Results for ' rotation speed'

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  1.  25
    Mental Rotation Test Performance in Brazilian and German Adolescents: The Role of Sex, Processing Speed, and Physical Activity in Two Different Cultures.Petra Jansen, Flávia Paes, Sabine Hoja & Sergio Machado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Speed of Light on Rotating Platforms.G. Rizzi & A. Tartaglia - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (11):1663-1683.
    If is often taken for granted that on a rotating disk it is possible to operate a global 3+1 splitting of spacetime such that both lengths and time intervals are uniquely defined in terms of measurements performed by real rods and real clocks at rest on the platform. This paper shows that this assumption, although widespread and apparently trivial, leads to an anisotropy of the velocity of two light beams traveling in opposite directions along the rim of the disk, which (...)
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    Discrimination of speed and direction of rotation in the pigeon: A mirror-image effect.Donald J. Stehouwer & M. Ray Denny - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (2):101-104.
  4.  24
    Pursuit learning as affected by size of target and speed of rotation.John S. Helmick - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (2):126.
  5. Rotated Hyperbola Smooth Support Vector Regression.Q. Wu & En Wang - 2015 - Journal of Computational Information Systems 11 (5).
    ε-support vector regression (ε-SVR) as a constrained minimization problem can be converted into an unconstrained convex quadratic programming. Smooth function is the essence of the ε-smooth support vector regression (ε-SSVR). In this paper, a new rotated hyperbola function is proposed to replace the ε-insensitive loss function. The ε-rotated hyperbola smooth support vector regression (ε-RHSSVR) model is presented. Theoretical analyses show that the derived smooth function has improved approximation precision compared with other smooth approximate functions. The Newton-Armijo algorithm is applied to (...)
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    The oculomotoric pattern of circular eye movements during increasing speed of rotation.S. J. Gerathewohl, H. Strughold & W. F. Taylor - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (4):249.
  7.  12
    A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Examination of the Neural Correlates of Mental Rotation for Individuals With Different Depressive Tendencies.Liusheng Wang, Jingqi Ke & Haiyan Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The present study aimed to examine the neural mechanisms underlying the ability to process the mental rotation with mirrored stimuli for different depressive tendencies with psychomotor retardation. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, we measured brain cortex activation of participants with higher and lower depressive tendencies while performing a left-right paradigm of object mental rotation or a same-different paradigm of subject mental rotation. Behavioral data revealed no differences in reaction time and rotation speed. The fNIRS data revealed (...)
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    Two Routes to Expertise in Mental Rotation.Alexander Provost, Blake Johnson, Frini Karayanidis, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1321-1342.
    The ability to imagine objects undergoing rotation (mental rotation) improves markedly with practice, but an explanation of this plasticity remains controversial. Some researchers propose that practice speeds up the rate of a general-purpose rotation algorithm. Others maintain that performance improvements arise through the adoption of a new cognitive strategy—repeated exposure leads to rapid retrieval from memory of the required response to familiar mental rotation stimuli. In two experiments we provide support for an integrated explanation of practice (...)
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  9.  45
    Simultaneity on the Rotating Disk.Don Koks - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (4):505-531.
    The disk that rotates in an inertial frame in special relativity has long been analysed by assuming a Lorentz contraction of its peripheral elements in that frame, which has produced widely varying views in the literature. We show that this assumption is unnecessary for a disk that corresponds to the simplest form of rotation in special relativity. After constructing such a disk and showing that observers at rest on it do not constitute a true rotating frame, we choose a (...)
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    A non-electrical rotation table for laboratory animals.F. S. Fearing & F. W. Weymouth - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (1):67.
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  11.  43
    The rotating universe.V. V. Demidchenko & V. I. Demidchenko - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (2):131.
    The subject matter of the article is a standard cosmological model of the Universe. Contemporary opinion regarding origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe is of great interest. The answer to the question of the Universe origin is given by the Big Bang Theory. Is it possible to be sure in this theory correctness, which persuading of the Universe origination from the singularity fluctuation, when the World had appeared from nowhere, that is from abstract nothingness, further accelerated expansion of the (...)
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  12.  66
    Motor processes in mental rotation.Mark Wexler, Stephen M. Kosslyn & Alain Berthoz - 1998 - Cognition 68 (1):77-94.
    Much indirect evidence supports the hypothesis that transformations of mental images are at least in part guided by motor processes, even in the case of images of abstract objects rather than of body parts. For example, rotation may be guided by processes that also prime one to see results of a specific motor action. We directly test the hypothesis by means of a dual-task paradigm in which subjects perform the Cooper-Shepard mental rotation task while executing an unseen motor (...)
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  13.  87
    Radial Quantization in Rotating Space–Times.Robert D. Bock - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):977-988.
    We examine the time discontinuity in rotating space–times for which the topology of time is S1. A kinematic restriction is enforced that requires the discontinuity to be an integral number of the periodicity of time. Quantized radii emerge for which the associated tangential velocities are less than the speed of light. Using the de Broglie relationship, we show that quantum theory may determine the periodicity of time. A rotating Kerr–Newman black hole and a rigidly rotating disk of dust are (...)
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  14.  14
    Kriging Metamodeling in Rotordynamics: Application for Predicting Critical Speeds and Vibrations of a Flexible Rotor.J. -J. Sinou, L. Nechak & S. Besset - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-26.
    Rotating machinery produces vibrations depending upon the design of the rotor systems as well as any faults or uncertainties in the machine that can increase the vibrations of such systems. This study illustrates the effectiveness of using surrogate modeling based on kriging in order to predict the vibrational behavior of a complex flexible rotor in the presence of uncertainties. The basic idea of kriging is to predict unknown values of a function by using a small size set of known data. (...)
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  15.  32
    Basic Aspect of Relativistic Rotation: Franklin Rotation of a Sphere. [REVIEW]N. Ben-Amots - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (9):1369-1372.
    We give a relativistic treatment to the dynamics of spherical bodies rotating at very high speed. It is found that most of the mass of a homogeneous spherical quark with Franklin rotation is due to the relativistic increase of the mass.
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  16.  41
    Non-standard synchronization of clocks outside a rotating body.Arnold Rosenblum - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (4):439-442.
    It has been known for years that it is only the round-trip speed of light that has physical significance. We show that even using this freedom, the synchronization gap, which is useful for testing predictions of general relativity, still remains.
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  17.  28
    Numerical Modeling and Investigation on Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics of Pantographs in High-Speed Trains.Xiaoqi Sun & Han Xiao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    Pantographs are important devices on high-speed trains. When a train runs at a high speed, concave and convex parts of the train cause serious airflow disturbances and result in flow separation, eddy shedding, and breakdown. A strong fluctuation pressure field will be caused and transformed into aerodynamic noises. When high-speed trains reach 300 km/h, aerodynamic noises become the main noise source. Aerodynamic noises of pantographs occupy a large proportion in far-field aerodynamic noises of the whole train. Therefore, (...)
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  18.  21
    Computational Analysis on Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow Physics for Pump as Turbine in Renewable Small Hydro Energy Generation.Daniel du JianguoAdu, Emmanuel Acheaw, Shakir Hafeez & Eric Ofosu Antw - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    Energy contributes significantly in almost all aspects of human life as well as economic activities and plays a crucial role in the infrastructural development of a county to alleviate poverty. Generating energy from a renewable source such as small hydropower through the application of pump operating as a turbine mode called Pump as Turbine is one of the best alternatives to provide clean and inexpensive energy. Using Pump as Turbine helps in generating reasonably priced hydroelectric power for communities in underdeveloped (...)
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  19. Reference Frames and Rigid Motions in Relativity: Applications. [REVIEW]D. Soler - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (11):1718-1735.
    The concept of rigid reference frame and of constricted spatial metric, given in the previous work [Class. Quantum Grav. 21, 3067 (2004)] are here applied to some specific space-times: in particular, the rigid rotating disc with constant angular velocity in Minkowski space-time is analyzed, a new approach to the Ehrenfest paradox is given as well as a new explanation of the Sagnac effect. Finally the anisotropy of the speed of light and its measurable consequences in a reference frame co-moving (...)
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  20.  20
    Classification with NormalBoost: Case Study Traffic Sign Classification.Erfan Davami & Hasan Fleyeh - 2012 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 21 (1):25-43.
    . NormalBoost is a new boosting algorithm which is capable of classifying a multi-dimensional binary class dataset. It adaptively combines several weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Unlike many boosting algorithms which have high computation and memory complexities, NormalBoost is capable of classification with low complexity. The purpose of this paper is to present NormalBoost as a framework which establishes a platform to solve classification problems. The approach was tested with a dataset which was extracted automatically from real-world traffic (...)
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  21.  14
    Intelligent Digital Currency and Dynamic Coding Service System Based on Internet of Things Technology.Shanshen Li & Xin Jing - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-16.
    The amazing rise of digital currency is not only favored by investors but also attractive to lawbreakers for its anonymity and decentralization. This paper mainly discusses the intelligent digital currency and dynamic coding service system based on Internet of Things technology. In this paper, the RDCAR algorithm is used to realize the routing discovery process of the wireless network. When the intermediate node receives the RREQ message, first of all, to avoid the loop, it checks whether the same RREQ message (...)
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  22.  16
    Newtonian Fractional-Dimension Gravity and MOND.Gabriele U. Varieschi - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1608-1644.
    This paper introduces a possible alternative model of gravity based on the theory of fractional-dimension spaces and its applications to Newtonian gravity. In particular, Gauss’s law for gravity as well as other fundamental classical laws are extended to a D-dimensional metric space, where D can be a non-integer dimension. We show a possible connection between this Newtonian Fractional-Dimension Gravity (NFDG) and Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), a leading alternative gravity model which accounts for the observed properties of galaxies and other astrophysical (...)
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  23. Wormholes and Time Machines.John G. Cramer - unknown
    Science fiction writers, to avoid undue delays in the story's plot line, need a way of beating the speed of light speed limit of the universe. Most readers of this magazine are familiar with the gimmicks that have been used for faster than light travel: warp drives, detours through hyperspace, matter to tachyon conversion, trans spatial jumps, and dives past the singularity of a rotating black hole. But perhaps the faster than light mechanism which has the best credentials (...)
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  24.  31
    Galilean and Lorentz Transformations in a Space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle.V. M. Tkachuk - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1666-1679.
    We consider a space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle which can be obtained in the frame of the deformed commutation relations. In the space with GUP we have found transformations relating coordinates and times of moving and rest frames of reference in the first order over the parameter of deformation. In the non-relativistic case we find the deformed Galilean transformation which is rotation in Euclidian space–time. This transformation is similar to the Lorentz one but written for Euclidean space–time where the (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Relativity for the layman.James Andrew Coleman - 1954 - New York,: William-Frederick Press.
    Pt. I. The velocity of light. Mersenne's measurement of the speed of sound -- Galileo's attempt to measure the velocity of light -- Roemer's astronomical method -- Bradley's telescope method -- Fizeau's terrestrial method -- Michelson's precise measurement -- Other properties of light waves -- pt. II. The great dilemma. The stationary ether postulated -- Further confirmation of the ether -- An expected ether effect -- Fresnel's ether drag -- The Michelson-Morely experiment -- Possible explanations for Michelson and Morley's (...)
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  26. The Coordinate-Independent 2-Component Spinor Formalism and the Conventionality of Simultaneity.Jonathan Bain - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (2):201-226.
    In recent articles, Zangari (1994) and Karakostas (1997) observe that while an &unknown;-extended version of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group O + (1,3) exists for values of &unknown; not equal to zero, no similar &unknown;-extended version of its double covering group SL(2, C) exists (where &unknown;=1-2&unknown; R , with &unknown; R the non-standard simultaneity parameter of Reichenbach). Thus, they maintain, since SL(2, C) is essential in describing the rotational behaviour of half-integer spin fields, and since there is empirical evidence for (...)
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  27. Some Epistemic Benefits of Action-Tetris, a Case Study.David Kirsh & P. Maglio - 1992 - Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
    We present data and argument to show that in Tetris—a real-time interactive video game—certain cognitive and perceptual problems are more quickly, easily, and reliably solved by performing actions in the world rather than by performing computational actions in the head alone. We have found that some translations and rotations are best understood as being used to implement a plan, or to implement a reaction. To substantiate our position we have implemented a computational laboratory that lets us record keystrokes and game (...)
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  28.  67
    Dunamis and the Science of Mechanics: Aristotle on Animal Motion.Jean De Groot - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (1):43-67.
    It is shown that Aristotle’s references to automata in his biological treatises are meant to invoke the principle behind the ancient conception of the lever, i.e. that points on the rotating radius of a circle all move at different speeds proportional to their distances from the center. This principle is mathematical and explains a phenomenon taken as whole. Automata do not signify for him primarily a succession of material movers in contact, the modern model for mechanism. For animal locomotion and (...)
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  29.  45
    Editor's Introduction: Intensifying Philosophy and Rhetoric.John Muckelbauer - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):175-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 175-184 [Access article in PDF] Editor's Introduction:Intensifying Philosophy and Rhetoric John Muckelbauer Intensity...wrecks what it makes known, burning the thought which thinks it and yet requiring this thought in the conflagration where transcendence, immanence are no longer anything but flamboyant, extinguished figures-reference points of writing which writing has always lost in advance. -Maurice Blanchot The coupling named in this journal's title only hints at (...)
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  30.  51
    Constructing Expertise: Surmounting Performance Plateaus by Tasks, by Tools, and by Techniques.Wayne D. Gray & Sounak Banerjee - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (4):610-665.
    Acquiring expertise in a task is often thought of as an automatic process that follows inevitably with practice according to the log‐log law (aka: power law) of learning. However, as Ericsson, Chase, and Faloon (1980) showed, this is not true for digit‐span experts and, as we show, it is certainly not true for Tetris players at any level of expertise. Although some people may simply “twitch” faster than others, the limit to Tetris expertise is not raw keypress time but the (...)
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  31.  48
    Apologii︠a︡ Sofistov: Reli︠a︡tivizm Kak Ontologicheskai︠a︡ Sistema.Igorʹ Nikolaevich Rassokha - 2009 - Kharʹkov: Kharkivsʹka Nat͡sionalʹna Akademii͡a Misʹkoho Hospodarstva.
    Sophists’ apologia. -/- Sophists were the first paid teachers ever. These ancient Greek enlighteners taught wisdom. Protagoras, Antiphon, Prodicus, Hippias, Lykophron are most famous ones. Sophists views and concerns made a unified encyclopedic system aimed at teaching common wisdom, virtue, management and public speaking. Of the contemporary “enlighters”, Deil Carnegy’s educational work seems to be the most similar to sophism. Sophists were the first intellectuals – their trade was to sell knowledge. They introduced a new type of teacher-student relationship – (...)
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  32.  86
    Visuo-spatial and verbal working memory in the five-disc tower of London task: An individual differences approach.K. J. Gilhooly, V. Wynn, L. H. Phillips, R. H. Logie & S. Della Sala - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (3):165 – 178.
    This paper reports a study of the roles of visuo-spatial and verbal working memory capacities in solving a planning task - the five-disc Tower of London (TOL) task. An individual differences approach was taken. Sixty adult participants were tested on 20 TOL tasks of varying difficulty. Total moves over the 20 TOL tasks was taken as a measure of performance. Participants were also assessed on measures of fluid intelligence (Raven's matrices), verbal short-term storage (Digit span), verbal working memory span (Silly (...)
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  33.  18
    Modeling and PID control of quadrotor UAV based on machine learning.Pradeep Kumar Singh, Anton Pljonkin & Lirong Zhou - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):1112-1122.
    The aim of this article was to discuss the modeling and control method of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle. In the process of modeling, mechanism modeling and experimental testing are combined, especially the motor and propeller are modeled in detail. Through the understanding of the body structure and flight principle of the quadrotor UAV, the Newton–Euler method is used to analyze the dynamics of the quadrotor UAV, and the mathematical model of the UAV is established under the small angle rotation. (...)
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  34. A new paradox and the reconciliation of Lorentz and Galilean transformations.Hongyu Guo - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8113-8142.
    One of the most debated problems in the foundations of the special relativity theory is the role of conventionality. A common belief is that the Lorentz transformation is correct but the Galilean transformation is wrong. It is another common belief that the Galilean transformation is incompatible with Maxwell equations. However, the “principle of general covariance” in general relativity makes any spacetime coordinate transformation equally valid. This includes the Galilean transformation as well. This renders a new paradox. This new paradox is (...)
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  35.  54
    Relativism as an Ontological System.Ihor Mykolayovych Rassokha - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1433-1449.
    A summary of a philosophical (ontological) system of consistent relativism based on the postulate of relativity of existence of all things in existence is proposed. Absolutely everything exists, but, at the same time, no existence is absolute. Anything is possible, but only those entities we interact with one way or another exist for us, i.e., reality is interaction, “I interact—hence, I exist”. For all of us, information, or perceptible heterogeneities, is real. There exists an infinity of different realities. The different (...)
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  36.  17
    Performance of Bimanual Finger Coordination Tasks in Speakers Who Stutter.Akira Toyomura, Tetsunoshin Fujii & Paul F. Sowman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Stuttering is a neurodevelopmental speech disorder characterized by the symptoms of speech repetition, prolongation, and blocking. Stuttering-related dysfluency can be transiently alleviated by providing an external timing signal such as a metronome or the voice of another person. Therefore, the existence of a core motor timing deficit in stuttering has been speculated. If this is the case, then motoric behaviors other than speech should be disrupted in stuttering. This study examined motoric performance on four complex bimanual tasks in 37 adults (...)
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  37.  68
    An experiment to measure the one-way velocity of propagation of electromagnetic radiation.P. Kolen & D. G. Torr - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (4):401-411.
    In this paper we describe a propagation experiment to measure the one-way velocity of electromagnetic radiation. The experiment utilizes the rotation of the earth to interchange the positions of two rubidium vapor frequency standards over12 h, thereby canceling initial clock phase differences. It is demonstrated that although the drift characteristics of modern rubidium atomic clocks may be large for long-term absolute timing requirements, the short-term random fluctuations are small. It is found that over a24-h period, the long-term drift can (...)
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  38. Energy in the Universe and its Syntropic Forms of Existence According to the BSM - Superg ravitation Unified Theory.Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev - 2013 - Syntropy 2013 (2).
    According to the BSM- Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG), the energy is indispensable feature of matter, while the matter possesses hierarchical levels of organization from a simple to complex forms, with appearance of fields at some levels. Therefore, the energy also follows these levels. At the fundamental level, where the primary energy source exists, the matter is in its primordial form, where two super-dense fundamental particles (FP) exist in a classical pure empty space (not a physical vacuum). They are associated with (...)
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  39.  52
    Eye Movements Reveal the Dynamic Simulation of Speed in Language.Laura J. Speed & Gabriella Vigliocco - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):367-382.
    This study investigates how speed of motion is processed in language. In three eye-tracking experiments, participants were presented with visual scenes and spoken sentences describing fast or slow events (e.g., The lion ambled/dashed to the balloon). Results showed that looking time to relevant objects in the visual scene was affected by the speed of verb of the sentence, speaking rate, and configuration of a supporting visual scene. The results provide novel evidence for the mental simulation of speed (...)
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  40.  52
    An Exception to Mental Simulation: No Evidence for Embodied Odor Language.Laura J. Speed & Asifa Majid - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1146-1178.
    Do we mentally simulate olfactory information? We investigated mental simulation of odors and sounds in two experiments. Participants retained a word while they smelled an odor or heard a sound, then rated odor/sound intensity and recalled the word. Later odor/sound recognition was also tested, and pleasantness and familiarity judgments were collected. Word recall was slower when the sound and sound-word mismatched. Sound recognition was higher when sounds were paired with a match or near-match word. This indicates sound-words are mentally simulated. (...)
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  41. List of Contents: Volume 17, Number 6, November 2004.Rotating Platform - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9).
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  42.  30
    Optical holography as an analogue for a neural reuse mechanism.Ann Speed, Stephen J. Verzi, John S. Wagner & Christina Warrender - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):291-292.
    We propose an analogy between optical holography and neural behavior as a hypothesis about the physical mechanisms of neural reuse. Specifically, parameters in optical holography (frequency, amplitude, and phase of the reference beam) may provide useful analogues for understanding the role of different parameters in determining the behavior of neurons (e.g., frequency, amplitude, and phase of spiking behavior).
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  43. Waiting and being homeless. 'Waiting' at St. John's is a 'being'.Sue Speed - 2010 - In Mary Bruce Cobb, Waiting and being. Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae.
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    The role of visual imagery in story reading: Evidence from aphantasia.Laura J. Speed, Lynn S. Eekhof & Marloes Mak - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103645.
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  45. What is the good of art?Harold Speed - 1936 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
  46.  33
    Computational modeling of analogy: Destined ever to only be metaphor?Ann Speed - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):397-398.
    The target article by Leech et al. presents a compelling computational theory of analogy-making. However, there is a key difficulty that persists in theoretical treatments of analogy-making, computational and otherwise: namely, the lack of a detailed account of the neurophysiological mechanisms that give rise to analogy behavior. My commentary explores this issue.
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    R.S. Sylvester : Editor par Excellence.W. Speed Hill - 1979 - Moreana 16 (3):67-73.
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    SNP‐based heritability and selection analyses: Improved models and new results.Doug Speed, Anubhav Kaphle & David J. Balding - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (5):2100170.
    Complex‐trait genetics has advanced dramatically through methods to estimate the heritability tagged by SNPs, both genome‐wide and in genomic regions of interest such as those defined by functional annotations. The models underlying many of these analyses are inadequate, and consequently many SNP‐heritability results published to date are inaccurate. Here, we review the modelling issues, both for analyses based on individual genotype data and association test statistics, highlighting the role of a low‐dimensional model for the heritability of each SNP. We use (...)
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  49.  23
    Expertise Shapes Multimodal Imagery for Wine.Ilja Croijmans, Laura J. Speed, Artin Arshamian & Asifa Majid - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (5):e12842.
    Although taste and smell seem hard to imagine, some people nevertheless report vivid imagery in these sensory modalities. We investigate whether experts are better able to imagine smells and tastes because they have learned the ability, or whether they are better imaginers in the first place, and so become experts. To test this, we first compared a group of wine experts to yoked novices using a battery of questionnaires. We show for the first time that experts report greater vividness of (...)
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  50. Gendered intersections : collective and individual rights in indigenous women's experience.Shannon Speed - 2009 - In Mark Goodale, Human rights: an anthropological reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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