Results for ' descendance, douleur, Euripide, fécondité, femme apais, femme eupais, génération, relation mère-fille, stérilité, tragédie'

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  1.  52
    En Grèce antique, la douloureuse obligation de la maternité.Lydie Bodiou, Pierre Brulé & Laurence Pierini - 2005 - Clio 21:17-42.
    C’est sur la scène tragique - dans les oeuvres d’Euripide, particulièrement -, face au public masculin de la cité, que les femmes grecques viennent crier la douleur de la maternité. Caisse de résonance de douleurs et de malheurs. De la douleur la plus féminine, celle d’enfanter, bien sûr, mais aussi du malheur le plus féminin : celui d’être apais. Certes, l’homme sans descendance souffre de cette vacuité, mais cette tare d’être sans enfant, c’est seulement pour la femme qu’elle s’étend (...)
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  2.  23
    Fille, femme, amante et mère Fils, homme, amant et père.Claude Zenatti - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 169 (3):19-27.
    Considérant le travail psychique auquel nous sommes contraints – depuis l’excitation à la satisfaction pulsionnelle, mise en mouvement sublimée, inhibée « ou non » quant au but, avec ou sans abandon à la jouissance –, l’auteur tente d’approcher des mouvements d’installation identitaire (fonction, rôle, sexe, génération) à l’aide d’appuis théoriques et cliniques à travers deux cas d’analyse.
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    La maltraitance dans la relation mère-fille… ou la répétition du « meurtre d’un enfant » à l’adresse d’un Autre.Yolande Govindama & Alexandre Ledrait - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 232 (2):57-74.
    Cet article aborde, à partir de la répétition des maltraitances sur enfant dans la relation mère-fille, la fonction du processus de cette répétition selon la théorie freudienne et lacanienne dans un dispositif de soin dans le cadre de la pjj. Une vignette clinique met en évidence que l’insistance de la répétition du fantasme d’infanticide dans la généalogie féminine ne se réduit pas à la narration du traumatisme infantile mais devient une interrogation à l’adresse du Grand Autre pour se (...)
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    (1 other version)De filles en mères. La seconde vague du féminisme et la maternité.Sabine Fortino - 1997 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:17-17.
    À partir des principaux résultats d'une recherche sociologique réalisée en 1992, l'auteur montre dans ce texte quelles furent les pratiques et les théories du mouvement féministe français contemporain à l'égard des thèmes de la maternité et de l'éducation. En utilisant deux catégories de sources ­la presse de ce mouvement social et les témoignages actuels des militantes-, l'auteur conclut à la faible prise en compte de ces deux thèmes par les féministes, un silence qu'elle explique par des raisons tout à la (...)
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  5.  34
    Theseus, Tragedy and the Athenian Empire (review).Peter Burian - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):149-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 1.1 (2000) 149-153 [Access article in PDF] Sophie Mills. Theseus, Tragedy and the Athenian Empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. x 1 293 pp. Cloth, $98. Interest in Theseus continues to run high; this decade alone has seen the publication of three books devoted to the hero and his meaning for Athens: Claude Calame's Thésée et l'imaginaire athénien (Lausanne 1990), Henry Walker's Theseus and Athens (New (...)
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  6. Euripides' Hippolytus.Sean Gurd - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):202-207.
    The following is excerpted from Sean Gurd’s translation of Euripides’ Hippolytus published with Uitgeverij this year. Though he was judged “most tragic” in the generation after his death, though more copies and fragments of his plays have survived than of any other tragedian, and though his Orestes became the most widely performed tragedy in Greco-Roman Antiquity, during his lifetime his success was only moderate, and to him his career may have felt more like a failure. He was regularly selected to (...)
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    Les deux versions de la Petite Sirène ou comment la relation mère-fille pèse sur le choix du mari de la fille.Michel Moral - 2002 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 156 (2):89.
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    The Andromache and Euripidean Tragedy (review).Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):126-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Andromache and Euripidean TragedyNancy Sorkin RabinowitzWilliam Allan. The Andromache and Euripidean Tragedy. Oxford Classical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. xii + 310 pp. Cloth, $70.This is a workmanlike study of Euripides' Andromache, with a good and up-to-date bibliography. Allan's monograph successfully takes on most of the (many) significant criticisms of the play, in particular those concerning its alleged disunity, and argues that the play is more (...)
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  9.  83
    Response to Yiannis Miralis,?Manos Hadjidakis: The Story of an Anarchic Youth and a?Magnus Eroticus??Lenia Serghi - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):80-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 80-83 [Access article in PDF] Response to Yiannis Miralis, "Manos Hadjidakis: The Story of an Anarchic Youth and a 'Magnus Eroticus'" Lenia Serghi Ionian University, Corfu Manos Hadjidakis and his work are like his song, "O Mythos," for they take you from reality to fantasy and bring you back again. For my generation Hadjidakis was a myth with substance, since he was (...)
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  10.  25
    The Politics of Religion: Libation and Truce in Euripides’ Bacchae.Sebastian Zerhoch - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):51-67.
    Euripides’Bacchaeis one of the most intensively studied Greek tragedies. Generations of scholars have explored the play from different perspectives and offered fascinating insights. But there are still aspects that have not received the attention they deserve. One such aspect is Euripides’ use of libation as a dramatic motif. Even though this motif relates directly to the question of the tragic conflict between Dionysus and Pentheus, it has never been discussed in detail and its dramatic impact has not been fully acknowledged.
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    Indigenous Perspectives.Laurie Anne Whitt, Mere Roberts, Waerte Norman & Vicki Grieves - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 3–20.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Belonging and genealogical bonds Beholdenness and reciprocal relations Respect, or the wish‐to‐be‐appreciated Knowledge, inherent value, and landkeeping.
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  12.  4
    Tu es la grande sœur, montre l’exemple.Pınar Padar & Gizem Erkay Sala - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):29-40.
    Le désir d’une femme d’avoir un enfant la précipite dans un monde conflictuel. Quand elle n’a pas été en mesure de mener à son terme une séparation psychique avec la mère, son identification féminine demeure sous le joug maternel. Les sentiments inconscients de culpabilité, en raison de la volonté de mettre au monde un enfant, se concentrent en premier lieu sur la mère puis s’orientent vers le premier enfant et retentissent le cas échéant sur les relations fraternelles. (...)
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  13.  6
    The Tragedy of Dionysus in Euripides’ Bacchae.Derek Duplessie - 2024 - Polis 41 (3):435-455.
    This article argues for the significance of Euripides’ Bacchae to what Socrates, in Book X of the Republic, refers to as the ‘ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry’. I argue that the play’s presentation of Dionysus – the god of tragic theatre – amounts to a metapoetic treatment of tragic poetry; it is a tragedy about tragedy. The Bacchae can thus be read as a statement of tragic poetry’s self-understanding of its pedagogical and political goals as well as of its (...)
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  14.  38
    Adolescentes radicalisées : de la réactualisation du ravage mère-fille à la recherche d’un symptôme.Alexandre Ledrait & Cindy Duhamel - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 221 (3):13-26.
    À partir de leur expérience de psychologues dans le champ de la prévention de la radicalité, les auteurs formulent des hypothèses concernant les fonctions psychiques de la radicalisation pour des adolescentes en grande souffrance psychique ayant subi des traumatismes intra et intergénérationnels. Les auteurs évoquent tout particulièrement les cas de jeunes filles pour qui la radicalisation serait une tentative de résolution identitaire en lien avec des traumatismes touchant les liens mère/fille. Ces hypothèses théorico-cliniques et l’analyse des souffrances psychiques et (...)
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  15.  47
    Cluster randomized trial assessing the effects of rapid ethical assessment on informed consent comprehension in a low-resource setting.Adamu Addissie, Serebe Abay, Yeweyenhareg Feleke, Melanie Newport, Bobbie Farsides & Gail Davey - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1.
    _BMC Medical Ethics_ is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the ethical aspects of biomedical research and clinical practice, including professional choices and conduct, medical technologies, healthcare systems and health policies. _BMC __Medical Ethics _is part of the _BMC_ series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study (...)
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  16.  9
    The web of knowledge: evidentiality at the cross-roads.A. I︠U︡ Aĭkhenvalʹd - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    Knowledge can be expressed in language using a plethora of grammatical means. Four major groups of meanings related to knowledge are Evidentiality: grammatical expression of information source; Egophoricity: grammatical expression of access to knowledge; Mirativity: grammatical expression of expectation of knowledge; and Epistemic modality: grammatical expression of attitude to knowledge. The four groups of categories interact. Some develop overtones of the others. Evidentials stand apart from other means in many ways, including their correlations with speech genres and social environment. This (...)
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  17.  39
    Why We Argue (and How We Should): A Guide to Political Disagreement in an Age of Unreason.Scott F. Aikin & Robert B. Talisse - 2018 - Routledge.
    Why We Argue : A Guide to Political Disagreement in an Age of Unreason presents an accessible and engaging introduction to the theory of argument, with special emphasis on the way argument works in public political debate. The authors develop a view according to which proper argument is necessary for one's individual cognitive health; this insight is then expanded to the collective health of one's society. Proper argumentation, then, is seen to play a central role in a well-functioning democracy. Written (...)
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  18.  13
    Beyond Women’s Voices: Towards a Victim-Survivor-Centred Theory of Listening in Law Reform on Violence Against Women.Sarah Ailwood, Rachel Loney-Howes, Nan Seuffert & Cassandra Sharp - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (2):217-241.
    Australia is witnessing a political, social and cultural renaissance of public debate regarding violence against women, particularly in relation to domestic and family violence (DFV), sexual assault and sexual harassment. Women's voices calling for law reform are central to that renaissance, as they have been to feminist law reform dating back to nineteenth-century campaigns for property and suffrage rights. Although feminist research has explored women’s voices, speaking out and storytelling to highlight the exclusions and limitations of the legal and (...)
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  19.  15
    Aesthetic Appeal and Utility of Vedic Mathematics: An Introduction.Laura Aimo - forthcoming - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico.
    Mathematics and aesthetics are closely intertwined. Not only mathematical concepts, relationships and theorems can be aesthetically pleasing, but we also often find harmony between their results and the patterns of the world around us, and we like that. Yet, apart from rare exceptions, the beauty of mathematics, particularly in education, is mostly unrecognized: this science rarely meets the favour of students. Vedic mathematics is an approach which encapsulates the enjoyment and power of this knowledge, not only in the sphere of (...)
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  20.  49
    Cooperation and fairness depend on self-regulation.Sarah E. Ainsworth & Roy F. Baumeister - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):79-80.
    Any evolved disposition for fairness and cooperation would not replace but merely compete with selfish and other antisocial impulses. Therefore, we propose that human cooperation and fairness depend on self-regulation. Evidence shows reductions in fairness and other prosocial tendencies when self-regulation fails.
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  21.  33
    Ontology and human rights.Martin Odei Ajei - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):17-29.
    This paper examines the question of whether human rights are related to ontology. It examines perspectives on this question from human rights theories in the Western and African traditions of philosophy and defends the thesis that a good account of human rights requires an explicit ontology of the human, and that taking this seriously engenders divergent conclusions about what rights are. It then proceeds to claim that the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights adds substantive features to the International (...)
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  22. The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus.Saul Anton (ed.) - 2007 - Stanford University Press.
    Why is it that the modern conception of literature begins with one of the worst writers of the philosophical tradition? Such is the paradoxical question that lies at the heart of Jean-Luc Nancy's highly original and now-classic study of the role of language in the critical philosophy of Kant. While Kant did not turn his attention very often to the philosophy of language, Nancy demonstrates to what extent he was anything but oblivious to it. He shows, in fact, that the (...)
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    Elevated Mutagenicity in Meiosis and Its Mechanism.Ayelet Arbel-Eden & Giora Simchen - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (4):1800235.
    Diploid germ cells produce haploid gametes through meiosis, a unique type of cell division. Independent reassortment of parental chromosomes and their recombination leads to ample genetic variability among the gametes. Importantly, new mutations also occur during meiosis, at frequencies much higher than during the mitotic cell cycles. These meiotic mutations are associated with genetic recombination and depend on double‐strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate crossing over. Indeed, sequence variation among related strains is greater around recombination hotspots than elsewhere in the genome, (...)
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  24.  18
    Effects of simulated helicopter cabin noise on intelligibility and annoyance.Malcolm D. Arnoult, James W. Voorhees & Lynne G. Gilfillan - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):115-117.
    Helicopter cabin noise was simulated by combining a broadband signal (pink noise, or PN) with a triad of pure tones (PT) at 650,1900, and 5000 Hz. Each component was presented at four loudness levels (0,60,70, and 80 dB[A]), with all 16 combinations arranged in two unsystematic orders. Intelligibility was measured by means of sentences to be judged as true or false. A male speaker presented 10 sentences at each noise condition. One group of subjects heard the sentences at 50 dB(A) (...)
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  25.  28
    Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):541-541.
    The first volume of a projected three volume series, this book is at once a history of ancient philosophy and an attempt to explore and defend the thesis that "what is called Greek ontology was not only a strictly logical, but also a religious, concern." The following two volumes of the series will deal with medieval and modern philosophy from the perspective of the relation between speculation and revelation. Kroner argues that speculative philosophy and revealed religion, although exhibiting ineradicable (...)
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  26.  22
    Can we use diffusion MRI as a bio‐marker of neurodegenerative processes?Yaniv Assaf - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1235-1245.
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique with a rapidly expanding application range. This methodology, which relies on quantum physics and substance magnetic properties, is now being routinely used in the clinics and medical research. With the advent of measuring functional brain activity with MRI (functional MRI), this methodology has reached a larger section of the neuroscience community (e.g. psychologists, neurobiologists). In the past, the use of MRI as a biomarker or as an assay to probe tissue pathophysiological condition (...)
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  27.  70
    An Inconsistency in the Philebus?Joachim Aufderheide - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):817 - 837.
    Plato's Philebus contains an intricate difficulty. Plato seems to hold both (a) that all pleasures are processes of becoming, a crucial premise in the argument that no pleasure is good (53c?55c) and (b) that some pleasures contribute in their own right to the goodness of the best life (64c?67b). Since it seems also plausible that only things which are good can contribute to the goodness of the best life in their own right, Plato's view seems to be inconsistent. Interpreters usually (...)
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  28.  19
    Layer-stacking irregularities in C36-type Nb–Cr and Ti–Cr Laves phases and their relation with polytypic phase transformations.J. Aufrecht, W. Baumann, A. Leineweber, V. Duppel & E. J. Mittemeijer - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (23):3149-3175.
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    Aggregation and emergence in hierarchically organized systems: Population dynamics.Pierre Auger & Jean-Christophe Poggiale - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (3-4):301-316.
    The aim of this work is to present aggregation methods of hierarchically organized systems allowing one to replace the initial micro-system by a macro-system described by a few global variables. We also study the relations between the fast micro-dynamics and the slow macro-dynamics which can produce global properties. Emergence corresponds to a bottom-up coupling that is the result effected by a micro-level at a macro-level. As an example, we present prey-predator models with different time scales in an heterogeneous environment. A (...)
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  30.  40
    Absolute Relational Time.Zdzisław Augustynek - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (1):133-136.
  31. Indigenous Beyond Exoticism.Augustin Berque - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):39-48.
    It is the nature of the earth to lie ‘wholly spread out under the sky’: hapasê hê hupo tô kosmô keimenê (Isocrates); and the sky determines the World. Indeed it is the same as the World, as Plato states in the final words of Timaeus: ‘the World was born: it is the Sky, which is one and alone of its race’ (ho kosmos … gegonen heis ouranos hode monogenês ôn). What is thus clearly ‘one and alone of its race’ dominates (...)
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  32. Lokalizacja i rozciągłość.Zdzisław Augustynek - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    The paper presents an outline of two related space-time notions: the notion of location and the notion of extension. The first notion concerns only physical objects, the second notion referrs also to space-time objects. The approach to both notions is here non-metric of - strictly speaking - topological. The construction is carried out within the ontology of point-eventism. Hence two problems appear immediately: the problem of location of certain sets and the problem of their extension. The reason is that according (...)
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  33. “Antigone’s Stance amongst Slovenia’s Undead.”.Rachel Aumiller - 2017 - Studia Ethnologica Croatica 29:19-42.
    Memorialization in the form of the architectural statue can suggest that our stance towards the past is concrete while memorials in the form of repeated social activity represent reconciliation with the past as a continual process. Enacted memorials suggest that reconciliation with the past is not itself a thing of the past. Each generation must grapple with its inherited memories, guilt, and grief and self-consciously take its own stance towards that which came before it. This article considers Dominik Smole’s post (...)
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  34. Two Theories of Transparency.Edward W. Averill & Joseph Gottlieb - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (3):553-573.
    Perceptual experience is often said to be transparent; that is, when we have a perceptual experience we seem to be aware of properties of the objects around us, and never seem to be aware of properties of the experience itself. This is a introspective fact. It is also often said that we can infer a metaphysical fact from this introspective fact, e.g. a fact about the nature of perceptual experience. A transparency theory fills in the details for these two facts, (...)
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  35.  63
    The Rule-Following Paradox and its Implications for Metaphysics.Jody Azzouni - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents Azzouni’s new approach to the rule-following paradox. His solution leaves intact an isolated individual’s capacity to follow rules, and it simultaneously avoids replacing the truth conditions for meaning-talk with mere assertability conditions for that talk. Kripke’s influential version of Wittgenstein’s rule-following paradox—and Wittgenstein’s views more generally—on the contrary, make rule-following practices and assertions about those practices subject to community norms without which they lose their cogency. Azzouni summarizes and develops Kripke’s original version of Wittgenstein’s rule-following paradox to (...)
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  36.  32
    Cut-Elimination: Syntax and Semantics.M. Baaz & A. Leitsch - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1217-1244.
    In this paper we first give a survey of reductive cut-elimination methods in classical logic. In particular we describe the methods of Gentzen and Schütte-Tait from the abstract point of view of proof reduction. We also present the method CERES which we classify as a semi-semantic method. In a further section we describe the so-called semantic methods. In the second part of the paper we carry the proof analysis further by generalizing the CERES method to CERESD . In the generalized (...)
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  37.  19
    Associative Democracy: From ‘the real third way’ back to utopianism or towards a colourful socialism for the 21st century?Veit Bader - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):12-41.
    Associative Democracy has been developed as a specific response to statist socialism and neoliberal capitalism, drawing on older traditions such as associationalism, democratic socialism, and cooperative socialism. As the ‘real third way’, it is distinct from neoliberal privatization and deregulation in the Blair–Schröder varieties of social democracy and in the conservative Reagan–Thatcher–Cameron varieties. This article summarizes what seemed to make AD an attractive realist utopia: its combination of economic, societal and political democracy; its focus on democratic institutional pluralism in all (...)
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    al-Būlīmūlūjiyā: muqārabah manhajīyah li-fahm manṭiq al-ḥarb fī al-ʻalāqāt al-duwalīyah.Nasīm Bahlūl - 2015 - al-Jazāʼir: Dār Ibn al-Nadīm lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    War; effects on; world politics; foreign relations; military sciences; study and teaching; 21st century.
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  39.  72
    Beyond the Law: What is so “Super” About Superheroes and Supervillains?Jason Bainbridge - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):367-388.
    AbstarctBoth the superhero and the supervillain operate outside the law. The former replaces law with a form of substantive justice while the latter seeks to invert or overturn the law in favour of a new grundnorm that best serves their vision for how society should operate. In this paper I consider what this prefix “super” really means in relation to these two classes, drawing on Nietzsche’s original definition of the ubermensch and its relationship to legal concepts such as the (...)
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  40.  7
    Parallax: Witnessing Theory: Volume 10, Number 1.Rowan Bailey, Nicholas Chare & Peter Kilroy (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    _Parallax_ is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims towards a critical engagement with the production of culture and knowledge. The journal explores a wide range of cultural practices, reconfiguring the production and understanding of culture as well as the relation between theory and practice itself. This text brings together scholars from a number of different theoretical backgrounds to consider the ethical and political processes involved in witnessing, and the possible limits of theory in some situations. Contributors include J.M. Bernstein, (...)
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    Reason and experience.Kurt Baier - 1973 - Noûs 7 (1):56-67.
    My two major theses are that (i) prescriptivism obscures certain parallels between practical and theoretical reasoning, Lends plausibility to the false view that practical reasoning is not empirically based, And misunderstands ordinary usage; (ii) the main difference between claims of theoretical and practical reasoning lies in the logical relation between the conclusions of such claims and what they license: beliefs and intuitions, Respectively.
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    Rules work on one representation; similarity compares two representations.Todd M. Bailey - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):16-16.
    Rules and similarity refer to qualitatively different processes. The classification of a stimulus by rules involves abstract and usually domain-specific knowledge operating primarily on the target representation. In contrast, similarity is a relation between the target representation and another representation of the same type. It is also useful to distinguish associationist processes as a third type of cognitive process.
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    Studies in human nature.J. B. Baillie - 1921 - London,: G. Bell and sons.
    Excerpt from Studies in Human Nature The aim of these studies is to examine with all possible freedom from theoretical bias some phases of human nature which are of great interest in themselves, and in the light of the analysis to draw certain conclusions. It would have been natural to have included in such a series the consideration of certain other aspects of human nature, more especially those which concern morality and civic institutions. Morality and the conditions of citizenship arc (...)
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    Who Do You Think You Are? Relations, Subjectivity, and the Identity of Persons.David Banach - 1992 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 66:109-121.
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    Welcoming the “Intel‐ethicist”.John Banja - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (1):33-36.
    In this issue of the Hastings Center Report, Mélanie Terrasse, Moti Gorin, and Dominic Sisti, urge ethicists to devote scholarly attention to a wave of troubling artificial intelligence applications affecting health consumers’ rights and the quality of their care. I very much agree. We already have neuroethicists, business ethicists, and genetics ethicists; AI‐related systems in health care present more than enough warrant to herald the appearance of a new ethics specialist—the “intel‐ethicist,” let’s say. Nonetheless, Terrasse and colleagues may have exaggerated (...)
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  46.  10
    Beyond cosmology to post-cosmology: a preface to a new theory of different worlds.Peter Baofu - 2010 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge International Science Publishing.
    Baofu offers a new theory to transcend the existing approaches in the literature on cosmology in a way not conceived before, especially in relation to its contested beginnings and speculative ends.
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    Sophie, Greta, Cuiyuan, and Feminist Desire.Yuhui Bao & Ian Dennis - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):131-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophie, Greta, Cuiyuan, and Feminist DesireStories by Ding Ling, Alice Munro, and Eileen ChangYuhui Bao (bio) and Ian Dennis (bio)Desire has a history and, for a literary criticism inflected by mimetic theory, novelistic prose fiction offers a privileged view of its unfolding. We study novelistic fiction, as opposed to various romance genres, to grasp that history, for what its authors have been able to see, understand, and dramatize—this is (...)
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  48. A Hierarchy of Classical and Paraconsistent Logics.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (1):93-120.
    In this article, we will present a number of technical results concerning Classical Logic, ST and related systems. Our main contribution consists in offering a novel identity criterion for logics in general and, therefore, for Classical Logic. In particular, we will firstly generalize the ST phenomenon, thereby obtaining a recursively defined hierarchy of strict-tolerant systems. Secondly, we will prove that the logics in this hierarchy are progressively more classical, although not entirely classical. We will claim that a logic is to (...)
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    Fichte’s Certainty in the Spirit by the Letter.Antón Barba-Kay - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):651-676.
    RÉSUMÉDans ses écrits de Jena, Fichte tente de résoudre l’apparent conflit entre la nécessité de faire reposer la philosophie sur des principes scientifiques et celle de respecter sa nature de vocation autonome. Ce faisant, il a prétendu accomplir d’autres tâches, sur les plans métaphilosophique, pédagogique et polémique : justifier les questions qui l’occupaient, communiquer sa pensée correctement et répondre aux incompréhensions de ses adversaires. Cet article montre qu’à travers ces considérations, Fichte s’essaie aussi au problème plus vaste qui consiste à (...)
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    NL λ as the Logic of Scope and Movement.Chris Barker - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):217-237.
    Lambek elegantly characterized part of natural language. As is well-known, his substructural logic L, and its non-associative version NL, handle basic function/argument composition well, but not scope taking and syntactic displacement—at least, not in their full generality. In previous work, I propose NLλ\text {NL}_\lambda , which is NL supplemented with a single structural inference rule (“abstraction”). Abstraction closely resembles the traditional linguistic rule of quantifier raising, and characterizes both semantic scope taking and syntactic displacement. Due to the unconventional form of (...)
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