Results for ' stapes'

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    Last Essays.Harold Ray Stevens & J. H. Stape (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Bringing together work composed from 1890 to 1924, the nineteen pieces collected in the posthumously published Last Essays serve as a primer to Conrad's wide interests and to the varieties of his style. This edition, supported by an extensive textual apparatus, brings together various prose pieces, including reminiscences, reviews, essays on the sea and politics, as well as several miscellaneous items, including his 'Congo Diary' and the other notebook he kept in Africa in 1890. The introduction situates these writings in (...)
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    Bone conduction during experimental fixation of the stapes.K. R. Smith - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (2):96.
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  3. A kinematic model for a partially resolved dynamical system in a Euclidean.Mohammed Sanduk - 2012 - Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application 1 (6):40-51.
    The work is an attempt to transfer a structure from Euclidean plane (pure geometrical) under the physical observation limit (resolving power) to a physical space (observable space). The transformation from the mathematical space to physical space passes through the observation condition. The mathematical modelling is adopted. The project is based on two stapes: (1) Looking for a simple mathematical model satisfies the definition of Euclidian plane; (2)That model is examined against three observation resolution conditions (resolved, unresolved and partially resolved). (...)
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    Homologies in the fossil record: The middle ear as a test case.J. A. Clack - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):391-409.
    This paper examines the middle ear of fossil living animals in terms of the homologies which have been drawn between its parts in different vertebrate groups. Seven homologies are considered: 1, the middle ear cavity/spiracular pouch; 2, the stapes/hyomandibula; 3, the stapedial/hyomandibular processes; 4 the tympanic membrane; 5, the otic notch; 6, the fenestra ovalis; 7, and the stapedial/hyomandibular foramen. The reasons leading to assessments of homology are reviewed. Homologies 1 and 2, based largely on embryological evidence, are fairly (...)
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