Results for ' motifs'

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  1.  12
    Love Motifs in Prudentius.Rosario Moreno Soldevila - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (2):295-312.
    By analysing three paradigmatic passages, this paper explores how Prudentius uses classical love motifs and imagery not only to lambast paganism, but also as a powerful rhetorical tool to convey his Christian message. The ‘fire of love’ imagery is conspicuous in Psychomachia 53–57, which wittily blends Christian and erotic language. In an entirely different context, the flamma amoris is also fully exploited to depict lustful young Vestal Virgins, in combination with other classical metaphors of passion, such as the ‘wound (...)
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    Developmental motifs reveal complex structure in cell lineages.Nicholas Geard, Seth Bullock, Rolf Lohaus, Ricardo B. R. Azevedo & Janet Wiles - 2011 - Complexity 16 (4):48-57.
    Many natural and technological systems are complex, with organizational structures that exhibit characteristic patterns but defy concise description. One effective approach to analyzing such systems is in terms of repeated topological motifs. Here, we extend the motif concept to characterize the dynamic behavior of complex systems by introducing developmental motifs, which capture patterns of system growth. As a proof of concept, we use developmental motifs to analyze the developmental cell lineage of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, revealing a (...)
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    How motif environment influences transcription factor search dynamics: Finding a needle in a haystack.Iris Dror, Remo Rohs & Yael Mandel-Gutfreund - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):605-612.
    Transcription factors (TFs) have to find their binding sites, which are distributed throughout the genome. Facilitated diffusion is currently the most widely accepted model for this search process. Based on this model the TF alternates between one‐dimensional sliding along the DNA, and three‐dimensional bulk diffusion. In this view, the non‐specific associations between the proteins and the DNA play a major role in the search dynamics. However, little is known about how the DNA properties around the motif contribute to the search. (...)
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    Motif of Death in Ukrainian-Canadian Poetry.I. S. Liashenko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:28-37.
    _Purpose_ of the research is to study the originality of interpretation of death in the lyrics of Ukrainian diaspora in Canada in the context of the opposition "foreign land – motherland", based on its existential development in philosophical anthropology and culture of the last two centuries. Its implementation presupposes, first of all, analysis of the forms of development and disclosure of the death motif by figurative and artistic means. _Theoretical basis__._ The author uses the well-founded tradition of interpreting the death (...)
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    The Motif of the Messianic: Law, Life, and Writing in Agamben's Reading of Derrida.Arthur Willemse - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between the works of Agamben and Jacques Derrida. Arthur Willemse explains how Agamben’s thought renders Derridean terminology inoperative—by suspending the suspense of signification. He argues that this is Agamben’s way of undoing a theological structure of thought that philosophy has unknowingly appropriated.
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    Motif Inkarnasi dalam Soteriologi Yohanes Duns Scotus.Bernard Rahadian - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (1):93-123.
    John Duns Scotus offered an alternative perspective to respect on the mystery of salvation by examining the motive behind the incarnation. Scotus believed that salvation is Christocentric: Motive wise, God incarnate is not primarily anthropocentric, which focuses on the sinfulness of humankind, as traditionally understood in the Catholic Scholastic Theology and taught by Anselm of Canterbury and Thomas Aquinas, but as a total manifestation of His love. Scotus’ Christocentric approach to salvation is in line with his thought on freedom and (...)
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    The Motif of Self-Contemplation in Water or in a Mirror in the Enneads and Related Creation Myths.Sonja Weiss - 2007 - Chôra 5:79-96.
    L'article compare le motif de la contemplation de sa propre image dans une surface réfléchissante chez Plotin avec des motifs semblables que l'on trouvenon seulement dans les récits mythologiques, mais aussi dans les doctrines cosmologiques des systèmes philosophiques, gnostiques surtout, qui sont à la fois proches de Plotin et concurrent, à l'égard de la philosophie plotinienne. En même temps, en analysant deux métaphores mythologiques, dont une se sert du motif de la réflexion dans le miroir (le mythe orphique du (...)
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    Le motif cartésien dans la phénoménologie polonaise (1895-2015) : Transformations, polémiques, perspectives.Witold Płotka & Dariusz Adamski - 2017 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 121 (2):167-196.
    L’article constitue un essai de caractéristique du motif cartésien dans la phénoménologie polonaise, dès ses premières réactions jusqu’à ses formulations les plus récentes. Son autre objectif est de présenter les positions, les argumentations et les transformations principales qui, toutes ensemble, forment le motif cartésien. Par « motif cartésien », l’auteur entend un ensemble de questions, de problèmes et de propositions de les résoudre, liés entre eux et se rapportant aux éléments spécifiques des philosophies de Descartes et de Husserl. Cet article, (...)
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    The Motif of the Dragon or How to Distinguish between Literary Sub-Genres in French Modern Fiction.Julie Sorba & Iva Novakova - 2022 - Iris 42.
    Our study in corpus linguistics shows how phraseological units allow us to distinguish between literary genres. In order to do so, we propose to analyze in detail two textual motifs and specific to fantasy novels, the second one being moreover transversal. By studying the discursive functions of these two motifs, we show the contribution of this phraseological modeling to the generic analysis.
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    A Motif-Based Analysis to Reveal Local Implied Information in Cross-Shareholding Networks.Qian Liu, Huajiao Li, Feng An, Nairong Liu, Qing Guan, Jingjing Jia & Pengli An - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    Cross-shareholding is a new type of strategic means for capital operation and is an important component of corporate governance. With the increasing complexity of business motivation, the structure of a cross-shareholding network is becoming more intricate, and it exposes various important local patterns with different economic functions. The goal of this paper is to uncover investment mechanisms and economic functions implied in cross-shareholding networks by analyzing the local characteristic patterns of company interactions. In this paper, we construct the CSNs of (...)
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  11. Peripatetic motifs in the gnosiology of Bruno in the'dialoghi italiani'.Leen Spruit - 1989 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 18 (4):367-399.
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    Ethnographic motif in the decorative and applied art of Krasnoyarsk. History and modernity.Anastasiya Petrovna Grishchenko - 2022 - Философия И Культура 4:126-133.
    The article deals with the professional decorative and applied art of Krasnoyarsk from the 50s of the twentieth century to the present. The aspect of consideration is the use of the ethnographic motif of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the features of its embodiment in the products of Krasnoyarsk artists of decorative and applied art. Using the example of the creativity of N.V. Kasatkina, A.G. Tkachev, A.S. Moskvitin, A.S. Migas, S.E. Anufriev and E.A. Krasnova, the aspects of the use of the (...)
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    Motifs of Death and Immortality in Andrei Platonov’s The Foundation Pit and in Christian Patristics.Ekaterina P. Aristova - 2020 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 58 (3):237-245.
    Andrei Platonov’s The Foundation Pit contains its own interpretation of the interaction between life and death. Scholars are usually focused on the influence of Nikolai Fedorov’s philosophy, but re...
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  14. Le motif de l'Incarnation.L. Renwart - 1994 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 116 (6):883-897.
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    A Motif That Frequently Dealt With In Sufistic Mesnevis: Travel/Journey.Ömer Özkan - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1755-1778.
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    Motifs insights from engineering systems architectures.A. S. Shaja & K. Sudhakar - 2013 - Complexity 18 (2):45-52.
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  17. Les motifs zoroastriens dans la philosophie de Sohrawardî.Henry Corbin - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:214-215.
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    From sequential to hierarchical motifs : what can bring Recurrent Lexico-syntactic Trees to the identification of discursive routines.Olivier Kraif & Agnès Tutin - 2017 - Corpus 17.
    Cet article propose une réflexion à la fois théorique et méthodologique sur les objets de la phraséologie étendue, qui s’intéresse à des unités préfabriquées du discours au-delà des critères de figement. Plus précisément, nous tentons de clarifier le concept général de motif, ainsi que celui, plus spécifique, de routine discursive. Nous proposons ensuite de comparer deux approches méthodologiques différentes pour l’identification des routines en corpus : une méthode hiérarchique, basée sur le repérage d’arbres lexico-syntaxiques récurrents (ALR), et la méthode séquentielle (...)
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  19. Polish motifs in the life and the affaire of Galileo.Karolina Targosz - 2009 - Epistemologia 32 (1):23-70.
    The paper presents the question of relations between Galileo Galilei and the polish establishment and cultural world. Taking the departure from the classical essay by Biliński, and preserving its structure, the present paper describes these relations in the larger perspective of recent polish publications dedicated to this question.
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    Bioethical motifs in the literary work of Karel Čapek.Petr Jemelka - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):168-180.
    This text presents an assessment of the literary work of Karel Čapek from a perspective that has not yet been discussed. It focuses on analysing Čapek’s works from the viewpoint of their possible inspiration by bioethical issues. Čapek’s philosophy and the powerful ethical charge of his texts tend to be associated with his interest in pragmatism, a subject to which he, however, took an individual and critical approach. One of the most important categories of his way of thinking is life. (...)
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    Motifs from Genesis 1-11 in the Genuine Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian.Jonas C. Greenfield & Tryggve Kronholm - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):190.
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    Anthropomorphic Motifs in Ancient Greek Ideas on the Origin of the Cosmos.Zuzana Zelinová & František Škvrnda - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (2):172-183.
    In our article, we will focus on an analysis of the relationship between man and the cosmos, set against the backdrop of ancient Greek ideas about the origin of the world. On the one hand, we will deal with the images of the creation of the world provided in Greek mythology and the religious tradition associated with it (in particular Hesiod); on the other hand, we will approach the anthropomorphic elements within the framework of philosophical cosmogonies (Plato’s dialogue, the Timaeus). (...)
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    Handicrafts Motifs’ Reflection in Folksay in Konya Region.Emine Nas - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1619-1633.
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    (1 other version)Pre-Islamic religious motifs (550 BC to 651 AD) on Iranian minor art with focus on rug motifs.Abouali Ladan & Jake Kaner - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    This article reviewed the influence of pre-Islamic religions such as Mithraism and Zoroastrianism on decorative elements of ancient Persian rugs. The article then evaluated the effect of the Islamic religion on Persian rugs. This was examined through extant evidence from pre–Islamic empire artefacts and publications in Persian carpet history, iconography and religious studies. Using spiritual motifs on some ancient rugs results from the important position of rugs in ancient Iranians’ lives. Believing the existence of religious motifs on Persian (...)
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  25.  24
    Motifs PS.-Dionysiens dans la démonologie de Thomas d’Aquin.Marta Borgo - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:465-500.
    Après avoir situé la démonologie de l’Aquinate par rapport à son angélologie et au dogme, l’article étudie les notions de bonté et intégrité de la nature des anges déchus, que Thomas d’Aquin élabore en s’appuyant sur le quatrième chapitre du De divinis nominibus. L’enquête est conduite à partir de l’examen du riche dossier angélologique constitué à l’occasion de la rédaction du De substantiis separatis et vise à préciser le rôle que la (re)lecture de Denys joue dans l’élaboration de la pensée (...)
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    The Motif of the Irreparable: Potentiality, Contingency, and Redemption in Agamben's Theology.Arthur Willemse - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (4):678-691.
    The work of Giorgio Agamben relies heavily on two rather opaque notions: the messianic and the irreparable. This essay is devoted to an analysis of the latter. After surveying the existing literature, I take my cue from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's prison letters and prepare the way for my own analysis of Agamben's irreparable. In the final part of the essay, I compare the irreparable with Agamben's use of Benjamin's thought of something unforgettable. I understand the role of the irreparable in this (...)
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    The Wolf Motif in the Hobbesian Text.Cécile Voisset-Veysseyre - 2010 - Hobbes Studies 23 (2):124-138.
    Hobbesian anthropology makes use of the wolf motif, a Roman and Republican one, by which Hobbes defines a state of nature as a state of war where men live in diffidence each other and where fear is law; the wolf is there a timid or unsociable animal, not a sanguinary or savage creature. But against ancient philosophers and moral writers - Aristotle, Cicero - who regard man as a rational being and who believe in a right reason, the modern philosopher (...)
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    Christian Motifs and Themes in the Life and Works of Aleksei Fedorovich Losev.V. I. Postovalova - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (3):83-92.
    Aleksei Fedorovich Losev did not share the hereditary Russian prejudice that science and philosophy exclude religion . Although he did not leave any specialized works in theology, the history of religion, or the foundations of the Christian worldview, many of his books, lines from letters, and fragments of conversations and, most importantly, his whole way of life and life journey show that all his life he reflected continuously and intensely on themes of the Christian faith and, primarily, of the Orthodox (...)
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    Parallel motifs in the works of Jan Amos comenius and baltasar gracian.J. A. Sanchez - 2005 - Acta Comeniana 19.
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  30. The Woman-and-Tree Motif in the Ancient and Contemporary India.Marzenna Jakbczak - 2017 - In Retracing the Past: Historical Continuity in Aesthetics from a Global Perspective. International Association for Aesthetics. pp. 79-93.
    The paper aims at critical reconsideration of a motif popular in Indian literary, ritual, and pictorial traditions – a tree goddess (yakṣī, vṛkṣakā) or a woman embracing a tree (śālabhañjīkā, dohada), which points to a close and intimate bond between women and trees. At the outset, I present the most important phases of the evolution of this popular motif from the ancient times to present days. Then two essential characteristics of nature recognized in Indian visual arts, literature, religions and philosophy (...)
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  31. Les motifs de la philosophie d'Eugenio Rignano.F. Enriques - 1930 - Scientia 24 (47):149.
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    Conflicting Motifs in Ibn Gabirol’s Discussion of Matter and Evil.T. M. Rudavsky - 1978 - New Scholasticism 52 (1):54-71.
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    Agon motif.D. Platchias - unknown
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    Motifs towards a Poetics.Michel Deguy - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:55-67.
    Contemporary poetry—true to the changes brought about by the poetics of modernity at the turn of the century—far from glorifying the ‘lyrical illusion’ and from favouring ‘romantic’ identifications with heroes standing ‘alone against all’, that madness of a subject believing himself to be the only exception to the law, had in fact to tone down its song, had to pull down its hopes, had to interiorize its failures in order to turn them into paradoxes … What failures? The failures of (...)
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    The shock of recognition: motifs of modern art and science.Lewis Pyenson - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In The Shock of Recognition, Lewis Pyenson uses a method called Historical Complementarity to identify the motif of non-figurative abstraction in modern art and science. He identifies the motif in Picasso's and Einstein's educational environments. He shows how this motif in domestic furnishing and in urban lighting set the stage for Picasso's and Einstein's professional success before 1914. He applies his method to intellectual life in Argentina, using it to address that nation's focus on an inventory of the natural world (...)
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    Le motif de la création selon Schelling.Emilio Brito - 1985 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 16 (2):139-162.
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    A Pedestal with the Motif of Solomon’s Seal: The Minaret of Ibrahim Efendi Mosque in Kilis.Akın Tercanli - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (64):183-206.
    It is acknowledged that most motifs used in Western art have an iconographic counterpart. It is inferred that the geometric and floral motifs that we encounter in Anatolia are provided by the world meanings such as “ornamentation”, “talisman”, “power” or “strength”, which have a wide place in folk beliefs, rather than creating a meaning by combining with religious images. In this study, it is focused that on the minaret of the Ibrahim Efendi Mosque in Kilis with the Seal (...)
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    A Transalpine Motif in Counter-Reformation Italy: Animal Analogies with the Ages of Man and Cristofano Bertelli’s Steps of Life.Sara F. Matthews-Grieco - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):123-165.
    Cristofano Bertelli’s companion broadsheets, printed in Modena in the 1560s, represent a failed attempt to introduce a new iconographic theme to the Italian print market. Contrary to the vibrant success of transalpine prints representing the Steps of Life with animal analogies, Bertelli’s initiative did not stimulate Italian visual culture to produce the multiple copies, imitations and derivations long enjoyed by this motif in areas north of the Alps. The only other, comparable images to appear in the peninsula in the course (...)
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    The Motif of the Woman in the Doorway and Related Imagery in Traditional Chinese Funerary Art.Paul R. Goldin - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):539-548.
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    The shepherd-leader motif as a pastoral model for a globalizing church.Nathan H. Gunter - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (3):87-105.
    The simultaneous globalization and demographic shift of the Church to the Global South has produced an unprecedented climate for theological work. Pastors and theologians are confronted with the task of developing theological systems that are faithful to the authoritative standard of Scripture, tailored to the increasingly complex needs of their local contexts, and sensitive to the ongoing dialogue of other leaders around the globe. In light of the increasing cross-cultural dialogue among scholars and pastors within a globalized church and a (...)
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    Hypothesis: An apparent dimerization motif in the third domain of alphafetoprotein: Molecular mimicry of the steroid/thyroid nuclear receptor superfamily.G. J. Mizejewski - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (6):427-432.
    Alpha‐fetoprotein (AFP)AFP, alpha‐fetoprotein; T3R, thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine) receptor; RAR, retionic acid receptor; erbA, putative thyroid hormone receptor proto‐oncogene products; VDR, vitamin D receptor; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; PR, progesterone receptor; AR, androgen receptor; HRE, hormone response element on DNA; RXR, retionic‐X‐receptor; RAP, receptor auxiliary (accessory) proteins; E, estrogen. is a tumor‐associated fetal marker, associated both with tumor growth and with birth defects. AFP, whose precise function is unknown, has been classified as belonging to a protein superfamily together with (...)
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    Le motif des coqs affrontés dans l'imagerie antique.Philippe Bruneau - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (1):90-121.
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    Japanese Motifs in the Poem Slávy dcera.Jan Kollâr - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (1):79-90.
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    Motifs of “the North” in Young Osip Mandelstam’s Philosophical–Poetic Works.Alexei A. Kara-Murza - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (2):136-145.
    This article examines the problem of cultural–civilizational self-identification in the early philosophical–poetic works of Osip Emil’evich Mandelstam. The author argues that Mandelstam...
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    The Lightscape as Literary Motif for Inequality in Les Belles Images, The Mandarins, and America Day by Day.Amber Bal - 2023 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 33 (1):142-163.
    This article examines Simone de Beauvoir’s use of a literary motif to convey her philosophical position on inequality in different geographical locations. The “lightscape,” an evocation of place that foregrounds light’s obfuscation of gritty reality, is considered across three works: Les Belles Images, The Mandarins, and America Day by Day. In these texts, the lightscape’s bifurcated presentation of a given locale reflects how inequality hides in plain sight, and divides the rich from the poor, respectively aligning them with the beautiful (...)
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    Tree of Life Motif, Late Bronze Canaanite Cult, and a Recently Discovered Krater from Tel Burna.Christian Locatell, Chris McKinny & Itzhaq Shai - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):573-596.
    This paper discusses a krater recently discovered in a cultic building at Tel Burna in the Shephelah. Of special interest is the krater’s relatively well-preserved decoration containing multiple nature scenes related to the so-called tree of life or sacred tree motif. The krater’s physical description and archaeological context and the decoration’s relationship to relevant comparanda are explored in order to elucidate the significance of its iconography. In light of this discussion, we conclude that the decoration includes an abstract representation of (...)
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  47. The Jamesian Motif in Stephen Crane's Last Novels.Thomas Arthur Gullason - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (1):77.
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    Girilayu Batik Motifs and their Forms of Symbolic Contemplation.Agus Sachari, Arianti Ayu Puspita & Desy Nurcahyanti - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):207-216.
    This article discusses the factors that confer a contemplative atmosphere to the village of Girilayu and stimulate local artisans to create batik motifs that contain symbolic philosophical meanings that confer ethical values to batik making while adapting to contemporary design and technological processes. Since 2016, Mbok Semok batik has struggled to preserve local traditions and patterns that stimulate contemplation in its designs. The paper is based an ethnographic approach involving data collection from Girilayu batik artisans; later analyzed using a (...)
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    Le motif de Phèdre sur une stèle thasienne.Pierre Devambez - 1955 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 79 (1):121-134.
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    Transformation of the caryatid motif from Forum Augusti in urban ensembles of Campania and Roman Spain. Semantics, stylistics and iconography.Шадрина С.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:61-73.
    The object of research in this article is the motif of caryatids in the decoration of the Forum of Augustus. Along with other elements, it is repeated in the ensembles of the cities of Roman Spain and region of Campania. It is believed that the August Forum in its decorative program broadcasts the most important ideological markers of the Early Empire era. In particular, the caryatids decorating the attic of the portico are reduced replicas of the famous figures of the (...)
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