Results for ' tolérantisme'

  1.  15
    Les Réflexions de l’abbé Baudrand : la dénonciation du tolérantisme.Pierre-Henri Vignoles - 2023 - ThéoRèmes 19 (19).
    Barthélemy Baudrand (1701 – 1787) was a Jesuit theologian and writer. One work is often cited and associated with the Abbé: Réflexions sur le tolérantisme, which is in fact an extract from L’Âme affermie dans la foi. In this part of the work, which was distributed separately, the Abbé, like the rest of Catholic apologetics, opposes the emergence of a "system of toleration", i.e. an excessive tolerance, both civil and ecclesiastical, which brings together the "enemies of God" and tends (...)
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