Results for ' fitness'

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  1.  20
    Melvin Fitting, Types Tableaus and Gödel's God. [REVIEW]Melvin Fitting - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (3):425-427.
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  2. Bilattices In Logic Programming.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Bilattices, introduced by M. Ginsberg, constitute an elegant family of multiple-valued logics. Those meeting certain natural conditions have provided the basis for the semantics of a family of logic programming languages. Now we consider further restrictions on bilattices, to narrow things down to logic programming languages that can, at least in principle, be implemented. Appropriate bilattice background information is presented, so the paper is relatively self-contained.
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  3. Fixpoint Semantics for Logic Programming A Survey.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    The variety of semantical approaches that have been invented for logic programs is quite broad, drawing on classical and many-valued logic, lattice theory, game theory, and topology. One source of this richness is the inherent non-monotonicity of its negation, something that does not have close parallels with the machinery of other programming paradigms. Nonetheless, much of the work on logic programming semantics seems to exist side by side with similar work done for imperative and functional programming, with relatively minimal contact (...)
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  4. Kleene's logic, generalized.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Kleene’s well-known strong three-valued logic is shown to be one of a family of logics with similar mathematical properties. These logics are produced by an intuitively natural construction. The resulting logics have direct relationships with bilattices. In addition they possess mathematical features that lend themselves well to semantical constructions based on fixpoint procedures, as in logic programming.
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  5. A logic of explicit knowledge.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    A well-known problem with Hintikka-style logics of knowledge is that of logical omniscience. One knows too much. This breaks down into two subproblems: one knows all tautologies, and one’s knowledge is closed under consequence. A way of addressing the second of these is to move from knowledge simpliciter, to knowledge for a reason. Then, as consequences become ‘further away’ from one’s basic knowledge, reasons for them become more complex, thus providing a kind of resource measurement. One kind of reason is (...)
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  6. Intensional Logic — Beyond First Order.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Classical first-order logic can be extended in two different ways to serve as a foundation for mathematics: introduce higher orders, type theory, or introduce sets. As it happens, both approaches have natural analogs for quantified modal logics, both approaches date from the 1960’s, one is not very well-known, and the other is well-known as something else. I will present the basic semantic ideas of both higher order intensional logic, and intensional set theory. Before doing so, I’ll quickly sketch some necessary (...)
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  7. The Family of Stable Models.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    The family of all stable models for a logic program has a surprisingly simple overall structure, once two naturally occurring orderings are made explicit. In a so-called knowledge ordering based on degree of definedness, every logic program P has a smallest stable model, sk P — it is the well-founded model. There is also a dual largest stable model, S k P, which has not been considered before. There is another ordering based on degree of truth. Taking the meet and (...)
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  8. Destructive Modal Resolution ∗.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    We present non-clausal resolution systems for propositional modal logics whose Kripke models do not involve symmetry, and for first order versions whose Kripke models do not involve constant domains. We give systems for K, T , K4 and S4; other logics are also possible. Our systems do not require preliminary reduction to a normal form and, in the first order case, intermingle resolution steps with Skolemization steps.
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    Modal, Fuzzy, ..., Vanilla Fixpoint Theories of Truth: A Uniform Approach.Melvin Fitting - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 151-192.
    Kripke’s work on modal logic has been immensely influential. It hardly needs remarking that this is not his only work. Here we address his pioneering applications of fixpoint constructions to the theory of truth, and related work by others. In his fundamental paper on this he explicitly described a modal version, applying a fixpoint construction world by world within a modal frame. This can certainly be carried out, and doubtless has been somewhere. Others have suggested a variety of other extensions (...)
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  10. Many-valued non-monotonic modal logics.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Among non-monotonic systems of reasoning, non-monotonic modal logics, and autoepistemic logic in particular, have had considerable success. The presence of explicit modal operators allows flexibility in the embedding of other approaches. Also several theoretical results of interest have been established concerning these logics. In this paper we introduce non-monotonic modal logics based on many-valued logics, rather than on classical logic. This extends earlier work of ours on many-valued modal logics. Intended applications are to situations involving several reasoners, not just one (...)
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  11. Modal Logics Between Propositional and First Order.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    One can add the machinery of relation symbols and terms to a propositional modal logic without adding quantifiers. Ordinarily this is no extension beyond the propositional. But if terms are allowed to be non-rigid, a scoping mechanism (usually written using lambda abstraction) must also be introduced to avoid ambiguity. Since quantifiers are not present, this is not really a first-order logic, but it is not exactly propositional either. For propositional logics such as K, T and D, adding such machinery produces (...)
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  12. leanTAP Revisited.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    A sequent calculus of a new sort is extracted from the Prolog program leanTAP. This calculus is sound and complete, even though it lacks almost all structural rules. Thinking of leanTAP as a sequent calculus provides a new perspective on it and, in some ways, makes it easier to understand. It is also easier to verify correctness and completeness of the Prolog implementation. In addition, it suggests extensions to other logics, some of which are considered here.
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  13. The realization theorem for s5 a simple, constructive proof.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Justification logics are logics of knowledge in which explicit reasons are formally represented. Standard logics of knowledge have justification logic analogs. Connecting justification logics and logics of knowledge are Realization Theorems. In this paper we give a new, constructive proof of the Realization Theorem connecting S5 and its justification analog, JS5. This proof is, I believe, the simplest in the literature.
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  14. Metric Methods Three Examples and a Theorem.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    £ The existence of a model for a logic program is generally established by lattice-theoretic arguments. We present three examples to show that metric methods can often be used instead, generally in a direct, straightforward way. One example is a game program, which is not stratified or locally stratified, but which has a unique supported model whose existence is easily established using metric methods. The second example is a program without a unique supported model, but having a part that is (...)
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  15. Interpolation for first order S5.Melvin Fitting - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):621-634.
    An interpolation theorem holds for many standard modal logics, but first order $S5$ is a prominent example of a logic for which it fails. In this paper it is shown that a first order $S5$ interpolation theorem can be proved provided the logic is extended to contain propositional quantifiers. A proper statement of the result involves some subtleties, but this is the essence of it.
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    Proof Methods for Modal and Intuitionistic Logics.Melvin Fitting - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (3):855-856.
  17.  42
    Tableau methods of proof for modal logics.Melvin Fitting - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (2):237-247.
  18. Possible world semantics for first order lp.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    First we have individual variables, as usual in first-order logics. (We do not have individual constants, but this is a minor point.) The propositional logic LP has justification constants, but in FOLP these are generalized to allow individual variables as arguments. Thus we have as justification constants c, c(x), c(x, y), . . . . Similarly LP has justification variables, but in FOLP these can be parametrized with individual variables p, p(x), p(x, y), . . . . To keep terminology (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Many-valued modal logics II.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Suppose there are several experts, with some dominating others (expert A dominates expert B if B says something is true whenever A says it is). Suppose, further, that each of the experts has his or her own view of what is possible — in other words each of the experts has their own Kripke model in mind (subject, of course, to the dominance relation that may hold between experts). How will they assign truth values to sentences in a common modal (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logic, Evidence, and Justification.Melvin Fitting - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1149-1166.
    In a forthcoming paper, Walter Carnielli and Abilio Rodrigues propose a Basic Logic of Evidence whose natural deduction rules are thought of as preserving evidence instead of truth. BLE turns out to be equivalent to Nelson’s paraconsistent logic N4, resulting from adding strong negation to Intuitionistic logic without Intuitionistic negation. The Carnielli/Rodrigues understanding of evidence is informal. Here we provide a formal alternative, using justification logic. First we introduce a modal logic, KX4, in which \ can be read as asserting (...)
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  21. Higher-Order Modal Logic—A Sketch.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    First-order modal logic, in the usual formulations, is not suf- ficiently expressive, and as a consequence problems like Frege’s morning star/evening star puzzle arise. The introduction of predicate abstraction machinery provides a natural extension in which such difficulties can be addressed. But this machinery can also be thought of as part of a move to a full higher-order modal logic. In this paper we present a sketch of just such a higher-order modal logic: its formal semantics, and a proof procedure (...)
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  22. Modal Logics A Summary of the Well-Behaved.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Modal logic is an enormous subject, and so any discussion of it must limit itself according to some set of principles. Modal logic is of interest to mathematicians, philosophers, linguists and computer scientists, for somewhat different reasons. Typically a philosopher may be interested in capturing some aspect of necessary truth, while a mathematician may be interested in characterizing a class of models having special structural features. For a computer scientist there is another criterion that is not as relevant for the (...)
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  23. Resolution for Intuitionistic Logic.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Most automated theorem provers have been built around some version of resolution [4]. But resolution is an inherently Classical logic technique. Attempts to extend the method to other logics have tended to obscure its simplicity. In this paper we present a resolution style theorem prover for Intuitionistic logic that, we believe, retains many of the attractive features of Classical resolution. It is, of course, more complicated, but the complications can be given intuitive motivation. We note that a small change in (...)
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  24.  57
    A Family of Strict/Tolerant Logics.Melvin Fitting - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (2):363-394.
    Strict/tolerant logic, ST, evaluates the premises and the consequences of its consequence relation differently, with the premises held to stricter standards while consequences are treated more tolerantly. More specifically, ST is a three-valued logic with left sides of sequents understood as if in Kleene’s Strong Three Valued Logic, and right sides as if in Priest’s Logic of Paradox. Surprisingly, this hybrid validates the same sequents that classical logic does. A version of this result has been extended to meta, metameta, … (...)
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  25. Herbrand's Theorem for a Modal Logic.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Herbrand’s theorem is a central fact about classical logic, [9, 10]. It provides a constructive method for associating, with each first-order formula X, a sequence of formulas X1, X2, X3, . . . , so that X has a first-order proof if and only if some Xi is a tautology. Herbrand’s theorem serves as a constructive alternative to..
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  26. On Height and Happiness.Melvin Fitting - 2017 - In Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Lawrence Moss & Can Başkent (eds.), Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  27. Introduction.Melvin Fitting - 2017 - In Brian Rayman & Melvin Fitting (eds.), Raymond Smullyan on Self Reference. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Utopian Effect/Utopian Pleasure.Peter Fitting - 1991 - Utopian Studies 4:90-96.
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  29. Tableaus for many-valued modal logic.Melvin Fitting - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (1):63 - 87.
    We continue a series of papers on a family of many-valued modal logics, a family whose Kripke semantics involves many-valued accessibility relations. Earlier papers in the series presented a motivation in terms of a multiple-expert semantics. They also proved completeness of sequent calculus formulations for the logics, formulations using a cut rule in an essential way. In this paper a novel cut-free tableau formulation is presented, and its completeness is proved.
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  30. Bilattices are nice things.Melvin Fitting - 2008 - In Thomas Bolander (ed.), Self-reference. Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    One approach to the paradoxes of self-referential languages is to allow some sentences to lack a truth value (or to have more than one). Then assigning truth values where possible becomes a fixpoint construction and, following Kripke, this is usually carried out over a partially ordered family of three-valued truth-value assignments. Some years ago Matt Ginsberg introduced the notion of bilattice, with applications to artificial intelligence in mind. Bilattices generalize the structure Kripke used in a very natural way, while making (...)
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  31. Essays for Raymond Smullyan.Melvin Fitting (ed.) - 2017
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  32. Numbers.Melvin Fitting & Greer Fitting - 1990
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    Nested Sequents for Intuitionistic Logics.Melvin Fitting - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (1):41-61.
  34.  62
    Possible world semantics for first-order logic of proofs.Melvin Fitting - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):225-240.
    In the tech report Artemov and Yavorskaya [4] an elegant formulation of the first-order logic of proofs was given, FOLP. This logic plays a fundamental role in providing an arithmetic semantics for first-order intuitionistic logic, as was shown. In particular, the tech report proved an arithmetic completeness theorem, and a realization theorem for FOLP. In this paper we provide a possible-world semantics for FOLP, based on the propositional semantics of Fitting [5]. We also give an Mkrtychev semantics. Motivation and intuition (...)
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  35. First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving.Melvin Fitting - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (2):300-302.
  36. Modality and Databases.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Two things are done in this paper. First, a modal logic in which one can quantify over both objects and concepts is presented; a semantics and a tableau system are given. It is a natural modal logic, extending standard versions, and capable of addressing several well-known philosophical difficulties successfully. Second, this modal logic is used to introduce a rather different way of looking at relational databases. The idea is to treat records as possible worlds, record entries as objects, and attributes (...)
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  37. First-order intensional logic.Melvin Fitting - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):171-193.
    First - order modal logic is very much under current development, with many different semantics proposed. The use of rigid objects goes back to Saul Kripke. More recently, several semantics based on counterparts have been examined, in a development that goes back to David Lewis. There is yet another line of research, using intensional objects, that traces back to Richard Montague. I have been involved with this line of development for some time. In the present paper, I briefly sketch several (...)
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    Realizations and LP.Melvin Fitting - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):368-387.
    LP can be seen as a logic of knowledge with justifications. See [S. Artemov, The logic of justification, The Review of Symbolic Logic 1 477–513] for a recent comprehensive survey of justification logics generally. Artemov’s Realization Theorem says justifications can be extracted from validities in the more conventional Hintikka-style logic of knowledge S4, in which they are not explicitly present. Justifications, however, are far from unique. There are many ways of realizing each theorem of S4 in the logic LP. If (...)
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  39. Bilattices and the Semantics of Logic Programming.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Bilattices, due to M. Ginsberg, are a family of truth value spaces that allow elegantly for missing or conflicting information. The simplest example is Belnap’s four-valued logic, based on classical two-valued logic. Among other examples are those based on finite many-valued logics, and on probabilistic valued logic. A fixed point semantics is developed for logic programming, allowing any bilattice as the space of truth values. The mathematics is little more complex than in the classical two-valued setting, but the result provides (...)
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  40. Prefixed tableaus and nested sequents.Melvin Fitting - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (3):291 - 313.
    Nested sequent systems for modal logics are a relatively recent development, within the general area known as deep reasoning. The idea of deep reasoning is to create systems within which one operates at lower levels in formulas than just those involving the main connective or operator. Prefixed tableaus go back to 1972, and are modal tableau systems with extra machinery to represent accessibility in a purely syntactic way. We show that modal nested sequents and prefixed modal tableaus are notational variants (...)
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    Modal logics, justification logics, and realization.Melvin Fitting - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (8):615-648.
  42. The logic of proofs, semantically.Melvin Fitting - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (1):1-25.
    A new semantics is presented for the logic of proofs (LP), [1, 2], based on the intuition that it is a logic of explicit knowledge. This semantics is used to give new proofs of several basic results concerning LP. In particular, the realization of S4 into LP is established in a way that carefully examines and explicates the role of the + operator. Finally connections are made with the conventional approach, via soundness and completeness results.
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    Term-modal logics.Melvin Fitting, Lars Thalmann & Andrei Voronkov - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):133-169.
    Many powerful logics exist today for reasoning about multi-agent systems, but in most of these it is hard to reason about an infinite or indeterminate number of agents. Also the naming schemes used in the logics often lack expressiveness to name agents in an intuitive way.To obtain a more expressive language for multi-agent reasoning and a better naming scheme for agents, we introduce a family of logics called term-modal logics. A main feature of our logics is the use of modal (...)
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  44. A quantified logic of evidence.Melvin Fitting - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1):67-83.
    A propositional logic of explicit proofs, LP, was introduced in [S. Artemov, Explicit provability and constructive semantics, The Bulletin for Symbolic Logic 7 1–36], completing a project begun long ago by Gödel, [K. Gödel, Vortrag bei Zilsel, translated as Lecture at Zilsel’s in: S. Feferman , Kurt Gödel Collected Works III, 1938, pp. 62–113]. In fact, LP can be looked at in a more general way, as a logic of explicit evidence, and there have been several papers along these lines. (...)
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  45.  82
    A theory of truth that prefers falsehood.Melvin Fitting - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (5):477-500.
    We introduce a subclass of Kripke's fixed points in which falsehood is the preferred truth value. In all of these the truthteller evaluates to false, while the liar evaluates to undefined (or overdefined). The mathematical structure of this family of fixed points is investigated and is shown to have many nice features. It is noted that a similar class of fixed points, preferring truth, can also be studied. The notion of intrinsic is shown to relativize to these two subclasses. The (...)
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  46. Justification logics, logics of knowledge, and conservativity.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Several justification logics have been created, starting with the logic LP, [1]. These can be thought of as explicit versions of modal logics, or of logics of knowledge or belief, in which the unanalyzed necessity (knowledge, belief) operator has been replaced with a family of explicit justification terms. We begin by sketching the basics of justification logics and their relations with modal logics. Then we move to new material. Modal logics come in various strengths. For their corresponding justification logics, differing (...)
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    First-Order Modal Logic.Melvin Fitting & Richard L. Mendelsohn - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This is a thorough treatment of first-order modal logic. The book covers such issues as quantification, equality (including a treatment of Frege's morning star/evening star puzzle), the notion of existence, non-rigid constants and function symbols, predicate abstraction, the distinction between nonexistence and nondesignation, and definite descriptions, borrowing from both Fregean and Russellian paradigms.
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    Logics With Several Modal Operators.Melvin Fitting - 1969 - Theoria 35 (3):259-266.
  49.  24
    Modal interpolation via nested sequents.Melvin Fitting & Roman Kuznets - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (3):274-305.
  50.  40
    Computability theory, semantics, and logic programming.Melvin Fitting - 1987 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    This book describes computability theory and provides an extensive treatment of data structures and program correctness. It makes accessible some of the author's work on generalized recursion theory, particularly the material on the logic programming language PROLOG, which is currently of great interest. Fitting considers the relation of PROLOG logic programming to the LISP type of language.
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