Results for ' Śureśvarācārya'

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  1. Naiskarmyasiddhi.SRI SURESVARACARYA - 1965
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    Naiṣkarmyasiddhi : an elucidation of Advaita / by Sureśvara ; edited with introduction, English translation, annotation, and indices by R. Balasubramanian. Suresvaracarya, R. Balasubramanian & Chinmaya International Foundation Staff - 2016 - Ernakulam, Kerala, India: Chinmaya International Foundation. Edited by R. Balasubramanian & Sureśvarācārya.
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  3. The realization of the absolute: the Naiṣkarmya Siddhi of Sri Sureśvara. Sureśvarācārya - 1971 - London: Shanti Sadan.
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  4. Naiṣkarmyasiddhiḥ: "Sandhyā-Sudhā" Hindīvyākhyādvayasahita "Candrikā" Saṃskr̥taṭīkopetā. Sureśvarācārya - 2009 - Dillī: Anya Prāptisthāna Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Prāptisthāna. Edited by Jñānottama Miśra & Cittanārāyaṇa Pāṭhaka.
    Compendium of Advaita school in Hindu philosophy with Naiṣkarmyasiddhicandrikā by Jñānottama Miśra and Sandhyā-Sudhā Hindi commentaries.
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    The Saṁbandha-vārtika of Sureśvarācārya. Sureśvarācārya - 1972 - Madras]: University of Madras. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya & T. M. P. Mahadevan.
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    Naiṣkarmyasiddhi of Śrī Sureśvarācārya. [REVIEW]Walter H. Maurer - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1/2):108.
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    Pañcīkaraṇam: text and the vārttika with word for word translation, English rendering, comments, and the glossary. Śaṅkarācārya - 1972 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Sureśvarācārya.
    Advaita verse work, with the supplement by Sureśvarācārya, about the apparent manifestation of the Absolute (Brahman) into the phenomenal world through the five primary elements.
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  8. Pāribhāṣika śabdakōśa: Śrīśaṅkara prasthānatraya bhāṣyagaḷalli.Satchidanandendra Saraswati - 2003 - Hoḷenarasīpura: Adhyātmaprakāśa Kāryālaya.
    Dictionary of words from Sankaracarya's commentaries on the Upanishads, Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, and the Bhagavadgita, Hindu epics, and from Naiskarmyasiddhi by Suresvaracarya, Hindu classics.
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    Adhyāropāpavāda : Revisiting the Interpretations of Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins.Manjushree Hegde - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    A fundamental difference in Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī’s (SSS) and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins’ (PSA) exegeses of Advaita Vedānta lies in the pedagogic method of adhyāropa-apavāda (deliberate attribution of characteristics to the attribute-less brahman, and its corresponding/complementary contradiction). For SSS, adhyāropāpavāda is the sole method to negate avidyā (ignorance); other Upaniṣadic methods— lakṣaṇā and netivāda —are subsumed under it. For the PSA, on the other hand, adhyāropāpavāda plays a subsidiary, less consequential role in engendering gnosis; the primary role is that of mahāvākyas (the (...)
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    Adhyāropāpavāda : Revisiting the Interpretations of Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī and The Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins.Manjushree Hegde - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):139-162.
    A fundamental difference in Svāmi Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī’s (SSS) and the Post-Śaṅkarādvaitins’ (PSA) exegeses of Advaita Vedānta lies in the pedagogic method of adhyāropa-apavāda (deliberate attribution of characteristics to the attribute-less brahman and its corresponding/complementary contradiction). For SSS, adhyāropāpavāda is the sole method to negate avidyā (ignorance); other Upaniṣadic methods— lakṣaṇā and netivāda —are subsumed under it. For the PSA, on the other hand, adhyāropāpavāda plays a subsidiary, less consequential role in engendering gnosis; the primary role is that of mahāvākyas (the (...)
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    The Naiṣkarmyasiddhi of Sureśvara: a monograph.John A. Grimes - 1992 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. Edited by Sureśvarācārya.
    Critical study of the Naiṣkarmyasiddhi, compendium of Advaita philosophy of Sureśvarācārya.
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    Naiskarmyasiddhi. [REVIEW]J. H. P. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):154-155.
    This is a translation of an Advaita Vedanta classic by Srï Suresvaräcärya, a disciple of Srï Sankaräcärya. A converted Mïmämsaka, Srï Suresvaräcärya lucidly provides an exposition of the concentrated substance of the whole of Vedanta. The first chapter shows that as ignorance is the root of all afflicted actions, knowledge is the way of release. The second chapter ascertains by reason the discrimination between self and non-self. The third chapter shows that discriminating reason alone is not enough, that the scriptural (...)
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