Results for ' Turkification'

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    Influences of Turkism on Azerbaijani Literary Thinking.Sakhavat Azizov & Bahtiyar Aslan - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):122-133.
    The emergence of Turkism in Azerbaijani literature occurred after the rise of literary Turkism in Ottoman Turkey, where it first developed and flourished. Although ideas of Turkification or a return to Turkism, as proposed by Ottoman thinkers, writers, and educators, initially sparked debate, over time these ideas evolved into an ideology and eventually a well-established concept. Unlike political Turkism, literary Turkism gained widespread acceptance among the people through the works of writers and poets, who awakened national feelings and patriotism. (...)
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    The Place and Role of Ali Bey Huseynzade in the History of Modern Azerbaijani Social-Philosophical Thought.Sevinj Misirkhanova - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):213-226.
    Ali Bey Huseynzade, one of the prominent representatives of Azerbaijan's literary, cultural, social-political, and philosophical thought in the 20th century, was the first publisher of the political-Turkism movement in Azerbaijan. He was a distinguished political figure, talented scientist, thinker, and publicist, and holds a unique place in the history of the Azerbaijani people. Over time, there is an increasing need to deeply comprehend and study the magnificent artistic works created by Ali Bey Huseynzade. Throughout his life, Huseynzade dedicated his prolific (...)
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    Cultural encounters in the social sciences and humanities: western émigré scholars in Turkey.Murat Ergin - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (1):105-130.
    Turkish modernization relied on the western social sciences and humanities not only as an abstract and distant model, but also in the form of close encounters and interactions with western refugee scholars. This article examines the activities of western intellectuals and experts who visited Turkey in the early republican era (1923—50), especially focusing on a group of émigré scholars who were employed in Turkey after the university reform of 1933. While European and North American social scientists were drawn to meticulous (...)
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  4.  38
    Eleni Iliadis (1895-1975). An Ottoman Greek woman painter in end-of-Empire Istanbul. [REVIEW]Gizem Tongo - 2018 - Clio 48:43-67.
    Cet article retrace le succès précoce d’une artiste grecque ottomane, Eleni Iliadis, dans le monde artistique d’Istanbul pendant la Première Guerre mondiale et son éviction de l’histoire de l’art turque après la fondation de la République en 1923. En s’inspirant des nouvelles approches féministes de l’histoire de l’art, cet article rend visible l’histoire cachée d’Iliadis : son éducation artistique à Munich, les expositions auxquelles elle participe, les récompenses et le patronage de l’État qu’elle reçoit pendant la guerre à Istanbul, en (...)
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