Results for ' semasiology'

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  1.  97
    The semasiology of some primary confucian concepts.Peter A. Boodberg - 1953 - Philosophy East and West 2 (4):317-332.
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    La semasiología.Kurt Baldinger - 1964 - Rosario,: Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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    Three Notes on Greek Semasiology.Mortimer Lamson Earle - 1907 - The Classical Review 21 (01):14-.
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    Herodotus’s Scythians and Ptolemy’s Central Asia: Semasiological and Onomasiological Studies. By Helmut Humbach and Klaus Faiss. [REVIEW]Klaus Karitunen - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (4):751-752.
    Herodotus’s Scythians and Ptolemy’s Central Asia: Semasiological and Onomasiological Studies. By Helmut Humbach and Klaus Faiss. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2012. Pp. xii + 91.
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    Sister M. Bernard Schieman: The Rare and Late Verbs in St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei: A Morphological and Semasiological Study. Pp. xviii + 85. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1938. Paper, $2. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (05):200-.
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    Is the Culture of Family Firms Really Different? A Value-based Model for Its Survival through Generations.Manuel Carlos Vallejo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):261-279.
    The current work represents a piece of research on the family firm of the semasiological, interpretive or culture creation type. In it we carry out a comparative analysis of the organizational culture of this type of firm along with firms not considered to be family firms, using as theoretical framework generally accepted theories in business administration, such as the systems, neoinstitutional, transformational leadership, and social identity theories. Our findings confirm the existence of certain elements of culture, especially values and allow (...)
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    Semantic Revolution Rudolf Carnap, Kurt Gödel, Alfred Tarski.Jan Woleński - 1999 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6:1-15.
    According to a common opinion, the word ‘semantics’ , derived from the Greek word semantikos , appeared for the first time, at least in modern times, in the book Essai de semantique, science de significations by M. J. A. Bréal . However, Quine says in his lectures on Carnap:As used by C. S. Peirce, “semantic” is the study of the modes of denotation of signs: whether a sign denotes its object through causal or symptomatic connection, or through imagery, or through (...)
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    Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty.Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Anton Marty (Schwyz, 1847–Prague, 1914) contributed significantly to some of the central themes of Austrian philosophy. This collection contributes to assessing the specificity of his theses in relation with other Austrian philosophers. Although strongly inspired by his master, Franz Brentano, Marty developed his own theory of intentionality, understood as a sui generis relation of similarity. Moreover, he established a comprehensive philosophy of language, or "semasiology", based on descriptive psychology, and in which the utterer’s meaning plays a central role, anticipating (...)
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    Constructional semantics on the move: On semantic specialization in the English double object construction.Timothy Colleman & Bernard De Clerck - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):183-209.
    In this article we tackle the issue of diachronic variation in constructional semantics through an exploration of the (recent) semantic history of the well-established English ditransitive or double object argument structure construction. Starting from the assumption that schematic syntactic patterns are not fundamentally different from lexical items, we will show that — similar to the diachronic semantic development of lexemes — the semantics of argument structure constructions in general and that of double object constructions in particular, is vulnerable to semasiological (...)
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    Language and Speech as Open, Context-dependent Wholes. A view from Prague.Savina Raynaud - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (1-2):21-29.
    Since language is the collective focus of this series, the present paper follows both historiographical and theoretical perspectives. The first deals with Prague as a Middle-European town, with a German and Czech University from 1882, where a philosopher, Anton Marty, from the Brentano school, focuses on language and semasiology in the framework of a psychology from an empirical standpoint. He cites Christian von Ehrenfels, and underscores the relational approach to psychic dynamism but, crucially, he emphasises the oscillations between linguistic (...)
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    Ὁ ὅρος μύστης στὴν προχριστιανική του χρήση.Jelena Femić Kasapis - 2015 - Philotheos 15:32-39.
    Εἰς τὴν παρούσαν ἐργασίαν ἐκτίθενται ἐνδεικτικὰ χωρία τοῦ ὅρου μύστης, ἔτσι ὅπως εἶχε διαμορφωθεῖ ἡ χρήση του καὶ oἱ σημασιολογικὲς ἀποχρώσεις ποὺ λαμβάνει σὲ χωρία ἀρχαίων συγγραφέων. Παρουσιάζονται ἕξι χωρία, τὰ ὁποῖα ἀποδεικνύουν ὅτι ὁ μύστης ἦταν μέτοχος καὶ πλῆρες μέλος τῶν μυστηριακῶν λατρειῶν, ὄχι μόνο τῶν Μυστηρίων, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῶν ὀργίων. Κάθε χωρίο ἀκολουθείται ἀπὸ μετάφραση σὲ μία ἀπὸ τὶς σύγχρονες γλῶσσες. Ἀπὸ τὸ χωρίο τοῦ Ἀριστοφάνη προκύπτει ὅτι ὁ ὅρος ἀρχικὰ εἶχε διατυπωθεῖ ὡς ἐπίθετο καὶ ὄχι ὡς οὐσιαστικό. (...)
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    A study in scarlet: cultural memory of the tropes related to the color red, female countenance, and onstage makeup in the Sinophone world.Victoria Bogushevskaya - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (261):209-225.
    In a high-context culture like Chinese, the linguistic code encompasses only part of the message and is incomplete without context. One of the implicit codes embedded in high-context communication is color tropes. Highly recognizable in the Sinophone world, color tropes often manifest themselves in the forms of metaphor, metonymy, allusions, and similes and are often related to the conveyance of emotional content. This paper provides a selection and discussion of such color tropes, demonstrates that color in a language inspires associations (...)
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    Subjectivity, intersubjectivity and the historical construction of interlocutor stance: from stance markers to discourse markers.Susan Fitzmaurice - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (4):427-448.
    This study draws upon the techniques of corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and historical pragmatics to provide an account of the ways in which speakers recruit markers of epistemic stance to capture their construction of the attitudes of their interlocutors, addressees, or audience. It then examines the ways in which selected markers lose their subjective force over time, whether expressive of the speaker’s attitude or the speaker’s sense of the interlocutor’s attitude, to become interactive markers of the exchange involved in an (...)
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  14. A Study in Ethical Theory. [REVIEW]O. P. C. Williams - 1959 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 9:229-229.
    It would surely have been better to entitle this work ‘Reflexions on ethical theories’, for it cannot in any true sense of the word be called a study, a scientific study which entails detailed analysis and positive criticism. In fact Professor Mackinnon presents us with a series of considerations, highly personal and at times indeed penetrating and instructive, on the moral theories of certain British and continental philosophers—of the 19th century utilitarians ; of Kant, Hegel and their followers; of the (...)
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    La trajectoire de la dialectologie au sein des sciences du langage. De la reconstruction des systèmes dialectaux à la sémantique lexicale et à l’étymologie.Jean-Philippe Dalbera - 2013 - Corpus 12:173-200.
    A l’heure où des travaux importants tendent à renouveler sensiblement un certain nombre de disciplines, au nombre desquelles la sémantique lexicale et la lexicologie diachronique, il apparaît intéressant de faire le point au plan conceptuel sur une autre discipline connexe, la dialectologie, puisque celle-ci est au centre de ce numéro de Corpus. La dialectologie a pour objet majeur, à notre sens, l’étude comparative de langues qui se présentent sous forme d’entités disséminées – convenons de les appeler langues dialectales – dans (...)
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    Un arbre sémasiologique pour la représentation d’un phylum étymologique.Jacques François - 2010 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 8.
    Cet article poursuit un objectif méthodologique, la présentation comparée de trois modes de représentation de la polysémie d’un item : grille, carte et arbre sémasioogique et son illustration autour d’un phylum étymologique, celui du verbe latin tornare qui est à la source, entre autres des verbes français tourner, italien tornare et anglais to turn et de leurs dérivés et composés. Dans l’éventail des sens et des constructions des trois verbes, tourner occupe une position intermédiaire, mais se révèle plus proche de (...)
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