Results for ' sophist'

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  1.  45
    Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire.Glen Warren Bowersock - 1969 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  2.  17
    Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism.Barbara Cassin - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Sophistics is the paradigm of a discourse that does things with words. It is not pure rhetoric, as Plato wants us to believe, but it provides an alternative to the philosophical mainstream. A sophistic history of philosophy questions the orthodox philosophical history of philosophy: that of ontology and truth in itself. In this book, we discover unusual Presocratics, wreaking havoc with the fetish of true and false. Their logoi perform politics and perform reality. Their sophistic practice can shed crucial light (...)
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  3. The Sophists.W. K. C. Guthrie - 1969 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    The third volume of Professor Guthrie's great history of Greek thought, entitled The Fifth-Century Enlightenment, deals in two parts with the Sophists and Socrates, the key figures in the dramatic and fundamental shift of philosophical interest from the physical universe to man. Each of these parts is now available as a paperback with the text, bibliography and indexes amended where necessary so that each part is self-contained. The Sophists assesses the contribution of individuals like Protagoras, Gorgias and Hippias to the (...)
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  4. The sophistic movement.G. B. Kerferd - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an introduction to the Sophists of fifth-century Athens and a new overall interpretation of their thought. Since Plato first animadverted on their activities, the Sophists have commonly been presented as little better than intellectual mountebanks - a picture which Professor Kerferd forcefully challenges here. Interpreting the evidence with care, he shows them to have been part of an exciting and historically crucial intellectual movement. At the centre of their teaching was a form of relativism, most famously expressed (...)
  5.  80
    Sophist. Plato & Nicholas P. White - 1961 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A fluent and accurate new translation of the dialogue that, all of Plato's works, has seemed to speak most directly to the interests of contemporary analytical philosophers. White's extensive introduction explores the dialogue's center themes, its connection with related discussions in other dialogues, and its implication for the interpretation of Plato's metaphysics.
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    On "Sophist" 255B-E.Willem A. deVries - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (4):385-394.
    AT Sophist 255b7-e the Eleatic Stranger gives two arguments, one to show that being and identity are not the same, and one to show that being and otherness are not the same. Scholars have not paid them particularly close attention, but it seems generally agreed that the two arguments are quite different. In this paper I shall offer an interpretation which shows that the two arguments, though superficially quite different, are intrinsically and importantly related. Specifically, in the first argument (...)
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  7. Sophist: Or the Professor of Wisdom.Eva Plato, Peter Brann, Eric Kalkavage & Salem - 1996 - Focus.
    This is an English translation of Plato presenting a new conception of the Theory of Forms. Socrates and others discuss the epistemological and metaphysical puzzles of the Parmenides, with aims to define the meaning of the Sophist. The glossary of key terms is a unique addition to Platonic literature by which concepts central to each dialogue are discussed and cross-referenced as to their occurrences throughout the work. In such a way students are encouraged to see beyond the words into (...)
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  8.  26
    The Sophists in Plato's Dialogues.David D. Corey - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Draws out numerous affinities between the sophists and Socrates in Plato's dialogues._.
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  9. The great Sophists in Periclean Athens.Jacqueline de Romilly - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The arrival of the Sophists in Athens in the middle of the fifth century B.C. was a major intellectual event, for they brought with them a new method of teaching founded on rhetoric and bold doctrines which broke away from tradition. In this book de Romilly investigates the reasons for the initial success of the Sophists and the reaction against them, in the context of the culture and civilization of classical Athens.
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  10.  33
    Platons Sophistes: ein kritischer Kommentar.Gustav Adolf Seeck - 2011 - Munchen: C.H. Beck.
    In Platons Dialog Sophistes wird nach der Definition des Sophisten gefragt; das führt zum Begriff des Nichtseienden und schließlich unter dem Stichwort 'Dialektik' auf die Frage nach dem Seienden. Daß Platon dabei von der sophistischen Methode ausgeht, das Seiende als bloße Spitze einer Begriffspyramide zu deuten, haben seine Interpreten seit jeher als irgendwie widersprüchlich empfunden. Dieser Kommentar ist für Leser gedacht, die bereit sind, den Sophistes genau zu studieren, aber dabei einen Begleiter haben möchten, der ihnen in möglichst direkter und (...)
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  11.  57
    Plato's Sophist: the drama of original and image.Stanley Rosen - 1983 - South Bend, Ind.: Yale University Press.
    Stanley Rosen's book is the first full-length study of the Sophist in English and one of the most complete in any language. He follows the stages of the dialogue in sequence and offers an exhaustive analysis of the philosophical questions that come to light as Theaetetus and the Eleatic Stranger pursue the sophist through philosophical debate. Rosen finds the central problem of the dialogue in the relation between original and image; he shows how this distinction underlies all subsequent (...)
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  12. The Sophistic Movement.Rachel Barney - 2006 - In Mary Louise Gill & Pierre Pellegrin, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77–97.
    This discussion emphasises the diversity, philosophical seriousness and methodological distinctiveness of sophistic thought. Particular attention is given to their views on language, ethics, and the social construction of various norms, as well as to their varied, often undogmatic dialectical methods. The assumption that the sophists must have shared common doctrines (not merely overlapping interests and professional practices) is called into question.
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  13.  76
    The Sophists.Mario Untersteiner - 1954 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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  14.  20
    The sophist's Puzzling Epistêmê in the Sophist.David J. Murphy - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):53-65.
    Against prevailing interpretations, this article contends that Plato's Sophist and Statesman accord the sophist a kind of ‘knowing-how’ (epistêmê). In Soph. 233c10‒d2, the Visitor and Theaetetus agree that the sophist has not truth but a δοξαστικὴ ἐπιστήμη. This phrase cannot mean ‘a seeming knowledge’, for –ικός adjectives formed from verbs express the ability to perform the action denoted by the verb—here, δοξάζω. Although not a first-order, subject-area knowledge, sophistry is a second-order knowledge of how to form and (...)
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  15.  19
    Sophists, Socratics and Cynics.David Rankin - 1983 - Routledge.
    The Sophists, the Socratics and the Cynics had one important characteristic in common: they mainly used spoken natural language as their instrument of investigation, and they were more concerned to discover human nature in its various practical manifestations than the facts of the physical world. The Sophists are too often remembered merely as the opponents of Socrates and Plato. Rankin discusses what social needs prompted the development of their theories and provided a market for their teaching. Five prominent Sophists – (...)
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  16. The Greek Sophists.John M. Dillon & Tania Gergel (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Penguin Books.
    The Sophists, who rose to prominence in democratic Athens during the mid-fifth century b.c., understood the art of rhetoric and the importance of being able to transform effective reasoning into persuasive public speaking. Their inquiries-into the gods, the origins of religion, and whether virtue can be taught-influenced the next generation of classical philosophers and formed the foundations of the European prose style and formal oratory. In this new translation each chapter is organized around the work of one character, including Gorgias, (...)
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  17.  45
    Plato's counterfeit Sophists.Håkan Tell - 2011 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This book explores the place of the sophists within the Greek wisdom tradition, and argues against their almost universal exclusion from serious intellectual ...
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  18. Sophisticated Exclusion and Sophisticated Causation.Lei Zhong - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (7):341-360.
    The Exclusion Argument, which aims to deny the causal efficacy of irreducible mental properties, is probably the most serious challenge to non-reductive physicalism. Many proposed solutions to the exclusion problem can only reject simplified exclusion arguments, but fail to block a sophisticated version I introduce. In this paper, I attempt to show that we can refute the sophisticated exclusion argument by appeal to a sophisticated understanding of causation, what I call the 'Dual-condition Conception of Causation'. Specifically, I argue that the (...)
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  19.  13
    The Sophists’ Political Art.Michail Mantzanas - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):231-236.
    The Sophists were the first supporters of the values of knowledge, education and political self-determination. Their attitude and tactics demonstrated that human nature and especially every individual’s personality is of prior importance. The Sophists rejected the idea of the ontological stability of the laws and declared their confidence in the eternal values of the natural law and cosmopolitanism, in the individual ability of every human being and in the concurrent refusal of traditions and of any form of authenticity. In addition, (...)
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  20.  58
    From voids to sophistication: Institutional environment and mnc csr crisis in emerging markets.Meng Zhao, Justin Tan & Seung Ho Park - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):655-674.
    Why do multinational corporations frequently encounter corporate social responsibility crises in leading emerging markets in the new century? Existing research about institutional impacts on MNC CSR has developed a void-based account about how the flawed institutional system allows misdeeds to happen. But the fact that such misdeeds have turned into increasing CSR crises in the new century along with institutional change is rarely taken into account. This paper combines studies of institutional voids, institutional entrepreneurship, and stakeholder theory to develop a (...)
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  21. Sophistication about Symmetries.Neil Dewar - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (2):485-521.
    Suppose that one thinks that certain symmetries of a theory reveal “surplus structure”. What would a formalism without that surplus structure look like? The conventional answer is that it would be a reduced theory: a theory which traffics only in structures invariant under the relevant symmetry. In this paper, I argue that there is a neglected alternative: one can work with a sophisticated version of the theory, in which the symmetries act as isomorphisms.
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  22. Thrasymachus’ Sophistic Account of Justice in Republic i.Merrick E. Anderson - 2016 - Ancient Philosophy 36 (1):151-172.
    In this paper, I oppose the now-dominant view that Thrasymachus offers a definition of justice in Book I of the Republic. This way of interpretation Thrasymachus does not pay sufficient attention to the methodological assumptions he makes during his disagreement with Socrates. To better understand Socrates’ antagonist, it is crucial to remember that he was, in fact, a sophist. I argue that what the character Thrasymachus is doing in Book I is importantly akin to a certain genre of sophistic (...)
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  23.  67
    The Sophists and Antilogic.Robin Reames - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):1-9.
    This paper examines the sophistic practice of antilogikê or antilogic, which consists in, as G. B. Kerferd described, “causing the same thing to be seen by the same people now as possessing one predicate and now as possessing the opposite or contradictory predicate.” Although, since Plato, antilogic has been cast in a cloud of suspicion, understood primarily as the dubious practice of making the weaker argument stronger, I explore a contrary interpretation that antilogic was a technique for pursuing the suspension (...)
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  24.  85
    Sophists and sophistry in the wealth of nations.David Charles Gore - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (1):1-26.
    The Stoic is often seen as the forerunner of Adam Smith’s market man of morals, but others have suggested that the sophist played a role in the formation of market morality and political economy. This article traces Smith’s treatment of ancient sophists and his use of the term sophistry in the Wealth of Nations. Smith praised ancient sophists for their effective didactic oratory and their ability to make money through teaching. Smith criticized arguments as sophistic when they promoted monetary (...)
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  25.  22
    Prodicus the sophist: texts, translations, and commentary.Robert Mayhew - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Prodicus.
    The past fifty years have witnessed the flourishing of scholarship in virtually every area of ancient Greek philosophy, but the sophists have for the most part been neglected. This is certainly true of Prodicus of Ceos: of the four most well-known sophists--Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus, and Antiphon--he has received the least attention. Robert Mayhew provides a reassessment of his life and thought, and especially his views on language, religion, and ethics. This volume consists of ninety texts with facing translations--far more than (...)
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  26.  42
    Skills, Socrates and the Sophists: Learning from History.Steve Johnson - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (2):201 - 213.
    The Sophists, and the Socratic response they provoked, are considered in order to elucidate issues raised by present-day skill-talk. These issues include: whether skills avoid questions of ends and truth; the existence of general skills, such as critical thinking; the importance of knowledge; skills and the personality; and some implications for teaching and philosophy.
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  27. Sophisticated Modal Primitivism.Tobias Wilsch - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):428-448.
    Summary: The paper provides an argument for modal primitivism, the view that necessity is not defined and is therefore part of the structure of reality. It then raises the explanation-challenge for primitivists: how can modal truths be explained by hyper-intensional truths, if necessity is not defined in terms of hyper-intensional phenomena? To address the challenge, the paper introduces 'sophisticated modal primitivism' which gives a substantive analysis of the notion of a 'source of necessity'. The final part of the paper offers (...)
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  28.  65
    The second sophistic.Tim Whitmarsh - 2005 - Oxford ;: Oxford University Press, published for the Classical Association.
    The 'Second Sophistic' is arguably the fastest-growing area in contemporary classical scholarship. This short, accessible account explores the various ways in which modern scholarship has approached one of the most extraordinary literary phenomena of antiquity, the dazzling oratorical culture of the Early Imperial period. Successive chapters deal with historical and cultural background, sophistic performance, technical treatises (including the issue of Atticism and Asianism), the concept of identity, and the wider impact of sophistic performance on major authors of the time, including (...)
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  29.  31
    Sophists.Mauro Bonazzi - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    From Socrates and Plato onwards, the Sophists were often targeted by the authoritative philosophical tradition as being mere charlatans and poor teachers. This book, translated and significantly updated from its most recent Italian version, challenges these criticisms by offering an overall interpretation of their thought, and by assessing the specific contributions of thinkers like Protagoras, Gorgias and Antiphon. A new vision of the Sophists emerges: they are protagonists and agents of fundamental change in the history of ancient philosophy, who questioned (...)
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  30.  50
    Plato, Sophist 231 a, Etc.N. B. Booth - 1956 - Classical Quarterly 6 (1-2):89-90.
    Mr. G. B. KERFERD, in C.Q. xlviii , 84 ff. writes of ‘Plato's Noble Art of Sophistry’. He suggests that Plato thought there was a ‘Noble Art’ of sophistry, other than philosophy itself; and he seeks to find this Art in the better and worse arguments of Protagoras. This suggestion is, unfortunately, based on a mistranslation of Plato, Sophist 231 a:.
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  31. Sophistics, Rhetorics, and Performance; or, How to Really Do Things with Words.Barbara Cassin & Andrew Goffey - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):349 - 372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophistics, Rhetorics, and Performance; or, How to Really Do Things with WordsBarbara CassinTranslated by Andrew Goffey"How to do things with words?" How can you really do things with nothing but words? It seems to me that sophistics is in a way the paradigm of discourse that does things with words. Doubtless it is not a "performative" in Austin's sense of the word, although Austin's sense varies considerably in extension (...)
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  32.  60
    On sophistical refutations. Aristotle - unknown
  33.  78
    The Sophists.Michael Gagarin & Paul Woodruff - 2008 - In Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham, The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA.
    This article shows that important questions remain to be answered about the topics the sophists studied and taught, and their views, both positive and negative, about truth, religion, and convention. The sophists are united more by common methods and attitudes than by common interests. All sophists, for example, challenged traditional thinking, often in ways that went far beyond questioning the existence of the gods, or the truth of traditional myths, or customary moral rules, all of which had been questioned before. (...)
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  34.  2
    The Sophists.Richard D. McKirahan - 2025 - Abington, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book offers a new way of looking at the 5th century BCE Sophists, rejecting the bad reputation they have had since antiquity and presenting them as individuals rather than a "movement", each with his own speciality and personality as revealed through the scant surviving evidence. It provides an account of the Sophists of this period that explains the historical and social developments that led to their prominence and popularity, demonstrating the reasons for their importance and for their seeming disappearance (...)
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  35. Postmodern sophistication: Habermas versus Lyotard.David Kolb - 1990 - In Postmodern Sophistications: Philosophy, Architecture, and Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 36 – 50.
    A discussion of whether Habermas as a representative modernist and Lyotard as a representative postmodern echo the ancient dispute between Plato and the Sophists. My conclusion is that they do not quite do so. Each is more complex and ancient dichotomy should be revised.
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  36. Le sophiste et les exemples. Sur le problème de la ressemblance dans le "Sophiste" de Platon.Felipe Ledesma - 2009 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 27 (1):3-38.
    In the Sophist Plato introduces a very peculiar character, the eleatic stranger who plays both for Theaetetus and for us the role of a perfect sophist. His terrific power simply comes of his refusal to understand the examples. He just requires his interlocutors that absolutely all what is to be understood by them must be explicitly said. And “all” means really all: even the most evident for everybody, all what is not necessary to say and perhaps is not (...)
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  37.  15
    The sophistic renaissance.Eric MacPhail - 2011 - Genève: Libr. Droz.
  38.  12
    Les sophistes: Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus, Hippias.Eugène Dupréel - 1948 - Neuchâtel,: Éditions du Griffon.
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  39.  30
    The Sophists.Ronald B. Levinson - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (3):455 - 457.
    The many difficulties the book contains are not due to its translator; Miss Freeman's well-marshalled English seldom leaves us in search of the intended sense. They are due rather to the complex character of the author's mind and to the exigencies of the thesis he is defending. One encounters flights of imagination in which lyrical transports alternate or combine with bold dialectical constructions offered as sober interpretations, and multiple quotations from ancient thinkers and modern critics, confusingly blended with our author's (...)
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  40.  8
    The Sophist of Many Faces: Difference (and Identity) in Theaetetus and the Sophist.Rizalino Noble Malabed - 2016 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 17 (2):141-154.
    One can argue that the problem posed by difference/identity in contemporary philosophy has its roots in the persistent epistemological imperative to be certain about what we know. We find this demand in Plato’s Theaetetus and Sophist. But beyond this demand, there is a sense in the earlier dialogue that difference is not a passive feature waiting to be identified. “Difference” points towards an active differentiating. In the Sophist, difference appears in the method of dividing and gathering deployed to (...)
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  41.  22
    Plato's Sophist.William S. Cobb - 1990 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Plato's Sophist provides a careful translation of the Sophist, one of Plato's most complex and difficult dialogues, and includes materials designed to facilitate its usefulness as a text in college courses. The translation employs a minimum of interpretative paraphrasing while being presented in clear, readable English. Special attention has been given to consistency in translating key Greek terms. The book presents a special list of these terms and discusses them in the endnotes. The result is a translation that (...)
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  42.  22
    Sophistic views of the epic past from the classical to the imperial age.Paola Bassino & Nicolò Benzi (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection of essays sheds new light on the relationship between two of the main drivers of intellectual discourse in ancient Greece: the epic tradition and the Sophists. The contributors show how throughout antiquity the epic tradition proved a flexible instrument to navigate new political, cultural, and philosophical contexts. The Sophists, both in the Classical and the Imperial age, continuously reconfigured the value of epic poetry according to the circumstances: using epic myths allowed the Sophists to present themselves as the (...)
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  43.  64
    Sophistic travel: Inheriting the simulacrum through Plato's "the sophist".John Muckelbauer - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (3):225-244.
    A single question marks our departure, a question that, while apparently straightforward, has assumed so many shapes and disguises that it would not be unjust to claim it has infected all of Western history. In its current manifestation, however, we will take our cue from Plato in phrasing it thus: What is a Sophist? When Plato first formulated the question in these terms, he well understood that its self-evident simplicity could be deceptive and that its effects might proliferate uncontrollably. (...)
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  44.  6
    The Sophists; Translated From the Italian by Kathleen Freeman.Mario Untersteiner - 1954 - Blackwell.
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    Les Sophistes.Jean-Paul Dumont - 1969 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  46. The Sophist on statements, predication, and falsehood.Lesley Brown - 2008 - In Gail Fine, The Oxford Handbook of Plato. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 437--62.
    Of the later dialogues of Plato, the Sophists stand out. This article highlights the concept of sophist as propounded by Plato. A didactic approach runs through the text. Socrates harps on the relation between sophist, philosopher and a statesman. Are they three different or they are the same. The basic idea that Plato wants to convey is, both features highlight some of the key enigmas of the dialogue: What is the relation between the outer and middle parts? How (...)
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    (1 other version)The Sophist Dialogue as a Not-Allegorical Recreation of the Cave's Image.Lucas Manuel Alvarez - 2022 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 38:40-70.
    RESUMEN El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar que Sofista puede leerse como una recreación no-alegórica de la imagen de la caverna expuesta en República VII. Por medio de una lectura en paralelo de sendos textos, buscaremos probar que aquel diálogo tardío recrea sistemáticamente no solo las sucesivas fases del relato socrático, sino también parte de su vocabulario cavernoso, sus gradaciones ontológicas, sus preocupaciones pedagógicas e incluso sus compromisos práctico-políticos. Dicha lectura nos ayudará en dos direcciones: a esclarecer ciertos sentidos (...)
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    Sophistical wisdom:.Christopher Lyle Johnstone - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):265-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophistical Wisdom:Politikê Aretê and “Logosophia”Christopher Lyle JohnstoneThe pursuit of Wisdom is at the center of the Western intellectual tradition, its attainment the literal ideal and end of all philosophical inquiry. It is recognized by various religions and belief systems as the key to a meaningful, fulfilling, happy life. Yet for all this, its nature remains unclear and the means of its attainment uncertain. Is it one thing, or are (...)
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  49. The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato.L. Campbell - 1867 - Clarendon Press.
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    Sophist and Statesman: two dialogues. Plato - 2018 - Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. Edited by Plato & Benjamin Jowett.
    Two dialogues explore a vital concern of a democratic society: how to define the qualities of a genuine statesman as well as the distinction between an authentic statesman and a sophist.
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