Results for ' epistemology'

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Bibliography: Epistemology
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Bibliography: Social Epistemology in Epistemology
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  1. The sciences and epistemology.Naturalizing Of Epistemology - 2002 - In Paul K. Moser, The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology. New York: Oup Usa.
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  2. Gdbor Kutrovdtz An Epistemological Reconsideration of Present Controversies about Science Science Wars and Science Studies.An Epistemological Reconsideration - 2004 - In Sonya Kaneva, Challenges Facing Philosophy in United Europe: Proceedings, 23rd Session, Varna International Philosophical School, June, 3rd-6th, 2004. Iphr-Bas.
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    Thomas E. uebel* Neurath's programme for.Naturalistic Epistemology - 1996 - In Sahotra Sarkar, The legacy of the Vienna circle: modern reappraisals. New York: Garland. pp. 6--283.
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  4. African heritage and contemporary Experience Of Epistemological - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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  5. Chinese philosophy.Zhang Dongsun & Pluralist Epistemology - 2002 - In Chung-Ying Cheng & Nicholas Bunnin, Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 57.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 458.Hermeneutical Epistemology - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2).
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  7. The Epistemology of the Near Miss and Its Potential Contribution in the Prevention and Treatment of Problem-Gambling.Catalin Barboianu - 2019 - Journal of Gambling Studies 1:1-16.
    The near-miss has been considered an important factor of reinforcement in gambling behavior, and previous research has focused more on its industry-related causes and effects and less on the gaming phenomenon itself. The near-miss has usually been associated with the games of slots and scratch cards, due to the special characteristics of these games, which include the possibility of pre-manipulation of award symbols in order to increase the frequency of these “engineered” near-misses. In this paper, we argue that starting from (...)
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  8. Justifications and excuses in epistemology.Daniel Greco - 2019 - Noûs 55 (3):517-537.
    While epistemologists have long debated what it takes for beliefs to be justified, they've devoted much less collective attention to the question of what it takes for beliefs to be excused, and how excuses differ from justifications. This stands in contrast to the state of affairs in legal scholarship, where the contrast between justifications and excuses is a standard topic in introductory criminal law textbooks. My goal in this paper is to extract some lessons from legal theory for epistemologists seeking (...)
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  9. Towards a dual process epistemology of imagination.Michael T. Stuart - 2019 - Synthese (2):1-22.
    Sometimes we learn through the use of imagination. The epistemology of imagination asks how this is possible. One barrier to progress on this question has been a lack of agreement on how to characterize imagination; for example, is imagination a mental state, ability, character trait, or cognitive process? This paper argues that we should characterize imagination as a cognitive ability, exercises of which are cognitive processes. Following dual process theories of cognition developed in cognitive science, the set of imaginative (...)
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  10. The Epistemology of Groups.Jennifer Lackey - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Jennifer Lackey presents a ground-breaking exploration of the epistemology of groups, and its implications for group agency and responsibility. She argues that group belief and knowledge depend on what individual group members do or are capable of doing, while being subject to group-level normative requirements.
  11. Goran Sundholm.Ontologic Versus Epistemologic - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 373.
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  12. Modal Virtue Epistemology.Bob Beddor & Carlotta Pavese - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (1):61-79.
    This essay defends a novel form of virtue epistemology: Modal Virtue Epistemology. It borrows from traditional virtue epistemology the idea that knowledge is a type of skillful performance. But it goes on to understand skillfulness in purely modal terms — that is, in terms of success across a range of counterfactual scenarios. We argue that this approach offers a promising way of synthesizing virtue epistemology with a modal account of knowledge, according to which knowledge is safe (...)
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  13. The Social Epistemology of Consensus and Dissent.Boaz Miller - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 228-237.
    This paper reviews current debates in social epistemology about the relations ‎between ‎knowledge ‎and consensus. These relations are philosophically interesting on their ‎own, but ‎also have ‎practical consequences, as consensus takes an increasingly significant ‎role in ‎informing public ‎decision making. The paper addresses the following questions. ‎When is a ‎consensus attributable to an epistemic community? Under what conditions may ‎we ‎legitimately infer that a consensual view is knowledge-based or otherwise ‎epistemically ‎justified? Should consensus be the aim of scientific inquiry, (...)
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  14. Epistemology and the social: A feedback loop.Evandro Agazzi - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 96 (1):19-31.
    A sociological study of science is not very recent and has never been seen as particularly problematic since science, and especially modern science, constitutes an impressive and extremely ramified "social system" of activities, institutions, relations and interferences with other social systems. Less favourable, however, has been the consideration of a more recent trend in the philosophy of science known as the "sociological" philosophy of science, whose most debatable point consists in directly challenging the traditional epistemology of science and, in (...)
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  15. Inescapable Hinges: a Transcendental Hinge Epistemology.Luca Zanetti - 2021 - In Luca Moretti & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen, Non-Evidentialist Epistemology. Leiden: Brill.
    In this paper I discuss a new kind of hinge epistemology which is called transcendental hinge epistemology. According to this view, hinges are immune from doubt because it is impossible to doubt them coherently, and this impossibility arises because any attempt to doubt them will presuppose their truth. Such an immunity is possessed only by inescapable hinges, that is, hinges that must be presupposed in every inquiry. I will argue that current hinge epistemologies fail to provide a satisfactory (...)
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  16. Anna Yeatman.Epistemological Politics - 1994 - In Kathleen Lennon & Margaret Whitford, Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 187.
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  17. Epistemology: Classic Problems and Contemporary Responses.Laurence BonJour - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Epistemology, Laurence Bonjour introduces the serious philosophy student to the history and concepts of epistemology, while simultaneously challenging them to take an active part in its ongoing debates. The text reflects BonJour's conviction that the place to start any discussion of the theories of knowledge is with the classical problems, beginning with and centered around Descartes.
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  18. Feminist Epistemology: An Interpretation and a Defense.Elizabeth Anderson - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (3):50 - 84.
    Feminist epistemology has often been understood as the study of feminine "ways of knowing." But feminist epistemology is better understood as the branch of naturalized, social epistemology that studies the various influences of norms and conceptions of gender and gendered interests and experiences on the production of knowledge. This understanding avoids dubious claims about feminine cognitive differences and enables feminist research in various disciplines to pose deep internal critiques of mainstream research.
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    Mathematical epistemology and psychology.Evert Willem Beth - 1966 - New York,: Gordon & Breach. Edited by Jean Piaget.
  20. Vice epistemology has a responsibility problem.Heather Battaly - 2019 - Philosophical Issues 29 (1):24-36.
    Vice epistemology is in the business of defining epistemic vice. One of the proposed requirements of epistemic vices is that they are reprehensible—blameworthy in a non-voluntarist way. Our problem, as vice epistemologists, is giving an analysis of non-voluntarist responsibility that will count just the right qualities, no more and no less, as epistemic vices. If our analysis of non-voluntarist responsibility ends up being too narrow, then it risks excluding some qualities that we want to count as epistemic vices, such (...)
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  21. Social Epistemology: A Quarter-Century Itinerary.Steve Fuller - 2012 - Social Epistemology 26 (3-4):267-283.
    Examining the origin and development of my views of social epistemology, I contrast my position with the position held by analytic social epistemologists. Analytic social epistemology (ASE) has failed to make significant progress owing, in part, to a minimal understanding of actual knowledge practices, a minimised role for philosophers in ongoing inquiry, and a focus on maintaining the status quo of epistemology as a field. As a way forward, I propose questions and future areas of inquiry for (...)
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  22. Bayesian Epistemology.Stephan Hartmann & Jan Sprenger - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard, The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 609-620.
    Bayesian epistemology addresses epistemological problems with the help of the mathematical theory of probability. It turns out that the probability calculus is especially suited to represent degrees of belief (credences) and to deal with questions of belief change, confirmation, evidence, justification, and coherence. Compared to the informal discussions in traditional epistemology, Bayesian epis- temology allows for a more precise and fine-grained analysis which takes the gradual aspects of these central epistemological notions into account. Bayesian epistemology therefore complements (...)
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  23. Epistemology in the Mencius.Waldemar Brys - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 491-514.
    This chapter examines Mencius’s views on knowledge and how they might contribute to contemporary debates in epistemology. For this purpose, I focus on three features that I take to be characteristic (although not exhaustive) of Mencian epistemology: first, Mencius’s views on knowing things; second, the role that wisdom or intellectual virtue plays in acquiring knowledge; and third, Mencius’s views on “knowing-to”, a kind of knowledge conceptually distinct from knowing-that and knowing-how. I argue that the views we find in (...)
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    Social Epistemology Between Revisionism and Expansionism: On the Use of "Continental" Philosophy and Nenad Miščević's "Disappointment".Snježana Prijić-Samaržija & Petar Bojanić - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (2):31-48.
    The main aim of this article is to analyze a recent text by Nenad Miščević dealing with social epistemology in the context of Foucault's theory of knowledge. In the first part, we briefly note Miščević's thoughts on the difference between analytic and continental philosophy and his thoughts on the latter. In the second part, we analyze both Miščević’s thesis about Foucault's dual understanding of knowledge and his placement of social epistemology as a proper framework for Foucault’s concept of (...)
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    Social Epistemology.Rom Harre - 1991 - Noûs 25 (5):732-733.
  26. Experimental epistemology and "Gettier" cases.John Turri - 2018 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington, The Gettier Problem. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 199-217.
    This chapter reviews some faults of the theoretical literature and findings from the experimental literature on “Gettier” cases. Some “Gettier” cases are so poorly constructed that they are unsuitable for serious study. Some longstanding assumptions about how people tend to judge “Gettier” cases are false. Some “Gettier” cases are judged similarly to paradigmatic ignorance, whereas others are judged similarly to paradigmatic knowledge, rendering it a theoretically useless category. Experimental procedures can affect how people judge “Gettier” cases. Some important central tendencies (...)
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  27. Reformed Epistemology and the Cognitive Science of Religion.Justin L. Barrett - 2010 - Faith and Philosophy 27 (2):174-189.
    Reformed epistemology and cognitive science have remarkably converged on belief in God. Reformed epistemology holds that belief in God is basic—that is, belief in God is a natural, non-inferential belief that is immediately produced by a cognitive faculty. Cognitive science of religion also holds that belief in gods is (often) non-reflectively and instinctively produced—that is, non-inferentially and automatically produced by a cognitive faculty or system. But there are differences. In this paper, we will show some remarkable points of (...)
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    Towards a Liberatory Epistemology.Deborah K. Heikes - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a compelling examination of our moral and epistemic obligations to be reasonable people who seek to understand the social reality of those who are different from us. Considering the oppressive aspects of socially constructed ignorance, Heikes argues that ignorance produces both injustice and epistemic repression, before going on to explore how our moral and epistemic obligations to be understanding and reasonable can overcome the negative effects of ignorance. Through the combination of three separate areas of philosophical interest- (...)
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  29. Diversity in the Epistemology Group: Ernst von Glasersfeld and the Question of Adaptation.R. Michod - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (2):162-163.
    Upshot: Richard Michod is professor and head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He met Ernst von Glasersfeld at the University of Georgia and was a member of the Thursday evening epistemology seminar group. In his essay he recalls the discussions he had with Ernst on the nature of evolution and adaptation.
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  30. Epistemology Factualized: New Contractarian Foundations for Epistemology.Ram Neta - 2006 - Synthese 150 (2):247-280.
    Many epistemologists are interested in offering a positive account of how it is that many of our common sense beliefs enjoy one or another positive epistemological status (e.g., how they are warranted, justified, reasonable, or what have you). A number of philosophers, under the influence of Wittgenstein and/or J. L. Austin, have argued that this enterprise is misconceived. The most effective version of this argument is to be found in Mark Kaplan’s paper “Epistemology on Holiday”. After explaining what this (...)
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    Metaphysics of Epistemology.Ernest Sosa & Enrique Villanueva (eds.) - 2007 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    A collection of papers by leading figures on metaphysical issues pertaining to epistemology Brings together fresh, original work that well represents the present state of the field Considers the metaphysics of perception and of experience, disjunctivism, content externalism, epistemic abilities, the lottery paradox, the epistemology of consciousness, the metaphysics of knowledge as a state, and the ontology of reasons.
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  32. A Companion to Epistemology.Andrew Cullison (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Continuum Press.
    The Continuum Companion to Epistemology offers the definitive guide to a key area of contemporary philosophy. The book covers all the fundamental questions asked by epistemology - areas that have continued to attract interest historically as well as topics that have emerged more recently as active areas of research. Sixteen specially commissioned essays from an international team of experts reveal where important work continues to be done in the area and, most valuably, the exciting new directions the field (...)
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  33. On Meta-Epistemology.Duncan Pritchard - 2012 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 18 (1):91-108.
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    Recent Work in Social Epistemology.Steve Fuller - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):149 - 166.
    "Social epistemology" refers here to the work of analytic epistemologists and philosophers of science interested in providing an empirically adequate account of organized knowledge systems, with special emphasis on scientific inquiry. I critically survey the last ten years of this research. Unlike the pragmatist and Continental schools of philosophy, for which knowledge is "always already" social, progress in analytic social epistemology has been plagued by an oversharp distinction between individual and collective cognition; and a failure to query the (...)
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    Epistemology and Inference.Henry Ely Kyburg - 1983 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Epistemology and Inference _ was first published in 1983. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. Henry Kyburg has developed an original and important perspective on probabilistic and statistical inference. Unlike much contemporary writing by philosophers on these topics, Kyburg's work is informed by issues that have arisen in statistical theory and practice as well as issues familiar to professional philosophers. In two (...)
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    Rethinking Epistemology, Volume 2.Günter Abel & James Conant (eds.) - 2012 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
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  37. The Epistemology of Mengzian Extension.Waldemar Brys - 2021 - In Karyn L. Lai, Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy: Epistemology Extended. Springer Nature. pp. 43-61.
    In this chapter I give an account of the epistemology underlying the concept of “extension” in the Mengzi, an early Confucian text written in the fourth century BCE. Mengzi suggests in a conversation with King Xuan of Qi that a solution to the King’s problem of how one comes to act in a kingly manner is that one engages in “extension”. I argue that a long-standing scholarly debate on the exact nature of Mengzian “extension” can be resolved by closely (...)
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  38. The epistemology of science—a bird’s-eye view.Alexander Bird - 2010 - Synthese 175 (S1):5-16.
    In this paper I outline my conception of the epistemology of science, by reference to my published papers, showing how the ideas presented there fit together. In particular I discuss the aim of science, scientific progress, the nature of scientific evidence, the failings of empiricism, inference to the best (or only) explanation, and Kuhnian psychology of discovery. Throughout, I emphasize the significance of the concept of scientific knowledge.
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  39. Social Epistemology: Theory and Applications.Alvin I. Goldman - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 64:1-18.
    Epistemology has had a strongly individualist orientation, at least since Descartes. Knowledge, for Descartes, starts with the fact of one’s own thinking and with oneself as subject of that thinking. Whatever else can be known, it must be known by inference from one’s own mental contents. Achieving such knowledge is an individual, rather than a collective, enterprise. Descartes’s successors largely followed this lead, so the history of epistemology, down to our own time, has been a predominantly individualist affair.
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    Toward an Epistemology of Wise Judgment.Patrick McKee - 2007 - Philo 10 (2):136-148.
    The term “wise” applied to judgments is honorific, suggesting special epistemic achievement. That achievement consists in making ajudgment on the basis of an aspect of inner experience I call seeing through illusion. I analyze the inner experience of seeing through illusion, then use it to develop a moderate internalist theory of wise judgment. The theory illuminates examples of wise judgment, explains ordinary intuitions we have about it, and can be defended against objections. This suggests that an epistemology of wise (...)
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  41. Buddhist Epistemology and the Liar Paradox.Szymon Bogacz - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):206-220.
    The liar paradox is still an open philosophical problem. Most contemporary answers to the paradox target the logical principles underlying the reasoning from the liar sentence to the paradoxical conclusion that the liar sentence is both true and false. In contrast to these answers, Buddhist epistemology offers resources to devise a distinctively epistemological approach to the liar paradox. In this paper, I mobilise these resources and argue that the liar sentence is what Buddhist epistemologists call a contradiction with one’s (...)
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    Epistemology and justifying the curriculum of educational studies.J. C. Walker & C. W. Evers - 1982 - British Journal of Educational Studies 30 (2):213-229.
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    Michele le Doeuff feminist epistemology and the unthought.Marguerite La Caze - 2008 - Hecate 34 (2):62-79..
    The unthought means that which it is possible to think, but which has not yet been thought, and also what we are prevented from thinking. Philosophical systems can prevent us from thinking otherwise and restrictions on women’s access to knowledge can prevent women from thinking apart from what is prescribed as suitable. The unthought is both what hasn’t been thought and what could be thought if there wasn’t a barrier of some sort. Michèle Le Dœuff directs us towards the unthought (...)
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    Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis.Rosane Rocher - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):331.
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    Philosophical Issues, the Epistemology of Perception.Ernest Sosa & Enrique Villanueva (eds.) - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This is a collection of papers on the epistemology of perception, very broadly conceived. It contains cutting-edge work by some of the most important contributors in the field.
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    The epistemology of development, evolution, and genetics: selected essays.Richard M. Burian - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine developments in three fundamental biological disciplines--embryology, evolutionary biology, and genetics--in conflict with each other for much of the twentieth century. They consider key methodological problems and the difficulty of overcoming them. Richard Burian interweaves historical appreciation of the settings within which scientists work, substantial knowledge of the biological problems at stake and the methodological and philosophical issues faced in integrating biological knowledge drawn from disparate sources.
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    Naturalizing epistemology: Thomas Kuhn and the 'essential tension'.Fred D'Agostino - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In identifying that the 'essential tension' is the balance between conservative and innovative approaches in the development of knowledge - tried-and tested or new directions - Kuhn pointed out that these two attitudes are both appropriate. This study adds to this picture the social and psychological dynamics that underpin any such balancing.
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    Feminist Epistemology.Helen E. Longino - 1999 - In John Greco & Ernest Sosa, The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–353.
    Feminist epistemology is both a paradox and a necessity. Epistemology is a highly general inquiry – into the meaning of knowledge claims and attributions, into conditions for the possibility of knowledge, into the nature of truth and justification, and so on. Feminism is a family of positions and inquiries characterized by some common sociopolitical interests centering on the abolition of sexual and gender inequality. What possible relation could there be between these two sets of activity? Furthermore, feminist inquiry (...)
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  49. The Epistemology of Group Disagreement: An Introduction.Fernandfo Broncano-Berrocal & J. Adam Carter - 2020 - In Fernando Broncano-Berrocal & Adam Carter, The Epistemology of Group Disagreement. Routledge. pp. 1-8.
    This is an introduction to the volume The Epistemology of Group Disagreement (Routledge, forthcoming), (eds.) F. Broncano-Berrocal and J.A. Carter.
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  50. Applied Epistemology.Jennifer Lackey (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Leading philosophers bring the tools of contemporary epistemology to bear on some of the most pressing social and political questions facing us as agents in the world today. This volume explores a diverse range of topics as they relate to epistemology under broad themes including injustice, race, feminism, sexual consent, and the internet.
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