Results for ' eugenics'

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Bibliography: Eugenics in Applied Ethics
  1. Eugene E. Ryan.Eugene Ryan - 2006 - Il Pensiero 26 (1):195-197.
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  2. Interactionism and overdetermination.Eugene O. Mills - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1):105-115.
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    Are viruses alive? The replicator paradigm sheds decisive light on an old but misguided question.Eugene V. Koonin & Petro Starokadomskyy - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59:125-134.
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    Comment by Eugene Thomas Long.Eugene Thomas Long - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:50-54.
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    The logical systems of Lesniewski.Eugene C. Luschei - 1962 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
  6. Is future bias a manifestation of the temporal value asymmetry?Eugene Caruso, Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Future-bias is the preference, all else being equal, for positive states of affairs to be located in the future not the past, and for negative states of affairs to be located in the past not the future. Three explanations for future-bias have been posited: the temporal metaphysics explanation, the practical irrelevance explanation, and the three mechanisms explanation. Understanding what explains future-bias is important not only for better understanding the phenomenon itself, but also because many philosophers think that which explanation is (...)
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    Focusing Und Philosophie: Eugene T. Gendlin Über Die Praxis Körperbezogenen Philosophierens.Eugene T. Gendlin - 2007 - Facultas.Wuv. Edited by Johannes Wiltschko.
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    Confronting Aristotle's Ethics: ancient and modern morality.Eugene Garver - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    What is the good life? Posing this question today would likely elicit very different answers. Some might say that the good life means doing good—improving one’s community and the lives of others. Others might respond that it means doing well—cultivating one’s own abilities in a meaningful way. But for Aristotle these two distinct ideas—doing good and doing well—were one and the same and could be realized in a single life. In Confronting Aristotle’s Ethics, Eugene Garver examines how we can draw (...)
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    Interview: Eugene Ionesco.Emmanuel Jacquart & Eugene Ionesco - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (2):45.
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  10. Giving up on the hard problem of consciousness.Eugene Mills - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (1):26-32.
    David Chalmers calls the problem of explaining why physical processes give rise to conscious phenomenal experience the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness. He argues convincingly that no reductive account of consciousness can solve it and offers instead a non-reductive account which takes consciousness as fundamental. This paper argues that a theory of the sort Chalmers proposes cannot hope to solve the hard problem of consciousness precisely because it takes the relation between physical processes and consciousness as fundamental rather than explicable. The (...)
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  11.  86
    A New Modern Philosophy: An Inclusive Anthology of Primary Sources.Eugene Marshall & Susanne Sreedhar (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are arguably the most important period in philosophy’s history, given that they set a new and broad foundation for subsequent philosophical thought. Over the last decade, however, discontent among instructors has grown with coursebooks’ unwavering focus on the era’s seven most well-known philosophers—all of them white and male—and on their exclusively metaphysical and epistemological concerns. While few dispute the centrality of these figures and the questions they raised, the modern era also included essential contributions from (...)
  12.  88
    CRISPR: a new principle of genome engineering linked to conceptual shifts in evolutionary biology.Eugene V. Koonin - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (1):9.
    The CRISPR-Cas systems of bacterial and archaeal adaptive immunity have become a household name among biologists and even the general public thanks to the unprecedented success of the new generation of genome editing tools utilizing Cas proteins. However, the fundamental biological features of CRISPR-Cas are of no lesser interest and have major impacts on our understanding of the evolution of antivirus defense, host-parasite coevolution, self versus non-self discrimination and mechanisms of adaptation. CRISPR-Cas systems present the best known case in point (...)
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  13. Reason without Freedom: The Problem of Epistemic Normativity.Eugene Mills - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):462-466.
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    A Response to Three Discussions of My Professional Work and Thought.Eugene C. Hargrove - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (3):255-266.
    I do not have any significant criticisms of the papers in this issue by Samantha Noll, Shane Epting, and Shan Gao. However, as a response, I can provide some discussion of how my views came to be and what remains unfinished near the end of my career.
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  15. Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective.Eugene T. Gendlin - 1962 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    In Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning, Eugene Gendlin examines the edge of awareness, where language emerges from nonlanguage.
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    Eine Hochschule für Gesellschaftswissenschaften: Denkschrift / von Dr. Eugen Ehrlich.Eugen Ehrlich - 1918 - Wien: Selbstverlag des Verfassers.
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    Ionesco and the Critics: Eugène Ionesco Interviewed by Gabriel Jacobs.Eugène Ionesco & Gabriel Jacobs - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (3):641-667.
    GJ: We've talked a lot about critics who are hostile toward you. Do you ever feel the need to make a stand against those who are favourably inclined toward your plays but whose comments seem to you to be stupid? EI: Well, for better or worse, that's what I've always done: I wrote Notes and Counter-Notes, had discussions with Claude Bonnefoy, I've written articles; and in each case what I've said, in short, is that critics who gave me their approval, (...)
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    The use of digital twins in healthcare : socio-ethical benefits and socio-ethical risks.Eugen Octav Popa, Mireille Hilten, Elsje Oosterkamp & Marc Jeroen Bogaardt - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1).
    Anticipating the ethical impact of emerging technologies is an essential part of responsible innovation. One such emergent technology is the digital twin which we define here as a living replica of a physical system. A digital twin combines various emerging technologies such as AI, Internet of Things, big data and robotics, each component bringing its own socio-ethical issues to the resulting artefacts. The question thus arises which of these socio-ethical themes surface in the process and how they are perceived by (...)
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  19. Experience, Reason and Faith a Survey in Philosophy and Religion [by] Eugene Garett Bewkes [and Others].Eugene Garrett Bewkes - 1940 - Harper.
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    The Golem and The Leviathan: Two Guiding Images of Irresponsible Technology.Eugen Octav Popa - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1-17.
    What does it mean to be irresponsible in developing or using a technology? There are two fundamentally different answers to this question and they each generate research strands that differ in scope, style and applicability. To capture this difference, I make use of two mythical creatures of Jewish origin that have been employed in the past to represent relationships between man and man-made entities: the Golem (Collins and Pinch, 2002, 2005 ) and the Leviathan (Hobbes, 1994 ). The Golem is (...)
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    The commerce of sympathy: Adam Smith on the emergence of morals.Eugene Heath - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (3):447-466.
  22. The unity of justification.Eugene Mills - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1):27-50.
    The thesis that practical and epistemic justification can diverge-that it can be reasonable to believe something, all things considered, even when believing is epistemically unjustified, and the reverse-is widely accepted. I argue that this acceptance is unfounded. I show, first, that examples of the sort typically cited as straightforwardly illustrative of the "divergence thesis" do not, in fact, support it. The view to the contrary derives from conflating the assessment of acts which cause one to believe with the assessment of (...)
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    A process model.Eugene T. Gendlin - 2018 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Body-environment (b-en) -- Functional cycle (fucy) -- An object -- The body and time -- Evolution, novelty, and stability -- Behavior -- Culture, symbol, and language -- Thinking with the implicit.
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    (2 other versions)Moral intensity as a predictor of social responsibility.Eugene D. Jaffe & Hanoch Pasternak - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (1):53–63.
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    La preuve ontologique de l'existence de Dieu de Descartes et sa critique par Kant.Eugène Régis Mangalaza - 1980 - Tuléar [Madagascar]: Centre universitaire régional de Tuléar avec le concours du Centre de recherches pluridisciplinaires.
  26. (1 other version)The Renaissance idea of wisdom.Eugene F. Rice - 1958 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
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  27. Aristoteles’ Nikomachische Ethik.Eugen Rolfes - 1911 - Meiner.
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    Comments on `Rhetorical Analysis Within a Pragma-Dialectical Framework.Eugene Garver - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (3):307-314.
  29. Projects and Methods of Experimental Philosophy.Eugen Fischer & Justin Sytsma - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser (eds.), The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 39-70.
    How does experimental philosophy address philosophical questions and problems? That is: What projects does experimental philosophy pursue? What is their philosophical relevance? And what empirical methods do they employ? Answers to these questions will reveal how experimental philosophy can contribute to the longstanding ambition of placing philosophy on the ‘secure path of a science’, as Kant put it. We argue that experimental philosophy has introduced a new methodological perspective – a ‘meta-philosophical naturalism’ that addresses philosophical questions about a phenomenon by (...)
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    Spinoza and the Cunning of Imagination.Eugene Garver - 2018 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Spinoza’s Ethics, and its project of proving ethical truths through the geometric method, have attracted and challenged readers for more than three hundred years. In Spinoza and the Cunning of Imagination, Eugene Garver uses the imagination as a guiding thread to this work. Other readers have looked at the imagination to account for Spinoza’s understanding of politics and religion, but this is the first inquiry to see it as central to the Ethics as a whole—imagination as a quality to be (...)
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    Moral Responsibility Beyond Our Fingertips: Collective Responsibility, Leaders, and Attributionism.Eugene Schlossberger - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    We are responsible not only for what we think and feel but for what others do and for what we would have done. This book expands and updates the original attributionist theory of responsibility and applies it to pressing contemporary issues such as collective responsibility, leaders’ responsibility for their followers’ acts, and addiction.
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  32. (1 other version)Aristotle's "Rhetoric": An Art of Character.Eugene Garver - 1996 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 29 (4):436-440.
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    Market Theory and Capitalist Axiomatics.Eugene Holland - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (3):309-330.
    Producing a properly philosophical theory of capitalism as an open axiomatic system requires adding intensive multiplicities to the mathematical account of set theory, which allows only extensive multiplicities. Doing so enables us to understand pricing as a process of transforming intensive quantities into metric quantities, and thereby develop a diagram of the dynamics of axiomatisation and of the market as the two-sided and asymmetrical recording surface of the capitalist socius whose slope represents the infinite debt owed to finance capital. The (...)
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    A common representation for problem-solving and language-comprehension information.Eugene Charniak - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 16 (3):225-255.
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    On Teaching Environmental Ethics.Eugene Hargrove - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (1):3-4.
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    Epistemological foundations of humanistic psychology’s approach to the empirical.Eugene M. DeRobertis - 2022 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 42 (2):61-77.
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  37. Changing Times.Eugene Hargrove - 1992 - Environmental Ethics 14:99-100.
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    Textentwürfe zur Phänomenologie 1930-1932.Eugen Fink - 2006 - Freiburg: Karl-Alber-Verlag. Edited by Cathrin Nielsen, Hans Rainer Sepp, Franz-Anton Schwarz, Stephan Grätzel, Annette Hilt, Guy van Kerckhoven & Anselm Böhmer.
    Die schnell anwachsende Hinneigung zur Existentialanalytik, zur Lebensphilosophie und zur Ontologie am Anfang der 30er Jahre zwang Edmund Husserl dazu, die ursprungliche, als transzendentale ausgereifte Phanomenologie in methodischer und systematischer Hinsicht von diesen neuen Tendenzen scharf abzugrenzen. In den Jahren 1930 bis 1932 entwarf Eugen Fink im Auftrag seines Lehrers eine Reihe von Texten zur Phanomenologie, die grundlegende Bedeutung haben sollten fur ein Systematisches Werk der Phanomenologie bzw. als neue Meditations cartesiennes fur das deutsche Publikum gedacht waren. Diese Entwurfe Eugen (...)
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    The philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach.Eugene Kamenka - 1970 - London,: Routledge & K. Paul..
  40. Blame as Attention.Eugene Chislenko - forthcoming - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
    The wide variety of blame presents two difficult puzzles. Why are instances of blame categorized under so many different mental kinds, such as judgment, belief, emotion, action, intention, desire, and combinations of these? Why is “blame” used to describe both interpersonal reactions and mere causal attributions, such as blaming faulty brakes for a car crash? I introduce a new conception of blame, on which blame is attention to something as a source of badness. I argue that this view resolves both (...)
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    A Bayesian model of plan recognition.Eugene Charniak & Robert P. Goldman - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 64 (1):53-79.
  42. Pragmatism.Eugene Halton - 2005 - In John Lachs Robert B. Talisse (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 596-599.
    Pragmatism is the distinctive contribution of American thought to philosophy. It is a movement that attracted much attention in the early part of the twentieth-century, went into decline, and reemerged in the last part of the century. Part of the difficulty in defining pragmatism is that misconceptions of what pragmatism means have abounded since its beginning, and continue in today’s “neopragmatism.”.
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  43. On Environmental Philosophy: an interview with Eugene C. Hargrove.Eugene C. Hargrove & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2014 - Kairós. Revista de Filosofia E Ciência 11:139-161.
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    It’s (not) Me: Dynamic Nature of Immersive Experiences in Video Game Play.Eugene Kukshinov - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-22.
    Immersion in video games is a complex psychological process often defined as a unitary phenomenon, but it actually takes at least a dual form, as video games encompass both narratives and simulations. This study aimed to understand the relationship between sensory and mental immersive experiences in video game play. A mixed-methods, interview-based study was conducted with eight dedicated players. Phenomenological analysis revealed a dynamic relationship between sensory and mental immersion, with one type sometimes becoming dominant or both combining and transitioning (...)
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    Dialettica E politica in platone.Eugene E. Ryan - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (4):463-465.
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    De la théorie des lieux communs dans les Topiques d'Aristote et des principales modifications qu'elle a subies jusqu'à nos jours.Eugène Thionville - 1855 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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  47. Weak Anthropocentric Intrinsic Value.Eugene C. Hargrove - 1992 - The Monist 75 (2):183-207.
    Professional environmental ethics arose directly out of the interest in the environment created by Earth Day in 1970. At that time many environmentalists, primarily because they had read Aldo Leopold’s essay, “The Land Ethic,” were convinced that the foundations of environmental problems were philosophical. Moreover, these environmentalists were dissatisfied with the instrumental arguments based on human use and benefit—which they felt compelled to invoke in defense of nature—because they thought these arguments were part of the problem. Wanting to counter instrumental (...)
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    Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene B. Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology.Peter Ochs, Eugene B. Borowitz & Yudit Kornberg Greenberg - 2000 - SUNY Press.
    This major intellectual response to the leading theologian of liberal Judaism provides a significant indication of future directions in Jewish religious thought.
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    Renaissance Concepts of Method.Eugene F. Rice - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (2):263.
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    On the rational resolution of (deep) disagreements.Eugen Octav Popa - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-15.
    Disagreements come in all shapes and sizes, but epistemologists and argumentation theorists have singled out a special category referred to as deep disagreements. These deep disagreements are thought to pose philosophical and practical difficulties pertaining to their rational resolution. In this paper, I start with a critique of the widespread claim that deep disagreements are qualitatively different from normal disagreements because they arise from a difference in ‘fundamental principles’ or ‘hinge commitments.’ I then defend the following two claims: All disagreements (...)
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