Results for ' Slavic studies'

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  1. California Slavic Studies.Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Gleb Struve & Thomas Eekman - 1983 - Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1):64-66.
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    Historical and culturologic aspects in slavic studies as the directions of a joint activity of st. Cyril and st. methodius university of veliko turnovo and bashkir state university.St Burov & L. A. Kalimullina - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (3):293.
    In the article, the main lines of the research and educational cooperation of the linguists of the Bashkir State University and the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo are considered. The prospects of these contacts are determined by capabilities of joint development of the long-term research programs in comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, which can be implement as collective monographs, Ph.D. theses, textbooks of the Russian and the Bulgarian languages, dictionaries (including the multilingual dictionaries). A program of (...)
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  3. Henrik Birnbaum and Michael S. Flier, eds., Medieval Russian Culture. (California Slavic Studies, 12.) Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. Pp. x, 395; 5 black-and-white illustrations, 6 tables, 5 maps. $35. [REVIEW]Walter K. Hanak - 1985 - Speculum 60 (4):944-946.
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    Current state of research on Slavic literatures in Slovakia.Dana Hučková - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):302-310.
    In Slovakia Slavic literary studies can be found at the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) and at university departments. The only SAS institute to truly focus on Slavic studies is the Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavistics. Other SAS institutes that deal with Slavic studies to a lesser extent are the Institute of Slovak Literature and the Institute of World Literature. There are also Slavic-oriented academic initiatives involving short-term projects. Considering this (...)
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    Catching the elusive: lexical evidentiality markers in Slavic languages: (a questionnaire study and its background).Björn Wiemer - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Evidentiality deals with the marking of information source, that is with means that specify how we come to know what we (think to) know. For instance, such means indicate whether knowledge derives from hearsay, or whether an inference has been based on perception or on knowledge about habits. Often these indications are vague. This book focuses on sentence adverbs and so-called function words in Slavic languages. Six of them were subject of a questionnaire survey, whose discussion, preceded by general (...)
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    Transcultural Identity of Twerking: A Cultural Evolution Study of Women’s Bodily Practices of the Slavic and East African Communities.Aleksandra Łukaszewicz, Priscilla Gitonga & Kiryl Shylinhouski - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (2):208-221.
    Human culture is built upon nature to help humans adapt to their environment – first natural, but later natural-cultural. Cultural practices are aimed at aiding survival in changing environments, and in different settings they meet different environmental pressures, causing later changes in trajectories. According to cultural evolutionism, behaviours, ideas and artefacts are subject to inheritance, competition, accumulation of modifications, adaptation, geographical distribution, convergence and changes of function – these are mechanisms present also in biological evolution. In the following paper, we (...)
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    Slovak studies in Russia: The current state.Marina Valentsova - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):311-318.
    The article introduces readers to the current state of Slovak studies in Russia. The fate of Slavic studies in Russia is complicated and it has had its ups (late 19th and early 20th century) and downs (1920s and 1930s), but until now there has been a multidisciplinary tradition of studying all Slavic peoples, their languages, literature, history and culture. The article focuses on the study of Slovak language, literature, history and culture at Moscow State University, the (...)
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    Slavic Evangelicals in Mission within the Commonwealth of Independent States: Inter-Church Mission Dialogue – Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical.Walter Sawatsky - 2004 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 21 (3):195-204.
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    Corpus Areopagiticum: the question of its dependence from Proclus, the hypothesis of Synesius’ authorship, and philosophical terminology of Slavic translations.Olena Syrtsova - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):6-23.
    The study of the peculiarities that the reception of such an essential concept of the philosophical Corpus Dionysiacum Areopagiticum as ὑπερούσιος in ancient Slavic translations has is promising. It allows not only to understand better the internal perspective of the development of philosophical terminology in Rus’-Ukraine, where in the 15th–17th centuries, there existed a significant number of manuscripts of the corpus, but also to strengthen the argument in favor of its dating precisely in the 5th century. According to the (...)
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    Cultural interaction of East Slavic folklore and Russian literature as the national phenomena in the scientific heritage of L. G. Barag.S. A. Salova & R. Kh Iakubova - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (6):635-645.
    The article is dedicated to the famous folklorist, literary critic, ethnographer, candidate of philological science, and doctor of historical science, Lev Grigorievich Barag, whose research and teaching activity for several decades was linked to the Bashkir State University. The authors of the article present main milestones of his scientific work as well as brief annotated overview of the major works of this outstanding Russian philologist in fairytale folklore and mark his contribution to the study of one of the most important (...)
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    Christianity and Slavic literary culture: monastic libraries.T. G. Gorbachenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 17:37-44.
    The study of the formation of the literary culture of the words of the "peoples of the nations" is impossible without analyzing the role of libraries of monasteries and cathedrals as centers of documentary memory of the Christian past. After all, the library, as a social institution, has always played an important role in the development of education, science, culture, and religious thought on a long path to its development.
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    The Logika of the Judaizers: a fifteenth-century Ruthenian translation from Hebrew: critical edition of the Slavic texts presented alongside their Hebrew sources = ha-Logiḳah shel ha-mityahadim: targum Ruteni ben ha-meʼah ha-15 min ha-ʻIvrit: mahadurah biḳortit shel ha-ṭeḳsṭim ha-Slaviyim be-liṿui meḳorotehem ha-ʻIvriyim.Moshe Taube (ed.) - 2016 - Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
    In the latter part of the fifteenth century, a Jewish translator, working together with a Slavic amanuensis, translated into the East Slavic language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania three medieval Hebrew translations of Arabic philosophical texts: the Logical Terminology, a short work on logic attributed to Maimonides (but probably by a different medieval Jewish author); and two sections of the Muslim theologian Al-Ghazali's famous Intentions of the Philosophers. Highlighting the unexpected role played by Jewish translators as agents (...)
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    Infiltration of Illusory Ideas About Slavic Paganism into Modern Russian Scientific and Official Business Discourses: Sociocultural Risks.Бесков А.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:1-16.
    This paper serves as a logical continuation of the article "Fake Science and Simulacra of Culture: Illusory Ideas about Slavic Paganism in Modern Russian Humanities", published in the journal "Voprosy Filosofii" in 2022. This paper was about the mechanism of the origin of illusory ideas about Slavic paganism and the reasons for their intrusion into scientific publications. Here we analyze the socio-cultural consequences that the functioning of this mechanism eventually leads to. The object of study in this article (...)
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  14.  11
    History and Hermeneutic Horizons of the Bible Commentaries in the Slavic Context.Serhii Sannikov - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:80-93.
    The article by Sannikov Sergiy “History and Hermeneutic Horizons of the Bible Commentaries in the Slavic Context: Part 1. History and Practice of the Bible Commentaries in the Slavic Context” is the first part of the research of the history and hermeneutic horizons of the Bible commentaries in the Slavic context. The author surveys the history of the Bible interpretation in Eastern Europe, analyzes the diachronical interpretation principles progress, shows the hermeneutical methods used in the Evangelical movement (...)
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    Christianity and Slavic literary culture: the beginning of book printing.T. G. Gorbachenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 18:51-58.
    The great achievement of mankind was the appearance of a printed book that not only significantly expanded the circle of readers, but also in comparison with the handwritten book contributed to the unification of canonical texts, in particular, such as Scripture, church service books, works of the Church Fathers, polemical and other religious literature. Consideration of the words "Japanese typography as the basis for the preservation and transmission of sources of Christian literary culture requires a brief description of the essence (...)
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    Christianity and Slavic literary culture: handwritten book.T. G. Gorbachenko - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 16:23-31.
    At all times, the book was understood not only as a means of preserving and transforming knowledge, but also as a means of knowing the world around us. At the same time, from ancient times it was a subject of knowledge. Gradually its theoretical phenomenon was formed. The book essentially is the most important form of consolidation and transfer of information in space and time. From the point of view of the theory of communication, the book serves as one of (...)
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    Ukraine is the cradle of Christian thinking in the Slavic East.Yuri Mulyk-Lutsyk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:67-90.
    In the history of the Slavic East, the word "philosopher" first appeared in the first great Oriental-Slavic work, known as "Chronicle." Nestor "or" The Tale of the Bereaved Years ". Ukrainian monk Nestor wrote this essay at the beginning of the XII century. on the basis of those older chronicles, which were written before him by Kiev chroniclers of Rus. In the Chronicle of Nestor "the philosophers" are called saints Cyril and Methodius.
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    The glorious Kiev shrine - the miraculous icon of Mykola Mokrogo and its place in the East Slavic culture.N. Vereshchahina - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 10:52-58.
    The glorious Sophia image of Nikolai Mokrogo, now completely forgotten, was the oldest national shrine and one of the first miraculous icons of Kievan Rus known to us. The name of the icon is associated with the "Miracle of the Infant in Kiev", which dates from the researchers no later than 1090. The legend tells about the marriage, which went to the pilgrimage to the relics of Boris and Gleb in Vyshgorod. They returned to Kyiv by the Dnipro in a (...)
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    Beauty and sobornost - the basis of the spirituality of the Slavic peoples.G. V. Parshykova - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:43-46.
    The cornerstone of the world view of the ancient Slavs is the sensation of the beauty and sanctity of the world and life. They considered the whole universe as a temple and therefore did not build the temples themselves, but revered the sacred forests, rivers, mountains. Hence their desire for conciliarity, that is, for the spiritual unification of people and nature. But to unite the nations only beauty, this international language, understandable to all is capable. Beauty is our true creator. (...)
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    Bibliographica Praesocratica: A Bibliographical Guide to the Studies of Early Greek Philosophy in its Religious and Scientific Contexts with an Introductory Bibliography on the Historiography of Philosophy (review).Richard D. McKirahan - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):217-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 217 [Access article in PDF] Bogoljub Sijakovic. Bibliographica Praesocratica: A Bibliographical Guide to the Studies of Early Greek Philosophy in its Religious and Scientific Contexts with an Introductory Bibliography on the Historiography of Philosophy. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2001. Pp. 700. Cloth, €18,00. Professor Sijakovic has given us an invaluable reference work for the Presocratics and for early Greek thought (...)
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    Slovak folk tradition in ethnolinguistic studies of the Carpathian-Balkan area.Anna Plotnikova - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):295-301.
    The article is devoted to an analysis of Carpathian-Balkan studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2006. The Slovak tradition is an important one, as it displays characteristics which are common to the Carpathian region as a whole. Furthermore, there are a number of Carpathian-South Slavic and Carpathian-Balkan parallels in terminology and related phenomena in folk culture.
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    Book review: Ljiljana Šarić, Karen Gammelgaard and Kjetil Rå Hauge (eds), Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic Countries, 1985–2010. [REVIEW]Yu Hua - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (3):373-375.
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    Review of: Lyudmila Gogotishvili, Lestnitsa Iakova. Arhitektonika lingvofilosofskogo prostranstva [Jacob’s Ladder. Architectonics of Linguo-philosophical Space], Moscow, Publishing House Languages of Slavic cultures, 2021, 616 pages. Dust-cover, ISBN 978-5-907290-35-8, 10 € (936 "Equation missing" ). [REVIEW]A. A. Gravin - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):203-208.
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    Language integration processes in linguistic area studies.Natalia Korina - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (3):393-400.
    Globalization has now become an integral part of our lives. One of the basic components of globalization is the integration process that involves all areas of human life including language evolution. We consequently look at this problem in terms of language and natural language processes influenced by a complex variety of factors—both interlinguistic and extralinguistic-focusing mainly on the linguistic contacts with emphasis on areal aspects.
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    Georges Florovsky.Анатолий Черняев - 2020 - Philosophical Anthropology 6 (2):105-126.
    Georges Florovsky is one of the world-class thinkers who determined the ways of understanding and developing Russian philosophy and Orthodox theology in the modern era. The youngest contemporary of the brilliant period of the heyday of Russian philosophy, science and culture at the beginning of the 20th century, one of the founders of the concept of Eurasianism, a member of academic corporations of the largest institutions founded by Russian emigrants on both sides of the Atlantic, a participant in the ecumenical (...)
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    Alexander Bogdanov and the Politics of Knowledge after the October Revolution.Maria Chehonadskih - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Maria Chehonadskih unsettles established narratives about the formation of a revolutionary canon after the October Revolution. Displacing the centre of gravity from dialectical materialism to the rapid dissemination, canonisation and decline of a striking convergence of empiricism and Marxism, she explores how this tendency, overshadowed by official historiography, establishes a new attitude to modernity and progress, nature and environment, agency and subjectivity, party and class, knowledge and power. The book traces the adventure of the synthesis of empiricism (...)
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    Philosophy and Politics of Czech Dissidence from Patočka to Havel.Aviezer Tucker - 2000 - Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press.
    A critical study of the philosophy and political practice of the Czech dissident movement Charter 77. Aviezer Tucker examines how the political philosophy of Jan Patocka (1907–1977), founder of Charter 77, influenced the thinking and political leadership of Vaclav Havel as dissident and president. Presents the first serious treatment of Havel as philosopher and Patocka as a political thinker. Through the Charter 77 dissident movement in Czechoslovakia, opponents of communism based their civil struggle for human rights on philosophic foundations, and (...)
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    Corpus Areopagiticum: питання про залежність від Прокла, гіпотеза про авторство Синезія і філософська термінологія слов’янських перекладів.Олена Сирцова - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):6-23.
    The study of the peculiarities of the reception of such an essential concept of the philosoph-ical Corpus Dionysiacum Areopagiticum as ὑπερούσιος in ancient Slavic translations has is promising. It allows not only to understand better the internal perspective of the development of philosophical terminology in Rus’-Ukraine, where in the 15th–17th centuries, there existed a sig-nificant number of manuscripts of the corpus, but also to strengthen the argument in favor of its dating precisely in the 5th century. According to the (...)
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    Responsibility and idea of Slavism in Kollár’s and Štúr’s thinking.Pavol Krištof - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):145-153.
    The study focuses on the ethical aspects of decision-making by national elites in the context of the thinking of Ján Kollár (1793–1852) and Ľudovít Štúr (1815–1856) on the issue of Slavism. Attention is paid to the issue of responsibility for preserving the greatness and unity of the nation in the context of the formation of national identity and individuality. The concepts of the mentioned authors had an impact on the cultural-civilizational orientation of Slovak elites with an emphasis on the role (...)
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    The nation, Slavism, and Russia in the national emancipation conception of Svetozár Hurban Vajanský.Marcel Martinkovič - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):154-165.
    The study explains the perception of the nation in the political thinking of Svetozár Hurban Vajanský, which is founded on primordialist starting points and has a holistic character. In this context, the relationship between the nationally conscious elite and the people is analysed in more detail. The ambivalence of Vajanský’s political thinking is evident in the fact that, in many ways, he formally promotes Ľudovít Štúr’s original idea of unity, but, within Slovak political discourse, he promotes the idea of programme (...)
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  31. Grammatical marking of givenness.Ivona Kučerová - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (1):1-30.
    Schwarzschild (Nat Lang Semant 7:141–177, 1999)’s account of givenness elaborates a notion of complementarity of givenness and focus in an intricate way: while givenness is semantically interpreted, focus is grammatically marked. It has been noticed, however, that under certain circumstances givenness in English is grammatically marked as well. Movement plays a role in this process. This paper provides further evidence for givenness marking. I present a case study of three Slavic languages (Czech, Russian, and Serbo-Croatian) in which givenness is (...)
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    Axinia Džurova, L 'enluminure du palimpseste cyrillique du Vatican Vat. Gr. 2502.Kyrill Pavlikianov - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):292-293.
    The recent detailed study of Prof. Axinia Džurova deals, from a codicological point of view, with a palimpsest codex kept in the Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2502. Known to the scholarly community since 1981, this rather common minuscule Greek evangeliary (Gospel lectionary) of the 12th or 13th century has been written over the text of an earlier Slavic evangeliary followed by an accompanying Synaxarion. The book is bilingual, in French and Bulgarian, and is devoted exclusively to the ornamentation of (...)
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    The phenomenon of Cyril and Methodius in the Catholic tradition.Nina Kobernik - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:108-114.
    The relevance of the study is that the II Vatican Council has not only historical but also cultural significance for the believers. The ideology of the Ajornamento, introduced by this Council, is directed not only to dialogue and tolerance, the rapprochement and unity of the believers in the modern world, but also to the revival of the names of those figures who, through their apostolic activity, have been ahead of their time for millenia and have become a model for modern (...)
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    Comenius: A Critical Reassessment of His Life and Work.Daniel Murphy - 1995
    This is a study of the life and writings of the Czech educator, Jan Amos Komensky, better known to the world as 'Comenius'. The work has been extensively researched in Eastern Europe and has benefited significantly from the reappraisal of their cultural traditions that has been conducted by Slavic scholars since the collapse of communism in the late 1980s.
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    Dmytro Ivanovich Chyzhevśkyi – Ukrainian-Russian Scholar, Professor In Germany.Brigitte Flickinger - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):101-126.
    This is an intellectual-biographical research essay on D. I. Chyzhevśkyi (1894-1977), the internationally renowned Ukraine scholar, expert on the history of philosophy, on Russian and Ukrainian philology and Slavic-German intercultural relations. He studied at Saint Petersburg University 1911-1913 and at Kyiv University 1916-1919 where he graduated with distinction. His would have been a promising academic career, however, in 1921, for political reasons Chyzhevśkyi felt compelled to leave Ukraine. He went to Germany, studied with E. Husserl in Freiburg/Breisgau, met M. (...)
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    The Dog in Universal Cultural Denotations and Biblical Connotations.Маркова Н.М - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:182-193.
    The article is devoted to the study of the special connotations of the word "dog", which have been formed in the history of culture and are inextricably linked both with the Christian, biblical context and with the collective memory of pre-Christian folk traditions. The article traces the ambivalence of the dog's image in theological, cultural and vernacular aspects. The ambiguous interpretation of biblical stories related to the dog is considered, giving rise to the inconsistency of its image in Christianity, which (...)
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    Answering as Authoring: Mikhail Bakhtin's Trans-Linguistics.Michael Holquist - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):307-319.
    All of Mikhail Bakhtin’s work stands under the sign of plurality, the mystery of the one and the many. Unlike the third eye of Tibetan Buddhism, which gives those who possess it a vision of the secret unity holding creation together, Bakhtin seems to have had a third ear that permitted him to hear differences where others perceived only sameness, especially in the apparent wholeness of the human voice. The obsessive question at the heart of Bakhtin’s thought is always “Who (...)
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    Homer's Traditional Art (review).John Filiberto Garcia - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (3):429-432.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.3 (2001) 429-432 [Access article in PDF] John Miles Foley. Homer's Traditional Art. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999. xviii + 363 pp. Bibl., indexes. Cloth, $48.50. With Homer's Traditional Art, which may well prove his most popular book, Foley attempts a synthesis of his theory of traditional oral aesthetics, which has been under construction for a decade, since Traditional Oral Epic (Berkeley 1990) (...)
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    The structure and image of the anti-world in the pagan imagination of the Eastern Slavs.М. М Kozlov - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:38-44.
    To fully understand the spirituality of the Ukrainian people, his mental features, without a detailed study of his pagan background, in particular the notions about the other world, is practically impossible. An important place in the Slavic pagan myth about the other world occupy the notion of "anti-world" - the place where, according to our ancestors, the bones of burned dead were inhabited. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the archaic basis of the spirituality of the (...)
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    Byzantine hermeneutics and pedagogy in the Russian north: monks and masters at the Kirillo-Belozerskii Monastery, 1397-1501.Robert Romanchuk - 2007 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    The Kirillov Monastery at White Lake in the far north of the Muscovite state was home to the greatest library, and perhaps the only secondary school, in all of medieval Russia. This volume reconstructs the educational activities of the spiritual fathers and heretofore unknown teachers of that monastery. Drawing on extensive archival research, published records, and scholarship from a range of fields, Robert Romanchuk demonstrates how different habits of reading and interpretation at the monastery answered to different social priorities. He (...)
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  41. Transformations of the Slavophile Idea in the Twentieth Century.S. S. Khoruzhii - 1995 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (2):7-25.
    The Slavophile idea in the broad sense, as the idea of the self-determination of Russian culture, was by no means born together with historical Slavophilism. It has always been an immanent component of the intellectual world and intellectual development of Russia and merely received its name, a rather random and infelicitous one, from Slavophilism. In our century it has a rich history, in which the majority of events have been of a political and polemical character. They have been much discussed, (...)
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    Response of Giovanni Miccoli.Giovanni Miccoli - 2004 - Franciscan Studies 62 (1):15-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:7 Franciscan Studies 62 (2004) THE FRANCISCAN INSTITUTE HONORS GIOVANNI MICCOLI On July 16, 2004 Professor Giovanni Miccoli, a respected scholar of medieval, Church and Franciscan history, received the Franciscan Institute Medal from St. Bonaventure University during its celebration of the Feast of St. Bonaventure. University president Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., and Fr. Michael Cusato, O.F.M., director of The Franciscan Institute and dean of the School of Franciscan (...)
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    Crisis of the Tradition.O. K. Shimanskaya - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:105-111.
    Theorists of the Russian conservatism have made a considerable contribution to the development of axiology, the philosophy of history and comparativistics. In their studies of the local civilisations existing at different times and at different places they have focused on the dynamics of their origin, development, collapse or transformation into new civilisational forms. The best known slavophiles such as A. Khomyakov, K. Axakov, I. Kireyevskiy saw the mission of the Russian civilisation in synthesising Europe and Russia which has preserved (...)
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    Matija Murko o Homerju in sočasnem homeroslovju.Blaž Zabel - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):27-45.
    V prispevku raziščem, kaj je o Homerju in arhaični epiki trdil Matija Murko. Čeprav je Murko v sodobnem homeroslovju razmeroma poznan, vsaj kot predhodnik Milmana Parryja in Alberta Lorda, pa ni še nihče temeljiteje analiziral, kaj je zapisal o homerski epiki. V prispevku obravnavam njegove najpomembnejše ugotovitve, ki neposredno ali posredno zadevajo Homerja in homeroslovje. Osre­dotočim se na raziskovanje kompozicijskih tehnik in pevcev, na literarne primerjave, na razumevanja slepih pevcev in na Murkov odnos do sočasnega homeroslovja. Kot pokažem, je Murko (...)
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    Apocryphal Apocalyptic Literature.O. Syrtsova - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):72-79.
    One of the widely known peculiarities of recent studies of the cultural heritage of Rus'-Ukraine is the noticeable tendency of a number of publications to merge, identify, and sometimes even to interchange various Old Slavic cultural traditions.
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    Counting individuals and their halves.Alan Bale & David Nicolas - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (5):867-914.
    Expressions like "two novels" are traditionally taken to convey information about cardinality and are analyzed using a cardinality function. Salmon (Philosop Perspect 11:1–15, 1997), Liebesman (Australasian J Philos 93:21–42, 2015; Philos’ Impr 16:1–25, 2016; In D. W. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford studies in metaphysics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, forthcoming), and Haida and Trinh (in: Dočekal, Wagiel (eds) Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond, Language Science Press, Berlin, 2001) argue against this traditional account, claiming that it can’t explain (...)
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    Christian tradition of state formation and individual constants of the interpretation of Christ's doctrine.Maxim Isaenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:109-116.
    In the proposed article by Maxim Isaenko "Ukrainian Christian tradition of state creation... "on the question of application A comparative methodological approach is presented in the analysis conceptual dispositions available in Ukrainian, Polish, and Russian types of state-building and organization of power institutions. Studying socio-legal models that are characteristic of three Slavic peoples, vectors of kinship and distance are outlined understanding of the phenomena of the state, power, law.
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    Indirect directives in recipes: a cross-linguistic perspective.Mario Brdar & Rita Brdar-Szabó - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):107-131.
    Indirect directives in recipes: a cross-linguistic perspective The present paper is intended as a cross-linguistic study of the range of possible realizations of instructional speech acts as a special type of directives, as realized in the domain of cooking recipes. Even a cursory comparison of orders as directive speech acts across languages brings to light an extreme degree of variation concerning their formal realization. While imperatives are virtually the only possibility in English, a contrastive linguistic perspective reveals that other construction (...)
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    The Russian Prospero: The Creative Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov.Robert Bird - 2006 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Viacheslav Ivanov, the central intellectual force in Russian modernism, achieved through his work an original synthesis of Christianity, Platonism, and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. His powerful intellect exerted an immeasurable influence in modernist Russia and the early Soviet Union, and after emigrating to Italy in 1924 he played an important role in intellectual debates in Western Europe between the wars. In recent years, Ivanov's manifold contributions have been recognized in all major aspects of Russian culture, including poetry, literary theory, (...)
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    Our Lady’s miracle-working icons and the semiotics of the world tree.N. Golovata - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 87:55-79.
    The article is devoted to study of the modes of inheritance of cultural symbols. In particular, it is a research of perception in Christianity of preceding cultures’ archetypes. The study provides the analysis of semantic links between the symbols of the World Tree, the Vivifying Cross and the meaning of the Blessed Virgin image. The article shows how the pre-Christian symbols of the World Tree and the cross itself were merged and transformed in Christian theology, liturgy and iconography in the (...)
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