Results for ' logistikon'

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  1.  39
    Ergon and Logistikon in Republic.Jeremy Wisnewski - 2008 - Polis 25 (2):261-267.
    This paper explores the tension between two views attributed to Plato: 1) that every person in a just society must fulfil his function, and 2) justice requires philosophical wisdom. It is argued that is not Plato’s view in Republic, and that this can be seen as early as Book II.
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  2. L'arte del dialogo nel café philo.Guido Brivio & Luca Bertolino - 2016 - Teoria 36 (1):151-169.
    The paper aims to present the proprium dialogicum of the café philo. In theoretical terms, the philosophical dialogue in the café philo can be recognized as discursive rationality and play of the faculties ruled by the logistikon, as an exercise of critical thinking, as an endless quest of meaning, and finally as a way of life. All those theoretical acquisitions are tested by the comparison with results from one year of praxis of café philo, part of the Diderot Project (...)
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    Platon’un Ruh (Psykhē) Anlayışı.Eyüp Çoraklı - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 56:13-28.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Platon’un ruh (psykhē) anlayışına konuyla ilgili metinleri çerçevesinde bir çözümleme sunmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, öncelikle Platon’un ruh anlayışını evren tasavvurunun içine örgülediği vurgulanacak, bu nedenle doğrudan doğruya bu meselenin işlendiği Timaios diyaloğu ele alınıp orada tartışılan “cismani evrenin yaratılışı,” “evrenin ruhunun (psykhē pantos) teşkili” ve “evrenin ruhunun mayasından diğer ruhların yaratılışı” gibi konular irdelenecek, ayrıca bu süreçte zanaatkâr bir tanrı olarak Dēmiourgos ve diğer tanrıların üstlendiği rol üzerinde durulacaktır. Ardından Dēmiourgos’un evrenin ruhundan arta kalanlarla yarattığı ölümsüz ruha karşılık, (...)
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    ¿Es Leoncio un incontinente? Ira y apetito en la República de Platón.Esteban Bieda - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):127-150.
    Conminado por su deseo apetitivo de mirar unos cadáveres en descomposición, Leoncio no puede resistir y, encolerizado, cede a la tentación (República 439e-440a). El episodio pretende mostrar que la impulsividad y el apetito constituyen dos partes distintas del alma. La pregunta es: si no hay intervención de la racionalidad, ¿según qué parámetro el thymós considera que mirar los cadáveres es algo que no se debe hacer? Si, como creen algunos especialistas, el thymós actúa según un marco axiológico aportado por lo (...)
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    O tema da raiva na retórica e na ética de Aristóteles.Christopher Rowe - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:11-16.
    Em breve “diálogo” com dois textos do Prof. John Cooper, este artigo trata um aspecto particular da relação entre os tratamentos da “alma”, principalmente, no Livro IV da República de Platão; e por Aristóteles no De anima, na Retórica e nos tratados éticos. Para Platão, a alma humana representa a combinação de três elementos, partes ou fatores - logistikon, thumoeides, epithumêtikon -, comparáveis a um homem, um leão e um monstro e respectivamente associados a ações causadas pela razão, pelo (...)
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    Rationality in Plato’s Republic.Charles T. Hagen - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:611-634.
    This paper distinguishes six elements in the Platonic concept of rationality as it appears in the Republic: (a) being fully informed; (b) thinking logically; (c) having the single correct ultimate end; (d) determining the appropriate means; (e) matching action to thought; and (f) promotingone’s own interest. The evidence linking the rational part of the soul (the logistikon) to each of these aspects is discussed. The philosopher-guardians are shown to exemplify full and complete “Platonic rationality”, whereas the unjust men in (...)
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    A. Setyo Wibowo - Haryanto Cahyadi Mendidik Pemimpin dan Negarawan Dialektika Filsafat Pendidikan Politik Platon. Dari Yunani Antik Hingga Indonesia Yogyakarta: Penerbit Lamalera 2014, xvi+385 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Suseno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):270-275.
    Buku yang ditulis oleh Dr. A. Setyo-Wibowo (SW) dan Haryanto Cahyadi, M. Hum. (HC), dua-duanya dosen filsafat, yang satu di Jakarta, yang satu di Jayapura, ini betul-betul memperkaya pustaka tentang filsafat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Platon tetap salah satu filosof terbesar, kalau bukan filosof terbesar segala zaman. Dalam buku ini para penulis mengantar pembaca ke jantung filsafat Platon. Mereka melakukannya dengan membawa pembaca ke dalam teks-teks kunci Platon. Yang mereka angkat adalah pemikiran Platon tentang pendidikan. Pendidikan bukan salah satu bidang pemikiran (...)
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  8. (1 other version)What Is Wrong with Degenerate Souls in the Republic?Era Gavrielides - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (3):203-227.
    At the beginning of Posterior Analytics 2.19 Aristotle reminds us that we cannot claim demonstrative knowledge ( epistêmê apodeiktikê ) unless we know immediate premisses, the archai of demonstrations. By the end of the chapter he explains why the cognitive state whereby we get to know archai must be Nous . In between, however, Aristotle describes the process of the acquisition of concepts, not immediate premisses. How should we understand this? There is a general agreement that it is Nous by (...)
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