Rosalind S. Simson [4]J. Mitchell Simson [2]Wojciech Jan Simson [1]Gary J. Simson [1]
Rosalind Slivka Simson [1]E. W. Simson [1]Frances H. Simson [1]O. Simson [1]

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  1.  4
    Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Greek Philosophy to Plato.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane & Frances H. Simson - 1995 - Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press.
    G. W. F. Hegel (1770–1831), the influential German philosopher, believed that human history was advancing spiritually and morally according to God’s purpose. At the beginning of this masterwork, Hegel writes: “What the history of Philosophy shows us is a succession of noble minds, a gallery of heroes of thought, who, by the power of Reason, have penetrated into the being of things, of nature and of spirit, into the Being of God, and have won for us by their labours the (...)
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    An internalist view of the epistemic regress problem.Rosalind S. Simson - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (2):179-208.
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    Does Capital Punishment Deter Homicide?: A Case Study Of Epistemological Objectivity.Rosalind S. Simson - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (3):293-307.
    This paper uses the debate about whether capital punishment deters homicide as a case study for examining the claim, made by many feminists and others, that the traditional ideal of objectivity in seeking knowledge is misguided. According to this ideal, knowledge seekers should strive to gather and assess evidence independently of any influences exerted by either their individual and societal circumstances or their moral values. This paper argues that, although the traditional ideal rests on some valid precepts, it is neverthelesss (...)
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  4.  14
    Die Geschichte der Aussprüche des Konfuzius (Lunyu).Wojciech Jan Simson - 2006 - New York: P. Lang.
    Die Aussprüche des Konfuzius sind einer der zentralen Texte der chinesischen Kultur. Dennoch ist die Geschichte ihrer Entstehung und Überlieferung weitgehend unerforscht und der heute gelesene Text samt seinem Verständnis kritiklos von der chinesischen Tradition übernommen worden. Dieses Buch unternimmt es, diese Versäumnisse nachzuholen: Durch die Analyse der Aussprüche und anderer früher Texte entsteht ein differenziertes Bild ihrer Entstehung aus mündlich überlieferten Sprüchen und Anekdoten über ein sich schnell verfestigendes Textkorpus bis hin zum Buch im heutigen Sinne. Anhand historischer Quellen (...)
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    Feminine Thinking.Rosalind S. Simson - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (1):1-26.
  6.  16
    Landscape after Landscape: Before the Genre and Beyond the View.Henrietta Simson - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (1):111-135.
    Abstract:This article is contextualised by the ideological implications surrounding the notion of landscape, including the relationship between its genre in painting and the development of European capitalism. It proposes the idea of the landscape fragment derived from the background scenery of early Italian painting, which stands in counterpoint to assumptions about the genre. These early landscape spaces are pertinent because they are not considered ‘landscape’ as such and are not constructed by entrenched Cartesian dualisms. I argue it is possible to (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Among Healthcare Professionals.J. Mitchell Simson - 2020 - In Frankie Perry, The tracks we leave: ethics and management dilemmas in healthcare. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
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    Values, circumstances, and epistemic justification.Rosalind S. Simson - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):373-391.
    "Evidentialism" is the view that a person's epistemic justification for a doxastic attitude is determined entirely by his or her evidence for the content of that attitude. This paper has two goals. The first is to argue that values and circumstances properly influence epistemic justification, and that evidentialism is therefore untenable, even as an epistemic ideal. The second is to outline a nonevidentialist theory of epistemic justification that avoids the common objection that nonevidentialist theories fail to preserve important distinctions between (...)
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