Results for ' sports, Soviet Union, socialism, USSR, Cold War'

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  1.  13
    La supériorité sportive féminine soviétique, un enjeu de guerre froide.Sylvain Dufraisse - 2023 - Clio 57:113-131.
    Durant la fin des années 1940, les sections de sport et le comité national olympique soviétique intègrent les fédérations et le Comité international olympique, ce qui leur permet de prendre part aux compétitions et à la communauté mondiale des sportifs. Très vite, les championnes d’URSS remportent de francs succès. La participation soviétique y a une double fonction dans la « politique extérieure de l’image » (R. Frank). D’une part, elle donne à voir les succès en matière d’égalité femmes-hommes. D’autre part, (...)
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    The politics and contexts of Soviet science studies (Naukovedenie): Soviet philosophy of science at the crossroads.Elena Aronova - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (3):175-202.
    Naukovedenie (literarily meaning ‘science studies’), was first institutionalized in the Soviet Union in the twenties, then resurfaced and was widely publicized in the sixties, as a new mode of reflection on science, its history, its intellectual foundations, and its management, after which it dominated Soviet historiography of science until perestroika . Tracing the history of meta-studies of science in the USSR from its early institutionalization in the twenties when various political, theoretical and institutional struggles set the stage for (...)
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  3.  15
    The Early “Iron Curtain” [review of Patrick Wright, Iron Curtain: from Stage to Cold War ].Michael D. Stevenson - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (2):179-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:February 19, 2011 (11:48 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3002\russell 30,2 040 red.wpd Reviews 179 THE EARLY “IRON CURTAIN” Michael D. Stevenson Schulich School of Business, York U. / Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. Toronto, on m3j 1p3 / Hamilton, on l8s 4l6, Canada [email protected] Patrick Wright. Iron Curtain: from Stage to Cold War. Oxford: Oxford U. P., 2007. Pp. xvii, 488. isbn 978-0-19-923150-8. £18.99 (hb); £12.99 (pb). In his famous Westminster (...)
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    Socialist internationalism and state feminism during the Cold War: the case of Bulgaria and Zambia.Kristen Ghodsee - 2015 - Clio 41:114-137.
    Après l’indépendance, la Zambie est gouverné par l’UNIP (United National Independence Party) qui met en place à partir de 1972 « une démocratie à parti unique ». Bien que non aligné au début, le pays choisit alors un développement socialiste et compte de plus en plus sur l’aide du bloc de l’Est. Éléments-clés du combat pour l’indépendance nationale, les femmes continuent à jouer un rôle dans le Parti. Cet article examine l’économie politique de l’aide apportée par les organisations officielles de (...)
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    Propaganda, psychological warfare and communication research in the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.Benno Nietzel - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):59-76.
    This article discusses the role of communication research in the Cold War, moving from a US-centered to a comparative-transnational point of view. It examines research on prop-aganda and mass communication in the United States and the Soviet Union, focusing not only on the similarities and differences, but also on mutual perceptions and transnational entanglements. In both countries, communication scientists conducted their research with its benefits for propaganda practitioners and waging the Cold War in mind. It has been (...)
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  6.  5
    Cold War Liberation: The Soviet Union and the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire in Africa, 1961-7.Bongani Kona - 2024 - Kronos 50 (1):1-3.
    Natalia Telepneva, Cold War Liberation: The Soviet Union and the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire in Africa, 1961-1975 (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2021), 302pp., ISBN: 978-1-4696-6586-3 This absorbing account of relations between the Soviet Union and the leaders of anticolonial movements fighting to liberate Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau from Portuguese rule in the 1960s and 1970s is in part the fruit of Natalia Telepneva's doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Odd Arne Westad,1 whose (...)
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  7.  22
    Convergence in Cold War Physics: Coinventing the Maser in the Postwar Soviet Union.Climério Paulo Silva Neto & Alexei Kojevnikov - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (4):375-399.
    At the height of the Cold War, in the 1950s, the process of parallel invention of masers and lasers took place on the opposing sides of the Iron Curtain. While the American part of the story has been investigated by historians in much penetrating detail, comparable Soviet developments were described more superficially. This study aims at, to some extent, repairing this discrepancy by analyzing the Soviet path towards the maser from a comparative angle. It identifies, on the (...)
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  8.  20
    Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars.Ethan Pollock - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Between 1945 and 1953, while the Soviet Union confronted postwar reconstruction and Cold War crises, its unchallenged leader Joseph Stalin carved out time to study scientific disputes and dictate academic solutions. He spearheaded a discussion of "scientific" Marxist-Leninist philosophy, edited reports on genetics and physiology, adjudicated controversies about modern physics, and wrote essays on linguistics and political economy. Historians have been tempted to dismiss all this as the megalomaniacal ravings of a dying dictator. But in Stalin and the (...)
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  9.  20
    Convergence in Cold War Physics: Coinventing the Maser in the Postwar Soviet Union.Climério Paulo da Silva Neto & Alexei Kojevnikov - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (4):375-399.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, EarlyView.
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  10.  19
    The Soviet Union in Its Project and Reality: Philosophical-Historical Notes.Sergey A. Nikolsky - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (5):353-368.
    Philosophical analysis of the Soviet Union as a phenomenon is relevant in light of the approaching centennial of its formation. The significance of this event derives from the Soviet Union’s enormous scale and historically, qualitatively unique formation that included many dozens of nations and nationalities. This formation replaced the equally enormous Russian Empire but arose not due to natural development but on its ruins, by the means of a European Marxism adapted to domestic conditions. Nowhere in the world (...)
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  11.  27
    Cold-War Twins: Mikhail Alpatov's a Universal History of Arts and Ernst Gombrich's the Story of Art.Vardan Azatyan - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (3):289-296.
    Cold-War Twins: Mikhail Alpatov's a Universal History of Arts and Ernst Gombrich's the Story of Art This article deals with the "afterlife" of a methodological disagreement in the Vienna School of Art History between the positions of Alois Riegl and Julius von Schlosser in Mikhail Alpatov's and Ernst Gombrich's art history survey texts published during the Cold War on different sides of the Iron Curtain. Though these surveys are methodological antipodes, the difference itself, I argue, is possible only (...)
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  12.  41
    Stalin's bomb: Soviet physicists and the Cold War. [REVIEW]J. W. Grove - 1996 - Minerva 34 (4):381-392.
    Revisionist historians of the nuclear age have long argued that it was not necessary to have used the atomic bombs in August 1945 to bring the Second World War to an end, and that a more conciliatory approach by the Truman administration towards the Soviet Union—being franker with Stalin about the bomb and giving him an assurance that it would not be used—would have created a better chance of achieving a less confrontational postwar relationship between the two powers. They (...)
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  13.  8
    Acculturation Strategies of Cold War and Post-Soviet Immigrants in the United States.Joseph Upton - unknown
    Technological advancements, especially with regard to enhancements of human capacities and powers, have instigated a collision between opposing views of the human person. I begin with the premise that the predominant classical view of the human person attained its clearest and most cogent expression in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and can be termed the theory of the homo integralis. The human person is, for Thomas, the integrated being par excellence: he is a union of the material (body) and the (...)
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  14.  20
    Marxism and sociopolitical engagement in Serbian musical periodicals between the two world wars.Aleksandar Vasic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):212-235.
    Between the two World Wars, in Belgrade and Serbia, seven musical journals were published:?Musical Gazette?,?Music?,?Herald of the Musical Society Stankovic?,?Sound?,?Journal of The South Slav Choral Union?,?Slavic Music? and?Music Review?. The influence of marxism can be observed in?Musical Herald?,?Sound? and?Slavic Music?. A Marxist influence is obvious through indications of determinism. Namely, some writers observed elements of musical art and its history as consequences of sociopolitical and economic processes. Still, journals published articles of domestic and foreign authors who interpreted the relation between (...)
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  15.  17
    The suppression of philosophy in the USSR (the 1920s & 1930s).I. I︠A︡khot - 2012 - Oak Park, Mich.: Mehring Books.
    Originally published in Russian in 1981, this unique history of early Soviet philosophy is now available for the first time in English, translated by Frederick Choate.Yehoshua Yakhot (1919-2003) was a professor of philosophy in the Soviet Union until forced to emigrate to Israel in 1975. While in emigration, he finished writing the book begun in Moscow years before. Yakhot's book is essential reading for an understanding of the counter-revolutionary role of Stalinism and its devastating impact on every aspect (...)
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  16.  17
    A Matter of Courtesy: The Role of Soviet Diplomacy and Soviet “System Safeguards” in Maintaining Soviet Influence on Czechoslovak Science before and after 1968.Doubravka Olšáková - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (4):542-559.
    In 1969, a few short months after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, Sergei I. Prasolov, advisor to the Soviet Ambassador in Prague, informed František Šorm, President of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, at a formal meeting that he welcomed Šorm's suggestion to intensify scientific exchange between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. Šorm politely declined this offer. Behind the veneer of diplomatic courtesy on the part of both actors, a real drama was taking place. Šorm and the Czechoslovak (...)
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  17.  37
    Intelligence and Internationalism: The Cold War Career of Anton Bruun.Peder Roberts - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (3):243-263.
    The Danish marine biologist Anton Frederik Bruun (1901–1961) is chiefly remembered as an explorer of the deep-sea fauna and a key figure in international scientific organizations during the 1950s. As the Cold War increasingly permeated the marine sciences and it became too expensive for small states to operate deep-sea research vessels, he became an asset to the USA's oceanographic establishment as it sought to first assess Soviet strength (in terms of research, technology and logistical capacity) and then to (...)
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  18.  37
    John Dewey and the soviet union: Pragmatism meets revolution.David C. Engerman - 2006 - Modern Intellectual History 3 (1):33-63.
    John Dewey, like many other American intellectuals between the world wars, was fascinated by Soviet events. After visiting Russia in 1928 he wrote excitedly about the and especially about Soviet educational theorists. In his early enthusiasm Dewey hoped that the US and the USSR could learn from each other, especially among the cosmopolitan group of progressive pedagogues he met on his trip. Observing the rise of Stalinism in the 1930s, though, his optimism dissipated; at the same time he (...)
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  19.  69
    The Rise and Demise of the International Council for Science Policy Studies (ICSPS) as a Cold War Bridging Organization.Aant Elzinga - 2012 - Minerva 50 (3):277-305.
    When the journal Minerva was founded in 1962, science and higher educational issues were high on the agenda, lending impetus to the interdisciplinary field of “Science Studies” qua “Science Policy Studies.” As government expenditures for promoting various branches of science increased dramatically on both sides of the East-West Cold War divide, some common issues regarding research management also emerged and with it an interest in closer academic interaction in the areas of history and policy of science. Through a close (...)
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  20.  40
    Reflections on espionage.Harvey Klehr - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (1):141-166.
    In 1995 the United States National Security Agency , the Central Intelligence Agency , and the Federal Bureau of Investigation made public the story of a forty-year American intelligence operation code-named Venona. Shortly after the Nazi-Soviet Pact in 1939, American military intelligence had ordered companies that were sending and receiving coded cables overseas, such as Western Union, to turn over copies to the U.S. government. Hundreds of thousands of cables were sent or received by Soviet government bodies. Beginning (...)
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  21.  14
    Technophilic Hubris and Espionage Styles during the Cold War.Kristie Macrakis - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):378-385.
    ABSTRACT During the Cold War the United States developed an espionage style that reflected its love affair with technology (technophilia) whereas the Soviet Union and the East Bloc continued a tradition of using humans to collect intelligence. This essay places the origins and development of these espionage styles during the Cold War in historical and social context, and assesses their strengths and weaknesses by drawing on examples from particular cases. While the United States won the Cold (...)
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  22.  32
    Nationalism, Ideology, and the Cold War Space Race.Samantha Kallen - 2019 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 10 (2).
    One of the most enduring legacies of the Cold War period was the rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States. This is especially true if one considers the ‘Space Race,’ of the mid 1950s-1960s, where each country tried to out-do the other in all manner of space technology. This paper, while acknowledging the importance held by military and scientific goals, argues that it was matters of nationalism and prestige that provided the biggest motivation for the creation (...)
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  23.  24
    George Frost Kennan e a arquitetura da política externa dos EUA na gênese da Guerra Fria.Sidnei J. Munhoz - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):26.
    Este artigo analisa a importância do papel desempenhado pelo diplomata George Frost Kennan na elaboração da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Ao final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, no contexto marcado pelas apreensões relativas às rivalidades globais entre os EUA e a URSS, Kennan recomendou uma estratégia com a intenção de conter as potenciais tendências expansionistas da União Soviética. Em sua consideração, a principal ameaça posta pela União Soviética não era militar, mas sua capacidade de influência ideológica, (...)
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  24.  13
    “Innovation Systems in Transition: Preconditions for Success”: The Electronics Sector in the Former Soviet Union.Heidi Smith - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (6):496-512.
    During the Soviet period, the microelectronics industry in the former Soviet Union (FSU) owed its existence to the political and military objectives of the Communist Party. Consequently, investment in the industry was planned to meet the security needs of the Cold War international environment. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there has been a reduction in emphasis away from the mass production of electronic devices suited to military and defense needs. The emergence of a huge (...)
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  25. Emerging Metropolis: Politics of planning in Tehran during cold war.Asma Mehan - 2017 - In Emerging Metropolis: Politics of planning in Tehran during cold war. Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy:
    The Second World War and its associated political events of a national and global scale brought new circumstances, which was considerably influenced the development processes of Tehran. During World War II, Iran hoped that Washington would keep Britain and the Soviet Union from seizing control of the country’s oil fields. In 1951 and 1952 Truman worked with Iranian Prime Minister, though unsuccessfully, to regain some of those lost oil rights for Iran. By the late 1950s and President Kennedy’s presidency, (...)
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  26.  19
    Borders, states, and armed conflicts in Europe and Northeast Asia since 1945: The moral hazard of great-power encroachments.Mark Kramer - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (4):651-673.
    This article discusses the significance of international borders in Europe and Northeast Asia during the Cold War (1945–1989) and after. Using the concept of ‘moral hazard’, the article examines what happens when great powers frequently violate the borders of neighboring countries without suffering adverse repercussions. Norms of sovereignty and territorial integrity are viable only if large countries are willing to uphold them most of the time. The Soviet Union used or threatened to use military force against East European (...)
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  27.  31
    Science and Ideology: The Case of Cosmology in the Soviet Union, 1947–1963.Helge Kragh - 2013 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 1 (1):35-58.
    Ideological considerations have always influenced science, butrarely as directly and massively as in the Soviet Union during the early Cold War period, when cosmology was among the sciences that became politicized. This field of science developed very differently in the Communist countries than in the West, in large measure because of political pressure. Certain cosmological models, in particular of the big bang type, were declared pseudo-scientific and idealistic because they implied a cosmic creation, a concept which was taken (...)
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  28.  18
    International construction of area studies in France during the Cold War.Ioana Popa - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):125-150.
    An Area Studies Division was created at the 6th Section of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris) in the mid-1950s. It was devoted to several world regions, including the USSR and eastern Europe. This article investigates the links between its institutionalization and the international scientific and financial transfers underpinning it: the transatlantic support granted to the nascent division by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations and the academic cooperation programme that it launched with eastern Europe. The Russian, Soviet and (...)
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  29.  44
    Le nouvel ordre impérial ou la mondialisation de l'Empire états-unien.Gilbert Achcar - 2003 - Actuel Marx 33 (1):15-24.
    The New Imperial Order : the Globalization of the U.S. Empire. It took the U.S. one century to extend their « manifest destiny » from North America to the whole world. In the aftermath of the Cold War, there still seemed to be a red line that the U.S. global empire could not tread easily, represented by the former boundaries of the ex-USSR. After September 11, this red line has been wiped out: U.S. military bases have been established in (...)
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  30.  27
    The 'KR Affair': Soviet Science on the Threshold of the Cold War.Nikolai Krementsov - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (3):419 - 446.
    The 'Kliueva-Roskin affair' of 1946-1947 is virtually unknown to Soviet and Western historians of science alike, but newly discovered archives show that it constituted a critical turning point in post-war Soviet science. In early 1946 Moscow clinician Nina Kliueva, together with her husband Georgii Roskin (a Moscow University professor), published experimental results suggesting that malignant tumor growth could be inhibited by a preparation ('KR') made from the protozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi. This putative cancer cure attracted considerable attention from the (...)
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  31. Призов 1940 року як віддзеркалення політики радянської влади щодо допризовної підготовки юнаків у міжвоєнний період: На матеріалах донбасу.Elmira Aliyeva - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    This article is dedicated to the topic of pre-conscription training in the Soviet Union in the interwar period, including such aspects of it as basic laws to attract young people to the Red Army, their implementation into practice by local authorities, analysis of practices in dopryzovnykiv eliminate illiteracy, ideological work of recruits. The focus was on the same prize in 1940, as a kind of logical end of all policies of the Communist Party to prepare young men for service (...)
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  32. Spies and Secret Agents in Romanian Films of the Early Cold War.Adrian Epure - 2025 - History of Communism in Europe 15:41-64.
    A focus on the ideological use of popular culture has been one of the major innovations in the study of the Cold War over the past years. Films played a central role in the popular culture of that period and the spy genre was a very important direction in the battle for winning domestic and global hearts and minds for both the United States and the Soviet Union. Cinematography had a critical importance because it met the demands of (...)
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  33. Game theory modeling for the Cold War on both sides of the Iron Curtain.Harald Hagemann, Vadim Kufenko & Danila Raskov - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):99-124.
    The bi-polar confrontation between the Soviet Union and the USA involved many leading game theorists from both sides of the Iron Curtain: Oskar Morgenstern, John von Neumann, Michael Intriligator, John Nash, Thomas Schelling and Steven Brams from the United States and Nikolay Vorob’ev, Leon A. Petrosyan, Elena B. Yanovskaya and Olga N. Bondareva from the Soviet Union. The formalization of game theory (GT) took place prior to the Cold War but the geopolitical confrontation hastened and shaped its (...)
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  34.  18
    (1 other version)Citizen Seismology, Stalinist Science, and Vladimir Mannar’s Cold Wars.Elena Aronova - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (2):226-256.
    This essay takes a historical view on “citizen science” by exploring its socialist version via the case of a Soviet amateur seismologist Vladimir Mannar. In the wake of the 1948 Ashgabat earthquake, which coincided with Lysenko’s victory in his campaign against genetics, Mannar launched an aborted campaign for a participatory “socialist seismology.” Mannar co-opted Lysenkoist language of science for the people and gained professional status within professional seismology but was shut out by the experts capitalizing on a “big science” (...)
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    Présentation.Gilbert Achcar - 2003 - Actuel Marx 33 (1):7-10.
    It took the U.S. one century to extend their « manifest destiny » from North America to the whole world. In the aftermath of the Cold War, there still seemed to be a red line that the U.S. global empire could not tread easily, represented by the former boundaries of the ex-USSR. After September 11, this red line has been wiped out: U.S. military bases have been established in the heart of the former Soviet Union. The U.S., which (...)
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  36.  21
    USSR: The Union of National Form and Socialist Content (Culture, Nation, Class).Ilya A. Kalinin - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (5):382-394.
    The subject of this article is the conceptual core of early Soviet cultural policy in the field of nation-building, as indicated by the well-known Stalinist formulation “socialist in content, national in form.” In addition to being well recognizable, there are several reason to address this phrase: 1) an interest in the Soviet regime’s language of self-description, which not only “conceals” real social practices from us, but also gives us access to them; 2) the opportunity to extend its descriptive (...)
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  37.  15
    Education as subversive practice: Takarazuka Revue’s performative re-enactments of the Cold War.Maria Mihaela Grajdian - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):574-585.
    This paper focuses on the dynamics of education in the interplay of power and seduction as creatively displayed in Takarazuka Revue's performances re-enacting the major players of the Cold War: USA and Russia (rather than former Soviet Union). Oceans 11 (cosmos troupe, 2019) and Once Upon a Time in America (snow troupe, 2020), on the one hand, and Land of Gods (cosmos troupe, 2017) and Anastasia (cosmos troupe, 2020), on the other hand, lavishly display subtle interactions of longing (...)
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  38.  24
    Peaceful Coexistence and International Cooperation.Iu A. Krasin - 1963 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (4):36-44.
    The persistent struggle waged by the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries for peaceful coexistence among states with differing social systems has greatly increased the authority of this humanitarian policy in the eyes of the peoples of the world. Belligerent appeals for an outright rejection of peaceful coexistence are heard less and less frequently, even among the ideologists of imperialism. They are compelled to adapt themselves to the situation and to camouflage themselves with the masks of the peacemaker. (...)
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  39.  16
    (1 other version)Editor's Note.Ellen Sutherland - 2016 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 7 (2).
    The articles published in our Winter 2016 edition are connected loosely under the themes of pop culture and public memory. Our annual conference, held in late April, featured Dr. Kelly MacFarlane as our keynote lecture to speak on the interplay between history, public memory, and pop culture. We are thrilled to present to you eight excellent articles in our Winter 2016 edition: An ideological examination of the US-Russian Space Race and public memory of the event during the cold war (...)
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    Going for the Burn: Medical Preparedness in Early Cold War America.Susan E. Lederer - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (1):48-53.
    On September 23, 1949, President Harry Truman announced that the Soviet Union had successfully detonated an atomic bomb. The news that the Soviet Union had done this came as little surprise to a number of American scientists and to some members of the intelligence community who had predicted that the Soviets would quickly acquire this advanced weapons technology. But for many Americans this news was disturbing. Truman’s announcement was taken up by, among others, a young Baptist evangelist named (...)
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  41.  18
    The fruits of the Second Vatican Council in the life of the church in the Soviet Union and after its collapse.Vitaliy Skomarovskiy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:43-45.
    The Second Vatican Council is not in vain, and with full responsibility is called a landmark event. Without exaggeration, we can say that he renewed the face of the Catholic Church.At that time, the issue of reform, but rather, said that the Church's restoration was virtually "vibrant in the air". Thus, for example, Pope Pius XII in the Encyclical "Mediator Dei" was entertaining over certain aspects of the modernization of the Liturgy. And in general, the world, which in the middle (...)
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  42.  30
    The Power of the Ritual – the System of Rites as a Form of Legitimacy in the Soviet Union –.Camelia Leleșan - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:193-206.
    The end of the Second World War produced a shift in the Soviet mode of legitimation; the original values of Marxism-Leninism were combined with those of patriotic nationalism in a new form of ideology in which the idea of The Great Patriotic War became one of the founding myths. Especially after Stalin’s death in 1953 and the beginning of the process of de-Stalinization, the Soviet political elites made an attempt to change their strategy by reducing reliance on coercion (...)
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  43.  64
    Ideologic learning under conditions of social enslavement: The case of the soviet union in the 1930s AND 1940s. [REVIEW]Achim Siegel - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (1):19-58.
    A sequence of theoretical models is constructed as an extension to Leszek Nowak's theory of socialist society to explain important characteristics of the violent party purges in Soviet Stalinism. According to these models, purges are a regular and systemic feature of a socialist system during a certain phase of development (modelled as the phase of social enslavement). Contrary to traditional conceptions which interpret the purges essentially as resulting from the actions of an almost omnipotent, and partly irrational, despot, the (...)
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  44.  9
    Nature of post-Soviet wars: fragments of problems.V. P. Makarenko - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    The author substantiates the principle of the researcher’s distance from the political situation in Russia and the entire post-Soviet space [Makarenko V. P., 2016, pp. 53–77] given that the main characteristics of the Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet state mind come from lie, violence and political mediocrity [Makarenko V. P., Akopyan A. G., Khaled R. K. B., 2020]. The leaders of the Russian Empire (Nicholas II) and the Soviet Union (Stalin) engaged the country in two world wars (...)
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  45.  62
    Aristotle, US Public Diplomacy, and the Cold War: The Work of Carnes Lord. [REVIEW]Giles Scott-Smith - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):251-264.
    Carnes Lord is an eminent Aristotelian scholar who has since the mid-1970s intermittently occupied positions within the United States government. This article considers the linkages between his writings on Aristotle and the standpoints he has adopted when in government, with particular reference to the period in the early 1980s when he fulfilled an important role in developing a public diplomacy and information strategy against the Soviet Union. Attention is given to Lord’s interpretation and application, in both his writings and (...)
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    Marxist criticism of Soviet-type society in Czechoslovakia: The political thought of Egon Bondy after 1968.Petr Kužel - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):78-95.
    This paper focuses on the development of the political thought of Czech Marxist philosopher Egon Bondy. It examines his criticism of state socialism in the Eastern Block from a Marxist perspective, and it outlines the development of his analysis. The study covers the period from the late 1960s until the Velvet Revolution in 1989, a period during which Bondy explored the historical constitution and nature of a ‘new ruling class’ in the USSR, as well as deeper trends of convergence between (...)
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    Orthodoxy and the Soviet Regime: From Conflict to Adaptation.Alexei V. Makarkin - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (5):395-406.
    The Soviet authorities applied the most rigid model of state–confessional relations—segregation—to the Russian Orthodox Church. They emphasized the complete exclusion of the church from public life and its subsequent liquidation. By 1919 the Church was already publicly avoiding conflict with the Soviet authorities; its attempts at adaptation, however, were unsuccessful. By 1939, the church organization in the Soviet Union was practically eliminated, though the majority of the population still believed in God. This fact, as well as foreign-policy (...)
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    Debating Gender in State Socialist Women’s Magazines: the Cases of Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.Julia Mead & Kristen Ghodsee - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:17-36.
    Contrary to the accepted Cold War stereotypes about state socialist mass women’s organizations, we will show that Communist leaders were attentive to the construction of gender roles and used women’s magazines as a forum to discuss openly the changing ideals of masculinity and femininity. Through a discourse analysis of articles in Vlasta and Zhenata Dnes, our article will interrogate the categories of “man” and “woman” and their negotiation during the Communist era on the pages of official state magazines. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Crafting socialist embryology: dialectics, aquaculture and the diverging discipline in Maoist China, 1950–1965.Lijing Jiang - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):3.
    In the 1950s, embryology in socialist China underwent a series of changes that adjusted the disciplinary apparatus to suit socialism and the national goal of self-reliance. As the Communist state called on scientists to learn from the Soviets, embryologists’ comprehensive view on heredity, which did not contradict Trofim Lysenko ’s doctrines, provided a space for them to advance their discipline. Leading scientists, often trained abroad in the tradition of experimental embryology, rode on the tides of Maoist ideology and repositioned their (...)
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    (1 other version)America and the world: Isolationism resurgent?Arthur M. Schlesinger - 1996 - Ethics and International Affairs 10:149–163.
    Building on an earlier argument that isolationism may well be America's natural state, Schlesinger explains how the apparent rejection of isolationism during the long standoff with the Soviet Union during the Cold War was nothing more than a reaction to what was perceived as a direct and urgent threat to the security of the United States. In the wake of the Cold War's end, the incompatibility between collective international action and conceptions of national interest has highlighted the (...)
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