Results for ' ballerina'

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    Incompatible ballerina and other essays.Charles William Johns - 2015 - Washington, USA: Iff Books. Edited by Graham Freestone & Kirsten Wilkinson.
    An ontological and epistemological framework and foundation for the psychological symptom 'neurosis'.
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    Sparta's prima ballerina: Choreia in alcman's second partheneion (3 pmgf).Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (02):351-362.
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    Sparta's Prima Ballerina: Choreia in Alcman's Second Partheneion (3 PMGF).Alexander Turyn - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57:351-362.
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  4. The Automat, the Lion and the Ballerina. The Connection Between Kinesthetic and Tactility at Husserl, Straus and Kinetography at Rudolf von Laban.Madalina Diaconu - 2004 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    Jeder Wahrnehmung liegen Kinästhesen zugrunde, doch tritt die Bewegung am deutlichsten im Tasten hervor. Untersucht wird hier die phänomenologische Auffassung vom Zusammenhang zwischen Tasten und Kinästhesen bei Husserl und Erwin Straus, im Vergleich zu der Tanzwissenschaft . Diese Interpretation wird teilweise durch andere Perspektiven ergänzt, die aus der pränatalen Anthropologie, Psychiatrie und den Ingenieurwissenschaften stammen. Das Vorbild ist bei Husserl die mechanische Bewegung zu Erkenntniszwecken; Straus entdeckt die Tierwelt und ihre appetitiven Bewegungen. Keine von diesen Analysen entspricht völlig dem Phänomen (...)
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    Dangerous Play With the Elements: Towards a Phenomenology of Risk Sports.Gunnar Breivik - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):314 - 330.
    The purpose of this article is to present a phenomenological description of how athletes in specific risk sports explore human interaction with natural elements. Skydivers play with, and surf on, the encountering air while falling towards the ground. Kayakers play on the waves and with the stoppers and currents in the rivers. Climbers are ballerinas of the vertical, using cracks and holds in the cliffs to pull upwards against gravity forces. The theoretical background for the description is found in the (...)
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    The role of the artistic works of Anna Pavlova in the creation of scenic images.T. V. Portnova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (4):282.
    The visual creativity of famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova is studied in the article within the context of the synthetic approach to working on stage roles. There are data on Anna Pavlova that have not been included in existing publications concerning her artistic, mainly sculptural experiments. This information provides understanding of not only professional tasks that the ballerina has set, but of the tools through which these tasks have been dealt with in a gradual process of formation of (...)
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    You will be a ballet star, my daughter.Virginie Valentin - 2011 - Clio 34:105-124.
    Le lien mère/fille, ou éducatrice/danseuse, tel qu’il s’exprime au cours de l’apprentissage de la danse classique, est ici discuté à deux époques différentes, le xixe siècle et la période actuelle, à partir de témoignages écrits sur la vie des élèves dans l’Opéra ancien et d’enquêtes orales auprès de danseuses contemporaines. Il en ressort qu’au xixe siècle comme aujourd’hui, mères et éducatrices ne permettent pas à ces jeunes filles d’accéder facilement au statut de femme ; les jeunes danseuses du xixe siècle (...)
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