Results for ' transfeminism'

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  1. On Gender Neutrality: Derrida and Transfeminism in Conversation.Marie Draz - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):91-98.
    There is already a long history of conversation between feminism and deconstruction, feminist theorists and Derrida or Derrideans. That conversation has been by turns fraught and constructive. While some of these interactions have occurred in queer feminism, to date little has been done to stage an engagement between deconstruction and transfeminism. Naysayers might think that transfeminism is too recent and too identitarian a discourse to meaningfully interact with Derrida’s legacy. On the other hand, perhaps Derrida’s work was too (...)
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  2. Ideal Theory, Literary Theory, Whither Transfeminism?Matthew J. Cull - 2025 - In Hilkje Charlotte Hänel & Johanna M. Müller (eds.), The Routledge handbook of non-ideal theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In 2005, Charles Mills published “‘Ideal Theory’ as Ideology” in Hypatia: a withering critique of much of contemporary political philosophy and ethics. For Mills such work in philosophy failed to attend to the realities of social life and politics, and in remaining silent on actual issues of domination and oppression served an ideological role in supporting the interests of white bourgeois men. Around the time that Charles Mills launched his broadside against ideal theory, trans theorists had been fighting their own (...)
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    Rereading Paul B. Preciado’s An Apartment on Uranus through Latin American Decolonial Transfeminism(s).M. Michalak - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (1):90-107.
    What can be learnt from Paul B. Preciado’s ecological framing of trans* and migrant world-making in An Apartment on Uranus? How might trans* and migrant solidarities affirm life in the context of capitogenic climate catastrophe and what Françoise Vergès has named the ‘racial capitalocene’? Through these guiding questions, I connect recent calls to ‘decolonize trans* imaginaries’ with translocal hispanophone knowledges that reaffirm the plurality of gender/sexuality in las Amé ricas before the conquest by braiding together strands of Preciado’s writing with (...)
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    Androgyny in the context of current visual fashion space: Philosophical and culturological aspect.А. M. Tormakhova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:82-91.
    Purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the androgyny presentation in current visual culture, in particular in fashion and its philosophical and culturological comprehension. Determination of the leading trends associated with the offset of gender stereotypes and denial of the established separation into the feminine and masculine beginnings is due to the attention to the latest theories, such as transfeminism. Theoretical basis is the works of contemporary authors who develop such concepts as "gender", "gender identity", "androgyne" (...)
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    Feminist and Transgender Tensions: An Inquiry into History, Methodological Paradigms, and Embodiment.Lanei M. Rodemeyer - 2018 - In Clara Fischer & Luna Dolezal (eds.), New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment. London, New York: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 103-123.
    When we carry out analyses of gender and embodiment, the paradigms we employ can determine our outcomes—often in exclusive ways. While many feminists have demonstrated that philosophical paradigms can contain masculine or normative bias, Vivane Namaste has criticized gender theorists in a similar way: By abstracting the question of “gender” from economic and social factors, theorists have neglected essential aspects of transgender experience. Building upon Namaste’s insight, I wish to examine four paradigms that have been employed to analyze gender and (...)
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  6. Introduction to Hypatia Special Issue: ‘‘Transgender Studies and Feminism: Theory, Politics, and Gendered Realities.Talia Bettcher & Ann Garry - 2008 - Hypatia 24 (3):1-10.
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    The color pynk: black femme art for survival.Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley - 2022 - Austin: University of Texas Press.
    This book is a series of examinations of Black queer cis and transfeminity, a personal and loving homage to "Black femmes poetics of survival during the Trump era and beyond." Tinsley examines contemporary Black femme cultural production: the music of Kelsey Lu and Janelle Monáe; the visual work of Juliana Huxtable; Janet Mock's writing/directing of the TV show Pose, and the creations of Tourmaline; the fashion of Indya Moore; and (F)empower. She is interested in Black femme representations in film, popular (...)
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  8. Feminist Aims and a Trans-Inclusive Definition of “Woman”.Katie L. Kirkland - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (1).
    In "Amelioration and Inclusion: Gender Identity and the Concept of Woman," Katharine Jenkins argues that Sally Haslanger's focal analysis of gender problematically excludes nonpassing trans women from the category "woman." However, Jenkins does not explain why this exclusion contradicts the feminist aims of Haslanger's account. In this paper, I advance two arguments that suggest that a trans-inclusive account of "woman" is crucial to the aims of feminism. I claim that the aims of feminism are to understand and combat women's oppression. (...)
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    Interrupciones furiosas. Una aproximación a los transfeminismos antiespecistas y posthumanistas en Argentina.Anahí Gabriela González - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230109.
    Este artículo propone una breve cartografía de los transfeminismos antiespecistas y posthumanistas en el contexto latinoamericano, enfocándose en algunas intervenciones teórico-prácticas de activistas en Argentina. Se busca mostrar que tales perspectivas emergieron como prácticas plurales, heterogéneas y localizadas orientadas a propiciar otras formas de vivir y habitar el mundo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se sitúan dichas reivindicaciones en el escenario de la irrupción de diversos (trans)feminismos latinoamericanos, poniendo énfasis en la importancia que han tenido las luchas travestis trans* en (...)
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    Políticas del deseo: filosóficas transfeministas en y para el ocaso de lo humano.Natalia Gil & Belén Scigalszky - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230114.
    El presente trabajo se inscribe en el cruce que intersecta nodos centrales de la filosofía contemporánea en el llamado giro posthumano con las experiencias y producciones teóricas transfeministas. Consideramos que tal intersección se encuentra dada en la medida en que ambos términos suponen el resquebrajamiento de las lógicas identitarias en tanto políticas del deseo que promueven formas de sujeción andro-antropocéntricas y tanato-bio-políticas. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar en qué medida estos ámbitos se retroalimentan, pero enfoncándonos especialmente en dilucidar cuáles han sido (...)
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