Results for ' masculinité, corps, régime sexuel, organisations sportives, masculinité hégémonique, violence, médias, racisme, transgression, queer'

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  1.  24
    Sport et masculinités.Jim McKay & Suzanne Laberge - 2006 - Clio 23:239-267.
    Cet article examine le régime sexuel du sport en se fondant sur des recherches récentes portant sur les hommes et les masculinités. Malgré le caractère tenace des liens entre les hommes, les masculinités et le sport, nous croyons que le sport constitue un contexte idéal pour « étudier par le haut », comme le propose Connell (1990), l'ordre hiérarchique de genre. Cinq secteurs de recherche sont abordés : les organisations sportives, les corps et le modèle de « puissance (...)
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    La gymnastique d’entretien au xxe siècle : d’une valorisation de la masculinité hégémonique à l’expression d’un féminisme en action.Natalia Bazoge - 2006 - Clio 23:197-208.
    Au début du xxe siècle, les pratiques physiques d’entretien s’organisent autour du culte de la force, tant dans les sociétés militaires que dans les gymnases de culture physique. Le choix d’une telle pratique permet alors de se conformer aux normes de la masculinité hégémonique. La gymnastique d’entretien pour les femmes se développe en marge mettant en avant des valeurs plus conformes aux attendus médicaux et sociaux, sous contrôle masculin. Dans les années soixante-dix la Gymnastique Volontaire offre des caractéristiques structurelles (...)
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    Féminité et esthétique sportive dans l’Italie fasciste.Gigliola Gori - 2006 - Clio 23:93-118.
    En Italie, bien que le secteur masculin se soit continuellement développé (en atteignant son point d’orgue avec le fascisme), l’éducation physique féminine a rencontré des difficultés à être mise en œuvre dans un pays profondément pénétré de traditionalisme, de religiosité et de misogynie. Jusqu’à l’évènement de la révolution fasciste, a plupart des Italiens croyaient à l’infériorité physique et mentale des femmes et les pionnières du sport féminin étaient ridiculisées ou perçues avec suspicion. Le régime mussolinien a promu l’émancipation sociale (...)
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    Se défendre: une philosophie de la violence.Elsa Dorlin - 2017 - Paris: Zones.
    En 1685, le Code noir défendait « aux esclaves de porter aucunes armes offensives ni de gros bâtons » sous peine de fouet. Au xixe siècle, en Algérie, l'État colonial français interdisait les armes aux indigènes, tout en accordant aux colons le droit de s'armer. Aujourd'hui, certaines vies comptent si peu que l'on peut tirer dans le dos d'un adolescent tout en prétendant qu'il était agressif, armé et menaçant. Une ligne de partage oppose historiquement les corps « dignes d'être défendus (...)
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    Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China's New Global Family in Wolf Warrior 2.Paul Amar - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):419-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 419 Paul Amar Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China’s New Global Family inWolf Warrior 2 This essay offers a new paradigm of “deimperial queer analysis” that reveals the tension between the People’s Republic of China’s extractive expansionism in Africa and its claim to solidarity with Africans against white supremacy and Northern (...)
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  6. Von Queerness, sexueller Aufklärung und Umweltengagement. Ansätze für eine zeitgemäße Anthropologie.Anna Puzio - 2024 - In Religion auf Instagram.
    Wenn man heute Instagram öffnet, begegnen vielfältige Beiträge zu Gendervielfalt, sexueller Aufklärung, Umweltengagement und Körperoptimierung. Auf Instagram gibt es Queerness ebenso wie neue Lebensformen, ein neues Verhältnis zur Umwelt, veränderte Selbstverständnisse, eine breite Varianz von Formen der Selbstdarstellung und Körperinszenierung. Die hier gezeigten veränderten Lebenswirklichkeiten und Selbstverständnisse der Menschen legen nahe, dass diese neuen Entwicklungen in eine zeitgenössische Anthropologie, die sich mit dem menschlichen Selbstverständnis wissenschaftlich auseinandersetzt, aufgenommen werden müssen. Der Aufsatz nimmt die Social-Media-Plattform Instagram als Anlass, um Perspektiven für (...)
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    Violences sexuelles à la fin du Moyen Âge : des femmes à l’épreuve de leur conjugalité?Myriam Soria - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 208 (2):57-70.
    La sexualité préoccupe le Moyen Âge occidental : miroir de la nature peccamineuse de l’homme, elle en révèle le meilleur (tempérance, renoncement) et le pire (appétit, violence). Envisagée dans le seul mariage chrétien, elle est hors de ce cadre adultère, condamnée (juridiquement, judiciairement) et expose les individus à la vindicte populaire. Les lettres de rémission (grâce royale des crimes) des xiv e et xv e siècles témoignent de façon originale de l’impact que le type de conjugalité vécu peut avoir sur (...)
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  8.  44
    Queer Death Studies: Death, Dying and Mourning from a Queerfeminist Perspective.Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi & Nina Lykke - 2020 - Australian Feminist Studies 35 (104):81-100.
    This introduction to the Queer Death Studies special issue explores an emerging transdisciplinary field of research. This field critically, reflexively and affirmatively investigates and challenges conventional normativities, assumptions, expectations, and regimes of truths that are brought to life and made evident by current planetary scale necropolitics and its framing of death, dying and mourning in the contemporary world. It is set against the background of traditional engagements with the question of death, often grounded in Western hegemonic and normative ideas (...)
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  9.  21
    Gouverner les hommes : généalogie de la violence chez Ibn Khaldûn.Cédric Molino-Machetto - 2022 - Astérion 26 (26).
    Ibn Khaldûn has often been presented as a precursor of historical materialism: the Machiavelli or the Arab Marx of the 14th century. He is undeniably materialistic in his methodology: the origin of power is thought to stem from the need to force men to cooperate so they can reproduce their material existence. But from his anthropological study of tribal societies and state societies, he developed an original analysis of power and of its corollary: violence. Politics can be conceived of, from (...)
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  10.  39
    Questions de mot. Le « viol » au XVIe siècle, un crime contre les femmes?Stéphanie Gaudillat Cautela - 2006 - Clio 24:57-74.
    Qu’est ce que le « viol » au XVIe siècle? Le terme existe-il? Est-ce alors un crime? Lequel? Et contre qui? Ces questions a priori naïves soulèvent pourtant d’importants problèmes relatifs à l’histoire des violences sexuelles : celui de la dénomination de ces violences, aucun terme spécifique ne permettant alors de les désigner, et celui de leur qualification relativement ambiguë pour le XVIe siècle. L’étude croisée de sources normatives, narratives et judiciaires, permet en effet de constater que le « viol (...)
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    Lydie Bodiou, Frédéric Chauvaud, Ludovic Gaussot, Marie-José Grihom.Laura Balzer - 2020 - Clio 52:275-277.
    Cet ouvrage est issu du colloque « Le corps en lambeaux : violences sexuelles et violences sexuées faites aux femmes », organisé en 2014 à l’Université de Poitiers par différents laboratoires de sciences humaines. La diversité de méthodes d’analyses représentées (historiques, littéraires, sociologiques ou psychanalytiques) a pour but de faire dialoguer les différentes disciplines afin d’affiner la compréhension des violences faites aux femmes dans leurs multiples aspects et d’en prévenir les...
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  12.  43
    Cripping Safe Sex: Life Goes On’s Queer/disabled Alliances.Julie Passanante Elman - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (3):317-326.
    Life Goes On (1989–1993) was the first television series in U.S. history not only to introduce a recurring teenaged HIV-positive character but also to feature an actor with Down syndrome in a leading role. Drawing new connections among disability studies, queer theory, and bioethics, I argue that Life responded to American disability rights activism and the AIDS epidemic of the early 1990s by depicting sex education as disability activism. By portraying fulfilling sexual relationships for its disabled protagonists, Life challenged (...)
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  13.  33
    Les constructions de l'intolérable: etudes d'anthropologie et d'histoire sur les frontières de l'espace moral.Didier Fassin, Patrice Bourdelais & Jean-Pierre Dozon (eds.) - 2005 - Paris: Découverte.
    Torture, abus sexuels, traite des personnes, esclavage, crimes de guerre, génocides : les figures de l'intolérable se sont multipliées depuis deux siècles, jusqu'à saturer l'espace public contemporain de faits socialement réprouvés et juridiquement sanctionnés. Ce que l'on affirme ainsi injustifiable est vu généralement comme un mal radical, voire absolu, comme le franchissement d'une limite. Pourtant, le regard vers un passé encore proche nous apprend qu'il s'agit toujours d'une limite historiquement constituée, donc frappée de relativité temporelle, et toutes ces transgressions n'ont (...)
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  14.  17
    Beyond Toleration: Queer Theory and Heteronormativity.Declan Kavanagh - 2016 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 8:73-82.
    The recent widespread transformation in the conjugal rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people across much of the globe may seem to suggest that, at long last, the history of heterosexism has reached its terminus. In Ireland, the Equal Marriage Referendum in May 2015 offered the opportunity for the citizens of the Republic to extend the same rights, permissions, and privileges to same-sex couples that married heterosexual couples freely enjoy. The passing of that referendum and the extension of (...)
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  15.  27
    Éducation à la vie affective et sexuelle à l'école.Isabelle Lebas - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 193 (3):89-100.
    EDUCATION ON AFFECTIVE AND SEXUAL LIFE AT SCHOOL The French education system circular 2003 recomends three yearly sessions of education on affective and sex life in schools. While such sessions are increasingly being organised in response to a media buzz, now is perhaps the time to look back at their original justification and see how nowadays they can have meaning for young people. The author, who is a marital and family guidance counsellor responsible for this type of intervention, shows, with (...)
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  16.  54
    Le gouvernement des corps des footballeuses et boxeuses de haut niveau.Christine Mennesson - 2006 - Clio 23:179-196.
    Cet article analyse les formes de contrôle (ou de tentative de contrôle) du genre et de la sexualité des sportives mises en œuvre dans deux institutions sportives « masculines » en France, le football et la boxe. Dans le cas du football, au niveau national comme au niveau local, entraîneurs et dirigeants jouent les entrepreneurs de morale en tentant de « féminiser » les joueuses et d’encourager l’hétérosexualité. Cependant, le « gouvernement des corps » des footballeuses se heurte à la (...)
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    « Une action dont on rougit mesme dans les solitudes les plus secrètes »1 : enquête sur les violences sexuelles conjugales (Paris, xviie-xvii.Marion Philip - 2020 - Clio 52:93-117.
    Le crime de viol conjugal, très récemment incriminé par le droit français, n’existe pas sous l’Ancien Régime. La sexualité conjugale est définie par le droit canon et séculier comme un sacrement dont la validité repose sur le principe de l’échange d’un consentement libre. La consommation nuptiale vient confirmer ce consentement initial et ratifie le mariage mais elle impose également aux époux le devoir conjugal. Ainsi, le consentement sexuel inaugural prévaut pour l’ensemble de la vie maritale, empêchant en théorie toute (...)
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  18.  25
    Corps rebelles.Muriel Salle - 2007 - Clio 26:145-154.
    Corps rebelles. Les tatouages de la collection Lacassagne (1874-1924). À la fin du XIXe siècle, le Docteur Alexandre Lacassagne est médecin militaire en poste en Algérie, auprès des bataillons d’Afrique, ces compagnies disciplinaires où sont envoyés les soldats indisciplinés, aux confins de l’empire colonial français. Dans cette relégation à « régime spécial » où les conditions d’existence sont infernales, le jeune médecin entreprend de relever les marques corporelles dont s’ornent les soldats. Décalquant leurs tatouages à même leur peau pour (...)
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  19.  46
    Paola TABET, La grande arnaque. Sexualité des femmes et échange économico-sexuel, Paris, L’Harmattan, Bibliothèque du féminisme, 2004, 207 p. [REVIEW]Félicie Drouilleau - 2005 - Clio 22:23-23.
    Ethnologue, spécialiste des rapports sociaux de sexe et du racisme, Paola Tabet est notamment l’auteure de La construction sociale de l’inégalité des sexes. Des outils et des corps paru aux éditions l’Harmattan en 1998. La promptitude, toute remarquable, avec laquelle La grande arnaque. Sexualité des femmes et échange économico-sexuel aura été traduit en français, tout comme l’introduction rapide et unanime de cet ouvrage, témoigne en elle même de la renommée dont jouit l’ethnologue italienn...
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  20.  21
    Agamben and the Politics of Human Rights: Statelessness, Images, Violence.John Lechte & Saul Newman - 2013 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Human rights are in crisis today. Everywhere one looks, there is violence, deprivation, and oppression, which human rights norms seem powerless to prevent. This book investigates the roots of the current crisis through the thought of Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben. Human rights theory and practice must come to grips with key problems identified by Agamben "e; the violence of the sovereign state of exception and the reduction of humanity to 'bare' life. Any renewal of human rights today must involve breaking (...)
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  21.  98
    The Concept of Genocide Reconsidered.Mohammed Abed - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (2):328-356.
    Genocide is a violent process that aims at the liquidation of protected groups. Like individuals, groups can be killed in a variety of ways and for many different reasons. Only the intention of the perpetrator distinguishes genocide from other forms of mass violence. The implications of the account given are striking. Genocide is not in any sense distinctively heinous. Nor is it necessarily immoral. Under certain conditions, settlercolonialism, ethnic cleansing, and forced assimilation will count as instances of the phenomenon. While (...)
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  22. Building Peace in Fragile States – Building Trust is Essential for Effective Public–Private Partnerships.Igor Abramov - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S4):481-494.
    Increasingly, the private sector is playing a greater role in supporting peace building efforts in conflict and post-conflict areas by providing critical expertise, know-how, and capital. However, reports of the corrupt practices of both governments and businesses have plagued international peace building efforts, deepening the distrust of stricken communities. Businesses are perceived as being selfish and indifferent to the impact their operations may have on the social and political development of local communities. Additionally, the corruption of local governments has been (...)
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  23.  17
    Framing cosmologies: the anthropology of worlds.Allen Abramson & Martin Holbraad (eds.) - 2014 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    How might the anthropological study of cosmologies – the ways in which the horizons of human worlds are imagined and engaged – illuminate understandings of the contemporary world? This book addresses this question by bringing together anthropologists whose research is informed by a concern with cosmological dimensions of social life in different ethnographic settings. Its overall aim is to reaffirm the value of the cosmological frame as a continuing source of analytical insight. Attending to the novel cosmological formations that emerge (...)
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  24. Violence de la loi à la Renaissance. L'originaire du politique chez Machiavel et Montaigne. [REVIEW]D. Acke - 2003 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1:78-80.
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    Media and Development in the Middle East.David M. Adams - 2006 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 23 (3):170-186.
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  26. Opinion research and publicness (meinungsforschung und öffentlichkeit).Theodor W. Adorno, Andrew J. Perrin & Lars Jarkko - 2005 - Sociological Theory 23 (1):116-123.
    We present a short introduction to, and the first English language translation of, Theodor W. Adorno's 1964 article, "Meinungsforschung und Öffentlichkeit." In this article, Adorno situates the misunderstanding of public opinion within a dialectic of elements of publicness itself: empirical publicness' dependence on a normative ideology of publicness, and modern publicness' tendency to undermine its own principles. He also locates it in the dual role of mass media as both fora for the expression of opinion and, as he calls them, (...)
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    What does «processing of the Рast» mean.Theodor Adorno & Vitaliy Mykolayovych Bryzhnik - 2018 - Філософія Освіти 22 (1):6-24.
    Adorno's work “What does‘processing of the Рast’ mean” for the first time was presented as a report on November 6, 1959 before the Coordination Council on Christian-Jewish Cooperation. In this work Adorno considered the essence of social ideology prevailing in postwar Germany, which predetermined the strategies of social reconciliation with the political crimes of the former national-socialist power. According to the philosopher the social ideology of the consumer society uses a large number of appropriate means to stabilize its dominant position (...)
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  28.  44
    Apresentação do dossiê: A privatização da Educação Básica e suas implicações para o direito humano à educação na contemporaneidade.Theresa Adrião & Maria Vieira Silva - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):31-38.
    As políticas de privatização da educação e as formas pelas quais se materializam têm assumido contornos sem precedentes no tempo presente e são emblemas das mutações da face social do Estado no provimento e garantia do direito humano à educação, como consequência da ascensão e capilaridade dos princípios neoliberais no tecido social que se apoiam, por sua vez, na primazia do capital financeiro e na concentração da riqueza. No Brasil, o direito à educação é matéria do texto constitucional nos títulos (...)
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  29. La’cit Unveiled: A case study in human rights, religion, and culture in France. [REVIEW]Melanie Adrian - 2006 - Human Rights Review 8 (1):102-114.
    This paper examines the debate around the headscarf in France with the view to critically examining two central arguments put forward by the Stasi Commission for the restriction of the headscarf in French public schools—that the headscarf imperiled public order and that it jeopardized neutrality in the public sphere. In the case of the first argument, this paper argues that France did not meet the threshold requirement necessary to curtail religious rights in public schools. In the case of the second (...)
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    De politieke strijd rond de invoering van de ecotaks : Een getuigenis.Magda Aelvoet & Chris Steenwegen - 1993 - Res Publica 35 (3-4):445-457.
    Agalev and Ecolo consented to supporting the institutional reform of Belgium. Product-policy will be assigned to the federal government. Ecotaxes, fiscal instruments that fit in a product policy, are introduced. Three criteria are defined: 1) the primary goal is to bring about a change of behaviour, 2) the revenues are allocated towards environmental policy and 3) alternative products should be available. Whoever wants to know society, must try to change it. The enormous resistance of industry cannot only be explained by (...)
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    Politisierung von Kultur, Religion, und Geschlecht: Die Kulturalisierungen eines verweigerten Handschlags in Deutschschweizer Medien.Mirjam Aeschbach - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):60-82.
    ZusammenfassungIn der Deutschschweizer massenmedialen Debatte zur Weigerung zweier Schüler in der Gemeinde Therwil, ihrer Lehrerin die Hand zu schütteln, wird häufig der Kulturbegriff verwendet. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert, wie „Kultur“ als wissensstrukturierende Kategorie in der Konstituierung der Gruppenzugehörigkeiten zur Schweizer Mehrheitsgesellschaft und zur muslimischen Minderheit zum Tragen gekommen ist. Basierend auf dem Konzept der „Kulturalisierung“ untersucht die qualitative Medienanalyse die verschiedenen „Spielarten der Kulturalisierung“ (Teczan 2011), die in der Debatte um den Fall Therwil verwendet wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass „Kultur“ (...)
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    "The Club of Queer Trades," by G. K. Chesterton. [REVIEW]Michael D. Aeschliman - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (2):87-92.
  33.  55
    Lenin on Peaceful and Nonpeaceful Paths of the Socialist Revolution.V. G. Afanas'ev - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (4):21-43.
    The question of peaceful and nonpeaceful paths of the socialist revolution and the building of socialism is now the subject of the lively discussion in the international Communist and workers' movement. It is sometimes asserted that V. I. Lenin raised violence to an absolute, that he saw armed insurrection and civil war as virtually the only means of carrying out the socialist revolution. Inasmuch as under today's conditions, particularly in developed capitalist countries, seizure of power by the working class and (...)
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    Efecte de limitã ale ideologiei/ Limitation Effects of Ideology.Stefan Afloroaei - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):78-89.
    Following mainly Ricoeur’s understanding of ideology and assuming as fundamental premise the idea that this phenomenon is rooted in the exact same ground as the metaphysics of everyday life, the author argues that every ideology, at a social level, has two types effects: vulgar effects (in the originary sense of the word) and limit effects defined as those types of effects which exceed any institutional or communitarian reason and whose distinctive mark is the excessive violence in an arbitrary or pathological (...)
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    State of Exception.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this highly topical book, Agamben ultimately arrives at original ideas about the future of democracy and casts a new light on the hidden relationship that ties law to violence.
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    Two-Way Feature Extraction Using Sequential and Multimodal Approach for Hateful Meme Classification.Apeksha Aggarwal, Vibhav Sharma, Anshul Trivedi, Mayank Yadav, Chirag Agrawal, Dilbag Singh, Vipul Mishra & Hassène Gritli - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-7.
    Millions of memes are created and shared every day on social media platforms. Memes are a great tool to spread humour. However, some people use it to target an individual or a group generating offensive content in a polite and sarcastic way. Lack of moderation of such memes spreads hatred and can lead to depression like psychological conditions. Many successful studies related to analysis of language such as sentiment analysis and analysis of images such as image classification have been performed. (...)
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    Modern Chinese Court Buildings, Regime Legitimacy and the Public.Björn Ahl & Hendrik Tieben - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):603-626.
    This study investigates the interrelation of outer appearance and spatial configuration of modern Chinese court buildings with the party-state’s strategy of building regime legitimacy. The spatial element of this relation is explored in four different court buildings in Kunming, Chongqing, Shanghai and Xi’an. It is argued that court buildings contribute to the empowerment of individuals who appear as parties in trials. Courthouses also facilitate the courts’ function of exercising social control and the application of an instrumentalist approach to the principle (...)
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    The epistemology of Ibn Khaldūn.Zaid Ahmad - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    This is an analytical examination of Ibn Khaldun's epistemology, centred on Chapter Six of the Muqaddima. In this chapter, entitled The Book of Knowledge (Kitab al'Ilm), Ibn Khaldun sketched his general ideas about knowledge and science and its relationship with human social organisation and the establishment of a civilisation.
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  39. (1 other version)A Hermeneutics of Violence: A Four-Dimensional Conception.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Exclusión y Violencia disolvente en México. La reconstrucción populista de la Nación.Julio Aibar - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):53-64.
    Se ha impuesto en México, en las últimas dos décadas, un sentido común neoliberal que apuesta al Estado débil. Sin embargo la tradición de la revolución mexicana era otra, y también la historia latinoamericana muestra que los Estados han sido más fuertes que las naciones (J. Aricó). De tal modo es i..
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    Tales of posthumanity: the bible and contemporary popular culture.George Aichele - 2014 - Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
    Images and concepts of the 'posthuman' go back at least as far as the famous 'madman parable' in F. Nietzsche's The Gay Science, and their 'roots' go back much further still. In turn, the image or theme of the posthuman has played an increasingly important role in recent literature, film, and television, where the notion of humanity as a 'larval being' (G. Deleuze) that transforms itself or is being transformed into something else, for better or worse, has become increasingly common. (...)
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    A Pharmacological Perspective on Technology-Induced Organised Immaturity: The Care-giving Role of the Arts.Ana Alacovska, Peter Booth & Christian Fieseler - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (3):565-595.
    Digital technologies induce organised immaturity by generating toxic sociotechnical conditions that lead us to delegate autonomous, individual, and responsible thoughts and actions to external technological systems. Aiming to move beyond a diagnostic critical reading of the toxicity of digitalisation, we bring Bernard Stiegler’s pharmacological analysis of technology into dialogue with the ethics of care to speculatively explore how the socially engaged arts—a type of artistic practice emphasising audience co-production and processual collective responses to social challenges—play a care-giving role that helps (...)
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    Computer ethics for the computer professional from an Islamic point of view.Mansoor Al-A'ali - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (1):28-45.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to study the ethical behaviour of Muslim IT professionals in an attempt to stop many unethical practices such as software piracy, software intellectual property violations and general software development.Design/methodology/approachThis study examines the computer ethical principles presented in the Association for Computing Machinery code of conduct from an Islamic point of view through studying some relevant verses of The Holy Quran and Hadiths of Prophet Mohammed. An evaluation of the benefits of this newly proposed Islamic (...)
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  44. 3 Dalits: Violence and Struggles for Rights.Sebastian Alackapally - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (3):319.
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    Ethics of Resistance in Organisations: A Conceptual Proposal.Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar & Fahreen Alamgir - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):31-43.
    This study suggests a conceptual proposal to analyse the ethics of resistance in organisations, drawing on Foucault’s practising self as a refusal and Schaffer’s ethics of freedom in opposition to the legitimacy of managerial control and the ethics of compliance. We argue that ethics is already part of such politics in the form of ethico-politics on the basis of participation in political action in organisations. Hence, the practising self as resistance in the face of the status quo of (...)
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    Feminist Dilemmas: How to Talk About Gender-Based Violence in Relation to the Middle East?Nadje Al-Ali - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):16-31.
    The article charts my trajectories as a feminist activist/academic seeking to research, write and talk about gender-based violence in relation to the Middle East. More specifically, I am drawing on research and activism in relation to Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon to map the discursive, political and empirical challenges and complexities linked to scholarship and activism that is grounded in both feminist and anti-racist/anti-islamophobic politics. While reflecting on my positionality, the article aims to challenge the binary of activism and academia as (...)
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    Post-Human Institutions and Organizations: Confronting the Matrix.Ismael Al-Amoudi & Emmanuel Lazega - 2019 - Routledge.
    When the Matrix trilogy was published in the mid-1980s, it introduced to mass culture a number of post-human tropes about the conscious machines that have haunted our collective imaginaries ever since. This volume explores the social representations and significance of technological developments - especially AI and human enhancement - that have started to transform our human agency. It uses these developments to revisit theories of the human mind and its essential characteristics: a first person perspective, concerns and reflexivity. It looks (...)
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    Shaping the Future: Nietzsche's New Regime of the Soul and Its Ascetic Practices (review).Alan Milchman & Alan Rosenberg - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 33 (1):83-86.
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    Sexual violence in Iraq: Challenges for transnational feminist politics.Nadje Al-Ali - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (1):10-27.
    The article discusses sexual violence by ISIS against women in Iraq, particularly Yezidi women, against the historical background of broader sexual and gender-based violence. It intervenes in feminist debates about how to approach and analyse sexual and wider gender-based violence in Iraq specifically and the Middle East more generally. Recognizing the significance of positionality, the article argues against dichotomous positions and for the need to look at both macrostructural configurations of power pertaining to imperialism, neoliberalism and globalization on the one (...)
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    A Contemporary Turkish Prison Diary : Reflections on the Writings of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn.Ismail Albayrak - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book explores the religious experiences of two notable figures who endured severe trials under authoritarian regimes: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877–1960) within the Islamic tradition, and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) within the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition. Against the tumultuous backdrop of the twentieth century’s spiritual, social, political, and intellectual upheavals, both Nursi and Solzhenitsyn grappled with immense hardships because of their beliefs. Despite immense tribulations, both individuals demonstrated unwavering faith and resilience in the face of adversity, continuing their scholarly and literary (...)
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