Results for ' imposture'

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  1.  55
    Intellectual impostures: postmodern philosophers' abuse of science.Alan D. Sokal & Jean Bricmont - 1998 - London: Profile Books. Edited by J. Bricmont.
    When it was published in France, this book shocked the philosophers of the Left Bank with its plain-speaking attack on some of France's greatest minds.
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    Impostures scientifiques: les malentendus de l'affaire Sokal.Baudouin Jurdant (ed.) - 1998 - Nice: Decouverte.
    En 1996, la publication aux États-Unis du " vrai-faux " article du physicien américain Alan Sokal, visant à dénoncer sur le mode du canular les ravages intellectuels opérés, selon lui, par le " postmodernisme ", puis la parution en France en 1997 du livre rédigé avec Jean Bricmont (Impostures intellectuelles), ont défrayé la chronique. Pour ces auteurs, il était urgent de dénoncer les " extrapolations abusives des sciences exactes aux sciences humaines " d'intellectuels comme Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Jean Baudrillard, (...)
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    L'imposture de la beauté: et autres textes.Sarah Kofman - 1995 - Editions Galilée.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : « Le portrait de Dorian Gray, exhibé dès les premières pages du livre de Wilde auquel il donne son titre, fascine d’emblée le lecteur. La lecture proposée ici souligne que ce portrait, pour ainsi dire jeté en pâture, sert d’écran ou de paravent à un autre portrait encore plus séducteur et inquiétant, en général moins remarqué, celui de la mère morte, représentée en bacchante, qui le hante secrètement. Outre L’imposture de la beauté, ce (...)
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    Imposture and Rebellion: Consideration of the Personality of Prophet Muhammad by Ma‘ruf ar-Rusafi.Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (2):62-74.
    This paper is devoted to an analysis of Ma‘ruf ar-Rusafi’s work The Personality of Mohammed or the Elucidation of the Holy Enigma. While ar-Rusafi is traditionally known as a poet who combines great evocative power with a superb mastery of language and strict adherence to classical form, this canonical image is seriously complicated by the iconoclastic character of this book, completed in 1933 but unpublished until 2002. It totally rejects the orthodox theory of prophecy as passive transmission, and insists on (...)
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  5. The Furor over Impostures Intellectuelles.Jean Bricmont & Alan Sokal - unknown
    The publication in France of our book Impostures Intellectuelles [1] appears to have created a small storm in certain intellectual circles. According to Jon Henley in The Guardian, we have shown that ``modern French philosophy is a load of old tosh.''[2] According to Robert Maggiori in Libération, we are humourless scientistic pedants who correct grammatical errors in love letters.[3] We shall try to explain here why neither is the case.
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    Roland Breeur: Lies—Imposture—Stupidity: Jonas ir Jokūbas, Vilnius, 2019, 98 p.Elad Magomedov - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (1):113-117.
    Whenever we think of impostors, we tend to think of liars. Yet impostures cannot be phenomenologically reduced to lies. Every lie presupposes a distinction between true and false, and it operates through a negation of reality, presenting falsity as truth and vice versa. An imposture, on the other hand, seeks to erase the distinction between true and false altogether. An impostor constructs a fiction that aims at substituting reality. In this process, an entire network of lies is put to (...)
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    Impostures.David Bellos - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):456-457.
    An eye-opener and a head-scratcher, this set of fifty exercices de style offers an oblique and learned introduction to a great classic of ludic literature dating from the twelfth century, the Maqamat of al-Hariri. Each of the fifty tales of the trickster Abu Zayid, some or perhaps all of which contain or are constituted by one or more formal restrictions, is here presented in the form of a pastiche of some familiar or exotic register of writing in English. We can (...)
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  8. L'imposture scientifique du "mateŕialisme historique" allemand (marxisme).J. Genevès - 1957 - Bordeaux, Éditions Bière:
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    Une imposture scientifique à l’INED?Jean-François Mignot - 2022 - Cités 90 (2):155-164.
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    L'imposture antispéciste.Ariane Nicolas - 2020 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Intellectual Impostures: Postmodern Philosophers’ Abuse of Science.Robert Taylor - 1999 - Philosophy Now 25:46-48.
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  12. Les impostures de l'histoire.Emmanuel Berl - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (3):354-355.
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    Imposture et rébellion.Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2010 - Diogène 2 (2):72-85.
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    L’arrogance, entre incommunication et imposture stratégique.Nicolas Moinet - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Bien que couramment utilisée dans les discours médiatiques, la notion d’« arrogance » reste pourtant peu étudiée. L’analyse de discours réalisée à partir d’une revue de presse nous permet ici d’éclairer les mécanismes de l’arrogance et la manière dont s’articulent précisément incommunication et imposture stratégique, qu’il convient dès lors de considérer conjointement. Car en niant l’interaction et en entremêlant méprise et mépris, l’arrogance éclaire négativement la force du lien qui existe entre information, communication et stratégie.Although the word is often (...)
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    Intrusions spiritualistes et impostures intellectuelles en sciences: Actes du colloque, 29 septembre 2000.Jean Dubessy, Guillaume Lecointre & Jacques Bouveresse - 2001 - Editions Syllepse.
    Depuis plusieurs années, on constate que les sciences suscitent une tenace convoitise de la part de mouvements qu'on peut qualifier du terme générique de " spiritualistes ". Notre environnement culturel est en grande partie technoscientifique ; il leur faut donc investir cet espace pour diffuser encore et toujours des thèses pourtant éculées : l'existence d'un Plan cosmique ou divin, l'ordonnancement du monde par une intelligence transcendante, la fin du darwinisme, le principe anthropique fort... Ces mouvements, aux contours très divers, présentent (...)
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    Roland Breeur, Lies – Imposture – Stupidity. Vilinius: Jonas ir Jokūbas 2019.Andrew D. Spear - 2021 - HannahArendt. Net 10 (1):174 – 176.
    As the title suggests, Breeur’s project is to discuss three key ideas: lies, stupidity, and imposture. The book is organized into two parts of two chapters each, followed by an appendix. The individual chapters and sub-sections are well-written and philosophically sophisticated. However, the reader will be disappointed if they expect a sustained analysis of the relations among the book’s titular ideas or a unified account of their role in the breakdown of respect for truth more broadly. Breeur’s approach is (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Review of Intellectual Impostures. [REVIEW]Henry Krips - unknown
    In a series of recent publications, Alan Sokal has launched a series of stinging attacks against contemporary cultural studies. In Intellectual Impostures, for example, written together with Jean Bricmont, the authors (hereafter S&B) criticise the way in which French poststructuralist critics, such as Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze, have abused the scientific terminology to which, Sokal claims, they exhibit slavish adherence. Many authors, such as Andrew Ross and Stanley Aronowitz, have taken up the cudgels against S&B. But their (...)
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    Voltaire, priestcraft and imposture: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.John Marshall - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):167-184.
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    Muhlmann, Géraldine, L’imposture du théologico-politique, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2022. 447 páginas.Micael Alcalde Ordóñez - 2024 - Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 18:53-55.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar una comparación entre las definiciones de persona en el _Leviatán_ de Hobbes de la edición inglesa de 1651 y de la edición latina de 1668. Para ello, tendremos en cuenta los posibles cambios que se hayan podido producir en la definición de persona con la publicación del _De Homine_ en 1658, mostrando la importancia que tienen las constantes referencias al teatro en este proceso. Finalmente, intentaremos sugerir la hipótesis de que la persona natural (...)
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    The charge of religious imposture in late antique anti-Christian authors and their early modern readers.Winfried Schröder - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):23-34.
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    Ca va pas la tête!: cerveau, immortalité et intelligence artificielle, l'imposture du transhumanisme.Danièle Tritsch - 2018 - Paris: Belin. Edited by Jean Mariani & Oriane Dioux.
    Depuis quelques années, un mouvement d'idées venu des Etats-Unis, qualifié de "Révolution transhumaniste", a pris un essor considérable. Demain, on vivra 200 ou 300 ans... et bien sûr en parfaite santé : l'immortalité n'est pas loin! Ces prophéties s'appuient sur les avancées réelles de l'intelligence artificielle et de la recherche en biologie, en particulier dans le domaine du vieillissement, passant ainsi allègrement de l'homme préservé et/ou augmenté à un véritable homme dieu. Mais dès que l'on s'intéresse au cerveau, les données, (...)
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    Au tour de l’imposture.Elad Magomedov - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):91-95.
    The question as to what makes something “fake” is not an ordinary one. It bears traces of the very beginning of philosophy, where Plato faced the need to discern between the true and the false clai...
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    Pierre-André Taguieff, L’Imposture décoloniale. Science imaginaire et pseudo-antiracisme, Paris, Éditions de l’Observatoire/Humensis, 2020.Véronique Taquin - 2021 - Cités 2:201-211.
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  24. Le mensonge, ou, L'imposture de la conscience.Sami Anhoury - 1983 - Beirut, Lebanon: Naufal Group.
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    Muhlmann, Géraldine (2022). L’imposture du théologico-politique. Les Belles Lettres, 447 páginas.Mario Donoso Gómez - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):247-248.
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    From the Devil to the impostor: theological contributions to the idea of imposture.Sascha Salatowsky - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):61-78.
    The philosophical allegation of imposture levelled by the Radical Enlightenment at Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad – the three founders of the monotheistic religions – has a complex theological history. Strange as it may sound, it is an idea closely connected to some of the “dangerous” debates conducted by scholastic theologians. Some of these theologians described divine omnipotence in a manner that prompted the vexed question of whether God can deceive us. Of course, no theologian doubted that God could and (...)
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    NINE. Poses and Impostures.John T. Scott & Robert Zaretsky - 2009 - In Robert Zaretsky & John T. Scott (eds.), The Philosophers' Quarrel: Rousseau, Hume, and the Limits of Human Understanding. Yale University Press. pp. 128-148.
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    L'éthique biomédicale: posture ou imposture?Bernard Kanovitch - 2012 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Quel est le statut de l’éthique appliquée à la médecine? Dans un monde qui, à certains égards, est plus près de la déroute humanitaire que du Paradis des Anges, la question s’impose. La réflexion bioéthique cherche un équilibre entre idéologie et pragmatisme, entre utilitarisme et convenance personnelle, entre posture et imposture, ou encore entre progressisme et réaction. Ces alternatives nous entraînent loin de la bioéthique qui, elle, s’organise sur le choix de la vie, le progrès et le souci de (...)
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    Varieties of imposture.Lloyd A. Wells - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (4):588.
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    Déconstruire l'imposture identitaire: humanisme et éthique de la déconstruction.Hamdou Rabby Sy - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Le propos de ce livre est une invitation ©ne jamais c©♭der ©la tentation du repli identitaire avec tous ses d©♭riv©♭s sectaires. Comme opium de toutes les soci©♭t©♭s, le repli identitaire est un p©♭ril mondial. Cette tentation est devenue la source d'inspiration et d'animation de toutes les formes de haine, d'hostilit©♭, d'exclusion et d'intol©♭rance. D'o©£ l'urgence plus que vitale de renouer avec ce qui constitue l'identit©♭ humaine dans l'expression la plus signifiante de sa dignit©♭ : penser. Il appartient ©chacun et ©chacune (...)
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  31. Review of Intellectual Impostures. [REVIEW]Val Dusek - unknown
    Sokal and Bricmont in their exposé of allegedly meaningless statements about science by recent French philosophers take errors of particular applications of philosophical ideas to science as refutations of the whole general framework utilized. They also seem to think that taking snippets out of context is sufficient to expose the "fashionable nonsense." In the early twentieth century, British analytic philosophers such as Bertrand Russell and A. N. Whitehead did the same with Hegel on mathematics. After deciding not to bother to (...)
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    Priestcraft. Early modern variations on the theme of sacerdotal imposture.James A. T. Lancaster & Andrew McKenzie-McHarg - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):1-6.
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    Le théologico-politique est-il une imposture? Réponse à Géraldine Muhlmann.Bernard Bourdin - 2023 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 107 (1):157-172.
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    Intellectuals on the Couch: The Sokal Hoax and Other Impostures intellectuelles.Robert F. Barsky - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):105.
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    Hermann Samuel Reimarus, the Jewish priests of the Old Testament and the trope of imposture.Ulrich Groetsch - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):185-199.
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  36. J.-M. Mandosio, Longevité d'une imposture: M. Foucault.Renato Pettoello - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (4):828-830.
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    Cite, plagiarize, pass-off: Deixis, bibliographic imposture and photography.David Zeitlyn - 2020 - Philosophy of Photography 11 (1):121-132.
    In this essay I want to take some metaphors seriously. I want to push at their limits and ask whether this exercise can help us think differently about photographs and their relationship to what they depict. (Should it be ‘what they depict’ or ‘what they are seen as depicting’? The choice of phrasing depends on theoretical position: is depiction inherent in the image, or is it seen by the viewer?). The moel of citationality based on Cadava’s work is developed by (...)
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  38. Des mythes fondateurs de la raison politique: Gabriel naude ou Les benefices de l'imposture.R. Damien - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 35:51-71.
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    Misère de la pensée: la philosophie cette imposture.Robin Fortin - 2013 - Montréal: Liber.
    Platon, Aristote, Descartes, Rousseau, Hegel, Heidegger : tels sont les grands philosophes consacrés qui font ici l'objet d'une critique sans concession d'où il ressort que leur discours est daté quand il n'est pas tout simplement creux. renseignement s'en nourrit pourtant, relayant ainsi les commentaires bavards et prétentieux de fidèles serviteurs prisonniers d'une réputation surfaite de profondeur de la pensée. Ils ne se sont pas encore avisés que leurs formules sont vides. Ni véritable connaissance ni authentique sagesse, leur discours est un (...)
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    L’arrogance, entre incommunication et imposture stratégique.Nicolas Moinet - 2012 - Hermes 64:, [ p.].
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    G. Muhlmann, L’imposture du théologico-politique. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2022, 447pp. [REVIEW]Mario Donoso Gómez - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):405-406.
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    Entre Sciences physico-mathématiques et Sciences humaines et sociales ou les leçons à tirer des Impostures intellectuelles de Sokal et Bricmont.Angèle Kremer-Marietti - 2001 - Facta Philosophica 3 (2):265-278.
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    Vertige de l'argent.Geneviève Djenati - 2008 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 181 (3):57-63.
    L’argent joue un rôle important dans le sentiment d’appartenance à un groupe social, et ce dès l’enfance. À la clé, l’exclusion, la honte, l’injustice auront pour effet de donner la priorité au regard des autres qui rendent le sujet vulnérable. On assiste alors à un appauvrissement du monde interne dont les manifestations somatiques témoignent, associées à un sentiment d’imposture et de solitude dans un registre de dépressivité. La place que prend le transgénérationnel dans ce type de problématique, sous la (...)
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    Only one cheer for Sokal and Bricmont: Or, scientism is no response to relativism.Alan Haworth - 1999 - Res Publica 5 (1):1-20.
    Macaulay was wrong: The British public in one of its periodic fits of morality may be a ridiculous spectacle but it has at least one rival in the reaction we have recently witnessed to ‘cultural relativism’, ‘postmodernism’, and suchlike phenomena. One good illustration of the point is the argument of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Intellectual Impostures (1998: London, Profile Books). Sokal and Bricmont spend the greater part of their time holding various postmodernist writers up to ridicule, and it would (...)
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    Bunk: the rise of hoaxes, humbug, plagiarists, phonies, post-facts, and fake news.Kevin Young - 2017 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
    Award-winning poet and critic Kevin Young traces the history of the hoax as a peculiarly American phenomenon--the legacy of P.T. Barnum's 'humbug' culminating with the currency of Donald J. Trump's 'fake news'. Disturbingly, Young finds that fakery is woven from stereotype and suspicion, with race being the most insidious American hoax of all. He chronicles how Barnum came to fame by displaying figures like Joice Heth, a black woman whom he pretended was the 161-year-old nursemaid to George Washington, and 'What (...)
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    Performative and Eidetic Simulations.Elad Magomedov - 2022 - Sartre Studies International 28 (1):1-22.
    Different kinds of fakery and imposture can be differentiated by means of the imaginary regimes within which a performative simulation unfolds. Engaging with Sartre’s analysis of the imaginary, we will identify three such regimes, calling them the objective, the reflective, and the phantasmatic. Each of these regimes involves its own kind of image and accordingly a specific type of simulation. It is proper to the objective image to attain dissimulation of the self by replacing the real with fiction. In (...)
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  47. By Henry Krips.Alan Sokal - unknown
    Intellectual Impostures , for example, written together with Jean Bricmont, the authors (hereafter S&B) criticise the way in which French poststructuralist critics, such as Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze, have abused the scientific terminology to which, Sokal claims, they exhibit slavish adherence. Many authors, such as Andrew Ross and Stanley Aronowitz, have taken up the cudgels against S&B. But their replies often miss the mark either by arguing at too abstract a level against S&B's project as a whole (...)
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    Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman.Penelope Deutscher & Kelly Oliver (eds.) - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    The work of the distinguished philosopher Sarah Kofman has, since her tragic death in 1994, become a focus for many scholars interested in contemporary French philosophy. The first critical collection on her thought to appear in English, Enigmas evaluates Kofman's most important contributions to philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, feminism, and literary theory. These insightful essays range from analyses of Kofman's first book, L'Enfance de l'art, to her last, L'Imposture de la beauté. This unique volume represents the major themes in Kofman's (...)
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    Do príncipe ao conspirador: o Maquiavel de Lefort e a crítica ao idealismo democrático.Dario de Negreiros - 2024 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 43 (1):7-22.
    Of the triple criticism that Claude Lefort claimed to find in Machiavelli – against tyranny, bourgeois conservatism and democratic idealism – little attention is usually paid to the last one. In this article, we will demonstrate that the greatest work of the French philosopher, Le Travail de l'œuvre, Machiavel (1972), in addition to a critique of tyranny and oligarchic rule, constitutes above all a long demonstration of the way in which democracy ends up finding her most potent enemy in the (...)
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    The Enjoyment of Being Had: The Aesthetics of Masquerade in The Confidence-Man.J. Asher Godley - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):51.
    Impostors, confidence artists, and artful deceivers seem to have achieved a strange kind of popularity and even prestige in our contemporary political landscape, for reasons that remain elusive, especially given how harmful and socially unwanted such behaviors ostensibly are. Herman Melville’s 1857 novel, The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade, helps us shift our perspective on this seemingly irrational phenomenon because it points out how being susceptible to dupery is linked to the enjoyment of fiction itself. This insight also highlights the importance of (...)
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