Results for ' diversity-stability hypothesis'

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  1. Diversity-stability hypothesis.Greg Mikkelson - manuscript
    The idea that biological diversity enhances ecological stability has inspired a huge body of scientific research, from the 1950's and before to the 2000's and beyond. It has also played an important role in environmental ethics, e.g., in Leopold's land ethic. In his view, biodiversity is essential for "a food chain aimed to harmonize the wild and the tame in the joint interest of stability, productivity, and beauty." (1949, p. 199) Then, as now, potential links between (...) and stability helped to whet the impetus for conservation. (shrink)
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    Harmony as Ideology: Questioning the DiversityStability Hypothesis.Nikos Nikisianis & Georgios P. Stamou - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):33-64.
    The representation of a complex but stable, self-regulated and, finally, harmonious nature penetrates the whole history of Ecology, thus contradicting the core of the Darwinian evolution. Originated in the pre-Darwinian Natural History, this representation defined theoretically the various schools of early ecology and, in the context of the cybernetic synthesis of the 1950s, it assumed a typical mathematical form on account of α positive correlation between species diversity and community stability. After 1960, these two aforementioned concepts and their (...)
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  3. Do Deconstructive Ecology and Sociobiology Undermine Leopold’s Land Ethic?J. Baird Callicott - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (4):353-372.
    Recent deconstructive developments in ecology (doubts about the existence of unified communities and ecosystems, the diversity-stability hypothesis, and a natural homeostasis or “balance of nature”; and an emphasis on “chaos,” “perturbation,” and directionless change in living nature) and the advent of sociobiology (selfish genes) may seem to undermine the scientific foundations of environmental ethics, especially the Leopold land ethic. A reassessment of the Leopold land ethic in light of these developments (and vice versa) indicates that the land (...)
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    ISG15: A link between innate immune signaling, DNA replication, and genome stability.Christopher P. Wardlaw & John H. J. Petrini - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2300042.
    Interferon stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) encodes a ubiquitin‐like protein that is highly induced upon activation of interferon signaling and cytoplasmic DNA sensing pathways. As part of the innate immune system ISG15 acts to inhibit viral replication and particle release via the covalent conjugation to both viral and host proteins. Unlike ubiquitin, unconjugated ISG15 also functions as an intracellular and extra‐cellular signaling molecule to modulate the immune response. Several recent studies have shown ISG15 to also function in a diverse array of (...)
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    La diversità del vivente prima e dopo la biodiversità.Patrick Blandin - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:63-92.
    La spettacolare invasione della parola “biodiversità” nelle sfere scientifiche e politiche così come nei media ha suggerito la possibile nascita di un nuovo campo d’indagine scientifica. Tuttavia, la diversità del mondo vivente è stata l’oggetto di studio della storia naturale sin dai primordi. Gli ecologi non hanno aspettato la pubblicazione di “Biodiversity” di Wilson e Peter, nel 1988, per prendere in esame la diversità delle specie all’interno degli ecosistemi e per occuparsi di questioni fondamentali come i processi di diversificazione e (...)
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  6. Diversity, Stability, and Social Contract Theory.Michael Moehler - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 176 (12):3285-3301.
    The topic of moral diversity is not only prevalent in contemporary moral and political philosophy, it is also practically relevant. Moral diversity, however, poses a significant challenge for moral theory building. John Thrasher, in his discussion of public reason theory, which includes social contract theory, argues that if one seriously considers the goal of moral constructivism and considerations of representation and stability, then moral diversity poses an insurmountable problem for most public reason theories. I agree with (...)
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    Biodiversidade e religião (Biodiversity and religion).Romeu Cardoso Guimarães - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (17):156-177.
    Explora-se o conceito de que a diversidade propicia robutez nos sistemas processadores de informação e como seria aplicável às areas neurais e sociais, incluindo o fenômeno religioso. Avaliação de estatísticas populacionais indica que o último não é essencial ao humano, apesar de ser praticamente constante nas culturas. Discutem-se os aspectos cognitivos e afetivos na ciência e na religião, sob a proposta de que demarcação adequada pode auxiliar na redução de conflitos. Nesse mesmo sentido pode contribuir a elaboração sobre as tensões (...)
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    From the neutral theory to a comprehensive and multiscale theory of ecological equivalence.François Munoz & Philippe Huneman - unknown
    The neutral theory of biodiversity assumes that coexisting organisms are equally able to survive, reproduce and disperse, but predicts that stochastic fluctuations of these abilities drive diversity dynamics. It predicts remarkably well many biodiversity patterns, although substantial evidence for the role of niche variation across organisms seems contradictory. Here, we discuss this apparent paradox by exploring the meaning and implications of ecological equivalence. We address the question whether neutral theory provides an explanation for biodiversity patterns and acknowledges causal processes. (...)
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    Complexity, Diversity, and Stability.James Justus - 2008 - In Sahorta Sarkar & Anya Plutynski (eds.), Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell. pp. 321–350.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Emergence of the StabilityDiversity—Complexity Debate Mathematization of Ecological Stability The End of the Consensus Contextualization and Classification of Ecological Stability Measures of Ecological Diversity and Complexity Evaluating StabilityDiversity—Complexity Relationships Acknowledgments References Further Reading.
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    ‘Black Pain is a White Commodity’: Moving beyond postcolonial theory in practical theology: #CaesarMustFall!Daniel J. Louw - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):14.
    Postcolonialism and decolonising campaigns are expressions of human pain on the level of identity confusion (inferiority), ideological abuse (cultural discrimination) and structural oppression (imperialistic exploitation). The slogan ‘Black Pain is a White Commodity’ in the #MustFall campaigns is critically analysed within the framework of postcolonial theory and imperialistic power categories. The basic hypothesis of the article is that in early Christianity, pantokrator images of God were influenced by iconography stemming mostly from the Roman Emperor cult and Egyptian mythology. The (...)
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    Robustness, evidence, and uncertainty: an exploration of policy applications of robustness analysis.Nicolas Wüthrich - unknown
    Policy-makers face an uncertain world. One way of getting a handle on decision-making in such an environment is to rely on evidence. Despite the recent increase in post-fact figures in politics, evidence-based policymaking takes centre stage in policy-setting institutions. Often, however, policy-makers face large volumes of evidence from different sources. Robustness analysis can, prima facie, handle this evidential diversity. Roughly, a hypothesis is supported by robust evidence if the different evidential sources are in agreement. In this thesis, I (...)
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    The Diversity Principle and the Little Scientist Hypothesis.Daniel Osherson & Riccardo Viale - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (2):239-253.
    The remarkable transition from helpless infant to sophisticatedfive-year-old has long captured the attention of scholars interested inthe discovery of knowledge. To explain these achievements, developmentalpsychologists often compare children's discovery procedures to those ofprofessional scientists. For the child to be qualified as a ``littlescientist'', however, intellectual development must be shown to derivefrom rational hypothesis selection in the face of evidence. In thepresent paper we focus on one dimension of rational theory-choice,namely, the relation between hypothesis confirmation and evidencediversity. Psychological research (...)
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    A hypothesis to explain why translation inhibitors stabilize mRNAs in mammalian cells: mRNA Stability and mitosis.Jeff Ross - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (6):527-529.
    Protein synthesis inhibitors prolong the half‐lives of most mRNAs at least fourfold in the somatic cells of higher eukaryotes and in yeast cells. Some mRNAs are stabilized because the inhibitors affect mRNA‐specific regulatory factors; however, hundreds or thousands of other mRNAs are probably stabilized by a common mechanism. We propose that mRNA stabilization in cells treated with a translation inhibitor reflects a physiological process that occurs during each mitosis and is important for cell survival. Transcription and translation rates decline drastically (...)
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  14. Selective Diversity in RNA Viruses: Do They Know How to Evolve? A Hypothesis.Lev G. Nemchinov - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400281.
    Genetic diversity of viral populations is almost unanimously attributed to the build‐up of random mutations along with accidental recombination events. This passive role of viruses in the selection of viable genotypes is widely acknowledged. According to the hypothesis presented here, populations of steady‐state error copies of a master viral sequence would have a dominant mutant rather than a random pool of heterogeneous viral genomes with changes scattered uniformly without any preferential distribution. It would let viruses face the selection (...)
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    Hypothesis. When cells take fate into their own hands: Differential competence to respond to inducing signals generates diversity in the embryonic mesoderm.Jan L. Christian & Randall T. Moon - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (2):135-140.
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  16. The Fragility of Consensus: Public Reason, Diversity and Stability.John Thrasher & Kevin Vallier - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):933-954.
    John Rawls's transition from A Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism was driven by his rejection of Theory's account of stability. The key to his later account of stability is the idea of public reason. We see Rawls's account of stability as an attempt to solve a mutual assurance problem. We maintain that Rawls's solution fails because his primary assurance mechanism, in the form of public reason, is fragile. His conception of public reason relies on a condition (...)
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    Workforce Diversity and Religiosity.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo, Haejung Na & Manuel G. Velasquez - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):743-767.
    Workforce diversity has received increasing amounts of attention from academics and practitioners alike. In this article, we examine the empirical association between a firm’s workforce diversity and the degree of religiosity of the firm’s management by investigating their unidirectional and endogenous effects. Employing a large and extensive U.S. sample of firms from the years 1991–2010, we find a positive association between a measure of the firm’s commitment to diversity and the religiosity of the firm’s management after controlling (...)
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  18.  52
    Upward Stability Transfer for Tame Abstract Elementary Classes.John Baldwin, David Kueker & Monica VanDieren - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2):291-298.
    Grossberg and VanDieren have started a program to develop a stability theory for tame classes. We name some variants of tameness and prove the following. Let K be an AEC with Löwenheim-Skolem number ≤κ. Assume that K satisfies the amalgamation property and is κ-weakly tame and Galois-stable in κ. Then K is Galois-stable in κ⁺ⁿ for all n<ω. With one further hypothesis we get a very strong conclusion in the countable case. Let K be an AEC satisfying the (...)
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    New Schemes of Dynamic Preservation of Diversity: Remarks on Stability and Topology.Evariste Sanchez-Palencia & Jean-Pierre Françoise - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):157-169.
    We address the biological dynamics problem of the persistence of several species in conditions of non-existence of an equilibrium, including an example of stabilization by predation and the very controversial “competitive exclusion”. We give normal forms for various examples of such persistence and comments on the involved topology, which implies the presence of exceptional heteroclinic connections binding equilibria on the boundary.
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  20. The cognitive foundations of cultural stability and diversity.Dan Sperber & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):40-46.
  21. Plato on diversity and stability in nature.Juhani Pietarinen - 2004 - In Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen (eds.), Philosophy and Biodiversity. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Stability and Change in Nature and Science.Harold I. Brown - 2020 - Topoi 39 (4):893-900.
    Change is endemic in nature yet scientists seek stability amidst change. When proposals fail scientists shift their focus and look for stability elsewhere. Scholars who study the development of science also seek stability in the scientific process. Here I explore the interaction between stability and change in nature as we understand it through the sciences and in the practice of scientific research. The concluding part argues that the search for stability meets a human intellectual need (...)
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  23.  7
    Is Stability a Stable Category in Medical Epistemology?Alex Broadbent - 2015 - Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 2 (1):24-37.
    In myrecent book I have sought to define a notion of stability and to argue that it is a useful notion for biomedical and especially epidemiological research (Broadbent 2013, 56–80). In this paper I seek to defend the notion of stability against two possible objections: that it fails to be epistemically significant, and that it amounts to nothing more than empirical adequacy. I argue that stability is epistemically significant because to know that a hypothesis is stable (...)
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    Social Diversity on Corporate Boards in a Country Torn by Civil War.Kamil K. Nazliben, Luc Renneboog & Emil Uduwalage - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (3):679-706.
    We examine how social diversity and inclusiveness on corporate boards affect corporate performance and monitoring in Sri Lanka, a country subject to decades of polarization, civil war, and even genocide. Barely more than a decade after the civil war, we find that board social diversity on the basis of ethnicity, religion, language, gender, and nationality of the board members is positively related to corporate performance, both in terms of stock market performance and accounting returns, and to corporate financial (...)
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    The Fact of Diversity and Reasonable Pluralism.Sterling Lynch - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (1):70-93.
    Contemporary society involves a number of different persons, groups, and ways of life that are deeply divided and very often opposed on fundamental matters of deep concern. Today, many contemporary philosophers regard this 'fact of diversity' as a problem that needs to be addressed when assessing the principles employed to organize society. In this paper, I discuss the fact of diversity, as it is understood by the notion of reasonable pluralism, and explain why it is thought by some (...)
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    Gender diversity on boards for organizational impression management: An empirical study of Japanese firms.Jungwon Min - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (3):777-789.
    The literature on gender diversity on corporate boards is growing, yet firms' motivation for achieving such diversity remains underexplored. This study examines the potential objective behind appointing female directors that could be driven by organizational impression management based on the hypothesis that firms strategically propose to nominate female directors when they need to form a favorable impression to their stakeholders, especially in relation to executive compensation. This study analyzed annual shareholders meeting agendas for 3585 listed Japanese firms (...)
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    Gender Diversity on European Banks' Boards of Directors.Ruth Mateos de Cabo, Ricardo Gimeno & María J. Nieto - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):145-162.
    This article investigates the gender diversity of the corporate board of European Union banks. Employing a large sample of 612 European banks from 20 European countries, it identifies organizational characteristics that could be predictive of women’s presence on bank boards. We identify three factors that play a particularly important role in defining bank board gender diversity. First, the proportion of women on the board is higher for lower-risk banks. We argue that there may be some statistical discrimination behind (...)
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    Toward a stability theory of tame abstract elementary classes.Sebastien Vasey - 2018 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 18 (2):1850009.
    We initiate a systematic investigation of the abstract elementary classes that have amalgamation, satisfy tameness, and are stable in some cardinal. Assuming the singular cardinal hypothesis, we prove a full characterization of the stability cardinals, and connect the stability spectrum with the behavior of saturated models.We deduce that if a class is stable on a tail of cardinals, then it has no long splitting chains. This indicates that there is a clear notion of superstability in this framework.We (...)
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    Building Complexity, One Stability at a Time: Rethinking Stubbornness in Public Rhetorics and Writing Studies.Chris Mays - unknown
    In deliberative argument, in political discourse, in teaching, and in casual conversation, as rhetors we often hope that our attempts at interaction will have some effect on the participants in these discursive environments. The phenomena of stubbornness, however, would seem to suggest that, despite our efforts, there are times when rhetoric just doesn't work. This dissertation complicates this premise, and in so doing complicates common understandings of both stubbornness and rhetorical effect. As I argue, rhetorical effects exist within a complex (...)
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    Explaining Stability and Change in Natural Systems.Stephen Esser - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    An aim of science is to increase our understanding of the natural world. A primary means for doing so is by providing explanations, which often proceed by tracing the causes of phenomena. How can a causal explanation lead to understanding? While explanations can take many forms, I argue that to succeed they must embody a conception of causation shared with their audience. The challenge then, is to describe this conception and detail its role in explanation. While there is good evidence (...)
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    Constructivism, representation, and stability: path-dependence in public reason theories of justice.John Thrasher - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):429-450.
    Public reason theories are characterized by three conditions: constructivism, representation, and stability. Constructivism holds that justification does not rely on any antecedent moral or political values outside of the procedure of agreement. Representation holds that the reasons for the choice in the model must be rationally explicable to real agents outside the model. Stability holds that the principles chosen in the procedure should be stable upon reflection, especially in the face of diversity in a pluralistic society. Choice (...)
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  32. Bayesianism and diverse evidence: A reply to Andrew Wayne.Wayne C. Myrvold - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):661-665.
    Andrew Wayne discusses some recent attempts to account, within a Bayesian framework, for the "common methodological adage" that "diverse evidence better confirms a hypothesis than does the same amount of similar evidence". One of the approaches considered by Wayne is that suggested by Howson and Urbach and dubbed the "correlation approach" by Wayne. This approach is, indeed, incomplete, in that it neglects the role of the hypothesis under consideration in determining what diversity in a body of evidence (...)
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    Canadian Banking Stability through the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–8.Geoffrey McCormack - 2019 - Historical Materialism 28 (1):114-146.
    One of the leading explanations for Canadian banking stability through the global financial crisis of 2007–08 is the Concentration-Stability Hypothesis (CSH), according to which the oligopoly of Canadian finance stabilised the credit system by cushioning it with above-average profits. These provided a buffer against fragility and incentives against excessive risk-taking. In this article, I critically examine CSH and show that classical Marxian analysis more effectively illuminates Canadian banking stability. I demonstrate that robust corporate profitability and capital (...)
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    A Hypothesis Concerning the Character of Islamic Art.Asli Gocer - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):683-692.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Hypothesis Concerning the Character of Islamic ArtAsli GocerWhy Islamic art has the distinctive features it has continues to generate clashing explanations. The Islamic visual treasury has no figural images, for instance, and three-dimensional sculpture or large scale oil painting, but instead contains miniatures, vegetal ornaments, arabesque surface patterns, and complex geometrical designs. To account for the phenomena the following radically opposing theories have been offered: the influence (...)
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  35. Diversity of macrophytes in riverine aquatic habitats: comparing active river channel and its cut-offs.Adam P. Kubiak - 2014 - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio C – Biologia 69 (1):49-57.
    The study area was a small lowland river valley (the Łęg river) located in the south-east of Poland. The object of investigation was the macrophytes of 10 river lakes with corresponding active river channel stretches of the same length as the cut-offs. The aim was to check the difference in species diversity between cut-off and active river channels. The second aim was to test the following hypothesis: vegetation of river lake has been shaped under the influence of contiguous (...)
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  36. The Biophilia Hypothesis.Stephen R. Kellert & Edward O. Wilson - 1995 - Island Press.
    "Biophilia" is the term coined by Edward O. Wilson to describe what he believes is humanity's innate affinity for the natural world. In his landmark book Biophilia, he examined how our tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes might be a biologically based need, integral to our development as individuals and as a species. That idea has caught the imagination of diverse thinkers. The Biophilia Hypothesis brings together the views of some of the most creative scientists of our (...)
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  37. Rawls's Problem of Stability.Michael Huemer - 1996 - Social Theory and Practice 22 (3):375-395.
    Rawls addresses the problem of the stability of his conception of justice by arguing that it could become the focus of an “overlapping consensus,” in which individuals with diverse moral, philosophical, and religious views all accept the Rawlsian conception for different reasons. Using the example of Christian fundamentalists, I show that, subject to constraints that Rawls himself delineates, no such consensus is possible.
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  38. The Null-hypothesis significance-test procedure is still warranted.Siu L. Chow - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):228-235.
    Entertaining diverse assumptions about empirical research, commentators give a wide range of verdicts on the NHSTP defence in Statistical significance. The null-hypothesis significance- test procedure is defended in a framework in which deductive and inductive rules are deployed in theory corroboration in the spirit of Popper's Conjectures and refutations. The defensible hypothetico-deductive structure of the framework is used to make explicit the distinctions between substantive and statistical hypotheses, statistical alternative and conceptual alternative hypotheses, and making statistical decisions and drawing (...)
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    Philosophy’s Diversity Problem.A. E. Kings - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (3):212-230.
    This paper explores the underrepresentation of women and minorities in academic philosophy. Specifically, it focuses on why, given the relatively even male/female ratio at undergraduate level, women are underrepresented at every level above this. It addresses some of the misconceptions and myths surrounding women in philosophy, including those surrounding the discussion of the different‐intuition hypothesis. It also explores the ways in which feminist research in philosophy is subject to marginalisation as a result of systematic exclusionary practices typical of the (...)
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    Evidential Diversity and the Negation of H: A Probabilistic Account of the Value of Varied Evidence.Lydia McGrew - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    The value of varied evidence, I propose, lies in the fact that more varied evidence is less coherent on the assumption of the negation of the hypothesis under consideration than less varied evidence. I contrast my own analysis with several other Bayesian analyses of the value of evidential diversity and show how my account explains cases where it seems intuitively that evidential variety is valuable for confirmation.
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    Community, Diversity, and Difference: Implications for Peace.Alison Bailey & Paula J. Smithka (eds.) - 2002 - Rodopi.
    This book has its philosophical starting point in the idea that group-based social movements have positive implications for peace politics. It explores ways of imagining community, nation, and international systems through a political lens that is attentive to diversity and different lived experiences. Contributors suggest how groups might work toward new nonviolent conceptions and experiences of diverse communities and global stability.
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  42. From Congruence to Consonance: A Majoritarian Restatement of Eckstein’s Stability Theory.Walter Horn - 2022 - Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations 19 (2):93-112.
    Harry Eckstein’s long-standing (but ever-changing) hypothesis that a nation’s political stability is a function of “congruence” between the “authority patterns” exhibited by the government and those displayed by nearly every sort of institution under that government’s aegis involved a highly complex politico-psychological theory. As a result, it was quite difficult either to confirm or disconfirm. While there have been a number of suggested revisions that apparently simplify his thesis, they suffer either from vagueness or a failure to take (...)
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    Stability and Change in In-Group Mate Preferences among Young People in Ethiopia Are Predicted by Food Security and Gender Attitudes, but Not by Expected Pathogen Exposures.Craig Hadley & Daniel Hruschka - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):395-406.
    There is broad anthropological interest in understanding how people define “insiders” and “outsiders” and how this shapes their attitudes and behaviors toward others. As such, a suite of hypotheses has been proposed to account for the varying degrees of in-group preference between individuals and societies. We test three hypotheses related to material insecurity, pathogen stress, and views of gender equality among cross-sectional and longitudinal samples of young people in Ethiopia to explore stability and change in their preferences for coethnic (...)
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    The Collector Hypothesis.Piotr Sorokowski, Jerzy Luty, Wojciech Małecki, Craig S. Roberts, Marta Kowal & Stephen Davies - forthcoming - Human Nature:1-14.
    Human fascination with art has deep evolutionary roots, yet its role remains a puzzle for evolutionary theory. Although its widespread presence across cultures suggests a potential adaptive function, determining its evolutionary origins requires more comprehensive evidence beyond mere universality or assumed survival benefits. This paper introduces and tests the Collector Hypothesis, which suggests that artworks serve as indicators of collectors’ surplus wealth and social status, offering greater benefits to collectors than to artists in mating and reproductive contexts. Our study (...)
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    The ageing virus hypothesis: Epigenetic ageing beyond the Tree of Life.Éric Bapteste - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400099.
    A recent thought‐provoking theory argues that complex organisms using epigenetic information for their normal development and functioning must irreversibly age as a result of epigenetic signal loss. Importantly, the scope of this theory could be considerably expanded, with scientific benefits, by analyzing epigenetic ageing beyond the borders of the Tree of Life. Viruses that use epigenetic signals for their normal functioning may also age, that is, present an increasing risk of failing to complete their individual life cycle and to disappear (...)
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    Enhancing Regional Stability: Implementation and Impact of Conflict Management Strategies in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia.Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, Eva Nuriyah Hidayat, Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Maulana Irfan, Nadila Auludya Rahma Putri & Wandi Adiansah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:388-399.
    This research study investigates the implementation of the Conflict Management Socialization and Mapping of Conflict Prone Areas program by the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Bakesbangpol) in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia. Using qualitative methods, including interviews and a literature review, the study examines how Bakesbangpol Kuningan detects and manages potential conflicts to maintain regional stability. Findings reveal that the program effectively utilizes early detection initiatives and community engagement forums such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and collaborates with various stakeholders, (...)
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    The Role of Partnership Portfolios for Sustainability in Addressing the Stability-Change Paradox: Dong/Orsted’s Transition From Fossil Fuels to Renewables.Tulin Dzhengiz, Leona A. Henry & Khaleel Malik - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (7):1518-1557.
    This article investigates how firms address the stability-change paradox inherent in sustainability transitions through the maintenance and utilization of a portfolio of sustainability-oriented partnerships. Drawing on a retrospective case study of Dong/Ørsted, a Danish energy company, we demonstrate the varying manifestations of the stability-change paradox during different phases of the company’s transition, influenced by both exogenous and endogenous factors. Furthermore, our findings reveal how Dong/Ørsted employed their partnership portfolio to implement diverse responses to manage the paradox. Based on (...)
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    Diversity of Grammars and Their Diverging Evolutionary and Processing Paths: Evidence From Functional MRI Study of Serbian.Ljiljana Progovac, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326910.
    We address the puzzle of “unity in diversity” in human languages by advocating the (minimal) common denominator for the diverse expressions of transitivity across human languages, consistent with the view that early in language evolution there was a modest beginning for syntax and that this beginning provided the foundation for the further elaboration of syntactic complexity. This study reports the results of a functional MRI experiment investigating differential patterns of brain activation during processing of sentences with minimal versus fuller (...)
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    Board Gender Diversity and Managerial Obfuscation: Evidence from the Readability of Narrative Disclosure in 10-K Reports.Muhammad Nadeem - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):153-177.
    The readability of 10-K reports, in terms of linguistic complexity, determines the usefulness of information disclosure for stakeholders, particularly individual investors. Since investors largely depend on the financial communication in 10-K reports, firms have an ethical and legal responsibility to present disclosures in a language investors can understand. However, motivated by self-interest, managers obfuscate such disclosures to mask their own actions and hide unfavourable information. Building on the managerial obfuscation hypothesis grounded in stakeholder-agency and ethical-sensitivity theories, I hypothesize and (...)
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    The Social Route to Abstraction: Interaction and Diversity Enhance Performance and Transfer in a Rule‐Based Categorization Task.Kristian Tylén, Riccardo Fusaroli, Sara Møller Østergaard, Pernille Smith & Jakob Arnoldi - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (9):e13338.
    Capacities for abstract thinking and problem‐solving are central to human cognition. Processes of abstraction allow the transfer of experiences and knowledge between contexts helping us make informed decisions in new or changing contexts. While we are often inclined to relate such reasoning capacities to individual minds and brains, they may in fact be contingent on human‐specific modes of collaboration, dialogue, and shared attention. In an experimental study, we test the hypothesis that social interaction enhances cognitive processes of rule‐induction, which (...)
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