Results for ' divine attributes'

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  1.  50
    The Divine Attributes.Joshua Hoffman & Gary S. Rosenkrantz - 2002 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _The Divine Attributes_is an engaging analysis of the God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the perspective of rational theology.
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    The Divine Attributes.Tim Mawson (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Divine Attributes explores the traditional theistic concept of God as the most perfect being possible, discussing the main divine attributes which flow from this understanding - personhood, transcendence, immanence, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, perfect goodness, unity, simplicity and necessity. It argues that the atemporalist's conception of God is to be preferred over the temporalist's on the grounds of perfect being theology, but that, if it were to be the case that the temporal God existed, rather than (...)
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    Introduction: Divine Attributes.Ciro De Florio, Aldo Frigerio & Georg Gasser - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):561-564.
    Analytic philosophy of religion has witnessed a significant increase in interest in the ontological presuppositions of the various theological doctrines. This special issue collects new essays on various divine attributes.
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  4. The Divine Attributes and Non-personal Conceptions of God.John Bishop & Ken Perszyk - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):609-621.
    Analytical philosophers of religion widely assume that God is a person, albeit immaterial and of unique status, and the divine attributes are thus understood as attributes of this supreme personal being. Our main aim is to consider how traditional divine attributes may be understood on a non-personal conception of God. We propose that foundational theist claims make an all-of-Reality reference, yet retain God’s status as transcendent Creator. We flesh out this proposal by outlining a specific (...)
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  5. The Divine Attributes.Joshua Hoffman & Gary S. Rosenkrantz - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):742-745.
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  6. The divine attributes.Nicholas Everitt - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):78-90.
    Focusing on God's essential attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, being eternal and omnipresent, being a creator and sustainer, and being a person, I examine how far recent discussion has been able to provide for each of these divine attributes a consistent interpretation. I also consider briefly whether the attributes are compatible with each other.
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  7. Describing Gods: An Investigation of Divine Attributes.Graham Oppy - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book begins with a careful taxonomy of divine attributes. It continues with detailed examinations of: divine infinity; divine simplicity; divine perfection; divine necessity; omnipotence; omniscience; divine goodness; divine beauty; divine fundamentality; divine will; divine freedom; etc.
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    The Divine Attributes.William E. Mann - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):151 - 159.
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    Introduction: Divine Attributes.Georg Gasser, Aldo Frigerio & Ciro Florio - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):561-564.
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  10. New Puzzles About Divine Attributes.Moti Mizrahi - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):147-157.
    According to traditional Western theism, God is maximally great (or perfect). More explicitly, God is said to have the following divine attributes: omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence. In this paper, I present three puzzles about this conception of a maximally great (or perfect) being. The first puzzle about omniscience shows that this divine attribute is incoherent. The second puzzle about omnibenevolence and omnipotence shows that these divine attributes are logically incompatible. The third puzzle about perfect rationality (...)
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    The Divine Attributes in Aquinas.Stephen Theron - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):37-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES IN AQUINAS IN THIS PAPER I discuss principally the claim of Aquinas that the divine attribute which is the formal constituent of the divine nature is es.'!e. I also discuss the consequent attribute of simplicity, with some reflections on this relation of consequence. I conclude with some remarks on philosophical realism in general, which I take to be the necessary background to (...)
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    Commands as Divine Attributes.Omar Farahat - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (4):581-605.
    Theories of ethics that attempt to incorporate divine speech or commands as necessary elements in the construction of moral obligations are often viewed as vulnerable to a challenge based on the so-called Euthyphro dilemma. According to this challenge, opponents of theistic ethics suppose that divine speech either informs one of a preexisting set of values and obligations, which makes it inconsequential, or is entirely arbitrary, which makes it irrational. This essay analyzes some of the debates on the nature (...)
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    The Divine Attributes[REVIEW]Charles Taliaferro - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):742-745.
    This book is a first-rate contribution to analytic philosophy of religion. The divine attributes that are the focus of this analytic enterprise are constitutive of theism. They include substantiality, incorporeality, necessary existence, eternality, omniscience, perfect virtue, moral admirability, and omnipotence. Hoffman and Rosenkrantz limit themselves to a conceptual goal; they argue for the coherence of theism not its truth. The book contains a useful glossary and terms are introduced with care, and without unnecessary jargon. A brave hearted undergraduate (...)
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    Divine Attributes in Spinoza.Jacob Adler - 1989 - Philosophy and Theology 4 (1):33-52.
    Are the divine attributes intrinsic or relational properties of God? That is, can we ascribe the attributes to God, without relation to the things which God produces;or can we ascribe them to God only in relation to those things? In discussing the various aspects of this very old question, I argue that both views find strong support in the Ethics and other works. Spinoza’s “pantheism” removes the apparent contradiction between the two conceptions.
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  15. Allamah Tabatabaee on Divine Attributes of Acts.Maryam Barooti & Mohammad Saeedi Mehr - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (1):61-78.
    In Allamah Tabatabaee’s works there are found at least three apparently different views about the relation of Divine essence and His attributes of act: 1. the unity of God’s essence and His attributes of act; 2. the ontological distinction between His essence and His attributes of act and 3. the impossibility of attribution of such properties to God’s essence. In this paper we try to establish that these three views are essentially consistent. Our analysis shows that (...)
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    The Eternity of the Divine Attributes within the Context of the Origination of the Universe, the Temporality and the Mutability of Particulars and Human Freedom.Ekrem Sefa GÜL - 2018 - Kader 16 (1):129-156.
    The relationship between the eternity of the divine attributes and the origination of the universe (ḥudūth al-‘ālam), fate, and human freedom is among the most important problems of Kalām. This study deals with this problem by examining the connection of the kalāmī view of the origination of the world with God’s attributes in general and His eternal knowledge in particular. In this connection, it also revisits the issue of human free will. One of the main arguments of (...)
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  17. Divine attributes in the qurʼan: Some poetic aspects.Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid - 2000 - In Ronald L. Nettler, Mohamed Mahmoud & John Cooper (eds.), Islam and modernity: Muslim intellectuals respond. London: I. B. Tauris.
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    A Scotist Nonetheless? George Berkeley, Cajetan, and the Problem of Divine Attributes.Manuel Fasko - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 74 (4):33.
    The problem of divine attributes was one of the most intensely debated topics in the 17-18th century Irish philosophy. Simply put, the problem revolves around the ontological question (i) whether human and divine attributes differ in degree or in kind, and the semantical (ii) how we ought to describe these divine attributes by means of our human language. While there was a consensus that analogies play a key role in solving the semantical problem there (...)
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    The Divine Attributes in Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn al-Rūmī.Tuna Tunagöz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:583-608.
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    Is God Just? Aquinas’s Contribution to the Discussion of a Divine Attribute.Dominic Farrell - 2017 - Alpha Omega 20 (3):467-507.
    Justice is a divine attribute to which the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions attest frequently and to which people attach great importance. However, it is the express subject of comparatively few contemporary studies. It has been argued that this is symptomatic of a long-standing trend in Christian theology, which has tended to conceive justice narrowly, as retributive. This paper makes the case that, mediaeval theologians, from Anselm to Aquinas, address the divine attribute of justice in depth and (...)
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    Transcendence and Immanence: A Comparative Analysis of Divine Attributes in Monotheistic Religions.Sophie Liu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):293-308.
    Since mankind hide the truth because they are unjust, God's wrath is shown from heaven against all of their immorality. Because God has revealed to them everything, they can know about him, it is obvious to them. Since the beginning of time, his intangible qualities, namely, his everlasting power and divine nature, have been evident in the things that have been created. Thus, they have no justification. Because even though they were aware of God, they did not revere or (...)
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    The Anselmian 'Single-Divine-Attribute Doctrine'.H. Scott Hestevold - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (1):63 - 77.
    There have emerged two distinct approaches to preserving the coherence of theism. The most common approach involves explicating the concept of an absolutely perfect God in terms of the divine attributes and then analyzing the divine-attribute concepts in such a way that they are rendered mutually consistent. According to this ‘multiple-attribute’ approach, the coherence of theism ultimately turns both on whether each divine-attribute concept can be coherently analyzed independently of the other divine-attribute concepts and on (...)
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  23. Simplicity’s Deficiency: Al-Ghazali’s Defense of the Divine Attributes and Contemporary Trinitarian Metaphysics.Nicholas Martin - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):665-673.
    I reconstruct and analyze al-Ghazali’s arguments defending a plurality of real divine attributes in The Incoherence of the Philosophers. I show that one of these arguments can be made to engage with and defend Jeffrey E. Brower and Michael C. Rea’s “Numerical Sameness Without Identity” model of the Trinity. To that end, I provide some background on the metaphysical commitments at play in al-Ghazali’s arguments.
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    Maimonides and Aquinas on Divine Attributes the Importance of Avicenna.Richard C. Taylor - 2019 - In Josef Stern, James T. Robinson & Yonatan Shemesh (eds.), Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation: A History From the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 333-363.
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    Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Muʿtazilī Inclination on the Ontic Value of Divine Attributes.Mehmet Aktaş - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):43-70.
    This article tries to show that Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, one of Ash‘arī theologians of the contracting period, showed a Mu‘tazila tendency regarding the ontic value of divine attributes and his successors followed him in this regard. The problem of divine attributes, a heated discussion area of theology, has been interpreted differently by the theological sects over centuries. Mu‘tazila scholars before Abu Hāshim al-Jubbāī regarded those attributes as nominally attributed to God. For the first time, with (...)
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    A Better Argument for Tawḥīd?: Philosophical Discussions of Divine Attributes in the Sharḥ Al-ʿaqāid Tradition.Mehmet Fatih Arslan - forthcoming - Sophia:1-43.
    This study focuses on al-Taftāzānī’s discussion of the ontological status of divine attributes in his _Sharḥ al-ʿAqāid_ and aims to demonstrate that al-Rāzī’s (d. 606/1210) reluctantly and ambiguously proposed formula that divine attributes are possible by themselves and necessary by God, which itself is an adaptation of Avicennian formula about the ontological status of the divine intellects, received much more recognition after a more sophisticated and advanced version of it was introduced to Sunnī _kalām_ tradition (...)
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    The Divine Attributes[REVIEW]Paul K. Moser - 2004 - Faith and Philosophy 21 (1):116-119.
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    4 The Divine Attributes.Edwin M. Curley - 1969 - In Spinoza's Metaphysics: An Essay in Interpretation. Cambridge,: Harvard University Press. pp. 118-153.
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    Llull and the divine attributes in 13th century context.Annemarie C. Mayer - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):139-154.
  30. Al-kindī and the mu‘tazila: Divine attributes, creation and freedom: Peter Adamson.Peter Adamson - 2003 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (1):45-77.
    The paper discusses al-Kindī's response to doctrines held by contemporary theologians of the Mu‘tazilite school: divine attributes, creation, and freedom. In the first section it is argued that, despite his broadly negative theology, al-Kindī recognizes a special kind of “essential” positive attribute belonging to God. The second section argues that al-Kindī agreed with the Mu‘tazila in holding that something may not yet exist but still be an object of God's knowledge and power. Also it presents a new parallel (...)
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  31. The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.Edward R. WIERENGA - 1989 - Religious Studies 28 (4):575-576.
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    Spinoza and the Divine Attributes.P. T. Geach - 1971 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 5:15-27.
    On the very first page of Spinoza's Ethics we find the perplexing definition of ‘attribute’: ‘By an attribute I mean what the understanding perceives in regard to a substance as constituting its essence’. Each attribute of a substance by itself thus constitutes the essence of a substance; if there are many attributes of the same substance, it does not take all of them together to constitute its essence. Spinoza, as we all know, in fact held that there is only (...)
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    On the Compatibility of the Divine Attributes.George N. Schlesinger - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (4):539 - 542.
    According to Anselm, all Divine qualities are tightly interrelated: they are implied by the unique central property of being absolutely perfect. In the second chapter of the Proslogium , Anselm claims that it is the essence of our concept of God that He is a being greater than which nothing can be conceived. From this, he argues, it is possible to infer that He is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and so on. In other words, given an absolutely perfect being (...)
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  34. Omnisubjectivity: Why It Is a Divine Attribute.Linda Zagzebski - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):435-450.
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    The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.Thomas V. Morris - 1993 - Noûs 27 (3):391-395.
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    Response to Linda Zagzebski’s “Omnisubjectivity: Why It Is a Divine Attribute”.Bernhard Blankenhorn - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):451-458.
  37. The Concept of God and Its Role in the Semantics of Divine Attributes.Meysam Molaei - 2014 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 12 (1):103-126.
    This article does not attempt to answer all questions against the semantics of the attributes of God, Even not going to answer that,” what is the meaning of Omniscient/ Omnipotent/perfectly Good?” Rather, we want to provide with a way which shows how the properties mentioned above can be defined or judged. We assert that for the semantics of the properties of God, one has to consider the theists’ Understanding of God. On the traditional understanding of monotheistic religions, especially Islam, (...)
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  38. On Two Alleged Conflicts Between Divine Attributes.Torin Alter - 2002 - Faith and Philosophy 19 (1):47-57.
    Some argue that God’s omnipotence and moral perfection prevent God from being afraid and having evil desires and thus from understanding such states—which contradicts God’s omniscience. But, I argue, God could acquire such understanding indirectly, either by (i) perceiving the mental states of imperfect creatures, (ii) imaginatively combining the components of mental states with which God could be acquainted, or (iii) having false memory traces of such states. (i)–(iii) are consistent with the principal divine attributes.
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    Philosophical Implications of the Problem of Divine Attributes in the Kalam.Harry A. Wolfson - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (2):73-80.
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    12. Maimonides and Aquinas on Divine Attributes: The Importance of Avicenna.Richard C. Taylor - 2019 - In Josef Stern, James T. Robinson & Yonatan Shemesh (eds.), Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation: A History From the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 333-364.
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    The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.Paul Helm - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (2):125-127.
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    A Note on Avicenna and the Divine Attributes.John P. Rosheger - 2000 - Modern Schoolman 77 (2):169-177.
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    Anthony Collins’s Non-Vindication of the Divine Attributes.Kenneth L. Pearce - forthcoming - Journal of Theological Studies.
    Anthony Collins’s 1710 pamphlet _A Vindication of the Divine Attributes_ is not a vindication of the divine attributes. But what precisely is it? I argue that Collins’s _Vindication_ is best interpreted as a kind of prelude to his later _Discourse of Free-Thinking_ (1713). The Vindication aims to show that our beliefs about the existence and nature of God cannot rest on the authority of the clergy. Instead we must, as Collins puts it, ‘impartially examine every thing (how (...)
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  44. Allameh Hilli and Thomas Aquinas on semantics of divine attributes.Hasan Abasi Hossein Abadi - 2015 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 12 (2):91-108.
    One of the major issues in the names and attributes of God, is the semantic interpretation of how to interpret and apply the concepts and predicates that talk about God. A historical survey proves that Imami theologians’ theological views are derived from the Qur'an and hadith. The Quran ascribed some attributes to God that prompted scholars to discuss and analyze the applicability of these concepts to God; accordingly, different views emerged Including Allameh Hilli’s apophaticism which is similar to (...)
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    Is the Distinction between Natural and Moral Attributes Good? Jonathan Edwards on Divine Attributes.Sebastian Rehnman - 2010 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (1).
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    The God of Qohelet: Positive Divine Attributes for an Age of Technology.Aurelian Botica - 2023 - Perichoresis 21 (s1):4-20.
    The book Ecclesiastes has been regarded as one of the most profound pieces of ‘wisdom’ literature in the ancient Orient. It rivals in depth and the courage to challenge the institutional status quo with the literature from Mesopotamia and Egypt. It has puzzled readers in the last three millennia with its unparalleled courage to ask uncomfortable questions about faith, Gods and humanity. Ironically, many of the questions that Ecclesiastes asked have found reverberations in the hearts of post-modern men and women (...)
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    Denys the Carthusian on the Cognition of Divine Attributes and the Principal Name of God: A propos the Unity of a Philosophical Experience.Martin Pickavé - 2003 - In Die Logik des Transzendentalen: Festschrift für Jan A. Aertsen zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    What Kind of ‘God’ do Hindu Arguments for the Divine Show? Five Novel Divine Attributes of Brahman.Jessica Frazier - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):471-495.
    This article describes the ultimate ground of reality, Brahman, as a single power unfolding in concert in all things. It uses counterfactual argumentation to imply that a cosmos must consist of telic causal orders or manifested ‘powers’ as its most granular building block – and that they must be unified into a single whole. It is based on an argument for a single causally-conditioning substrate of all things recorded in India’s classical Sāṃkhya Kārikā and Brahma Sūtras; this was used by (...)
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  49. (1 other version)The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.Edward R. Wierenga - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The Nature of God explores a perennial problem in the philosophy of religion.
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    The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.William E. Mann - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):442.
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