Results for ' Theory change'

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  1.  30
    Continuous model theory.Chen Chung Chang - 1966 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press. Edited by H. Jerome Keisler.
    CONTINUOUS MODEL THEORY CHAPTER I TOPOLOGICAL PRELIMINARIES. Notation Throughout the monograph our mathematical notation does not differ drastically from ...
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  2. The agm theory and inconsistent belief change kojitanaka.Inconsistent Belief Change - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (192):113-150.
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  3. Bourdieu's Theory of Cultural Change: Explication, Application, Critique.Dimensions of Cultural Change & Supply Vs Demand - 2002 - Sociological Theory 20 (2).
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    Model Theory.Chen Chung Chang & H. Jerome Keisler - 1973 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: North Holland.
  5. Discovery, theory change and structural realism.Daniel James McArthur - 2011 - Synthese 179 (3):361 - 376.
    In this paper I consider two accounts of scientific discovery, Robert Hudson's and Peter Achinstein's. I assess their relative success and I show that while both approaches are similar in promising ways, and address experimental discoveries well, they could address the concerns of the discovery sceptic more explicitly than they do. I also explore the implications of their inability to address purely theoretical discoveries, such as those often made in mathematical physics. I do so by showing that extending Hudson's or (...)
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  6. Mature Theory Change: Value Dimension.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2002 - Voprosi Filosofii (The Problems of Philosophy) (11):124-134.
    Value dimensions of mature theory change in science are considered. It is argued that the interaction of the values of the cross-theories constitutes the major mechanism of theory change in this dimension. Examples from history of science describing the details of the mechanism are given.
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  7. Theory change, structural realism, and the relativised a priori.Dan McArthur - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):5 – 20.
    In this paper I claim that Quinean naturalist accounts of science, that deny that there are any a priori statements in scientific frameworks, cannot account for the foundational role of certain classes of statements in scientific practice. In this I follow Michael Friedman who claims that certain a priori statements must be presupposed in order to formulate empirical hypotheses. I also show that Friedman's account, in spite of his claims to the contrary, is compatible with a type of non-Quinean naturalism (...)
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  8. Theory change as dimensional change: conceptual spaces applied to the dynamics of empirical theories.Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker - 2013 - Synthese 190 (6):1039-1058.
    This paper offers a novel way of reconstructing conceptual change in empirical theories. Changes occur in terms of the structure of the dimensions—that is to say, the conceptual spaces—underlying the conceptual framework within which a given theory is formulated. Five types of changes are identified: (1) addition or deletion of special laws, (2) change in scale or metric, (3) change in the importance of dimensions, (4) change in the separability of dimensions, and (5) addition or (...)
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  9. Changing the theory of theory change: Towards a computational approach.Neil Tennant - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (3):865-897.
    The Theory of theory change has contraction and revision as its central notions. Of these, contraction is the more fundamental. The best-known theory, due to Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson, is based on a few central postulates. The most fundamental of these is the principle of recovery: if one contracts a theory with respect to a sentence, and then adds that sentence back again, one recovers the whole theory. Recovery is demonstrably false. This paper shows (...)
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    Theory Change and Instrumentation.Joseph C. Pitt - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 95–98.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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    Modal model theory.C. C. Chang - 1973 - In A. R. D. Mathias & Hartley Rogers (eds.), Cambridge Summer School in Mathematical Logic. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 599--617.
  12. Theory Change and Degrees of Success.Ludwig Fahrbach - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1283-1292.
    Scientific realism is the position that success of a scientific theory licenses an inference to its approximate truth. The argument from pessimistic meta-induction maintains that this inference is undermined due to the existence of theories from the history of science that were successful, but false. I aim to counter pessimistic meta-induction and defend scientific realism. To do this, I adopt a notion of success that admits of degrees, and show that our current best theories enjoy far higher degrees of (...)
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    Mature Theory-Change in Economics.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2010 - In Ildar Talip-Uli Nasretdinoff (ed.), The Problems of Cooperation.Moscow, Russian University of Cooperation. pp. 327-331.
    What are the reasons for theory change in economics? – The author tries to give a sober answer on the basis of his epistemological model reconstructing the internal aspects of theory change. It is conjectures that a more subtle approach including the external facets can be provided with the “communicative rationality” concept. Key words: economics, theory change, internalism, external factors .
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  14. A theory of consciousness.Fu Chang - 1995
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    Theory change and belief revision.Bengt Hansson - unknown
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  16. Enlightenment and History: Theory and Praxis in Contemporary Buddhism.Chang-Seong Hong & Sun Kyeong Yu - 2017 - Seoul, South Korea: Bulkwang Publishing.
    ***Translated a Korean-language book to English with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong*** Venerable Hyun-Eung's Enlightenment and History is the first book of Buddhist philosophy of history published in South Korea; possibly the first of its kind in the world. In this book of telling points and clear visions, Hyun-Eung discusses East Asian Buddhist traditions in light of Western-philosophical perspectives and presents his views on the theory and praxis in contemporary Buddhism in a way that Western readers can easily understand. East Asian (...)
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    Theory change, truthlikeness, and belief revision.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez (ed.), Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 189--199.
  18. On the logic of theory change: Contraction functions and their associated revision functions.Carlos E. Alchourron & David Makinson - 1982 - Theoria 48 (1):14-37.
    A study in the logic of theory change, examining the properties of maxichoice contraction and revision operations.
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  19. Xiang Chen, Instrumental Traditions and Theories of Light: The Uses of Instruments in the Optical Revolution.H. Chang - 2002 - Annals of Science 59:436-439.
  20.  38
    Theory change in science.Noretta Koertge - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard (eds.), Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 167--198.
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  21. On theory-change and meaning-change.Michael E. Levin - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (3):407-424.
    I argue against the currently popular view that a radical change in theory affects the meaning of theoretical terms, and hence render pre- and post-shift theories incomparable. I first show how to pose the meaning-change issue without appeal to meanings reified. I contend that arguments against theory-neutral observation languages are faulty, but that even if they were sound, there are semantic devices that allow a theory to refer to the factual basis of a competitor. This (...)
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  22. Theory-change as structure-change: Comments on the Sneed formalism.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1976 - Erkenntnis 10 (2):179 - 199.
  23. Theory Change and Bayesian Statistical Inference.Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1174-1186.
    This paper addresses the problem that Bayesian statistical inference cannot accommodate theory change, and proposes a framework for dealing with such changes. It first presents a scheme for generating predictions from observations by means of hypotheses. An example shows how the hypotheses represent the theoretical structure underlying the scheme. This is followed by an example of a change of hypotheses. The paper then presents a general framework for hypotheses change, and proposes the minimization of the distance (...)
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  24. Conditionals and theory change: Revisions, expansions, and additions.Hans Rott - 1989 - Synthese 81 (1):91-113.
    This paper dwells upon formal models of changes of beliefs, or theories, which are expressed in languages containing a binary conditional connective. After defining the basic concept of a (non-trivial) belief revision model. I present a simple proof of Gärdenfors''s (1986) triviality theorem. I claim that on a proper understanding of this theorem we must give up the thesis that consistent revisions (additions) are to be equated with logical expansions. If negated or might conditionals are interpreted on the basis of (...)
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  25. New operators for theory change.Sven Ove Hansson - 1989 - Theoria 55 (2):114.
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  26. Mature Theory-Change in Economics.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2010 - In Ildar Talip-Uli Nasretdinoff (ed.), The Problems of Cooperation.Moscow, Russian University of Cooperation. pp. 327-331.
    What are the reasons for theory change in economics? – The author tries to give a sober answer on the basis of his epistemological model reconstructing the internal aspects of theory change. It is conjectures that a more subtle approach including the external facets can be provided with the “communicative rationality” concept. Key words: economics, theory change, internalism, external factors .
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    Political Change in View of the Theory of Change and Balanced, Harmonious Union of the Private Interest and the Public Interest.Mun Chang Koo - 2010 - Upa.
    This book discusses political change in the view of Confucian thought. This study focuses on the Book of Change, which is one of the nine basic books of Confucius School, and has dominated oriental thought in this field for more than three thousand years.
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  28. History, Theory Change, and Action.E. M. Swiderski - 1990 - Epistemologia 13 (1):123-44.
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  29.  45
    A Philosophical Interpretation of Rough Set Theory.Chang Kyun Park - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 13:23-29.
    The rough set theory has interesting properties such as that a rough set is considered as distinct sets in distinct knowledge bases, and that distinct rough sets are considered as one same set in a certain knowledge base. This leads to a significant philosophical interpretation: a concept (or phenomenon) may be understood as different ones in different philosophical perspectives, while different concepts (or phenomena) may be understood as a same one in a certain philosophical perspective. Such properties of rough (...)
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    On the Logic of Theory Change : Extending the AGM Model.Eduardo Fermé - 2011 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    This thesis consists in six articles and a comprehensive summary. • The pourpose of the summary is to introduce the AGM theory of belief change and to exemplify the diversity and significance of the research that has been inspired by the AGM article in the last 25 years. The research areas associated with AGM was divided in three parts: criticisms, where we discussed some of the more common criticisms of AGM. Extensions where the most common extensions and variations (...)
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  31. Theory change in science: strategies from Mendelian genetics.Lindley Darden - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This innovative book focuses on the development of the gene theory as a case study in scientific creativity.
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    On the status of the postulate of recovery in the logic of theory change.David Makinson - 1987 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 16 (4):383 - 394.
    Describes and discusses the rather special behaviour of one of the postulates in the AGM account of theory change.
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  33. Discovery, theory change, and the Nobel prize: On the mechanisms of scientific evolution. An introduction.B. I. B. Lindahl - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine 13 (2):97-116.
  34. Toward a Theory of Offense: Should You Feel Offended?Chang Liu - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (4):625-649.
    The feeling of being offended, as a moral emotion, plays a key role in issues such as slurs, the offense principle, ethics of humor, etc. However, no adequate theory of offense has been developed in the literature, and it remains unclear what questions such a theory should answer. This paper attempts to fill the gap by performing two tasks. The first task is to clarify and summarize the questions of offense into two kinds, the descriptive questions (e.g., what (...)
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  35. Theory changes into a material force.V. Magalhaesvilhena - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (1):42-56.
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  36. The Role of the State in Economic Change.Ha-Joon Chang & Robert Rowthorn (eds.) - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The role of the state has occupied centre stage in the development of economics as an independent discipline and is one of the most contentious issues addressed by contemporary economists and political economists. The immediate post-war years saw a swing in economic theory towards interventionism, motivated by the urgent need for reconstruction in advanced capitalist countries, the establishment of socialism in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe, and the liberation of many developing nations from colonialism. After a quarter of (...)
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    Theory Change and Dimensional Change.Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker - 2012 - In R. Churnside (ed.), Emerging Colors in Science—Transdisciplinary Essays. pp. 145-147.
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  38. Theory change and the indeterminacy of reference.Hartry Field - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (14):462-481.
  39. (1 other version)Theory change in immunology part I: Extended theories and scientific progress.Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (2).
    This two-part article examines the competition between the clonal selection theory and the instructive theory of the immune response from 1957–1967. In Part I the concept of a temporally extended theory is introduced, which requires attention to the hitherto largely ignored issue of theory individuation. Factors which influence the acceptability of such an extended theory at different temporal points are also embedded in a Bayesian framework, which is shown to provide a rational account of belief (...)
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  40. Two modellings for theory change.Adam Grove - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (2):157-170.
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    Husserl, representationalism, and the theory of phenomenal intentionality.Chang Liu - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):67-84.
    Representationalism is a philosophical position which reduces all phenomenal conscious states to intentional states. However, starting from the phenomenal consciousness, the phenomenal intentionality theory provides an explanation of all sorts of intentionality. Against Michael Shim's interpretation, I argue that, although Hussserl's phenomenology is certainly considered as an antipode of strong representationalism, Husserl does not stand in opposition the weak representationalists, because Husserl maintains an essential connection between the senses of noemata and the hyletic data. In addition, Husserl's phenomenology is (...)
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    Anomalous Evidence, Confidence Change, and Theory Change.Joshua A. Hemmerich, Kellie Van Voorhis & Jennifer Wiley - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1534-1560.
    A novel experimental paradigm that measured theory change and confidence in participants' theories was used in three experiments to test the effects of anomalous evidence. Experiment 1 varied the amount of anomalous evidence to see if “dose size” made incremental changes in confidence toward theory change. Experiment 2 varied whether anomalous evidence was convergent or replicating. Experiment 3 varied whether participants were provided with an alternative theory that explained the anomalous evidence. All experiments showed that (...)
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    "Einheit von Reflexion und Medialität": Walter Benjamins Theorie und Praxis der Avantgarde im Hinblick auf den frühromantischen Begriff der Reflexion.Je-Hyung Chang - 2014 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  44. Guan yu zhi shi de ben ti lun yan jiu: ben zhi jie gou xing tai.Jiali Chang - 2004 - Chengdu Shi: Ba Shu shu she.
  45. Marukusu-shugi ninshiki ron.En-tzʻu Chang - 1973
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    (1 other version)On the logic of theory change: Safe contraction.Carlos E. Alchourrón & David Makinson - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):405 - 422.
    This paper is concerned with formal aspects of the logic of theory change, and in particular with the process of shrinking or contracting a theory to eliminate a proposition. It continues work in the area by the authors and Peter Gärdenfors. The paper defines a notion of safe contraction of a set of propositions, shows that it satisfies the Gärdenfors postulates for contraction and thus can be represented as a partial meet contraction, and studies its properties both (...)
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    Information Closure Theory of Consciousness.Acer Y. C. Chang, Martin Biehl, Yen Yu & Ryota Kanai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505035.
    Information processing in neural systems can be described and analyzed at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Generally, information at lower levels is more fine-grained but can be coarse-grained at higher levels. However, only information processed at specific scales of coarse-graining appears to be available for conscious awareness. We do not have direct experience of information available at the scale of individual neurons, which is noisy and highly stochastic. Neither do we have experience of more macro-scale interactions, such as interpersonal communications. Neurophysiological evidence (...)
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  48. More subtle theory change.Frank Döring - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 133 (134):23-39.
    In this paper, I derive a syntactic procedure for revising theories in propositional logic from considerations of indifference and informational economy (minimality). The procedure is very flexible. It allows us to make use of information about the relative epistemic merit (entrenchment) of the sentences in the theories whenever such information is available, and, unlike other procedures proposed in the literature, yields plausible results even for very simple entrenchment orderings.
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  49. Constructive Modelings for Theory Change.Pavlos Peppas & Mary-Anne Williams - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (1):120-133.
    Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson have developed and investigated a set of rationality postulates which appear to capture much of what is required of any rational system of theory revision. This set of postulates describes a class of revision functions, however it does not provide a constructive way of defining such a function. There are two principal constructions of revision functions, namely an epistemic entrenchment and a system of spheres. We refer to their approach as the AGM paradigm. We provide (...)
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    Mating strategies as game theory: Changing rules?Linda Mealey - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):613-613.
    Human behavior can be analyzed using game theory models. Complex games may involve different rules for different players and may allow players to change identity (and therefore, rules) according to complex contingencies. From this perspective, mating behaviors can be viewed as strategic “plays” in a complex “mating game,” with players varying tactics in response to changes in the game's payoff matrix.
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