Results for ' post-human feminism'

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  1.  9
    The Post-human Feminism and The Technicality’s Art and Altruism’s Ethics of ‘Multi-junction’. 최용성 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 82:35-62.
    이 연구는 포스트휴먼 시대의 예술과 윤리를 고찰하되, 포스트휴먼 페미니즘 윤리의 맥락을 확장해간 포스트휴머니즘의 관점에서 포스트휴머니즘 기술성의 예술과 이타성을 윤리를 해명하고자 한다. 사이보그 담론을 비롯한 대부분의 포스트휴먼 담론들은 비인간적 요소를 통해 다시 인간을 사유하는 방식을 취하며, 인간 이외의 존재들과 공존하는 윤리적 지평에 대한 설명으로 작용한다. 이러한 윤리적 지평에서 비판적 포스트휴먼 페미니즘은 인간중심적 사고인 휴머니즘을 비판하며, 기존 서사인간의 서사를 해체하면서 기술성을 미학을 추구한다. 이런 비판적 포스트휴먼 페미니즘의 주창자들은 먼저 우리가 ‘포스트휴먼 시대’에 살고 있음을 인정하고, 휴머니즘의 지속적인 해체를 통해서 다중접속 이타성의 윤리를 구현한다. (...)
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  2. (1 other version)The Ontology of Language in a Post-Structuralist Feminist Perspective: Explosive Discourse in Monique Wittig in Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition. 2: The Airy Elements in Poetic Imagination.L. Oppenheim - 1988 - Analecta Husserliana 23:393-405.
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    Notes on [post]human nursing: What It MIGHT Be, What it is Not.Jess Dillard-Wright, Jamie B. Smith, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Eva Willis, Brandon B. Brown & Emmanuel C. Tedjasukmana - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12562.
    With this paper, we walk out some central ideas about posthumanisms and the ways in which nursing is already deeply entangled with them. At the same time, we point to ways in which nursing might benefit from further entanglement with other ideas emerging from posthumanisms. We first offer up a brief history of posthumanisms, following multiple roots to several points of formation. We then turn to key flavors of posthuman thought to differentiate between them and clarify our collective understanding and (...)
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  4. Philosophical post-anthropology for the Chthulucene: Levinasian and feminist new materialist perspectives in more-than-human crisis times.Amarantha Groen & Evelien Geerts - 2020 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 10 (1):195-214.
    Finishing this essay exactly one year after the official arrival of the SARS-COV-2 virus in Belgium and the Netherlands—where the cartographers of this essay are currently located—it is safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has immensely impacted our day-to-day lives. The pandemic has not only forced us to question various taken-for-granted existential certainties and luxuries provided by a capitalist system out to destroy the earth but has also re-spotlighted post-Enlightenment critiques of the human subject. If these pandemic (...)
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    Making feminist claims in the post-truth era: the authority of personal experience.Shelley Budgeon - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (2):248-267.
    The increased visibility of feminism in mainstream culture has recently been noted, with the presence of both online and offline campaigns embedding feminist claims in a variety of everyday spaces. By granting recognition to women’s experiences, these campaigns continue the feminist practice of generating critical knowledge on the basis of gendered experience. In the post-truth era, however, the norms governing claims-making are being significantly reconstructed, with significant consequences for critiques of gender inequality. It is argued here that these (...)
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    Editorial: Feminism(s) and the ‘posts’: Towards new educational imaginaries and hope-full renewals.Carol Taylor, Jayne Osgood, Vivienne Bozalek, Evelien Geerts, Weili Zhao & Camilla Eline Andersen - 2024 - Gender and Education 36 (8):819-829.
    For feminists, working in/with the ‘posts’ is, always has been, and must be, a collective and collaborative endeavour. Increasingly, post-inquiry involves taking seriously multiplicities of humans, nonhumans, more-than-and-other-than-humans, multispecies and natureculture entities, including viral, microbial, elemental and atmospheric relationalities. The individual papers in this Special Issue, this editorial, and the Special Issue as a whole attest to this imperative pull to the collective-collaborative in seeking to explore the entangled relations of/between feminisms and the ‘posts’. As a collaborative-collective multiplicity, the (...)
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  7.  37
    Feminist human–computer interaction: Struggles for past, contemporary and futuristic feminist theories in digital innovation.Angelika Strohmayer, Samantha Mitchell Finnigan, Janis Meissner & Rosanna Bellini - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (2):143-149.
    In this short paper, we introduce our Special Section in Feminist Theory titled ‘Feminist human-computer interaction: Struggles for past, contemporary and futuristic feminist theories in digital innovation’. Over the last years, we worked with the authors of the articles presented herein to bring together feminist theories with their practical application in the design, development, use and exploration of digital technologies. Our section follows three aspects: an overview of past feminist histories and discourse; the development of actionable, contemporary theory; and (...)
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  8.  22
    Towards an ethics of compassionate care in accompanying human suffering: dialogic relationships and feminist activist scholarship with asylum-seeking mothers.M. Emilia Bianco & M. Brinton Lykes - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (2):150-169.
    In the face of forced migrants’ urgent needs and ongoing human rights violations endured within and across borders, scholars note the ‘dual imperative’ (Jacobsen and Landau 2003) of documenting these realities while also responding through humanitarian advocacy and/or political activism. This article documents one such experience, that is, an action research process that began with the first author’s accompaniment of Central American asylum-seeking mothers and children in Boston and included witnessing to and documenting these mothers’ narratives in a context (...)
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  9. Reproducing Whiteness: Feminist Genres, Legal Subjectivity and the Post-racial Dystopia of The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-).Karen Crawley - 2018 - Law and Critique 29 (3):333-358.
    This article investigates the critical potential of a contemporary dystopia, The Handmaid’s Tale (Miller 2017-), a U.S. television series adapted from a popular novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood (1985). The text is widely understood as a feminist intervention that speaks to ongoing struggles against gender oppression, but in this article I consider the invitations that the show offers its viewers in treating race the way that it does, and consider what it means to refuse these invitations in pursuit of (...)
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  10. Is the Poststructuralist Feminist Episteme in Crisis?, an Introduction to the special issue of Technophany " Technē and Feminism".Katerina Kolozova & Vera Buehlmann - 2024 - Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology 2 (No. 1):1-4.
    Departing from the premise that the poststructuralist paradigm still reigns supreme in feminist and gender theory, that is, despite the niche efforts made in the past two decades to challenge it linked to the so called “speculative” turn or the materialisms (and realisms) emerging from the feminist field itself (such as the Utrecht School, inspired by Rosi Braidotti), we set the call for papers for the issue before you in terms that would invite authors ready to challenge the dominant epistemic (...)
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  11.  18
    Boleo: A postcolonial feminist reading.Musa W. Dube - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):8.
    The relationship between postcolonialism and feminism is often complicated and conflict-laden in its struggles against empire and patriarchy and its related social categories of oppression. The question is, How have African women in former colonies balanced their act? To address this question, the article focusses on Boleo, A Setswana Novel. Firstly, theories of post-coloniality and feminism are explored. Secondly, four creative African women writers are analysed for their take on the intersection of postcolonialism and feminism prior (...)
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  12.  13
    Feminist imaginings in the face of automation and the “end of work”: De-automating reproduction and reorganizing kinship.María Julieta Massacese - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230110.
    Automation is once again raising concerns about the threat it poses to employment. Feminists in the 20th century believed that technology could liberate women from undesirable labor. However, historically, industry and automation have not reduced women’s workloads but have instead favored unpaid work, flexibility, and work overload. Rather than mitigating the care and ecological crises, technological development has exacerbated them. This raises an important question for feminist theory: should technology be rejected as a way of reducing women’s workload? To explore (...)
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  13.  11
    Post formalism, pedagogy lives: as inspired by Joe L. Kincheloe.Johan Jansen & Hugo K. Letiche (eds.) - 2017 - Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
    Joe L. Kincheloe (1950-2008) was one of North America's leading critical pedagogy scholars. He defined post-formalist thought in terms of deconstruction, affectivity, and non-linearity. His deconstruction focused on the context of ideas, ideologies, and teaching. It was a form of sociological deconstruction, and as such, inspired by Derrida, but different from him as well. In effect, Kincheloe was trying to marry Derrida to Foucault by making deconstruction see power in thought, relationships, and the world. Kincheloe's 'turn to affect' was (...)
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  14.  36
    Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Post-Humanism.John Lechte - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    This revised second edition from our bestselling _Key Guides_ includes brand new entries on some of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth- and twenty-first century: Zizek, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Butler and Haraway. With a new introduction by the author, sections on phenomenology and the post-human, full cross-referencing and up-to-date guides to major primary and secondary texts, this is an essential resource to contemporary critical thought for undergraduates and the interested reader.
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    Post-marxism: A Reader.Stuart Sim - 1998
    This is the first source-book for this cross-disciplinary area. It takes students through a wide range of readings from philosophy, politics, and sociology, to human geography, international relations, and feminist studies. Bringing together statements from leading twentieth-century thinkers such as Derrida, Lyotard, Baudrillard, and Laclau and Mouffe, and with the editor's substantial introduction, this is an ideal teaching text, inspiring debate about the future of Marxism as a cultural theory.
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  16.  96
    Feminist Literary Criticism and the Author.Cheryl Walker - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):551-571.
    The issues that Foucault raises about reception and reading are certainly part of the contemporary discussion of literature. However, they are not the only issues with which we, as today’s readers, are concerned. Discussions about the role of the author persist and so we continue to have recourse to the notion of authorship.For instance, in her recent book Sexual / Textual Politics , the feminist critic Toril Moi feels called on to return to these twenty-year-old issues in French theory to (...)
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  17. Unraveling the production of ignorance in climate policymaking: The imperative of a decolonial feminist intervention for transformation.Seema Arora-Jonsson - 2023 - Environmental Science and Policy 149.
    Feminist decolonial scholars have called for disengaging from the current system built on a hierarchical logic of race and gender central to modern, colonial thinking. They have looked to worlds outside the modern system to lead us out of current unjust practices harming both humans and the environment. Although policymaking may be seen as the stronghold of the current political agenda and of the structures that have led to the climate crisis, we argue that climate policies too, are also crucial (...)
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  18.  26
    Arguing with the phallus: feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory: a psychoanalytic contribution.Jan Campbell - 2000 - New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin's Press.
    What can psychoanalysis offer contemporary arguments in the fields of Feminism, Queer Theory and Post-Colonialism? Jan Campbell introduces and analyses the way that psychoanalysis has developed and made problematic models of subjectivity linked to issues of sexuality, ethnicity, gender, and history. Via discussions of such influential and diverse figures as Lacan, Irigaray, Kristeva, Dollimore, Bhabha, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker, Campbell uses psychoanalysis as a mediatory tool in a range of debates across the human sciences, while also (...)
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  19.  18
    Mechanical Maids and Family Androids: Racialised Post-Care Imaginaries in Humans (2015–), Sleep Dealer (2008) and Her (2013). [REVIEW]Kerry Mackereth - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):24-39.
    Feminist investigations into caring technologies emphasise the tension between their reproduction of care’s assumed femininity and their ability to destabilise gendered markers and systems. However, the existing literature ignores the historical racialisation of care and its perpetuation in the form of the posthuman caring object. This article examines how racialised relations of power shape the posthumanisation of care in three science-fiction works, Channel 4’s television show Humans (2015), Alex Riviera’s film Sleep Dealer (2008) and Spike Jonze’s film Her (2013). While (...)
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  20.  90
    Feminism and the Anthropocene: Assessing the Field through Recent Books.Paulla Ebron & Anna Tsing - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):658.
    Abstract:This assessment of the field explores a confluence of feminist thinking about the 20th-century Great Acceleration in the United States: post-World-War II projects of modernization made the security of white nuclear families global models of well-being, while banishing the work of their securitization to non-white sacrifice zones—which eventually came to encompass most of the earth. “Anthropocene” is thus a project of making race and gender as much as making capital. The essay continues into feminist arguments for limiting the Anthropocene (...)
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  21.  94
    Contested psychiatric ontology and feminist critique.Katherine Angel - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (4):3-24.
    In this article I discuss the emergence of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) within American psychiatry and beyond in the postwar period, setting out what I believe to be important and suggestive questions neglected in existing scholarship. Tracing the nomenclature within successive editions of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( DSM), I consider the reification of the term ‘FSD’, and the activism and scholarship that the rise of the category has occasioned. I suggest that analysis of FSD benefits (...)
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  22.  8
    The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Ideology After the Fall of Socialism.Renata Salecl - 1994 - Routledge.
    The rise of nationalist, racist and anti-feminist ideologies is one of the most frightening repercussions of the collapse of socialism. Using psychoanalytic theories of fantasy to investigate why such extremist ideologies have taken hold, Renata Salecl argues that the major social and political changes in post-communist Eastern Europe require a radical re-evaluation of notions of liberal theories of democracy. In doing so she offers a new approach to human rights and feminism grounded in her own active partipation (...)
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  23. Ecce homo, ain't (ar'n't) I a woman, and inappropriate/d others: The human in a post-humanist landscape.Donna Haraway - 1992 - In Judith Butler & Joan Wallach Scott (eds.), Feminists theorize the political. New York: Routledge. pp. 86--100.
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  24. Being in Flux: A Post-Anthropocentric Ontology of the Self.Rein Raud - 2021 - Cambridge, UK: Wiley.
    Reality exists independently of human observers, but does the same apply to its structure? Realist ontologies usually assume so: according to them, the world consists of objects, these have properties and enter into relations with each other, more or less as we are accustomed to think of them. Against this view, Rein Raud develops a radical process ontology that does not credit any vantage point, any scale or speed of being, any range of cognitive faculties with the privilege to (...)
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  25.  50
    A “Quick and Dirty” Approach to Women’s Emancipation and Human Rights?1.Sari Kouvo - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (1):37-46.
    During the past decade, women’s and human rights ‘language’ has moved from the margins to the ‘mainstream’ of international law and politics. In this paper, the author argues that while feminists and human rights activists criticise the ‘mainstream’s interpretation of women’s and human rights, ‘we’ do not question what becoming part of the mainstream and the cosmopolitan classes has meant for us. Drawing on examples of how women’s and human rights arguments have been used in the (...)
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    The Coloniality of Contemporary Human Rights Discourses on ‘Honour’ in and Around the United Nations.Hasret Cetinkaya - 2023 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (3):343-367.
    In United Nations (UN) human rights reporting and analysis, ‘honour’ has been systematically conflated with ‘honour-related violence’ (HRV). However, honour and HRV are not the same thing. In this article I examine contemporary UN human rights discourses around honour. I argue that these discourses are underpinned by racialised and orientalist-colonial imaginaries which falsely categorise people and places as either having or not having honour. This conflation presents honour as a cultural problem attributed to racialised communities mostly associated with (...)
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  27.  21
    An Anthology of western Marxism: from Lukács and Gramsci to socialist-feminism.Roger S. Gottlieb (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This unique anthology brings together readings from the works of the most significant post-Leninist Marxist thinkers. The selections reflect the diversity and high intellectual accomplishment of twentieth-century Marxism and show how these theorists have transformed traditional Marxism's general philosophical orientation, interpretation of historical materialism, models of socialist political practice, and conception of human liberation. The writings reveal the evolution of a sophisticated and democratic Marxism with a theoretical emphasis on class consciousness and subjectivity, a resistance to all forms (...)
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  28. Prospects for a New Humanism in a Post-Humanist Age: Re-Examining the Later Works of Jean-Paul Sartre.Elizabeth C. Butterfield - 2004 - Dissertation, Emory University
    While the postmodern critique of universals provides important insights, it also leaves us in an unacceptable position---lacking solid justification for moral judgments and political action, and unable to generalize about human experience. I argue that the best response to relativism lies in a new humanism. Any new humanism must be "post-humanist"---taking into account valid critiques of past humanisms, incorporating multicultural voices, and building upon an understanding of the common human condition that does not erase or ignore difference. (...)
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  29. Gender justice and the welfare state in post-communism.Anca Gheaus - 2008 - Feminist Theory 9 (2):185-206.
    Some Romanian feminist scholars argue that welfare policies of post-communist states are deeply unjust to women and preclude them from reaching economic autonomy. The upshot of this argument is that liberal economic policy would advance feminist goals better than the welfare state. How should we read this dissonance between Western and some Eastern feminist scholarship concerning distributive justice? I identify the problem of dependency at the core of a possible debate about feminism and welfare. Worries about how decades (...)
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    Legitimating a theodicy : Peter Berger and the search for meaning in post-Enlightenment society.James A. Collins - unknown
    This thesis seeks to provide an overview and examination of the thought of the significant contemporary sociologist, Peter L. Berger. Berger is concerned with the issue of how meaning is constructed in modern, secular, bureaucratic society. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to outline, and trace the development of, Berger's thought. To achieve this the thesis examines Berger's use of the disciplines of the sociology of knowledge and religion, along with contemporary studies in religion and theology. Berger, by linking the function of (...)
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    Shame and Absence: Feminist and Theological Reflections.Lenart Škof - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):1-3.
    This paper deals with the concept of three eras, as brought to us firstly in the Babylonian Talmud, and later reshaped and reformulated by Christian theologians Joachim of Fiore, Amalric of Bène, and finally by Luce Irigaray. In the first part, we start with the idea of the three eras. This is followed by a critical approach to Sloterdijk’s You must change your life in which religion is substituted by the anthropotechnics. We argue that even in these secular times, the (...)
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    Multiple ontologies of Alzheimer’s disease in Still Alice and A Song for Martin: A feminist visual studies of technoscience perspective.Dragana Lukić - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (4):375-389.
    The prevalence of dementia is increasing worldwide but there is still no hope of a cure. Huge resources go into biomedical research, whose reductive ‘enactment’ has severe consequences for women, who are predominantly affected by dementia. To challenge such tragic enactment, this article considers ‘multiple ontologies’ of the most common type of dementia – Alzheimer’s disease – in the popular fictional film adaptations Still Alice and A Song for Martin. Using a post-humanist account of feminist visual studies of technoscience, (...)
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  33. Whatever Happened to "Wisdom"?: "Human Beings" or "Human Becomings?".Roger Ames & Yih-Hsien Yu - 2007 - Philosophy and Culture 34 (6):71-87.
    Sri Lanka completed eloquent pull Dage described the love of wisdom is a holistic, practical way of life, which of course requires an abstract, theoretical science of meditation, more importantly, it also contains many religious practices is legal, such as flexible do not rot the soul, bitter conduct regular ring legal, social and political reform program, sustained ethics reflection, body control, dietary rules and taboos. However, this Pythagorean philosophy as a better life to all the light and fade away In (...)
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    Sexual Dimorphism and the Value of Feminist Bioethics.Nancy J. Matchett - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7):18-20.
    Robert Sparrow has recently claimed that unless there are reasons to think the sexed nature of human beings is normatively significant, current trends in bioethical reasoning force the conclusion that “we may do well to move toward a ‘post sex’ humanity” (American Journal of Bioethics 10: 7 (2010)). This commentary uses basic methodological principles from feminist ethics to argue that he has, in fact, given no reasons to think that a 'post sex' humanity is any more valuable (...)
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    The Making of a Human Rights Issue: A Cross-National Analysis of Gender-Based Violence in Textbooks, 1950-2011.Christine Min Wotipka, Julia C. Lerch & S. Garnett Russell - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (5):713-738.
    In the past few decades, awareness around gender-based violence has expanded on a global scale with increased attention in global treaties, organizations, and conferences. Previously a taboo topic, it is now viewed as a human rights violation in the broader world culture. Drawing on a quantitative analysis of 568 textbooks from 76 countries from across the world, we examine the extent to which this growing global attention to GBV has filtered down into national educational curricula. We find that textbook (...)
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  36. Tabula Rasa and Human Nature.Robert Duschinsky - 2012 - Philosophy 87 (4):509-529.
    It is widely believed that the philosophical concept of 'tabula rasa' originates with Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding and refers to a state in which a child is as formless as a blank slate. Given that both these beliefs are entirely false, this article will examine why they have endured from the eighteenth century to the present. Attending to the history of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry and feminist scholarship it will be shown how the image of the tabula rasa has (...)
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    Reading the Mother Tongue: Psychoanalytic Feminist Criticism.Jane Gallop - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):314-329.
    In the early seventies, American feminist literary criticism had little patience for psychoanalytic interpretation, dismissing it along with other forms of what Mary Ellmann called “phallic criticism.”1 Not that psychoanalytic literary criticism was a specific target of feminist critics, but Freud and his science were viewed by feminism in general as prime perpetrators of patriarchy. If we take Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics2 as the first book of modern feminist criticism, let us remark that she devotes ample space and energy (...)
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    Between Orientalism and Fundamentalism: The Politics of Muslim Women's Feminist Engagement.Jasmin Zine - 2006 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 3 (1).
    Discourses of race, gender and religion have scripted the terms of engagement in the war on terror. As a result, Muslim feminists and activists must engage with the dual oppressions of Islamophobia that relies on re-vitalized Orientalist tropes and representations of backward, oppressed and politically immature Muslim women as well as religious extremism and puritan discourses that authorize equally limiting narratives of Islamic womanhood and compromise their human rights and liberty. The purpose of this discussion is to examine the (...)
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    Unsettling the South through Postcolonial Feminist Theory.Amy Piedalue & Susmita Rishi - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):548.
    Abstract:Across public and intellectual audiences, postcolonial feminism is often understood to only apply to the “post-colony”. This assumption fails to capture the significant intellectual contributions of postcolonial feminist theory, whilst relegating postcolonial feminist scholars' insights to the margins of the academy and social theory. This move reproduces temporal and geographic logics that presume imperialism “happened” only in the past (and is complete/over) and only in territories counted as the properties of (former) empires (i.e. in the global South and (...)
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    Identity in World History: A Post-Modern Perspective.Lewis D. Wurgaft - 1995 - History and Theory 34 (2):67-85.
    Since Erik Erikson's clinical and psychohistorical writings of the 1950s and 1960s, the notion of identity has served as a bridge between formulations of personality development and the psychosocial aspects of cultural cohesiveness. More recently, under the influence of a postmodern perspective, clinical writers have questioned the notion of a stable, integrative identity or self as an organizing agent in human behavior. In the area of gender identity, particularly, feminist theorists have criticized the construction of polarized gender identities both (...)
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    Should I Speak for My Sister? Solidarity and Silence in Feminist Struggles.Tracey Nicholls - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (1):12-41.
    This article is concerned with issues of solidarity and silencing within feminist practice, and with possibilities for responsible and respectful cross-cultural criticism. It analyzes claims about principles of feminist practice and democratic solidarity that were articulated as justifications for the conflicting positions taken by feminist organizations in Haïti and feminists elsewhere in the Caribbean with respect to the legitimacy of Haitian president Aristide’s removal from power in February 2004. The central, and contentious, issue that arises in this post-coup “war (...)
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    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human (...)
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    The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought.Nicholas Boyle & Liz Disley (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    German Idealism is arguably the most influential force in philosophy over the past two hundred years. This major four-volume work is the first comprehensive survey of its impact on science, religion, sociology and the humanities, and brings together fifty-two leading scholars from across Europe and North America. Each essay discusses an idea or theme from Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Fichte, or another key figure, shows how this influenced a thinker or field of study in the subsequent two centuries, and how that (...)
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  44. The Making and Maintenance of Human Rights in an Age of Skepticism.Abram Trosky - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):347-353.
    The democratic surprises of 2016—Brexit and the Trump phenomenon—fueled by “fake news”, both real and imagined, have come to constitute a centrifugal, nationalistic, even tribal moment in politics. Running counter to the shared postwar narrative of increasing internationalism, these events reignited embers of cultural and moral relativism in academia and public discourse dormant since the culture wars of the 1990s and ‘60s. This counternarrative casts doubt on the value of belief in universal human rights, which many in the humanities (...)
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    African Women, the Vision of Equality and the Quest for Empowerment: Addressing Inequalities at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Future.Casimir Ani, Emmanuel Ome & Okpara Maudline - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):466.
    The history of women has been defined by a world enmeshed in woes, frustration, oppression, maltreatment and inequalities. Feminism as a philosophy of change sought to fight, end and change this woeful scenario of women that denied their self respect, dignity and led to a loss of self confidence. Fundamentally, feminist philosophy sought for explanations and justifications why women were denied a voice and why they were historically not treated as coequals of men. The basis of inequality is historically (...)
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  46. Uses of “the Pluriverse”: Cosmos, Interrupted — or the Others of Humanities.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Ostium 15 (2).
    In this paper, I engage with the motif of “the pluriverse” such as it has increasingly been used in the past few years in several strands of critical humanities pertaining to the so-called “ontological turn”: science and technology studies (Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers), critical geography and political ontology (Mario Blaser), cultural anthropology (Marisol de la Cadena, Arturo Escobar, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro), decolonial thought (Walter Mignolo), or posthuman feminism (Donna Haraway). These various iterations of the figure of the pluriverse (...)
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    Od posthumanismu k hyperhumanismu.Michael Hauser - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (Mimořádné číslo 2):10-29.
    Humanism is in a state of crisis, for which there are three principle reasons. The first results from theoretical criticisms from post-structuralism, feminism, postcolonialism and environmental thinking. The second flows from scientific and technological developments (biogenetics, evolutionary theory, robotics and artificial intelligence) and the third from scientific and technological capitalism. We are in a post-human time of transition that invites us to seek alternative conceptions of the human being. I introduce here an approach elaborated by (...)
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  48. “Gender is No Substitute for Sex”: A Comparative Human Rights Analysis of the Legal Regulation of Sexual Identity.Sharon Cowan - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (1):67-96.
    U.K. regulation of sexual identity within a marriage context has traditionally been linked to biological sex. In response to the European Court of Human Rights decisions in Goodwin and I.,2 and in order to address the question of whether a transsexual person can be treated as a “real” member of their adoptive sex, the U.K. has recently passed the Gender Recognition Act 2004. While the Act appears to signal a move away from biology and towards a conception of sexual (...)
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    Introduction: Anthropocene Feminisms: Rethinking the Unthinkable.Claire Colebrook & Jami Weinstein - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):167-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionAnthropocene Feminisms: Rethinking the UnthinkableClaire Colebrook and Jami WeinsteinIn her recent lecture on the Anthropocene (to which she adds the Capitalocene and the Chthulucene), Donna Haraway expresses some alarm that after two major insights into what counts as thinkable, it was “anthropos” that became the term for the post-Holocene (Haraway 2014). Haraway declares, with emphasis, that it is “literally unthinkable” to work with the individual unit of “man” (...)
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    Post-Human and Trans-Human in the Future Perspective of the Humanity.Oksana Chursinova & Maria Sinelnikova - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (1).
    The article considers the issue of chnging the main anthropic characteristics of a human under the influence of the rapid development of the latest technologies. Such changes cause the need to revise the usual interpretation of the concept of ‘human’, which is gradually being substituted by the currently popular concepts of ‘trans-’ and ‘post-human’. These concepts are favourably perceived by the techno-optimists, who believe that the latest technologies will allow us to create people who will be (...)
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