unclear. This study aimed to systematically assess the effect of this therapy on symptoms of depression and anxiety in Chinese adults. Methods: Relevant studies were searched from major electronic databases through November 2018 without language limits. Several search terms used include “anxiety” OR “depression” AND “Taoism” OR “Daoism” OR “Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy”. A total (...)
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    Mary Louise Roberts, What Soldiers Do. Sex and the American GI in World War II France.Danièle Voldman - 2014 - Clio 39:282-284.
    Professeure d’histoire à l’université de Wisconsin (États-Unis), Mary Louise Roberts est l’auteure du classique Civilization without Sexes : reconstructing gender in Postwar France, 1917-1927, paru en 1994. Passant du premier au deuxième après-guerre, elle livre aujourd’hui une analyse de la sexualité des GIs dans la France libérée de 1944 où elle s’attache à démontrer le caractère profondément politique de leur vie sexuelle (p. 11). Car pour elle, loin d’être une affaire privée, celle-ci a é...
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  47. Metafisica mostruosa.Elena Casetta - 2014 - In Elena Casetta, Valeria Giardino, Andrea Borghini, Patrizia Pedrini, Francesco Calemi, Daniele Santoro, Giuliano Torrengo, Claudio Calosi, Pierluigi Graziani & Achille C. Varzi, Mettere a Fuoco Il Mondo. Conversazioni sulla Filosofia di Achille Varzi (Special Issue of Isonomia – Epistemologica). ISONOMIA – Epistemologica. University of Urbino. pp. 24-35.
    Se leggiamo tra le righe del suo lavoro, possiamo scoprire che Varzi prende i mostri molto sul serio. Troviamo, per esempio, mostri mereologici frutto della composizione non ristretta, come l’entità costituita dalla metà sinistra di questa mela e dal bracciolo di quella poltrona.10 Oppure mostri topologici dai quali una teoria mereotopologica delle nicche deve rifuggire, come le curve riempispazio di Peano e Hilbert.11 O, ancora, mostri ontologici come l’antimateria;12 le entità “inesistenti” che, come si sa, non possono esistere, dato che (...)
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    The Dark Triad of Personality Traits, Diurnal Cortisol Variations and Sleep-wake Cycles.Atkinson Bronte, Thomas Susan & Fernandez-Enright Francesca - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    There is growing interest in examining dark personality traits, to better explain malevolent and self-serving behaviour patterns commonly observed in clinical and non-clinical settings. Recently, taxonomies of dark personalities have been developed, along with psychometric tools to measure and delineate between traits including psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism. The extent to which these constructs are distinct or overlapping remains controversial. Psychophysiological research can improve understanding of biological mechanisms contributing to personality that may help to evaluate taxonomies. This study investigated diurnal variations (...)
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    Self-reported malaria and mosquito avoidance in relation to household risk factors in a kenyan coastal city.Joseph Keating, Kate Macintyre, Charles M. Mbogo, John I. Githure & John C. Beier - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (6):761-771.
    A geographically stratified cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2002 to investigate household-level factors associated with use of mosquito control measures and self-reported malaria in Malindi, Kenya. A total of 629 households were surveyed. Logistic regressions were used to analyse the data. Half of all households (51%) reported all occupants using an insecticide-treated bed net and at least one additional mosquito control measure such as insecticides or removal of standing water. Forty-nine per cent reported a history of malaria in the household. (...)
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    Anne Revillard. 2020. Des droits vulnérables. Handicap, action publique et changement social. Paris: Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (“Gouvernances”). [REVIEW]Emmanuelle Fillion - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):198-202.
    “Qu’est-ce que la reconnaissance de droits par l’action publique change à l’expérience sociale du handicap? (p. 5), voici la question posée par cet ouvrage. Quinze ans après l’adoption de la loi du 11 février 2005 “pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées,” la France est-elle véritablement sortie d’une logique assistantielle “en faveur” des personnes handicapées? Celles-ci jouissent-elles de leurs droits à égalité avec les autres?...
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