Results for ' struggle for categorization'

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  1.  25
    Une généalogie de l’intellectuel spécifique.Laurent Dartigues - 2014 - Astérion 12 (12).
    The sage or the poet is an ancient figure of the protest against the power in the name of justice, long before the noun « intellectualist » has been invented in the context of the Alfred Dreyfus Affair. Since this inaugural point, it becomes an object of unceasing struggle to determine to wich category of intellectualist belong people who voice in the public area in accordance with their specific knowledges. The reflection of Michel Foucault who highlights the specialised intellectualist (...)
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  2. Lawrence Zacharias.KaufmanEthics Through Corporate StrategyThe Politics of EthicsManagers vsOwners The Struggle for Corporate Control In American Democracy Allen - 1995 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics 1995.
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith is now being severely (...)
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    Caring for older patients with reduced decision-making capacity: a deductive exploratory study of ambulance clinicians’ ethical competence.Bodil Holmberg, Anna Bennesved & Anders Bremer - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background As more people are living longer, they become frail and are affected by multi-morbidity, resulting in increased demands from the ambulance service. Being vulnerable, older patients may have reduced decision-making capacity, despite still wanting to be involved in decision-making about their care. Their needs may be complex and difficult to assess, and do not always correspond with ambulance assessment protocols. When needing an ambulance, older patients encounter ambulance clinicians who are under high workloads and primarily consider themselves as emergency (...)
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    Une généalogie de l’intellectuel spécifique.Laurent Dartigues - 2014 - Astérion 12 (12).
    Que le sage ou le poète intervienne dans les affaires politiques est une vieille histoire qui débute bien avant l’invention du mot « intellectuel ». Apparu à la fin du xixe siècle dans le contexte de l’Affaire Dreyfus, il ne cessera d’être l’enjeu de luttes de classement en France : organique ou universel, chien de garde ou démocratique, médiatique ou expert. L’élaboration par Michel Foucault de la notion d’intellectuel spécifique entre bien sûr dans ce jeu, mais, à condition de ne (...)
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    Democracy Past and Future.Samuel Moyn (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    _Democracy Past and Future_ is the first English-language collection of Pierre Rosanvallon's most important essays on the historical origins, contemporary difficulties, and future prospects of democratic life. One of Europe's leading political thinkers, Rosanvallon proposes in these essays new readings of the history, aims, and possibilities of democratic theory and practice, and provides unique theoretical understandings of key moments in democracy's trajectory, from the French Revolution and the struggles for universal suffrage to European unification and the crises of the present. (...)
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    Democracy Past and Future.Pierre Rosanvallon (ed.) - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    _Democracy Past and Future_ is the first English-language collection of Pierre Rosanvallon's most important essays on the historical origins, contemporary difficulties, and future prospects of democratic life. One of Europe's leading political thinkers, Rosanvallon proposes in these essays new readings of the history, aims, and possibilities of democratic theory and practice, and provides unique theoretical understandings of key moments in democracy's trajectory, from the French Revolution and the struggles for universal suffrage to European unification and the crises of the present. (...)
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    Struggle for Meaning: Reflections on Philosophy, Culture, and Democracy in Africa.John Conteh-Morgan (ed.) - 2002 - Ohio University Press.
    _The Struggle for Meaning_ is a landmark publication by one of African philosophy's leading figures, Paulin J. Hountondji, best known for his critique of ethnophilosophy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In this volume, he responds with autobiographical and philosophical reflection to the dialogue and controversy he has provoked. He discusses the ideas, rooted in the work of such thinkers as Husserl and Hountondji's former teachers Derrida, Althusser, and Ricoeur, that helped shape his critique. Applying his philosophical ideas (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts.Axel Honneth - 1996 - MIT Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Axel Honneth argues that "the struggle for recognition" is, and should be, at the center of social conflicts. Moving smoothly between moral philosophy and social theory, Honneth offers insights into such issues as the social forms of recognition and nonrecognition, the moral basis of interaction in human conflicts, the relation between the recognition model and conceptions of modernity, the normative basis of social theory, and the possibility of mediating between Hegel and Kant.
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    The struggle for the soul of teacher education.Kenneth M. Zeichner - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Struggle for the Soul of Teacher Education is a much-needed exploration of the unprecedented current controversies and debates over teacher education and professionalism. Set within the context of neo-liberal education reforms across the globe, the book explores how the current struggles over teaching and teacher education in the US came about, as well as reflections on where we should head in the future. Zeichner provides specific examples of work that moves teacher education toward greater congruency between ideals and (...)
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    Struggle for synthesis.Leroy E. Loemker - 1972 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press.
  12.  23
    Mitigating radicalism amongst Islamic college students in Indonesia through religious nationalism.Ilman Nafi'A., Septi Gumiandari, Mohammad Andi Hakim, Safii Safii & Rokhmadi Rokhmadi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):11.
    Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to (...)
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    The Struggle for Identity in Today's Schools: Cultural Recognition in a Time of Increasing Diversity.Patrick M. Jenlink & Faye Hicks Townes (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book examines cultural recognition and the struggle for identity in America's schools. In particular, the contributing authors focus on the recognition and misrecognition as antagonistic cultural forces that work to shape, and at times distort identity.
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    The struggle for recognition: lost before it was fought.Sofie Avery - 2022 - Philosophica 93 (1).
    This paper takes as point of departure the centrality of recognition in the contemporary political landscape. More specifically, it focuses on those struggles for recognition known as identity politics. We depart from the hypothesis that modern theories of recognition, more specifically those advanced by Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser, cannot adequately accommodate the demand for the recognition of difference. Our contribution with this article is to argue that, in a discussion of struggles for recognition, the distinction between affirmative and transformative (...)
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    The Struggle for Democracy: Paradoxes of Progress and the Politics of Change.Christopher Meckstroth - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In The Struggle for Democracy, Christopher Meckstroth looks at history and context in the development of democratic theory to provide a principled way of sorting out deep conflicts over who has the right to speak for the democratic people. He tests this theory by applying it to contemporary debates over same-sex marriage, military intervention, and gun control.
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    Struggle for Peace, in their Own Land” as the Philosophy of the “Nevada-Semipalatinsk” Movement.Аlfiya Aitenova, Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva & Aiymzhan Ryskiyeva - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (1):106-118.
    The relevance of the study lies in the need to assess the influence and significance of socio-political movements in stimulating political and social changes, in this case, the anti-nuclear movement in Kazakhstan. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the complexity and multidimensional nature of organised collective actions and may inform future research and policy development related to nuclear testing, environmental issues, and public health. The article aims to define the philosophy of the international anti-nuclear movement, “Nevada-Semey” (“Struggle (...)
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    struggle for Existence and the Ideal.Chiara Russo Krauss - 2022 - Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea 1 (2):e61293.
    Friedrich Albert Lange was a neo-Kantian and a socialist. Scholars have questioned whether there is a connection between these two aspects of Lange’s work. The paper argues that such a connection is apparent once Lange’s philosophy is understood in light of Schiller’s Kantianism. According to Lange, Schiller’s aesthetic redemption consists of two tasks: to create the beautiful image of an ideal reality; and to realize this ideal model in the actual world. Accordingly, I show that Lange’s political analysis points to (...)
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  18.  24
    The Struggle for Logos in Russia in the Twentieth Century.N. K. Bonetskaia - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (4):6-39.
    Thinkers in the twentieth century in the West arrived by various routes at the idea of certain correspondences between being and language—an idea that was impossible in epochs when the link with classical philosophy was still alive. M. Heidegger's statement about language as "the house of being "could serve as a motto for systems of that kind. In Russian thought mainly of the first two decades of the twentieth century, there are deep and philosophically elegant conceptions that make the same (...)
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    Struggle for the Soul of Medicaid.Nicole Huberfeld, Sidney Watson & Alison Barkoff - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):429-433.
    Medicaid is uniquely equipped to serve low-income populations. We identify four features that form the “soul” of Medicaid, explain how the administration is testing them, and explore challenges in accountability contributing to this struggle. We highlight the work of watchdogs acting to protect Medicaid and conclude with considerations for future health reform.
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    Struggle for nature: a critique of radical ecology.Jozef Keulartz - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    The Struggle for Nature outlines and examines the main aspects of current environmental philosophy including deep ecology, social and political ecology, eco-feminism and eco-anarchism. It criticizes the dependency on science of these philosophies and the social problems engendered by them. Jozef Keulartz argues for a post-naturalistic turn in environmental philosophy. The Struggle for Nature presents the most up-to-date arguments in environmental philosophy, which will be valuable reading for anyone interested in applied philosophy, environmental studies or geography.
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    The Struggle for a Second Independence: Sociopolitical Construction of Space in Africa.Akin L. Mabogunje - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):1-17.
    The twentieth century in Africa, more than elsewhere in the world, has been an era of startling and unprecedented changes. These changes have been most dramatic with respect to the sociopolitical organization of the continent. While at the beginning of the century, most of Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, had hardly emerged from prefeudal or feudal social formations, the advent of European colonialists, whose avarice for conquest and colonial territories was fueled by the blossoming technological capabilities of the Industrial Revolution and (...)
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    The Struggle for Utopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, 1917-1946.Victor Margolin - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Following World War I, a new artistic-social avant-garde emerged with the ambition to engage the artist in the building of social life. Through close readings of the works of Alexander Rodchenko, El Lissitzky, and László Moholy-Nagy whose careers covered a broad range of artistic practices and political situations, Victor Margolin examines the way these three artists negotiated the changing relations between their social ideals and the political realities they confronted. Focusing on the difficult relationship between art and social change, Margolin (...)
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  23.  49
    Empirical evidence for constraints on colour categorisation.Jules Davidoff & Debi Roberson - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):185-186.
    The question of whether colour categorisation is determined by nontrivial constraints (i.e., universal neurophysiological properties of visual neurons) is an empirical issue concerning the organisation of the internal colour space. Rosch has provided psychological evidence that categories are organised around focal colours and that the organisation is universal; this commentary reconsiders that evidence.
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    Movements Struggling for Justice within the Church.Ellen Van Stichel - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (2):281-293.
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    The struggle for market power: Industrial relations in the British coal industry, 1800–1840.John Singleton - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):383-383.
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    Revolutionary Struggle for Existence: Introduction to Four Intriguing Puzzles in Virus Research.Matti Jalasvuori - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther, Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 1--19.
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  27. The Struggle for Abortion Rights in Canada.H. Morgentaler - 1988 - Free Inquiry 9 (1):25-30.
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    The Struggle for Land during the Reconstruction Period.James S. Allen - 1937 - Science and Society 1 (3):378 - 401.
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    The Struggle for the History of Education. By Gary McCulloch.Pam Hirsch - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (1):100-101.
  30.  17
    The Struggle for Nature: A Critique of Environmental Philosophy.Jozet Keulartz - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    The Struggle for Nature outlines and examines the main aspects of current environmental philosophy including deep ecology, social and political ecology, eco-feminism and eco-anarchism. It criticises the dependency on science of these philosophies and the social problems engendered by them. The author argues for a post-naturalistic turn in environmental philosophy. The Struggle for Nature presents the most up-to-date arguments in environmental philosophy, which will be valuable reading for students of applied philosophy, environmental studies and geography.
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    Struggling for Clarity on Well-Being.Mark Piper - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (1):155-162.
    Well-being is said to concern what is good for persons. But the words ‘good for’ are indeterminate enough to support the worry that philosophers working on well-being might not be quarreling over the same conceptual territory. To allay these worries, it would be helpful to provide an analysis of prudential goodness that is substantive enough to coordinate disagreement about and adjudicate between competing theories of well-being, and yet not so substantive that it begs any important questions at the normative level. (...)
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    (1 other version)The struggle for law.Rudolf von Jhering - 1915 - Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange. Edited by John J. Lalor.
    Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free.
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  33. The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-communist Europe. By Herman Schwartz.V. N. G. Constantinescu - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (3):362-362.
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  34. The struggle for recognition in the age of facial recognition technology.Rosalie Waelen - 2022 - AI and Ethics 1:1-8.
    Facial recognition is a promising emerging technology, but it sometimes fails to recognize people adequately. Facial recognition applications have been found to regularly misidentify certain demographics, misinterpret traits like gender, age, beliefs, or emotions, and categorize individuals in ways that do not resonate with their own sense of identity. In this paper, I argue that in each of these cases, the person who has their face analyzed is not merely misidentified or misunderstood, but misrecognized in an ethically relevant sense. Following (...)
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  35. The Struggle for Existence in Relation to Morals and Religion.Mabel Atkinson - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17:689.
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    (1 other version)A struggle for an intellectually independent institute: The case in Poland.Aleksander Gella - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (4):307-315.
  37. Struggle for Postmetaphysical Thinking.Dimitri Ginev - 2002 - Phainomena 41.
    The paper proposes a reconstruction of Georg Misch's criticism of hermeneutic phenomenology. It proves in particular that the extension of Kant's transcendental logic and Fichte's conception of 'Tathandlung' as the "hermeneutic logic of life" leads to the integration of a paradigm of constitutional analysis in Dilthey's philosophical historicism. Misch's program is oriented towards a de-transcendentalization of Heidegger's phenomenology and a de-psychologization of Dilthey's ideas.
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    Struggling for Consensus and Living Without It.Kurt Bayeriz - 2006 - In Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Global bioethics: the collapse of consensus. Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press. pp. 207.
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    The Struggle for the Soul of Medicare.Bruce C. Vladeck - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):410-415.
    Not so very long ago - in historical terms - the politics of Medicare were thought to be stable and well-established. Medicare’s 1965 enactment culminated an epochal political battle that spanned fifteen years and involved mass mobilization, millions of dollars in lobbying expenditures, and bitter partisan controversy. By the late 1980s those seemed to be distant birthing pains long since overshadowed by the program’s robust health and popularity. Medicare politics had devolved into a model of pluralist “normalcy” in which a (...)
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  40. The Struggle for Existence, and Mutual Aid.J. Macleod - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27:434.
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    The Struggle for a Decent Politics: On "Liberal" as an Adjective.Michael Walzer - 2023 - Yale University Press.
    _A testament to what it means to be liberal by one of the most prominent political philosophers of our era “Walzer is perhaps our foremost pilot on these rocky shoals. In his preface, he writes that this may be his last book. One hopes not.”—James Traub, _New York Times__ There was a time when liberalism was an ism like any other, but that time, writes Michael Walzer, is gone. “Liberal” now conveys not a specific ideology but a moral stance, so (...)
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    Darwinism's Struggle for Survival: Heredity and the Hypothesis of Natural Selection.Jean Gayon - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Darwinism's Struggle for Survival Jean Gayon offers a philosophical interpretation of the history of theoretical Darwinism. He begins by examining the different forms taken by the hypothesis of natural selection in the nineteenth century and the major difficulties which it encountered, particularly with regard to its compatibility with the theory of heredity. He then shows how these difficulties were overcome during the seventy years which followed the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, and he concludes by analysing the (...)
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  43. A struggle for the soul of a faith : spiritual Islam versus political Islam.M. Zuhdi Jasser & Sid Shahid - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
  44. The struggle for recognition and the authority of the second person.Thomas Khurana - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):552-561.
    In this introductory paper, I discuss the second-personal approach to ethics and the theory of recognition as two accounts of the fundamental sociality of the human form of life. The first section delineates the deep affinities between the two approaches. They both put a reciprocal social constellation front and center from which they derive the fundamental norms of moral and social life and a social conception of freedom. The second section discusses three points of contrast between the two approaches: The (...)
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    The Struggle for Religious Liberty.Creighton Peden - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 3:333-348.
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    The struggle for life.Geo E. Payne Philpots - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 31 (4):231.
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    Struggle for Peace: Complementary Models in the Context of India.A. Pushparajan - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11:172-195.
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    The Struggle for Social Space: How Salvadoran Pentecostals build communities in the rural sector.David Bueno - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (3):171-191.
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    The struggle for liberation and visions of freedom perspectives in African films.Eckhard Breitinger - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (1):7-20.
    In this paper, I will examine how films recreate memories of resistance and define, both visually and in film narration, the difference between imperial aggressors and local protagonists of resistance. The examples are taken from the Brazilian film Quilombo that describes the resistance of the 17th and 18th century Maroon communities against the onslaught of the Portuguese colonial powers (political and military). Med Hondo’s (Mauretania) Sarraounia deals with the resistance in West Africa against the Jihad of the Sokoto Fulani and (...)
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    Struggles for recognition and the power of the'really made up'.Wendy Hamblet - 2013 - Appraisal 9 (3).
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